Temptation to get married, husband kisses gently

Chapter 129 Xiaoyu must be hiding something from me, I'm going to ask

Zhong Lixing took a deep breath, the love for her in his heart, and the worry about the hard-won happiness of the second brother suddenly made him blurt out: "Don't go, marry me, I will be Xiaoxi's father!"

Jin Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized: "Let's just say this, I think you are joking, I have to leave, there are still a lot of things to do!"

"I'm not kidding, listen to me."

He grabbed Jin Xiaoyu who was turning to leave, and said very seriously: "Marrying me is the best choice, just tell others that Xiaoxi is my child, so I will take care of you and Xiaoxi, and will not destroy the second brother and Xiao Xiao's happiness."

Listening to what he said, Jin Xiaoyu suddenly felt a surge of anger from the bottom of her heart. She bit her lower lip and rolled her eyes, "Zhong Lixing, can you fucking stop pretending to be a grandson here? Why do you want to Take care of me and Xiaoxi, what qualifications do you have? Why do I ask you to take care of me? You are very surprised, do you know? You don’t love me, and I don’t love you either. Why are we getting married? Oh, you said it’s for the single For Junhao and Xiaoxiao’s happiness, you want to marry me, so what about my happiness? I marry a husband who doesn’t love him, and find Xiaoxi a father who doesn’t love him. What’s wrong with my head being squeezed by the door? Crazy, in the future Don't worry about me and Xiaoxi, as long as you keep this secret, it will be the greatest help to your second brother and Xiao Xiao."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked out, leaving the apartment, not wanting to be with this psychopath for a moment.

Left behind Zhong Lixing with a dazed expression, that's right, what Jin Xiaoyu said was right, he didn't know what was wrong with him?What nerve did you make, and you said that sentence on the spur of the moment.

Thinking about it, it is really not that simple for him to marry Jin Xiaoyu.Can he like Jin Xici as his own child?He is still not sure about Jin Xiaoyu's feelings now, it's just that he often has an urge to own her, but sometimes he feels that it's not like him!

He scratched his hair in distress, his thoughts were in a mess.

……… If you want to enjoy it, please log in to the romance novel………

After returning home, Jin Xiaoyu folded the dna test form with the name missing, and put it in the drawer, but felt that it was inappropriate, so she quickly took it out again, crumpled the test form into a ball, and threw it in the trash can , she thought, throwing it away should be the safest thing.

She sat on the bed and thought, what should she do next?

leave!I'm afraid it's the best choice. That's right, Xici has had a stomachache for the past few days. When Xici is ready, he will take him away.

Thinking of this, she turned on her computer and booked a flight ticket to Sydney in three days.

After arranging everything, she went to the kindergarten to pick up Xiaoxi, took Xiaoxi to eat dinner at home, and then took Xiaoxi to the home of Shan Junhao and Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao stayed in the hospital for a day. After examination, there was no other serious problem. He just had a mild concussion and went home to take care of him.

Before Jin Xiaoyu came, she called Xiao Xiao. She came to confirm that Shan Junhao was at home.

Xiao Xiao happily welcomed the arrival of Jin Xiaoyu and Xici.

As soon as Jin Xiaoyu arrived at the door, Xiao Xiao took her arm excitedly: "Xiaoyu, I'm so glad you can come, I'm so happy recently, my sister also forgave me, your best friend can stay with me again By my side, if I want to meet, I will meet, I really feel so happy!"

Jin Xiaoyu smiled and said, "Your greatest happiness is having a good husband!"

Xiao Xiao's face was a little red, she pursed her lips and smiled silently, what could she say?What Jin Xiaoyu said was the truth, if she denied it, it would appear to be showing off.

"Come in, Xi Ci, baby, I heard from your mother that you have diarrhea recently, and your godmother boiled perilla water for you, which can nourish the stomach."

"Thank you godmother! Godmother treats me the best!" Xici's mouth was always so sweet.

Xiao Xiao took Jin Xiaoyu with one hand and Xici with the other and walked into the room.

On the sofa, Shan Junhao was reading a newspaper, he only glanced at Jin Xiaoyu seemingly inadvertently, and said nothing.

