Temptation to get married, husband kisses gently

Chapter 170 Hope Everyone Can Be Happy


Shan Junhao was so moved that he didn't know what to say, he pushed her down on the sofa, kissed and licked her for a while, as if he couldn't love her enough.


Luxurious hotel lobby, radiant pastel decoration, a pair of chocolate figurines in gowns and wedding dresses, standing on top of layers of exquisitely crafted cakes, making the children around them drool.

In the dressing room, Shirley is being transformed into a dazzling princess with the efforts of several professional designers. She is already beautiful, but after being dressed up, ordinary girls can't match her.

However, the long-cherished wish of many years was finally fulfilled, but there was no joy on her face about becoming a bride. Jun Ming had been unwilling to compromise and agree to get married before, but suddenly said the night before yesterday that she was willing to get married?Without knowing why, her heart was really restless.

Jun Ming, what are you thinking in your heart?Are you really willing to marry me?

At this moment, Jun Ming, who was dressing up next door, had finished his dressing. He opened the door and walked into the women's dressing room. He said to Shirley with a smile on his face, "Have you finished your makeup? Let me show you our wedding ceremony." Let's set it up."

Hot tears welled up in Xue Li's eyes suddenly, it seemed that this was the first time Jun Ming invited her to do something together with a warm smile on his face.

She looked at Junming in disbelief, not knowing how to answer him.

"What? Haven't you put on your makeup yet?"

"Well, it's still one..."

"No, it's already melted, let's go."

Shirley interrupted the makeup artist, stood up, took Jun Ming's hand and walked out.

With a happy smile on her face, she followed Jun Ming's steps while looking at his handsome face.

Today's Jun Ming seems to have regained the vigor he had when he was in school, and his smile looks extraordinarily sincere, as if he really let go of everything.

If that's the case, it's really great. Will she be able to live happily with him in the future?

"Look, there is a glazed lamp over there. At night, you can see its beauty. It's colorful...Look there, I specially made the mille-feuille cake, isn't it beautiful?"

He held her hand tightly and walked to the cake. Shirley's heart was pounding. She felt that Jun Ming's attitude towards her today was like a dream, which made her feel very unreal. Could it be, After waking up from the dream, everything returns to the original point?

"Look at the little chocolate people above, do they look like you and me?" Jun Ming said excitedly.

"Huh? Like..."

Shirley just felt that Jun Ming couldn't keep up with Jun Ming's thinking. Did he really accept her?

"Jun Ming, you...", she finally couldn't help but opened her mouth, "Have you really figured it out? Really, are you willing to spend the rest of your life with me?"

Jun Ming turned his head, looked at Xue Li, hesitated and said: "Xue Li, I think you must have been influenced by your brother very early on, and all you think about is how to take revenge on our Shan family, so you did it to me. So many hateful things happened, but fortunately, you fell in love with me, so you didn't have the heart to really hurt me, but I know that in the process, you must have experienced very painful suffering, when today When I looked away from everything, I realized that you are just a poor and cute girl..."

Listening to Jun Ming's words, Xue Li had already burst into tears. She never thought that there would be such a day, and she would still hear such words from Jun Ming.

The more she cried, the more excited she became, and she couldn't help herself. She plunged into Jun Ming's arms, crying until she couldn't make a sound, but she was afraid that others would hear her, so she suppressed her crying.

Jun Ming held her in his arms, "Don't cry, good boy, today is our big day, be happy."


"Xue Li, promise me that no matter what happens in the future, you have to give up all resentment and hatred, and pursue your own happy life. I think you should understand that the hardest thing to hate someone is yourself."

"Yes! I understand!" Shirley said, wiping away her tears, "You too, let's forget everything and have a good time together, shall we grow old together?"

There was a sunny smile on the corner of Jun Ming's mouth, which seemed to fascinate Shirley...

"Don't cry, eat a piece of chocolate, chocolate can make people happy." Jun Ming reached out to grab the pair of chocolate figurines on the cake.

Shirley grabbed his hand, "No, didn't you say they are like us? Don't eat them."

Jun Ming smiled, "Then let's eat the chocolate flowers around, it must be delicious."

Shirley smiled happily, "It's not good, it would be embarrassing if others saw us stealing food."

"It's okay, leave everything to me."

After Jun Ming finished speaking, he picked up the fork next to it, picked up a chocolate flower, and put it on the corner of Xueli's mouth. Xueli opened her mouth happily and bit off a piece of the chocolate flower. The mouth was smooth, delicious and sweet!

The smile on her face was like that blooming rose, delicate and charming, never before beautiful.

Jun Ming ate the half of the chocolate flower that Xue Li had bitten off, and he forked another one, and handed it to Xue Li's mouth: "Do you still want to eat?"

"Don't eat it, you will get fat if you eat too much chocolate."

Shirley lowered her head shyly. Just now Jun Ming actually ate her leftover chocolate. Does that count as an indirect kiss?

