super jade

Chapter 516

Chapter 510

Chapter 510

Zhang Desheng snorted coldly, and said: "You can't swallow anyone, as long as there are mine, you don't want to replace them." After finishing speaking, he let out a low snort, and huge immortal power was released from him, and the surrounding space changed. It had to be distorted, but it didn't collapse, but it also prevented Li Yi from using his magical powers.

"Do you think I can't replace you in this way?" Li Yi snorted coldly, and also pinched Fa Jue.

Zhang Desheng didn't take Li Yi's words to heart, his eyes flickered coldly, and he paused every word: "If you have any powerful supernatural powers, just show them, I want to see what other supernatural powers you can use."

"My supernatural power is enough to kill you." Li Yi took out an advanced pill from the storage bag, swallowed it, and his cultivation base improved at an extremely fast speed.

"Hmph! Even if you devour the Advanced Pill, you are still in the realm of the Immortal Monarch and cannot kill us." Zhang Desheng was stalling for time, and he was going to join hands with everyone to perform supernatural powers.

"You really think I only have one advanced pill!" Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Li Yi escaped with a lot of advanced pills and swallowed them all.

Zhang Desheng's eyes widened, and he said in disbelief, "You, how did you get so many advanced pills?"

"Hey! Don't forget who my daughter-in-law is." Li Yi glanced at Taixu Nishang beside him. His cultivation base increased at an extremely fast speed, and he reached the realm of the fairy king in a blink of an eye, and then the fairy emperor.Although Li Yi does not have the power to master the rules, his cultivation is not much worse than that of the Western Immortal Emperor.

"He, he is actually on the same level as me." Immortal Emperor Xixi's face changed drastically, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

Zhang Desheng was equally horrified, but he didn't show it, saying: "Even if you reach the cultivation level of an immortal emperor, you still can't break through my supernatural power."

"Really?" Li Yi had finished pinching Fajue, he gave a low drink, and said sharply, "You can die."

The sky was still clear and clear just now, but suddenly dark clouds covered it, and thunder and lightning flashed.

Seeing such a scene, Immortal Emperor Xixi and the others became even more ugly, and they lost their voices: "What kind of supernatural power is this?"

"The power of thunder and lightning is so powerful, is it going to land a catastrophe?"

"Heavenly Tribulation does not belong to the category of the power of rules. He has not comprehended the power of rules, so why can he display it?"

"I see, either he has realized a powerful supernatural power, or he has a powerful fairy weapon."

"No, why does the fairy weapon perform such supernatural powers." The Northern Immortal Emperor thought of something, and said in horror, "Unless he has a divine tool, he can forcibly use forbidden magical powers."



Everyone's eyes widened. The artifact belongs to the legendary existence. How did the other party get it?

If it is really a divine weapon, even if the opponent's cultivation base is not high, the supernatural power displayed by the divine weapon is enough to kill them.

Li Yi stopped holding Fajue's hand, raised his finger to the void, and shouted word by word.

"With my life, the thunder clouds will condense, and with my power, I will land the thunder calamity!"

As soon as these sixteen words were read out, gusts of wind gustted and roared across the sky, and countless lightning bolts fell out of thin air.


These flashes are all purple-red, each one is as thick as an adult's body, and the attack power contained in it is unimaginable.


Another loud noise reverberated, and countless bolts of lightning landed on Zhang Desheng and the others. Except for him, the others were unable to resist. They were hit by the lightning and fell to the ground on the spot, seriously injured. Unable to stand up.In a blink of an eye, apart from Zhang Desheng, only the Western Immortal Emperor and the Northern Immortal Emperor were still struggling to support.


Then at this moment, three more thicker and redder flashes fell, and amidst the roar, the sky and the earth flashed with purple light, which could be clearly seen for thousands of miles away.

The Northern Immortal Emperor and the Western Immortal Emperor could no longer resist. They vomited blood and staggered to the ground.

