super jade

Chapter 539 Do You Have a Stronger Backer?

Chapter 530 Do you have a stronger backer?

Chapter 530 Do you have a stronger backer?

After a night of madness, Li Yi left the moon with his daughters in the early morning of the next day.

As soon as he arrived in Liuhe City, he sensed Zeng Zhicheng and others gathered in a hotel.

After Zeng Zhicheng joined the blood clan, he not only improved his cultivation, but also regained the companies he controlled back then. After a few years, he returned to the Zeng family's peak moment, and the family's prestige has increased several times compared to before.Just like this, Zeng Zhicheng came to Liuhe City again. He will never forget the pain at the beginning, and he wants to find his place here.

On the top floor of the big hotel, Zeng Zhicheng was sitting on the sofa, smoking a cigar, and said, "Brother Ma, what I asked you to inquire about, how is your inquiry going?"

"Brother Zeng, I've heard all about it. Lord Nicolas Cage has come to Liuhe City and brought a large number of blood clan masters. Their purpose this time is only one, and that is to contact the other big families and kill the Tiandao Gang." Ma Xiangjie said, "I just don't know why, that kid Li Yi seems to have evaporated from the world. It is said that he has disappeared for several years."

Ma Xiangjie also joined the blood clan, but his cultivation base is lower and he must obey Zeng Zhicheng's orders. To put it mildly, he is one of the spokespersons of the blood clan in the Celestial Dynasty. To put it bluntly, he is the one running errands in front of Zeng Zhicheng.But Ma Xiangjie is very satisfied with his current life, as long as he doesn't need food, he can do whatever he wants.

Zeng Zhicheng frowned, took a puff of his cigar, and snorted coldly, "Disappeared? Or did you know we were here and ran to another place to hide?"

"It should have disappeared. All the women around him have disappeared." Ma Xiangjie said, "I also asked some students from the former Liuhe University, and no one knew where they went. Tell me, that kid Li Yi is Didn’t you think that the world is invincible and traveled around the world with your beloved?”

"Invincible?" Zeng Zhicheng laughed loudly, with a flash of disdain in his eyes, he snorted coldly, "In front of the powerful alliance of strange talents, does he dare to say that he is invincible? Let's not say that the leader can easily To kill him, if the ancestor makes a move, he can be crushed to death with one finger, which is easier than crushing an ant."

"Old Ancestor, who is the Ancestor?" Ma Xiangjie's status was too low to know the existence of the Ancestor.

Zeng Zhicheng obviously didn't want to tell him, and said in a deep voice: "Don't ask more about things you shouldn't ask. It won't do you any good if you know too much." There are so many people, I can't believe that all these people have disappeared."

"No, Li Yi's family is still in Liuhe City, and his woman's parents and relatives are also there." Ma Xiangjie didn't dare to talk nonsense, and explained the results of the investigation in detail, "Besides, those roommates of his college It is also in Liuhe City, and I heard that it is still working in Tiandao Group."

"That's right. Li Yi left with his beloved woman. His relatives and friends are still there. We can't find him. We can only start with his friends." , "You go and find his friends, and then find his relatives, I will cut off all his relatives and friends, and let them beg for food, haha!"

Ma Xiangjie's eyes lit up, and he said: "Brother Zeng, your idea is really great. Seeing them beg for food, I don't want to mention how excited I am."

"Hmph! Li Yi, I will treat him like that when he treated me that way." Zeng Zhicheng said coldly, "I will let him understand what will happen if he offends me."

Ma Xiangjie responded, got up and walked out the door, but after walking a few steps, he turned back to the room again.

At this moment, Ma Xiangjie's face changed, as if he saw a ghost in his eyes.

Zeng Zhicheng frowned, glared at Ma Xiangjie, and said sharply, "What's wrong, what are you doing back here?"

"Zeng, Brother Zeng, he, he's back..." Ma Xiangjie's body was trembling, and he kept retreating, and within a few steps, he retreated to Zeng Zhicheng's side.

Zeng Zhicheng kicked him away, and said coldly, "What are you talking about, kid? Who's back?"

"Brother Zeng, you, see for yourself!" Ma Xiangjie held his kicked stomach, not daring to stand up, his eyes kept looking outside the door.

With a cold voice, Zeng Zhicheng raised his head and looked out the door. He wanted to see who was coming, and he even frightened Ma Xiangjie like this.

However, the first person to enter the door was a girl, a girl who was afraid of chaos in the world.

"Chen Jiaojiao, why are you here?" Zeng Zhicheng was stunned when he saw the other party, he couldn't imagine why Chen Jiaojiao would appear here.

Chen Jiaojiao giggled, and asked slowly: "Why can't I come here? Could it be that you own this hotel, so I can't come here to play?"

In fact, Chen Jiaojiao did not come here alone, she came here at the same time as Li Yi and others, but she has always been eccentric, and now that she has gained a powerful cultivation base, she wants to come here first to tease Zeng Zhicheng and others.Just like that, Zeng Zhicheng only saw Chen Jiaojiao, he didn't know that Li Yi and others were following behind.

"Congratulations, you guessed right. This hotel is indeed owned by my family. You can come here, but since you are here, you can never leave here alive." Zeng Zhicheng glared at Ma Xiangjie and said sharply, "Brother Ma, a Women scare you like this, are you still a man?"

"Zeng, Brother Zeng, it's not her..." Ma Xiangjie was about to say that she wasn't here alone, but he was interrupted by Zeng Zhicheng.

Zeng Zhicheng snorted coldly, and said, "You want to tell me that it's not she who frightened you like this, but you frightened yourself, right?"

"Brother Zeng, listen to me, I just watched..." Poor Ma Xiangjie still couldn't express what he saw.

