super jade

Chapter 529 These Rabbits Are My Wife

Chapter 520 IX These Rabbits Are My Wife

Chapter 520 IX These Rabbits Are My Wife

The white rabbit dodged to stand beside Li Yi, and said sharply: "You can't leave, just now you promised to help me pluck the rabbit fur, do you want to break your promise?"

"Can I refuse this job?" Li Yi didn't want to pluck the rabbit's fur. He wanted to know where Chen Xiaofei and the others were. Are they safe now?

"If you dare to do this, I will report you to the city lord." The white rabbit said angrily, "At that time, not only will you be arrested, but you will also lose your freedom and become the spirit of the formation here."

Li Yi remembered the rules here, he really couldn't refuse, said: "Let's say it first, I will leave here after pulling out the rabbit fur, you can't let me work overtime."

"I'll let you add some wool! We don't have rabbit fur anymore, and you have no chance to work overtime." After the white rabbit finished speaking, he led the two of them to another street.

It has to be said that the white rabbit's home is very far away, and it took more than three hours to arrive at his home.

This is a small two-story house. When you open the door, there is a hole in the room.

What appeared in front of my eyes was actually a grassland, with luxuriant grass, so beautiful that it was hard to imagine such a place in the fantasy city.

For a while, Li Yi and Su Mengxi were stunned. They really wanted to know where the grassland came from here.

Seeing the surprised looks of the two, the white rabbit was complacent and said, "How about it, my house is not bad!"

"How did you get the grassland in the room?" Li Yi asked.

"Hey! As long as you have money, one hundred thousand fantasy city stones, you can ask the city lord to help you build a small thousand worlds. This is my private territory." The white rabbit changed the subject and brought the two of them to the grassland. Lying on the ground, he closed his eyes and said, "Let's start! You have a lot of work, and try to finish it before dark."

Li Yi glanced at Su Mengxi and said, "You wait here, and I'll take you away after I'm done."

Su Mengxi nodded, she thought of something, and said, "Do you want me to help you?"

"No, isn't it just a rabbit? Although he is a bit big, I can handle it alone." After Li Yi finished speaking, he came to the white rabbit and raised his hand to grab him. Completely, with just a sound of rubbing, he plucked a piece of fur from the white rabbit's body.

The white rabbit screamed in pain, jumped up, and roared: "What are you doing, do you want to pull me to death?"

"Don't you want me to pluck your hair?" Li Yi asked.

"I asked you to pluck the hair, but I didn't say so!" the white rabbit said depressedly.

Li Yi frowned and said, "Then how do you pull it out?"

"You can use scissors!" The white rabbit pointed to the grass not far away, where there were more than ten pairs of scissors, each of which was half the size of a human body.

"Uh... You didn't tell me to use scissors just now! I'll pluck the hair by hand in the future!" Li Yi shrugged, saying it wasn't my fault.

The white rabbit also knew that he didn't blame the other party, he snorted coldly and said, "Go and use the scissors!"

In this way, Li Yi picked up the huge scissors, clicked and cut, and finished cutting in a short time.

"How is it?" Li Yi couldn't help laughing as he looked at the white rabbit's bare body.

The white rabbit opened his eyes and said with a good feeling about himself: "Not bad, let's pluck my daughter-in-law's hair now!"

"It's not plucking, it's shearing!" Li Yi said.

The white rabbit waved his hands and said, "It's all the same." After finishing speaking, he called out to the woods next to the lawn, "Daughters-in-law, come out for a shearing..."

I saw the white figure flickering, and countless rabbits ran over. At a glance, there were at least several hundred of them.

Seeing so many rabbits, Li Yi was taken aback and said, "Didn't you call your wife? Your child is here too?"

"What children, they are all my daughter-in-law." The white rabbit corrected.

Li Yi smiled wryly and said, "You have so many wives?"

"You human beings have three wives and four concubines, so we rabbits can't do it?" The white rabbit waved his hand and said, "Stop the ink, hurry up and give my wife a haircut!"

It was plucked for a while, sheared for a while, and now it's a haircut again.

Li Yi was completely speechless, who made him the boss, Li Yi picked up the scissors and quickly cut it.

I don't know how long it took, the sky gradually dimmed, and Li Yi finished cutting all the rabbit fur.

Throwing down the scissors, Li Yi couldn't exert any strength in his whole body. He took a deep breath and said, "Boss, I'm done. When will I pay?"

"Uh...I'm a little tight right now, can you still pay the IOU?" the white rabbit asked.

Li Yi was so angry that he didn't hit one place, where there was no IOU, he said: "No!"

"Then I won't give any more IOUs. Next time you come to ask me for it." The white rabbit said.

"You have to give me money this time." Li Yi said, "Otherwise I won't leave."

The white rabbit chuckled and said: "It will be dark later, if you don't leave, you will all become spirits."

"Are you threatening me?" Li Yi picked up the big scissors and said viciously, "Believe it or not, I'll cut off your tail too?"

"You don't dare!" the white rabbit said without worry.

Li Yi snorted coldly and said, "Then I'll tell the city lord."

The white rabbit's face changed, and he changed his attitude just now, and said: "Brother, I was joking with you, why do you need to be serious, I will give you the money right away." After finishing speaking, he took out the cloth bag and whispered After a few words, countless magic city stones flew out and flew into Li Yi's bag at an extremely fast speed.

After flying out [-] magic city stones, Li Yi couldn't help but said: "Did you see that I performed well and rewarded me with more magic city stones?"