Zhang Desheng's face was pale, but he was still supporting himself. He laughed ferociously and said, "Son Li Yi, you can't kill me."

Li Yi didn't answer his words, and with a thought, he sacrificed the Jade Bi of Heavenly Dao, which was suspended above his head, emitting dazzling colorful light.

"Seven-colored magic weapon, is this a divine weapon?"

Everyone's eyes widened, and they looked at Li Yi in surprise, their eyes full of disbelief.

Zhang Desheng laughed heartily, he stared at the artifact, and said: "I said why you were able to escape from the hands of Immortal Emperor Dongfang. It turns out that you have the artifact. Even if I risk my life, it will be worth it if I kill you." He slapped his chest with his palm, spat out a mouthful of blood, and then quickly pinched the magic weapon in his hand.

"The blood flowing in the body! Please heed my call and wake up!" Zhang Desheng roared, his body was aging at an alarming rate, and he became an old man in the blink of an eye.The black hair on his head grew crazily. When it reached three meters, the long hair turned into silver threads, and his eyes also turned red.

"Heavenly Demon Transformation!"

Western Immortal Emperor recognized this supernatural power, and said in horror: "Are you a descendant of the demon race?"

"That's right, I'm a descendant of the demon race. If it wasn't for my powerful demonic energy, would I be able to hide my breath from that bastard Dongfang Immortal Emperor? If it weren't for the demonic powers, I wouldn't be able to cultivate to the realm of demon transformation, let alone master the rules." The power of power." Zhang Desheng laughed loudly like a devil, "I haven't obtained the Heavenly Dao Technique, and the transformation of the Heavenly Demon has not been completed, and it needs to consume a certain amount of life energy. It may be worth everything to get the divine weapon."

After Zhang De turned into a demon, he slapped the storage bag on his waist, and brought out a long flag.

The soul-calling banner, a magical weapon from the demon world, is refined by absorbing souls.

For such an evil magic weapon, the more souls it absorbs, the stronger its attack power will be, to a certain extent it can compete with divine weapons.

The Soul Calling Banner is black all over, with countless patterns drawn on it, it is extremely simple, it looks like a formation, and it looks like runes from the demon world.These lines are connected together to form an extremely powerful formation. The formation not only has attack power, but also not weak defense.If you look carefully, you can see a phantom inside the black flag, and that phantom is a human head.

The divine beast Taotie thought of something, his expression changed drastically, and he said, "This, is this the magic weapon summoning the soul?"

"That's all you know?" Zhang Desheng said with a smile, "It seems that you have really forgotten too much. I don't know how much our Lord Illusion Master remembers?"

"Ninth-grade magic weapon, absorbing [-] souls, is comparable to a divine weapon."

Between heaven and earth, a little loli's voice suddenly came to mind. Her voice was ethereal, but she couldn't trace her location.

Zhang Desheng was startled, and asked in surprise, "Who?"

"No matter how strong a magic weapon is, it cannot have a weapon soul. It's not that it can't be refined, because you are afraid of being backlashed after refining. You are a demon, and they are also demons. There are no masters and servants between demon kings, and there is no betrayal. Whoever is strong can do it." Devour the other party, don’t you know what I’m talking about?” The voice came from Xiaoyu, who, as the artifact soul of the artifact, has followed two generations of god kings, and she couldn’t be more clear about this aspect.

Zhang Desheng's face became quite ugly. He looked around and said, "Who are you, come out for me."

"Don't look for me anymore, I'm right in front of you." Xiaoyu's voice was very clear this time, and everyone could sense it coming from the jade bi of heaven.

Surprise flashed across Zhang Desheng's eyes. He took a deep breath and said, "I didn't expect that! The Artifact Soul of the artifact has awakened, but your master's cultivation base is too low, and he is not my opponent. Wait until I beat you Demonize, refine your soul, this artifact of yours will also become the magic weapon of this old man, haha!!!”

Xiaoyu snorted coldly and said disdainfully, "You can't kill my master."

