Temptation to get married, husband kisses gently

Chapter 145 Sulfuric acid splashed on Xiao Xiao's face

International Hotel Lobby

This is the first time that Shan Junhao has held a grand investment promotion reception since he returned to China.

The companies participating in the financing this time are all the city's top [-] companies, including Lin's.

Therefore, Lin Liwei was also present today, and he was naturally accompanied by Yi Shuangshuang, whose belly was already obvious.

And Shirley sat next to Shan Junming. She recuperated for half a month after the miscarriage, and came to Shan's work as soon as she recovered, and was directly appointed as Junming's special assistant!

Junming was originally the general manager of Shan's Group, but he was not good at management, and he didn't like management. He preferred the design he had learned in four years of college, so after Shan Junhao returned to China and became the president, he voluntarily resigned from the position of general manager. Went to the design department as a design director.

Now he wants to compete with Shan Junhao for the Shan family, and he regrets his original decision very much.

Shirley held his hand tightly, as if to give him strong support.

He looked at her secretly, and it would be great if Xiao Xiao was sitting next to him. Unfortunately, this woman is nothing like Xiao Xiao. Except for her strong business ability, there is nothing he likes and admires about this woman, especially It's her heart, it's too vicious!

All major enterprises and manufacturers in the venue were all present, and there were waiters interspersed among them, pouring wine for the guests.

Suddenly, more than a dozen bodyguards appeared at the entrance of the podium to clear the way, and reporters from major media swarmed over.

I saw Shan Junhao walking into the venue with a heroic suit and leather shoes. His tall figure, handsome silhouette, and tailored Italian handmade black suit made him a perfect match for an ancient Greek prince. Dressed up, Xiao Xiao is a bit more dazzling than the British royal princess, with a slim figure, dressed in a water green mermaid evening dress, gentle, demure, and beautiful...

This pair of handsome men and beautiful women seems to be able to blind the audience, making many men and women feel jealous, but at the same time they have to envy them for being God's darling, a match made in heaven!It seems that after they are separated, whoever they match...is a pity!

Looking at Xiao Xiao's delicate face, Lin Liwei felt extremely sour in his heart.

In the past, she also stood beside him dressed up like this, but how did he do it at that time?Holding Sun Yizhen in his arms, he ignored her when she fell into the water, and made her seriously ill. Most importantly, he pushed her heart to another man!

He lowered his head, his face was gloomy, and his clenched fists showed his unwillingness.

It wasn't that he didn't love her at the time, it was just that he didn't cherish her well in a moment of confusion. If God gave him another chance, he would definitely compensate her ten thousand times. Even if God didn't give him a chance, then he would make it for himself If you have a chance, there will definitely be one!

Yi Shuangshuang could see that Lin Liwei's mood had suddenly become depressed since Xiao Xiao's appearance. There was a dull pain in her heart, and there was also a kind of hatred about seeds that were constantly sprouting, taking root, and growing...

She wished she could tear Yi Xiaoxiao into pieces, but unfortunately, with Shan Junhao's protection, she didn't dare, but she believed that nothing is difficult in the world, as long as there is a caring person, she will definitely find someone who can put Yi Xiaoxiao to death and protect herself. A thoughtful approach!

What about the Junming couple?He doesn't look good either.Ever since Xiao Xiao appeared on the stage, Jun Ming never left Xiao Xiao's gaze, his face was full of yearning and obsession, the dream he had been dreaming since he was a student, and he has been living in the dream, is so happy, it's a pity ...

"Do you know? Shirley..." Jun Ming's deep, hoarse voice suddenly rang in Shirley's ear, "During school, I had a crush on Xiao Xiao for three whole years, and I dared not tell her that I liked her for three years. , because I am afraid of being rejected, and the fear of being rejected is not because I want to respect myself, but because I am afraid that I will never have the chance to pursue her again, so I have been silently standing by her side, as a friend..."

Xue Li's throat rolled down. She always knew that Jun Ming liked Xiao Xiao, but she didn't know how deeply he loved Xiao Xiao?I used to think that he didn't confess his love because he was afraid of losing face, because he didn't like it enough, but now it seems that she was wrong!

Jun Ming still looked at the smiling Xiao Xiao on the stage, and continued: "Later, she found out that I liked her, and I was so nervous, afraid that she would no longer let me get close or be friends with me, because I cared too much , I was so nervous about her, but unexpectedly, she offered to date me, do you know how happy I was at that time? Three days, three full days, I was so excited that I didn't close my eyes until the fourth day when I was so sleepy Yes, after sleeping for two days and two nights, I finally got my sleep back..."

Listening to his words, Shirley's heart felt like a knife was piercing her. What is he doing now?What do you want to say?