"Hehe, just eat this once and you won't get fat. If you don't eat it, I will eat it."

He ate the chocolate flowers in one gulp, "It's delicious!"

Immediately afterwards, he ate up all the chocolate flowers circled on the cake, "It's really delicious!"

Xue Li covered her mouth and smiled, "Jun Ming, why do you look like a child, as if you have never eaten chocolate."

Jun Ming wiped his mouth and smiled "hehe".

When he raised his eyes, he saw Shan Junhao and Xiao Xiao dressed up and walking over.

He immediately wiped his mouth nervously, and then mischievously whispered in Shirley's ear: "Don't tell them we stole the chocolate."


Shirley also saw Shan Junhao and Xiao Xiao, and agreed with Junming with a smile on her lips. Unexpectedly, Junming who figured it out is so cute, really, I feel so happy!

"Jun Ming, Shirley, congratulations!"

Xiao Xiao came to them with a smile, seeing that they were able to get married, with happy smiles on their faces, Xiao Xiao was happy for them from the bottom of her heart.

"Thank you, Xiao Xiao, I... I suddenly feel that as long as I can have someone I like, I really feel that I am the happiest person in the world. Therefore, I have to forget the past, and I beg you... …forgive."

"Fool, I have never held any grudges, as long as I can figure it out now, I will live happily with Jun Ming in the future."

"Well! You, too, follow Shan Junhao, fine!"


Xiao Xiao smiled and held Xue Li's hand, and Jun Ming's eyes stayed on Xiao Xiao's body from the moment he saw Xiao Xiao, but the smile on his mouth made people ignore his eyes, everyone thought, He really figured it out, and at this moment, he was sinking in uncontrollable happiness, waiting to be a happy groom.

"Hey! They're all here, Auntie, look how handsome Jun Ming is today."

When the four of them heard the voice and turned around, Shan Junhao was the first to see Yang Yun and Yisha coming towards them, and Yang Yun was followed by two professional medical staff and a nanny.

"Mom, are you here?"

"Mom, you are welcome to my wedding."

Both Shan Junhao and Jun Ming walked to Yang Yun's side, and Shan Junhao naturally held Yang Yun's arm.

Jun Ming stood aside, because he never grew up with Yang Yun, so he didn't have the habit of getting close to her.

On the left is Shan Junhao, on the right is Yisha, and in the middle is Yang Yun. In Xiao Xiao's eyes, this picture is a bit dazzling, but she must maintain her demeanor.

She smiled and walked to Yang Yun's side: "Mom! How is your health?"

Yang Yun was taken aback, "Mom? Why do you call me mom? Oh, I see, you want to seduce my son, you mean girl, is my son worthy of you?"

Xiao Xiao's face turned pale for a while, Shan Junhao frowned, immediately pulled Xiao Xiao aside, and at the same time summoned the maid with his eyes.

"How is my mother's condition now?"

The maid frowned and said: "There are good times and bad times, and some things she doesn't want to happen, she will forget. In fact, the doctor said that the condition is still quite serious, and she can't be stimulated a little. Once stimulated, she will go crazy, throw things, Beating people is the most common."

Shan Junhao bit his lower lip, raised his eyes to look at Xiao Xiao, and sighed deeply: "Xiao Xiao, I might feel wronged today..."

"It's okay. I'm not wronged. I can understand. You can go and stay with Mom. I can do it by myself. I think if Mom can't see me, she may be less stimulated."

"Well, I think so too, but if there is anything, you must call me."

"Well, you can go at ease."

"it is good!"

Shan Junhao lowered his head and kissed Xiao Xiao's forehead, turned his eyes, and saw Yang Yun and Yisha glaring at Xiao Xiao viciously.

The corner of Shan Junhao's mouth twitched, feeling unspeakably miserable. I really don't know how they would get along if Xiao Xiao went to the United States with him, and whether Xiao Xiao would be wronged.

Shan Junhao and Yisha walked around Yang Yun.

Jun Ming and Xue Li stood aside, Xue Li glanced at Xiao Xiao, then at Jun Ming, and suddenly, she saw a look in Jun Ming's eyes, almost like grief.

She had never seen this kind of look on Jun Ming before.

Junming, it must be very difficult to let go of Xiaoxiao, after so many years of love, earning for so long, working hard for so long, today, I finally want to let go, Xueli suddenly seems to be able to understand Junming's mood, it must be My heart hurts like a knife.

"Jun Ming, I think you must have something to tell Xiao Xiao, go."

Jun Ming was very moved by Xue Li's understanding. He bowed his head and kissed Xue Li's forehead for the first time, "Thank you for understanding! I will stay with her for a while and be right back."

There are so many things to do on the weekend, I thought I would not update it today, and we will update it tomorrow, but I still can't bear to disappoint some of my friends who are eager to watch, so I can only update so much today, and I will guarantee a big passion tomorrow! !The weekend is very busy, thank you for your understanding!

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