"Unless he is a god, he will surely die!" Zhang Desheng yelled, and he shot several spells at the soul-calling banner suspended in mid-air. For a while, there was a gust of cold wind, and the sound of howling ghosts and wolves echoed.The aura on his body rose again, reaching an unimaginable level.

After finishing all this, Zhang Desheng didn't stop, raised his right hand again, and shot a spell at the black banner.In an instant, a strange red aura emanated from the Soul Calling Banner, and it began to churn without wind, which was quite strange.The dim light flickered on the black flag, those dim lights were only the size of a sesame seed, densely packed, innocently estimated how many there were.

Zhang Desheng glanced at the black banner floating in front of him, killing intent in his eyes soared, and said solemnly: "Son Li Yi, it is your honor that you can die under the old man's soul-calling banner. This banner never accepts the souls of outsiders. You are the first, but not the last, after you die, your woman will also enter the soul-calling banner."

Just as Li Yi was about to speak, Xiaoyu took the lead and said, "With such supernatural powers, you also want to kill my master?"

"Hmph! Can your master resist it?" Zhang Desheng pinched the Fajue again, and all the ghost lights in the soul-calling banner flew out. As soon as those ghost lights appeared, they turned into fierce ghosts.These ghosts are of different sizes, and the aura they exude is also very different.The big ghosts have reached the realm of the immortal emperor, and the small ones have the cultivation base of the immortal king.

It's fine if there are only one or two, but at a glance, there are at least a hundred thousand of them.

With so many ghosts attacking one person at the same time, apart from the legendary gods, they might not even be able to compete against the level of the Eastern Immortal Emperor.

"God beast gluttonous, will you still help this kid?" Zhang Desheng snorted coldly, "If you break the illusion and spit out the person you swallowed, I can walk around you without dying." He didn't want to save those people, but to bribe them People's hearts, as long as he can get what he thinks in the realm of too illusory, he can not only kill the Eastern Immortal Emperor, but even become a demon after going out.

The Nine Nether Demon Realm is not an ordinary demon realm, it is located above the Immortal Realm, a powerful existence that can completely compete with the God Realm.

The beast Taotie was so depressed, he just wanted to agree, but Xiaoyu said: "Don't spit it out, if you really do that, he can kill you with a single evil thought."

"But I won't do that. If he killed you, he will still kill me." The divine beast Taotie was the first to sense the breath of death. The opponent was really too powerful, beyond his imagination.

"You don't trust my master so much?" Xiaoyu snorted coldly.

The beast Taotie smiled wryly, and said, "It's not that I don't trust him, but that he doesn't have the capital to convince me."

"In this way, if we are killed, it will not be too late for you to escape. Now I need a drop of your blood." Xiaoyu suddenly made a very strange request.

The beast Taotie didn't think much about it, bit his finger and dripped a drop of blood, and then bounced to Li Yi's face.

Li Yi was stunned, he subconsciously grabbed it in his hand, and said in confusion: "Little beauty, what are you going to do, can I kill this old man?"

"As long as you do what I say, even if you can't kill him, you can scare him away." Xiaoyu affirmed.

Li Yi asked: "How?"

"Although the divine beast Taotie is not a divine beast in the true sense, he is a descendant of a divine beast after all. There is a trace of divine power in his blood, and you can use this trace of divine power to display that magical power again." Xiaoyu said in a condensed voice, "Leave the rest to I'm afraid, believe me, it will definitely scare him away."

"Scared away?" Li Yi said speechlessly, "Even if he is scared away, he will still come to kill me when he reacts."

"Hmph! As long as he is frightened and his demonic heart is unstable, he can't make another move in a short time, otherwise he will be backlashed." Xiaoyu said, "You break this illusion and ask your wife to take you to the illusion city. You can quickly improve your cultivation, and by that time, it will not be so simple for them to kill you."

"That's it?" Li Yi really couldn't figure out how this trace of divine power could kill the big devil in front of him.

"Time is running out, hurry up and trigger Fa Jue."

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