Jin Xi resigned and came to Shan Junhao's side: "Godfather, do you miss me? I miss you so much!"

Seeing Xici's cute little face, Shan Junhao's tense face softened, "Of course, Xici is so cute, why wouldn't godfather not think about it?"

Xiao Xiao pulled Jin Xiaoyu to sit on the sofa, but Jin Xiaoyu took her hand and said: "Xiao Xiao, I have something to tell you, let's go upstairs and talk, let Shan Junhao and Xiaoxi play together. ?"

"Of course! Husband, are you okay?"

Xiao Xiao turned her head and asked Shan Junhao with a smile.

Seeing Xiao Xiao's smiling face, Shan Junhao had no objections, and said gently: "Of course, my wife has the right to say!"

Xiao Xiao took Jin Xiaoyu upstairs, Shan Junhao played with Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi took out a paper airplane from his pocket and flew out, Shan Junhao even got up to chase the plane with him!

"Woo... woo..." Shan Junhao took the paper plane and flew towards Xiao Xi, Xiao Xi hurriedly dodged and had a great time, laughing "giggle" and even let out a laugh!

Jin Xiaoyu, who was walking on the stairs, suddenly turned around, took out her phone, and took a picture of them!

There was moisture in her eyes, Xiaoxi, I don’t know if your mother will blame you when you grow up, but mother really can’t let you recognize this father. If your father is even a beggar, it’s a gamble. I can tell you who he is, but he is Shan Junhao, the only person your godmother can rely on, so, no matter what, I can’t tell you. If necessary, I will not tell you for the rest of my life. I’m sorry , Xiaoxi!Let's have fun with your father tonight, and in the future, my mother will give you double love to make up for your lack!

Her tears flowed down involuntarily, and Xiao Xiao who was at the side naturally noticed her abnormality.

She asked softly, "Xiaoyu, what's wrong with you?"

Jin Xiaoyu wiped away her tears, smiled at Xiao Xiao and said, "It's nothing, just seeing them having so much fun, I was thinking, if Xici's biological father saw Xici, would he like him too? "

"Of course, Xi Ci is so cute, Jun Hao and I both like him very much, let alone his biological father? Wait, do you have any clues about his biological father?"

Xiao Xiao suddenly asked this sensitive topic, which made Jin Xiaoyu realize that her emotions had leaked out.

She quickly changed her face, and said with a smile: "There are no clues, you don't know, I don't remember anything about that affair, I don't have any impression, where can I find clues, I just It's just a moment of emotion! Let's go, I have something to tell you."

Jin Xiaoyu pulled Xiao Xiao upstairs, Xiao Xiao thought that the contrast in her emotions was due to the fact that she couldn't find Xiaoxi's father, so she also avoided the topic that would make Jin Xiaoyu sad.

In the bedroom, Jin Xiaoyu took Xiao Xiao's hand and said calmly, "Xiao Xiao, I miss my parents."

"What? Xiaoyu, you, what do you mean?"

Xiao Xiao seemed to sense what Jin Xiaoyu was going to say next.

"I want to go back to Sydney, my parents must be there."

Jin Xiaoyu lowered her head as she spoke, she is not a person who is good at lying, and Xiao Xiao knows her so well, she is afraid that Xiao Xiao will see the falsehood in her heart from her expression.

Sure enough, Xiao Xiao asked nervously, "Did your parents forgive you? Didn't they all publish in the newspaper and break away from you? For so many years, no matter how many difficulties you have encountered, they have ignored you. Are you sure they will forgive you? Do you accept you and Xiaoxi? If they don't forgive you, you might as well stay here, at least Junhao and I can take care of each other with you!"

Xiao Xiao was right, and Jin Xiaoyu was a little speechless for a while, she could only search for a reason with her brain running fast: "Well, they really haven't forgiven me yet, but I want to work hard, and I want to take Xi to resign. Seeing them, begging their forgiveness, I’m not reconciled if I haven’t tried my best! Do you think so, Xiao Xiao!”