"Later, we dated for two years. We got along very well in these two years. Xiao Xiao's temperament is really not ordinary. When I told others, they didn't believe her. She would never be like other girls in love. She loses her temper and makes trouble for no reason. She can tolerate all my difficulties. I don’t have time to watch movies with her, and she doesn’t blame me. When I say I want to travel abroad, she quickly finishes her homework and travels with me. , I never complained, and always stayed by my side happily and quietly every time... We, at that time, were really happy, so happy..."

Shirley closed her eyes deeply, she really couldn't listen anymore!

"Until your appearance completely broke my dream and destroyed my happiness..."

Shirley gritted her teeth, enduring the severe pain in her heart, and continued to listen to him.

"Actually, I have already seen that you want to seduce me..."

As soon as his words came out, Xue Li suddenly opened her eyes and looked at him. She really didn't expect that he had already felt it.

That's right, she wanted to seduce him very early on, but she felt that she hid it well at the beginning, how did he find out?

"I could ignore you, but I still treat you as a friend because I try my best to understand your feelings, because I know the pain of having a crush on someone, so I respect your feelings, but I I never expected that you would use such despicable means to destroy me and Xiao Xiao, cough..."

Jun Ming suddenly sighed, as if he wanted to let out the suppressed turbidity in his heart, but he felt powerless.

"So, at that time, how happy and happy I was, how much I would hate you and loathe you in this life! From me, you will never get the love you want."

Shirley bit her lower lip so violently, two lines of tears couldn't help but she couldn't help but her face showed no expression at all, it doesn't matter Jun Ming, you can hate if you want to hate, hate if you want to hate, I, as long as I can reach me The purpose is enough, who made your Shan family owe our Yao family!

However, if you come to him only to achieve your own goals, you should wrap your heart tightly. Now, hearing his words, why does it hurt so much that you want to dig out your heart? Woolen cloth?

"Everyone, thank you for coming to this investment promotion reception. This investment promotion reception is to attract investment for a medical device project built by Shan's Group. Mr. Jun Hao, come to the stage to talk about the original intention and social significance of Shan’s Group’s investment in this project.”

Just when everyone was silent in their own thoughts, Xiao Xiao was already standing on the stage, swinging her floor-length skirt.

I thought I would be nervous, but I didn't expect that I would soon be able to integrate into the role of host. According to the program list, she speaks fluently and expressively!

She thought, it must be the reason why Shan Junhao was by her side, she felt at ease when he was around.

However, a situation arose, and when she secretly opened the note that the staff had prepared for her to ask questions to Shan Junhao, it actually showed: Shan Junhao, you will get retribution!

She was startled. At this time, Shan Junhao had already walked to her side. Obviously, he also saw the note in her hand. He reached out and grabbed her little hand, but his face was facing everyone in the audience: "Everyone!" Okay, um, I am Mr. Shan Junhao!"

Xiao Xiao immediately realized something, she couldn't be noticed by others, and immediately said with a smile on her face: "Mr. Shan is good!"

"Hmm! Hello, Mrs. Shan!"

Shan Junhao turned his face and looked at Xiao Xiao with a very polite look.

This made the people in the audience find it funny, and there were chuckles from time to time.

"Mr. Shan, may I ask, do you invest in this product called a rheumatic bed, do you really think it has huge social significance? Or is it because it has huge commercial benefits?"

Shan Junhao was taken aback, this woman really knows how to ask questions, does she really regard herself as a host or a reporter?

People in the audience who were not very interested at first were immediately attracted to this question when they heard this question. Everyone peeped into their hearts and wanted to know the dark side of others that could not be brought up on the stage.

Lin Liwei, Yi Shuangshuang, Shan Junming, and Xueli are no exception. They all want to hear Shan Junhao's answer. If he answers that everything is from the perspective of social significance, then everyone will definitely feel that he is very False, then his investment promotion plan will definitely fail. If he answers that everything is based on profit, then tomorrow the media will name him the number one businessman, his reputation will be damaged, and no one will invest in him. item up.

Shan Junhao rolled his eyes, smiled and said: "Well, everyone must be waiting to see my joke? This question is really difficult to answer, but before answering this question, I want to tell everyone that I The sex with my wife is..."

Everyone has a gossip heart, and the media even pointed their cameras at this couple who were rarely interviewed. Everyone held their breath, waiting for what Shan Junhao would say.

Xiao Xiao looked at Shan Junhao stupidly, with an innocent face: "What do you want to reveal?"

"Well, actually, last night, because I had to prepare materials for this project, I didn't sleep with my wife in my arms. My wife was very angry. She told me in the morning that she must find a chance to retaliate against me when I arrive at the venue. I think Now it is!"

"Hahahaha! The audience burst into laughter"

Both Lin Liwei and Shan Junming looked bad.

