After hesitating for a moment, she summoned up her courage and dialed the number that she hadn't dialed for a long time.

The phone rang for a long time, Yi Xiaoxiao thought that the other party would not answer it, and just about to hang up, there was the sound of a connection, and she was greatly relieved.

"Hey...Jun Ming,'s Xiao Xiao. I'm on Lishi Road. I got into a car accident. It's not serious, but I need...some money..."

There was a slightly heavy breathing sound on the phone, but there was no reply.

She felt sour in her heart, "If it's inconvenient..."

"I'll be right there, tell me the address."

A magnetic and calm voice came from the other end, as if giving Yi Xiaoxiao a reassurance.

The three years of relationship, there is no way for each other to completely forget, she hooked the corners of her lips in relief.

After reporting the address, the other party didn't say much, just hung up the phone.


Yi Xiaoxiao stood quietly by the side of the road, anxiously waiting for Shan Junming to arrive. The person who was bumped had already urged her several times, and she could only endure the other party's verbal complaints.

She believed that Shan Junming would not ignore her, although she once thought that she would never contact this man who betrayed her, but that young first love was too beautiful and unforgettable, and it was really difficult for a while Be absolutely.

While she was thinking wildly, a domineering Land Rover braked suddenly and stopped beside her. She was startled and subconsciously took two steps back.

A tall, handsome man stepped out of the car. He was wearing a simple white shirt. His trousers were straight, revealing his slender and muscular legs. The suit jacket was slung over his shoulders. Let him set off this suit with nobility.

Some people don't look like princes in dragon robes, while some people can't hide their innate nobility even in ordinary clothes.

However, when Yi Xiaoxiao saw the man's face clearly, she was shocked. How could it was him?

That's right, he is not the ex-boyfriend Shan Junming who betrayed her, but Shan Junming's brother.

Shan Junhao, the new president of Shan's Group, the largest enterprise in m city, has been rated as the "five most" diamond bachelors by the top magazines in m city for several consecutive issues. He has the most beautiful facial features, the most attractive, the most valuable, the deepest and the most mysterious man.

Yi Xiaoxiao was even more surprised that she could recognize him at a glance.

If I remember correctly, they seemed to have met three years ago, and they didn't add up more than three times.In my impression, I only remember that Jun Ming has an extraordinary-looking elder brother who is always smiling. Maybe he is so outstanding, so it is difficult for people who have met him to forget him.

But why is he here?Where is Jun Ming?

It should be that Jun Ming asked his brother to help him in order to avoid suspicion.

The distance between her and Junming is getting farther and farther. He has too many ties, and she has too many concerns. Even ordinary friends may not be able to be.

Shan Junhao walked towards Yi Xiaoxiao slowly, with a warm smile on his heroic handsome face, he walked to her side, patted her shoulder soothingly with his slender palm, his eyes were soft and gentle, He said, "Don't worry, leave everything to me."

His voice is deep and magnetic, his eyes are soft and warm, coupled with his handsome face, he is too sexy to be ignored,

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