Listening to her words, Xiao Xiao couldn't help feeling that there was some truth. She thought about it and said to Jin Xiaoyu: "In this case, I can only support you, but if you go back to Sydney and have a bad time, you must come back to me Ah, if you need anything, we will go to help you."

"Yes, don't worry, haven't I lived in Sydney alone with Xiaoxi for many years? It will be fine."

She gave her a reassuring smile.

But because of her smile, Xiao Xiao's eyes suddenly got wet, "Can't I just leave? When I was in the most difficult time, you came back to accompany me. Now I am happy, but you want to leave. You don't even give me a chance to repay you." Me, bad girl..."

She tapped her shoulder, and tears rolled down her face.

Jin Xiaoyu was also infected by Xiao Xiao, her eyes were wet, "Silly girl, what are we talking about in return, your happiness is my happiness, besides, whoever said that I will not be happy when I go back to Sydney, you forgot that I actually like Western men very much Yes, I once hoped that I would give birth to a half-breed child, but it's a pity..."

"Stop talking...poof..."

Xiao Xiaochun's pure eyes were full of tears, but he couldn't help laughing, and Jin Xiaoyu also smiled, tears flickering in the corners of his eyes.

When she was a girl, Jin Xiaoyu was particularly obsessed with Hollywood stars. After she became pregnant, she prayed every day to give birth to a foreign child. Unexpectedly, she gave birth to a peddler version of herself. At that moment, she was no longer obsessed with the appearance of Westerners. , but began to be obsessed with herself, she felt that only she could give birth to such a beautiful child.As a mother, I think my child is the most beautiful! .

"When are you leaving? I'll see you off then!"

Xiao Xiao wiped away her tears, no matter how sad she was, she still had to respect her decision.

"The day after tomorrow, if you're busy, don't..."

"To shut up!"

Jin Xiaoyu wanted to meet less before leaving, lest she accidentally show abnormal emotions, but Xiao Xiao interrupted her unhappily.

"I have to see you off even when I'm busy, Jin Xiaoyu. To me, you are a hundred times more kissable than my own sister. Do you know that?"

Xiao Xiao angrily punched her again with her small fist, and Jin Xiaoyu also punched her backhand: "How could you not know!" You still have Shan Junhao, but I only have you as a family member .

Xiao Xiao stretched out her arms suddenly, Jin Xiaoyu took a step forward, the two hugged each other tightly, neither of them spoke anymore, as if they wanted to use this silent way to let each other feel their hearts!Appreciate this precious friendship!

Xiao Xiao's cell phone rang suddenly, she picked it up and looked, it was a text message sent to her by Shan Junhao: I took Xiaoxi to the door to play.

"Junhao took Xiaoxi to the door to play."

"Oh, I'll go find them, I'm going to take Xiaoxi back too, and I have to pack some things when I go back!"

"Okay!" Xiao Xiao was extremely sad, but he didn't know what else to say.

Jin Xiaoyu squeezed Xiao Xiao's hand, signaling her not to be sad: "If you miss me, you can go to Sydney to find me at any time, or I can come back to see you!"


The two walked out of the bedroom, and when they reached the door, Jin Xiaoyu said, "Don't go out, your injury hasn't completely healed yet, I'll let you know the day I leave."

"Okay, then you must notify me when the time comes!"

Xiao Xiao exhorted worriedly, always feeling that Jin Xiaoyu's proposal to leave this time was actually unreasonable.

"rest assured!"

Jin Xiaoyu finally walked away step by step.

Xiao Xiao turned around and walked towards the sofa in a low mood. She sighed deeply, and sat down on the sofa, suddenly felt that something was hitting her. She took out something from under her buttocks, it turned out to be Xiaoxi's paper airplane.

She smiled, and was just about to throw the damaged paper airplane into the trash can when the typeface on the back of the airplane suddenly caught her attention, to be precise, it was the word dna.

She immediately opened the paper airplane, and it clearly showed that the two people's DNA was 99.9% identical. She was shocked, and when she looked at it, Jin Xici found that a corner of another person's name was missing.

Xiao Xiao is not a fool, she knew at a glance that this must be the DNA test of Jin Xici and his father, combined with Jin Xiaoyu's abnormality today, she guessed that Jin Xiaoyu just didn't want her to know who Jin Xici's father was, why?