Xiao Xiao's face turned red all of a sudden, and she frowned and glared at Shan Junhao. How could such a thing be said in public in the hall.

She was also a little frustrated, so she fought back and said: "Mr. Shan, although you used me to make up a funny joke for everyone, you still can't escape the question I asked for everyone, please answer us directly. "

The people off the court fell silent again. Everyone could see that Shan Junhao deliberately said the so-called sex to avoid the problem, but he didn't think that Mrs. Shan would not let her go. The media personnel were very happy with her like this. They were too interested in that question.

Shan Junhao smiled, and still said to the audience: "Well, the most poisonous woman's heart, who told me not to take good care of my wife at night, I should have this disaster."

"Hahahaha!" The audience laughed again.

Xiao Xiao couldn't help laughing, and quickly covered his face.

When everyone's laughter and speech were not finished, Shan Junhao's expression suddenly became serious, "Thank you for coming to this investment promotion meeting. First of all, I would like to say that the rheumatism bed is a product that is used in our rainy and humid cities in the south. It is also a city where rheumatism is rampant. Needless to say, it is well known that it has great social significance. The second thing I want to say is that I am a businessman. If this project has no benefits at all, I will definitely not invest in it. Yes, because..."

He suddenly looked at the audience with a burning gaze, but he didn't focus on anyone, like a king who ruled the world and looked down on the crowd.

"If I invest in products that have social significance but no benefits all day long, Shan's Group will go bankrupt in my hands sooner or later. Then... I will lose more investment in products that have social significance and benefit the society. An enterprise is not a charity organization. The mission it should fulfill is to provide benefits to everyone and make the enterprise profitable, so as to create a virtuous circle, make the enterprise grow continuously, and serve the society better in the future. Everyone said yes no?"

"Papa papa" There was a burst of warm applause from the audience!

Shan Junhao winked at Xiao Xiao charmingly, Xiao Xiao couldn't help laughing, this man really likes to show off!

"Okay, next, the person in charge of the manufacturer who is interested in this project is invited to fill out the investment form in the office area on the right..."

Originally thinking that her mission was about to end, Xiao Xiao just breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly a woman screamed from the audience.

"Ah! Sulfuric acid!"

Xiao Xiao and Shan Junhao looked towards the voice, and saw a man walking towards the stage holding a bottle of yellow liquid.

"Shan Junhao, I will kill you!"

When the man saw Shan Junhao, he ran towards him and threw sulfuric acid at him. Shan Junhao pulled Xiao Xiao behind him, and retreated to the stage at the same time, and the security personnel also arrived in time.

"Put it down, put down the sulfuric acid!"

When the assailant was struggling with the security guard, he accidentally spilled sulfuric acid on his hands, and he immediately let out a miserable cry: "Ah! It hurts, it hurts to death!"

The man threw the bottle of sulfuric acid on the ground, and the bottle was smashed with a bang. Half of the bottle was broken, half of the bottle was spilled with sulfuric acid, and the assailant was taken away by security guards.

The manufacturers in the audience were frightened and ran away one after another. They were afraid that another person like this would appear and hurt themselves, but the media turned their cameras on Shan Junhao with a livid face.

No matter how dark and wise a person is, he will feel a little annoyed when he encounters such a serious emergency.

He was thinking that if this matter could not be resolved immediately, then today's investment invitation reception would be a complete failure.

When this happens, there must be someone deliberately playing tricks, and someone wants to fail the project he started. He looks around the field and knows who is most likely to do it.

Watching the major manufacturers start to go to the door one by one, Xiao Xiao saw Shan Junhao's worry, she rolled her eyes, thought for a while, suddenly her eyes flashed, she pulled her little hand from his palm, and ran towards the backstage .

When Shan Junhao was wondering, in the blink of an eye, she had already returned with a mineral water bottle in her hand.

She bent over, with a paper towel in her hand, picked up the broken sulfuric acid bottle on the ground, and poured the remaining half bottle of sulfuric acid into the mineral water bottle.

Then, she stood on the stage again with a smile on her face, "Everyone, don't leave in a hurry. I want to say that it wasn't a terrorist incident just now, it's just a special program prepared by Shan's Group for everyone!"

Her words shocked the entire audience. The people who were about to leave immediately stopped in their tracks. They were so curious. Is the host joking?What happened just now, the sulfuric acid on the assailant's hand burned his own hands, and he said it was a show, the more curious they were, the more they wanted to know the answer.

Everyone stopped in their tracks and looked at Xiao Xiao.

Lin Liwei and Shan Junming looked solemnly, they felt that Xiao Xiao was standing up for Shan Junhao, but could her small shoulders withstand such courage?

Shan Junhao frowned slightly. This woman really wanted to show off regardless of the occasion. He didn't even think of a particularly good way. What can she do?special program?How will this show go on?

