Plant peas, fight zombies

Chapter 40 Gathering Food

The sky in the last days has always been gloomy, just like people's mood.The desolate city is full of dilapidated scenes, and the roads are full of cars, good and bad, valuable and worthless, and now they are like garbage on the side of the road and no one cares about them.Miduo and his group didn't have much interest in these cars. They were too small to hold the six of them. Only Zhao Zhenguo would shout when he saw a good car with great interest: "Wow, look, it's limited. version of the BMW!" "Wow, look, the latest version of the Land Rover!"  …

It seems that Zhao Zhenguo really likes cars. From what he said, these cars were a symbol of status and low status before the end of the world, but now it is estimated that they can't even be exchanged for a steamed bun.

In two days, it took them two days to arrive at the scheduled first stop, the outskirts of City F.Although this is a suburb, the development is not as bad as the city center, because this is a well-known gathering place for rich people in City F. The stretches of small villas are almost dazzling, with various styles and decorations. Various cars.

Sports cars, off-road vehicles...Zhao Zhenguo was dazzled by all kinds of models, but the one that excited everyone was the RV!There are several villas with such huge monsters as RVs.This made everyone happy who were just looking for an off-road vehicle with more space.RV, in the past, it was just a luxury that existed in the imagination, how could it be imagined that there will be today.

After expressing their opinions collectively, they finally chose a silver-gray RV. The brand of Miduo is unknown, but judging by Zhao Zhenguo’s expression, it should be a famous brand again. The car is well maintained and powerful. It is not a problem to take a bath after filling the water tank once, and the space is large enough!The room is big enough for several of them.And even the kitchen, bathroom and entertainment room are all available.

After filling the car with fuel and water, Zhao Zhenguo was the first to rush to the driver's seat, "Don't fight me, the car is mine!"

With the sound of the engine, the rest of the people got into the car and headed straight to the city center.

Human society has indeed become much more convenient after modernization. It used to take a long time to walk on both feet, because it didn’t take long to get there with a car. This is why although modernization has been criticized, no one has really been to the past. The reason for the life without electricity, running water, and car.

After entering the city center, the number of zombies on the road gradually increased. Except for the large groups hiding, the scattered ones were all turned into a pile of minced meat under the wheels.

The car stopped in front of a large shopping mall, and several people got out of the car, looking at the building in front of them with scalp tingling.There should be a lot of people here before the end of the world, which means that there will be a lot of zombies here. "Everyone, be careful." Tian Ye ordered with a solemn expression, and walked into the revolving door first.Others followed.

There was nothing to see except the darkness. Tianye originally wanted to condense a small fireball to illuminate it, but Miduo took out a few flashlights from the package and distributed them to everyone. These flashlights were not bought in the store, but I took it casually in a supermarket before, because it needs to be charged, so it has been useless. I just found out that there is a socket when I was pulling it, so I took a few out to charge.

The first floor is an electronic product store, most of which are mobile phones, because mobile phones have basically become decorations after the end of the world, so a few people did not stay on the first floor, and went directly to the food counter on the second floor. The building was in a mess, all kinds of things were scattered all over the place, and the air was filled with the stench of rotting meat and vegetables.

A few people gathered together, fully alert, flashlights dangling around to see if there was any potential danger, Miduo was in charge of collecting things in the middle, put them on the shelves and pick them up directly, the shelves and the items on the shelves were just like that were put together in the package.

Seeing the sudden disappearance of the shelf, several people were a little surprised. Zhao Zhenguo said enviously, "Xiaomi, you are the best! You put away all the things at once." Miduo turned his head and looked at him with a dry laugh, thinking What's more, if you're not good enough, you'd have kicked them out a long time ago.

The stop-and-go tour of the second floor, almost all the things that can be stored have been collected, and it is very tiring to keep tense and guarded. Several people chose an open space to sit down and rest.

"There seems to be something wrong here." After sitting down, Tian Ye said to Xu Qiang.

"En." Xu Qiang nodded. "It's not quite right."

"What do you two say is wrong?" Zhao Zhenguo took a flashlight to look around again, "Why don't I think there is something wrong? No, it seems a bit gloomy here. There must be ghosts." After hearing this, Ding Lin and Ji Xiaorui subconsciously looked around for a while and then dared not look any further, but their bodies trembled involuntarily.

After thinking about it for a while, Mido realized that it was indeed a bit weird. It stands to reason that the more people there are, the more zombies should be. It is indeed too abnormal that there is not even a single zombie in such a large store.The so-called abnormality must have a demon, I really don't know what "ghosts and ghosts" will be hidden in this store.

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