She was very upset, and also extremely puzzled. She and Jin Xiaoyu were siblings. Normally, if she knew who Xiaoxi's father was, she should have told her immediately. But why did she keep it from her? ?

She blinked her eyes, thinking about it until she had a headache, but she couldn't think of an answer, and it was even more impossible for her to think of Shan Junhao!

In desperation, she called Shan Junhao: "Honey, did Xiaoyu take Xici away?"

"Well! They're gone, I'll be right back!"

"Okay! Come back quickly, I'll discuss something with you!"

Xiao Xiao hung up the phone and rubbed her hands anxiously!

Shan Junhao came back soon, and when he opened the door, he saw Xiao Xiao who looked anxious, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Xiao grabbed Shan Junhao's hand and said without hesitation: "I think Xiaoyu has something on her mind, and she still has something to hide from me. Please help me analyze it!"

Xiao Xiao pulled him to the sofa, sat on the sofa, Xiao Xiao took out the DNA test sheet.

"Look, this is Xici's paper airplane. This is clearly the DNA test sheet of Xici and his father."

Shan Junhao looked down at the test sheet, and he did not deny that this should be the DNA test results of Xici and his father.

He took a breath, as if he couldn't figure out why Jin Xiaoyu wanted to hide this matter.

"Tell me, what is Xiaoyu's reason for doing this? According to my relationship with her, it should never be like this, unless there are some special reasons!"

Xiao Xiao eagerly wanted to get good advice from Shan Junhao, because she felt that Shan Junhao was wiser than her, so she might be able to figure out what was going on.

Shan Junhao didn't expect Shan Junhao to speak, but he said calmly: "Xiao Xiao, I think Jin Xiaoyu doesn't want to tell you. Naturally, she has her reasons. We should respect her wishes and her wishes."

Xiao Xiao became anxious when she heard it, "What are you talking about? I love her as a sister, how can I not care about her affairs, you know? She told me today that she is going back to Sydney. She said before She won't be separated from me, and now she suddenly said that she was going back to Sydney, I guess it must be related to this matter..."

Xiao Xiao said while thinking, her smart eyes rolled, and suddenly her eyes flashed, "Could it be that the man doesn't recognize Xiaoxi, it must be, Xiaoyu must want to leave here because of sadness, no, I'm going to find Xiaoyu Ask me clearly, if there is a man who is sorry for her, I will definitely not let that man go, and I have to ask for an explanation, it is really hateful, and I am irresponsible for sowing seeds."

Xiao Xiao got up and was about to walk towards the door, Shan Junhao helped her forehead, and grabbed her wrist, "Xiao Xiao, calm down, it's late, Xiaoyu and Xici may both be asleep, I'll come back tomorrow Accompany you to go!"

Xiao Xiao stopped in her tracks, looked at the clock on the wall, it was already 11 o'clock at night, and she calmed down her chaotic emotions a little bit, "Okay, go tomorrow!"

"Then let's go upstairs to take a shower and sleep, shall we?" Shan Junhao said softly with a smile.

Xiao Xiao looked at him defensively; "Is it really just bathing and sleeping, nothing else?"

Shan Junhao was amused by her guarded appearance, he stretched out his hand and hugged her by the waist, spraying hot air on her ears, his voice was hoarse, ambiguous, full of confusion: "Xiao Xiao, don't you think Xiao Xi is cute? We Time to have a baby!"

"What kind of children do you want? You don't even have a wedding!"

Xiao Xiao's inadvertent words made Shan Junhao stagnate and his face became stiff, but it was only a momentary thing, and his smile soon returned: "There will definitely be a wedding, but we will go to the United States to do it in the future!"

"America? Are we going to live in America in the future? When?"

Xiao Xiao was surprised that Shan Junhao would say such words suddenly.

"Well, in the future! As for when I can't say now, so how about we make the next generation first?"

"No!" Xiao Xiao couldn't help showing a coquettish tone!

Shan Junhao smirked, carried Xiao Xiao into the bedroom, and then went straight to the bathroom.

