super jade

Chapter 524 Do You Have So Many Fantasy City Stones?

Chapter 520 Do You Have So Many Fantasy City Stones?

Chapter 520 Do You Have So Many Fantasy City Stones?

Chen Jiaojiao took the Magic City Stone out of the bag, poured it all into the formation, and said, "Is it ready now?"

"Okay." The woman nodded.

There was a flash of light on the formation, and two red lights flashed out at the same time, heading straight for the eyebrows of the two women.

The next moment, the red glow entered between their eyebrows, a formation formed, and a force of rules enveloped them.

The bet between the two women is very simple, that is, whoever can take Li Yi away will get the hundred magic city stones.

Chen Jiaojiao has no way out. If she loses, not only will she lose a hundred Illusory City Stones, but she will also face the danger of becoming a formation spirit. If she fails to obtain one Illusory City Stone before dawn, she will become a part of the Illusory City.Just like the spirits in the city, if you don't have a thousand magic city stones to redeem yourself, you can only stay in the city for the rest of your life.

That's the case, Chen Jiaojiao thought very clearly, no matter what method she used, she would keep Li Yi behind, and said, "Brother-in-law, come with me! What's so good about this woman?"

The woman snorted coldly and said, "You're not him, how do you know I'm not good?"

"Hmph! Even if I wasn't him, I would know that you are not good." Chen Jiaojiao snorted coldly, "If you were a good girl, would you come to the street to find a man?"

"Hehe! I didn't say I'm a good girl! What's more, what's the point of being a good girl? You stay at home and wait for your husband every day? If you don't have a husband, wouldn't it be boring to live every day?" The woman plausibly said, "I don't want to be Good girl, I just want to find a guy and have a good night with them."

"I've seen a lot of girls like you, brother-in-law won't like you." Chen Jiaojiao said.

"That's not necessarily the case. I play with too many men. I know what kind of men like what kind of way. I can satisfy the emptiness in their hearts and let them get the night they want most. They will never forget it." The woman looked at Li Yi and said, "Come with me, honey! I'll make you comfortable all night."

Li Yi could no longer make a judgment. He took a deep breath and said, "Don't get involved with me, let's decide the winner!"

The woman rolled her eyes and said, "Okay, let's decide the winner."

"How?" Chen Jiaojiao asked.

"Compare our kung fu! If you can't do what I can do, you will lose, how?" The woman said confidently, she is a master in this regard.

Of course Chen Jiaojiao knew her weakness, she shook her head and said, "No, it's not fair."

The woman giggled and said, "Nothing is fair in this world. If you don't dare to bet with me, you should admit defeat now."

"Why should I bear to admit defeat?" Chen Jiaojiao said.

"There is a rule in the fantasy city. If you admit defeat, you will only lose half of it, so you won't lose your fortune." The woman provocatively said, "You only need one hundred fantasy city stones, and you have to spend one piece every day. If you lose, you will lose with me." Lose your freedom as well, I think you don't want to do this with your character!"

"Don't you only have this magic city stone?" Chen Jiaojiao asked.

The woman shook her head and said sternly: "Of course not, I am a spirit, I have my own residence, and there are a lot of magic city stones in my house! Besides, I don't need to pay a magic city stone every day, so I can stay here indefinitely. "She paused, then continued: "I will give you three breaths to think about it, if you don't agree, you will lose.

Chen Jiaojiao had no choice, she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I'll bet with you."

"That's right, I will reward your decisiveness." The woman glanced at Li Yi, and suddenly said, "I can spend the night with him, can you do it?"

"Of course, we can do it for two nights." Chen Jiaojiao blushed.

"Really, don't lie to me." The woman laughed again, and then asked, "I can ride on him, can you do it?"

"Of course." Chen Jiaojiao replied.

"I can let him enter from behind. When he enters, I can still cooperate with him. Can you do it?" There are indeed many tricks for women, and they still don't care when they speak.

"What is this, I can still use my mouth!" Chen Jiaojiao decided to take the initiative to attack, she couldn't believe that she couldn't talk to the other party.

"I didn't expect you to use your mouth. I can use my butt, can you?" the woman said.

"Hmph! My brother-in-law and I often do this, what kind of car shock! Field battle! We have tried it all." Chen Jiaojiao went all out, biting her lower lip and said, "My brother-in-law and I dare to do it here, can you do it?"

"Here?" The woman glanced at the passing crowd and said in surprise, "How dare you be here?"

Without even thinking about it, Chen Jiaojiao nodded and said, "That's right, do you dare?"

"I don't believe it!" the woman said.

"What if I dare?" the woman asked, "Do you dare to give me all your belongings?"

The woman didn't answer Chen Jiaojiao's words, she thought for a while, and said: "Since you keep saying that you dare to do it here, then you can do it once and show me."

"Who is afraid of whom!" Chen Jiaojiao threw herself into Li Yi's arms, and said softly, "Brother-in-law, I feel so uncomfortable, I want to come here with you once, do you think it's okay?"

"No, no problem!" Li Yi felt his mouth dry and couldn't wait to have a shot.

Chen Jiaojiao became more courageous, touched Li Yi's pants with her small hands, and continued: "Brother-in-law, you are so kind, I can't wait."

Touched by his little hand, Li Yi had a feeling that the dragon woke up and was out of control.

Li Yi put his hands on Chen Jiaojiao's shoulders and lowered his head to kiss her lips.

Chen Jiaojiao gasped for breath, and made a seductive voice, maybe she shouted: "Brother-in-law, don't touch it, and want me quickly!"

Just as Li Yi was about to take off his clothes with his hands, Chen Jiaojiao suddenly looked up at the woman and said, "If you dare to continue betting, I will bet all your belongings."