It's not that he looks down on her, but he's too worried about her, worried that she will be implicated, and doesn't want her to worry about his own affairs!

He came to her side slowly, reaching out his hand to snatch the sulfuric acid in her hand, this thing is so dangerous, why does she keep holding it in her hand?

But she slyly smiled and avoided: "Mr. Shan, this is a prop that I will perform later. You snatched it away, so you can't see me in the limelight? It's not good for you to be so jealous. It's not good for a big man to be too jealous."

"Stop it!"

Shan Junhao whispered in her ear.

"No trouble, why don't you trust me so much?"

He didn't say a word anymore, and looked at her secretly, intending to wait and see what happened.

"Please believe me. In fact, just now is really just a special program prepared by Shan's Group for you. The purpose is to let me explain to you more clearly that the products that Shan's Group will soon produce are related to sulfuric acid. of."

Everyone heard Xiao Xiao's calm tone and calm expression, and there was nothing unusual about it. Although they didn't fully believe what she said, they became curious about what she said?

Shan Junhao remained calm, stood beside her and looked at her. In fact, he was also very curious about what tricks she wanted to play.

This little woman, huh!At this moment, he actually wanted to carry her away, find a place where no one was around, put her under him, and let her explain it to him alone!Well, he was evil again in a flash!

She laughed and continued, "When you see sulfuric acid, you will think of such terrible words as 'disfigurement'. In fact, you don't know that sulfuric acid is not only non-corrosive, but also curable..."

"Can it cure diseases? What diseases can it cure? Can sulfuric acid not be corrosive?"

"Mrs. Shan, please explain to us."

Someone below was curious, and the reporters also asked questions.

Xiao Xiao smiled, and when everyone was waiting for what she would say, she suddenly raised the sulfuric acid in her hand: "I said sulfuric acid can be non-corrosive, now, I will demonstrate it to you personally!"

As she spoke, she did something that shocked the audience, so violently she splashed the acid in her hand towards her face...

Shan Junhao had quick hands and eyes, and stretched out his hand to block her face, half of the sulfuric acid fell on the back of Shan Junhao's hand, and the other half fell on Xiao Xiao's face.

"Xiao Xiao!"

Shan Junhao was so frightened that his voice was out of tune, and his heart seemed to fall into a bottomless abyss. In an instant, his whole body was powerless.

"Ah!" A woman below screamed in fright.

Everyone stood up, and Jun Ming and Lin Liwei ran up to the stage together.

"Xiao Xiao, how are you?" Jun Ming's eyes were red.

"Go to the hospital, go to the hospital quickly." Lin Liwei yelled in a panic.

Shirley and Yi Shuangshuang also froze, staring at Xiao Xiao's direction for a moment, they were also shocked by Xiao Xiao's behavior.

But Yi Shuangshuang thought in her heart, could it be that a ghost is on her body, could it be that God is helping her get rid of this scourge, ha!That's great.

Xue Li was not so optimistic, she felt that Yi Xiaoxiao must be playing tricks.

Just when everyone was concentrating on Xiao Xiao's face which was always covered by Shan Junhao's palm, Shan Junhao slowly came back to his senses, and slowly moved his palm away from her face...

When he saw Xiao Xiao's face showing no signs of disfigurement, Shan Junhao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, his legs softened, and he took a few steps back before standing still.

He gritted his teeth at her angrily. This damned woman is really scared to death by her. What the hell is she playing?

Everyone recovered from the shock just now, but was immediately shocked by this unexpected result and stayed there!

"Mrs. Shan, how did you do it? Tell us, it's amazing? Just now we clearly saw that what you poured into the mineral water bottle was sulfuric acid?"

Xiao Xiao smiled brighter and said: "As I said, the product our hospital researched for Shan's is called a rheumatism bed. The main ingredient in the rheumatism bed is made into a desiccant after sulfuric acid is used to remove the corrosion, and then added to it therapy, and then made into a rheumatism bed that combines traditional Chinese and Western medicine, the effect is very good, and there is no harm to the human body... Regarding the magic of this technology, I have used my body to prove it to everyone, right?"

"Yes, it's amazing!"

There were investors of some enterprises off the court, who couldn't help but agree.

"Then why don't you hurry up and join this project, the opportunity will never come again, it will benefit the society, and you will gain immeasurable benefits, thank you all... This is the end of today's investment promotion reception, the following is free activities, It's rest time!"

Shirley's nails pierced deeply into her palm.

Um!Want to know how Xiao Xiao managed to splash himself with sulfuric acid without disfiguring him?The next chapter is revealed! Ask for a monthly pass after the 28th, ask for a monthly pass at the beginning of February, and ask for a message. The comment area is so deserted recently, please be enthusiastic, thank you!

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