When he arrived in the bathroom, he couldn't wait to take off Xiao Xiao's clothes.

Xiao Xiao hugged her shoulders shyly, and said with some embarrassment: "What are you doing?"

"Help you take a bath!"

Shan Junhao took it for granted, like a servant who was dedicated to serving her, and had no selfish thoughts towards her, but those big dishonest hands betrayed his wolfish ambitions, and from time to time, seemingly unintentionally, he touched her chest. Two.Cherry.Peach.Up.Touch.Pick!

With a flick of his big hand, she was wiped out after a few strokes.

Under the dim and warm yellow light in the bathroom, her snow-white and delicate skin looked like a perfect oil painting of nude bodies.

She shyly clenched her legs together, trying to block the mysterious garden, but the more she covered it, the more attractive she became.

A flash of astonishment flashed in Shan Junhao's eyes. Her wife was a thousand times more beautiful than the woman in the painting.

He felt that just looking at her like this gave him the urge to disarm. The visual impact she brought to him was really too powerful.

"You go out, Shan Junhao, come in after I finish washing!"

Xiao Xiao was ashamed and stupid, and turned her back to him.

But looking at her beautiful, white and tender buttocks made him burn even more.

He almost used the fastest speed to strip himself naked, and then, at the moment when she turned her head in surprise, he suddenly used his naked body to stick to her back, a certain... hot... and The foreign object as hard as an iron pestle drilled towards the place it should go as if it knew its way.


Xiao Xiao made a sound sensitively, trying to avoid his touch, but was hugged tightly by him instead.

With hot lips, he pressed to her ear, and said in an extremely seductive tone: "Honey, you are so beautiful, I can't stop it, I feel like there is a fire burning in my heart right now My brother is so uncomfortable, I just want to enter its territory!"

As he spoke, he gnawed on her shoulder, and the iron pestle on his lower body was rolling, turning, and grinding in her garden, intentionally or not!

"Hmm...Shan Junhao!" Xiao Xiao's tone softened a bit, "It's not that we can't let your brother in, but can you let me take a shower first, and we can do it after we all lie clean on the bed. , Now I feel like my whole body is smelly of sweat, and the babies born in this way may smell of sweat."

"Puchi!" Shan Junhao laughed, "Okay, in order to make our baby clean, I'll give you a bath first."

He said ambiguously, while playing with the fullness of her chest, he picked up the shower head hanging on the wall.

"I can wash it myself, no need..."

"Hush! Don't make noise, just enjoy it!"

He clings to her body, holding the shower spouting water in one hand, and stroking her body with the other, as if he is bathing her, but Xiao Xiao clearly feels that he is eating tofu, because his hands are always Repeatedly washing in one place, repeatedly groping in that black forest.

She felt itchy unbearably, and grabbed his dishonest hand, "Okay, that place has been cleaned, there is no need to wash it again."

He moved his palm with a smirk and washed her breasts, she continued to push, and he moved his hand back to wash her buttocks, Xiao Xiao was stared at by him, but he squeezed the shower gel on his hand with a smirk at the right time , wiped her whole body.

The slippery and tender touch made him feel hot physically and mentally. He couldn't help pressing his body against her again, rubbing the shower gel on her body onto his body, as if he was using his body to help her take a bath.

Xiao Xiao was impatiently rubbed by him, resisted the groan that he wanted to say, and said bluntly: "Hurry up!"

With a smirk, he flushed Xiao Xiao with water.As soon as the rush was over, Xiao Xiao couldn't wait to run out of the bathroom.

But he grabbed her wrist, spun her around, and put her into his arms, his voice was hoarse and extremely seductive: "You heartless little woman, I've worked so hard to finish washing you, you just want to run away ?”

Today is only 6000 words for this update, and it will be bigger and bigger tomorrow!do not miss it!Ask for a monthly pass, this month and next month, you need a monthly pass!Aww!Some people say that they cannot accept that the child belongs to the second brother. I want to say that what you see may not be true, and what you guess may not be true. Only children who follow the text to the end will know what the truth is!If an article is so easily guessed by you or written so plainly, it will not attract you!Yes or no?hehe!Thank you for your support!

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