Zeng Zhicheng glared at him, as if he didn't want to talk to him, and said coldly, "Shut up, today I'll show you how I played with Li Yi's woman." He looked at Chen Jiaojiao, narrowed his eyes and said : "Little girl, the bedroom is over there, do you walk over by yourself, or shall I carry you in?"

"I'll go by myself!" Chen Jiaojiao said and walked into the bedroom.

Zeng Zhicheng laughed. He thought that the other party was conquered by his powerful momentum, so he turned and followed.

But just a few steps away, Ma Xiangjie stood up suddenly and said loudly: "Brother Zeng, you can't go in."

Hearing this, Zeng Zhicheng was so angry!He roared angrily: "Are you looking for death, and you stop me from playing with women?" After finishing speaking, he turned around angrily, and just about to teach Ma Xiangjie a lesson, he saw more than ten people standing in front of the room, and none of them A stranger, he knows them all.

"Li, Li Yi..." Zeng Zhicheng's eyes widened. He couldn't believe that Li Yi would appear here, and he brought his beloved woman with him.Perhaps being bullied by Li Yi countless times, a shadow appeared in his heart, and he knelt down subconsciously, "Brother Yi, I, I know I was wrong, please let me go!"

As soon as he said this, Zeng Zhicheng remembered that he was not the beggar back then, he was a strong blood clan, the number one expert under Prince Nicholas Cage, and also the number one spokesperson for the Celestial Dynasty.Thinking of this, Zeng Zhicheng raised his bent legs, and the fear in his eyes disappeared. He straightened his suit and sneered, "Li Yi, do you still dare to come here?"

Li Yi looked calm. He took everyone to the sofa and sat down, as if he wanted to come to his own home.

"If I don't come here, who will send you to beg for food?" Li Yi sarcastically said, "You just established the beggar gang, you won't be disbanded again!"

When it came to the beggar gang, Zeng Zhicheng was so angry that it was his shame. He didn't want to hear it mentioned in his life, so he said angrily: "Li Yi, shut up, I know you were very strong before, the Seventh University You don't pay attention to the family. But now I am not the same Zeng Zhicheng as before, the seven major families are as insignificant as ants in my eyes, and I can crush them to death as long as I move my fingers."

"Oh! What else?" Li Yi asked lightly.

"Hmph! Didn't you understand what I said?" Zeng Zhicheng said angrily, "You have to understand a truth, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people..."

Li Yi lit a cigarette, smoked it in big mouthfuls, waved his hand and said, "Go ahead, if you have anything else to say, tell me quickly! Otherwise, you will have no chance."

Zeng Zhicheng was taken aback, he didn't believe that Li Yi was so calm, and asked tentatively, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"I'm afraid, but I know you can't kill me, and nothing in this world can kill me." Li Yi said arrogantly, not to mention that he was telling the truth.

Zeng Zhicheng laughed loudly, the disdain in his eyes grew stronger, and he said: "Li Yi, don't think I can't see it, you are very scared, and you say such things on purpose to strengthen your courage, right?" He paused, then continued ;"I'm not afraid to tell you that I have joined the blood clan, and my boss is Nicolas Cage, who is the prince of the blood clan."

"I don't know what kind of prince he is, I only know that his movies are not bad." Li Yi said, "Since he is a kind of prince, he should look like he's leaving."

"Li Yi, you're finally scared!" Zeng Zhicheng sneered, looking at Li Yi as if he was looking at a corpse.

"The Nicolas Cage you mentioned is dead." Li Yi said, "I forgot to tell you, I just killed him yesterday. Do you have a stronger backer?"

Zeng Zhicheng obviously didn't believe it. He didn't believe that the powerful blood prince could be killed by Li Yi, and said coldly: "Li Yi, do you think I'm a fool? How powerful is the prince, you can kill him, by the way, I I can also tell you one thing, the girlfriend of your best brother Liu Wei is pregnant with the bones of the prince, haha!"

"Also, after today, if you die here, the women around you will become my concubines, and I will make them submit to me." Zeng Zhicheng laughed wretchedly, looking at Chen Xiaofei and the others. He also became evil, his eyes flashed, and he asked: "Li Yi, how do you want to die?"

"You want to tell me, you give me a chance to choose, and ask me if I want to die comfortably or die in pain?" Li Yi's current mentality is to play in the world, he is already strong enough, killing Zeng Zhicheng is better than crushing the beast It's even simpler, he doesn't want to kill Zeng Zhicheng so quickly, it's more interesting to play cat and mouse.

Zeng Zhicheng was stunned, and lost his voice: "You, how do you know?"

The prince often said this. Zeng Zhicheng wanted to use it to ridicule Li Yi, but he didn't expect the other party to say it first.

"I've said it all, Nicolas Cage is dead, but you don't believe it." Li Yi sighed and said, "Say it! How do you want to die?"

Zeng Zhicheng still didn't believe Li Yi's words, he said coldly, raised his hand, and a bloody light went straight to Li Yi.

The blood light quickly condensed into a sharp blood arrow, flashing, and came to Li Yi in an instant.

"Li Yi, you can go to die." This is the strongest blood technique that Zeng Zhicheng can perform, and it has been tried and tested. He thinks that this blood technique is enough to kill Li Yi.

However, a scene that Zeng Zhicheng never dreamed of appeared, the blood arrow came to Li Yi, and the other party grabbed the blood arrow in his hand.

"This kind of blood technique also wants to kill me?" Li Yi exerted force on his wrist, only to hear a bang, and the blood arrow collapsed, turning into little blood and dissipating in the room.

Zeng Zhicheng's face changed drastically, he couldn't believe his eyes, and said in a voiceless voice: "Impossible, how could you be so strong at the stage of transformation?"

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