"No, I don't have that much money to reward you." The white rabbit said.

"Then this is?" Li Yi asked.

The white rabbit smiled treacherously, and said, "You forgot, I want to buy your mushrooms?"

"You want to buy 20 mushrooms?" Li Yi's eyes widened. Just a moment ago, there were [-] Magic City Stones in his cloth bag. Excluding the [-] wages, all the [-] was a deposit for buying mushrooms.

"I've given you the money. I'll go to your shop tomorrow to get the mushrooms. If you can't give me the mushrooms, you have to compensate me for double the loss." The white rabbit smiled sinisterly like a fox.

"You did it on purpose?" Li Yi asked.

The white rabbit didn't deny it either, he sighed, pretending to be helpless and said: "Who asked you to ask me for money, I was also forced to be helpless."

"Okay, just wait for me." Li Yi took Su Mengxi's hand and left.

The white rabbit chased after him, waved his hands and said with a smile: "Brother, if you can't raise so many mushrooms, you should think about how to lose money!"

"Huh! Don't worry, I will be able to get so many mushrooms, I'm afraid you won't be able to finish them." Li Yi snorted coldly, and walked out the door without looking back.

When I came to the street, it was already dark and the crowd disappeared.

There were only two figures in the huge street. Li Yi took Su Mengxi's hand and said, "Let's go, let's go to the land of emptiness."

"Where do you go to find mushrooms?" Su Mengxi asked.

"Have you been there too?" Li Yi asked.

Su Mengxi nodded and said, "When I was working in the store, the boss asked me to go there. The mushrooms there are hard to find. Are you sure you can collect more than 200 million mushrooms?"

"It's not 200 million, but 400 million." Li Yi said.

Su Mengxi widened her eyes and said, "What, 400 million?"

"Let's go! I have a solution, and you can go to the land of Taixu and help me get some." Li Yi pulled her away, and asked as he walked, "Where are Xiaofei and the others?"

"Except for Wang Shanshan and Chen Jiaojiao, everyone is in the fantasy city. Like me, they all lost their memory, either working in the shop, or serving others on some occasions." Su Mengxi said, "I heard that, Some of them became their servants in the City Lord's Mansion."

"What, become a slave?" Li Yi clenched his fists and said, thinking of the matter between the master and the slave, "Aren't they very dangerous now?"

"No, we look like spirits, but we are not. We are semi-contracted. As long as someone redeems us within a year, we can regain our freedom." Su Mengxi said, "If no one rescues us within a year , we will be like the spirits here, life and death are in the hands of others."

Li Yi clenched his fist tighter, his eyes flashed coldly, and said: "So, there is still half a year left."

"Well! So we have to find a way to make money." Su Mengxi said, "I know a way to make money quickly, but it's hard to get that thing."

"What way?" Li Yi said.

"Ascendant flower, this is a very strange colorful flower, which contains a liquid that paralyzes consciousness. Just drink a drop and you will be able to float like a fairy." Su Mengxi said, "This thing is very similar to the poppies on the earth, but it is more Poppies are much more domineering, if you swallow too much, it can also produce dreams, in which you can get everything you want."

"This is indeed a good thing, how can I get it?" Li Yi asked.

"I heard that this thing grows on the edge of the cliff. It is very rare. I don't know where it is." Su Mengxi said, "There are not many Shengxian flowers for sale in the fantasy city. You can only see a few plants every month. It is said that every The price of a flower is tens of thousands of fantasy city stones, and if it is refined into Shengxianye, the price can be increased dozens of times, and each drop of Shengxianye needs dozens of Shengxianhua to refine."

While the two were talking, they had already reached the entrance of the Land of the Void, Su Mengxi stopped and said, "I'll go in first, and we'll meet here tomorrow morning."

"Well! You have to be careful." Li Yi nodded, got up and walked forward.

Coming to the land of Taixu again, Li Yi ran straight ahead as usual. The speed under his feet was very fast, and he came to a mountain range after half an hour.This is the place where Li Yi often collects mushrooms. There is also wheat in the mountains, which is a necessity for making flour pastries. Because it is far from the entrance, not many people come here to collect mushrooms.

Just as Li Yi was about to collect mushrooms, laughter suddenly came from the cave not far away.

"Haha! I finally woke up. I didn't expect there to be such a good place in the too illusory territory. It's a waste of things, a waste of things!" No one could hear this voice except Li Yi, because the voice came from a person who couldn't The spirit of the weapon that appeared in the body, Xiaoyu, the spirit of the artifact Tiandao Yubi.

Xiaoyu absorbed the immortal energy for half a year here, and her consciousness regained consciousness. Under her control, the Heavenly Dao Yubi turned into a stream of light and came to Li Yi's body, and then hovered above him to reach the top of his head.Xiaoyu was in a good mood, chattering non-stop, "Master, you are so awesome that you brought me here."

"This is such a good place. I thought it would take a few years to wake up! I didn't expect it to be so soon."

"Let me tell you! There are good things everywhere here, and I can't wait."

"What are you doing collecting mushrooms? It's not worth much. I'll take you to find something valuable."


Xiaoyu opened up the chatter box, talking endlessly for several minutes.

Li Yi had a big head. He took a deep breath and interrupted: "Wait, explain to me, what does Tai Niu mean?"

Tai Niu can understand it, and even a very good person can understand it, but this is the first time he has heard the word "Tai Niu Niu".

Xiaoyu giggled and said, "Master, you are so powerful, why don't you understand?"

"Uh... don't be so secretive, tell me quickly!"

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