"Hmph! Just bet, I'm not without losses anyway." The woman said angrily.

"Is there no loss?" Chen Jiaojiao frowned, "If you lose, you will not only give me all your belongings, but also become my slave from now on, obeying my orders."

"Okay!" the woman gritted her teeth.

"If I ask you to come here with your brother-in-law once a day, will you do what I say?" Chen Jiaojiao asked.

The woman's face darkened, and she said angrily, "How dare you!"

"You are my slave and maidservant, what else do I not dare to do, don't you want to obey the master?" Chen Jiaojiao said, "It must be very exciting for people to come and go here!"

"You're ruthless, I won't gamble anymore, I'll give you these fantasy city stones." After the woman finished speaking, the red light on the center of her eyebrows flew into the formation.

The same is true of the red light on Chen Jiaojiao's eyebrows. The light flashed on the formation and dissipated by itself. Two hundred magic city stones flew into Chen Jiaojiao's bag.

The woman glared at Chen Jiaojiao, turned and left, and disappeared into the crowded street in a blink of an eye.

Chen Jiaojiao let out a long sigh of relief. She was also betting that the other party would not dare to play big.

After the gambling between the two, Li Yi hadn't recovered from his desire. His hand had already touched Chen Jiaojiao's little white rabbit, and he was about to tear off her clothes.

This place is on the side of the street, if it is really torn off, Chen Jiaojiao will be ashamed to be a human being.

Chen Jiaojiao pushed Li Yi away and complained: "Brother-in-law, stop, the bet is over."

"What a bet! What does this have to do with me, I just want to come with you once." Li Yi laughed badly, and threw himself at Chen Jiaojiao again while speaking.

"Brother-in-law, please spare me! I will accompany you again when I have time." Chen Jiaojiao quickly stepped back, and pushed to Wang Shanshan's side in a few steps.

Wang Shanshan smiled and said, "Congratulations."

"Congratulations?" Chen Jiaojiao asked.

Wang Shanshan glanced at her cloth bag and said, "You lost two magic city stones, but got a hundred. Isn't it a big profit?"

Chen Jiaojiao just thought about betting and forgot about it. She was overjoyed and said, "You are right! I can use this method to make money in the future."

Wang Shanshan laughed again, and said: "This is a rare event, do you think you can meet it every day?"

At this time, Li Yi also recovered from his desire, he coughed lightly in embarrassment, and said: "Xinshan is right, this matter is very risky."

"Ah!" Seeing Li Yi recover so quickly, Chen Jiaojiao was surprised, and couldn't help asking, "Brother-in-law, you seem to have lost yourself just now."

"The formation here is very evil, and I have some things that I can't control enough to want." Li Yi regretted, "I should have asked for more money just now, but I gave up such a good opportunity to make money."

Chen Jiaojiao smiled and said, "I didn't expect her to give you the money, I thought you would give it to her!"

"Let's go! Let's go find the beast Taotie, who knows where that guy is." Li Yi took the hands of the two women and continued to walk forward.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, or it's God's will, but not long after I left, I met another woman.

The woman was also in her 20s, she was pretty good-looking, and she had an excellent figure. She walked over in pink pajamas.

"Handsome guy, do you need any service?" the woman in pink asked.

Li Yi thought that the woman in front of him was the same as the one just now, and she belonged to the kind who spent money to have fun, and said: "I need it! I don't know how much it is once?"

The woman in pink smiled slightly and said, "How much do you think is appropriate?"

"How about a hundred fantasy city stones?" Li Yi asked.

The woman in pink was obviously taken aback, looked at Li Yi in surprise, and said, "So few?"

"If you think there is less, you can give more." Li Yi thought that meeting a rich woman, such a good opportunity, of course he would ask for more money.If she really has a lot of magic city stones, she can ask Chen Jiaojiao to make another bet. As long as she has more money, she can accumulate funds and expand her business, and she will never be afraid of becoming a spirit again.

The woman in pink didn't answer right away, she thought for a while and said, "How about this! How about five hundred magic city stones?"

"Five hundred is five hundred." After Li Yi finished speaking, he gave Chen Jiaojiao a look.

The girl understood, she rubbed her hands together and said, "Beauty, do you have so many magic city stones?"

"Do I have anything to do with you?" the woman in pink asked.

"Of course it does matter. He is my brother-in-law. We will let you give him. If you don't even have the money, how can we rest assured that he will go with you?" Chen Jiaojiao asked.

The woman in pink frowned, her eyes were full of puzzlement, and she said, "I say beauty, I don't understand what you're talking about?"

"It's very simple. If you take our brother-in-law away, of course you have to spend money first to prove that you have the strength." Chen Jiaojiao said.

The woman in pink finally understood, she glanced at Li Yi suddenly, and said, "Handsome guy, don't you think I'll take you away, we're done with comfort, I'll give you another five hundred magic city stones!"

"Isn't it?" Li Yi's heart skipped a beat, it seemed that he was wrong.

The woman in pink snorted coldly, and said narcissistically, "It's your size, I'm as beautiful as a flower, and I have to spend money to make you comfortable, do you think it's possible?"

"Uh... Since it's not, then I won't be with you." Li Yi waved his hand depressedly. He wanted to get some more magic city stones, but he didn't expect to meet such a woman.

"We talked about it just now, even if you don't come with me, you still have to give me five hundred magic city stones." The woman in pink suddenly became unhappy, and said with a firm attitude, "Of course, you can also refuse me, if Your reason for rejecting me is unreasonable, I have the right to report you to the city lord, make you lose your freedom, and become a part of the formation."

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