good morning little runaway wife

Chapter 201 I Came For Her

Chapter 201 I Came For Her

The huge coffee shop in S City, the Rose Cafe, is full of roses that bloom especially brightly in autumn. Looking around, the afternoon sun makes it even more beautiful and delicate.

European-style decoration, neat ivory white, even the piano in the courtyard is ivory white, looking around, it makes people feel happy physically and mentally, as if unconsciously, they have stepped into a particularly elegant place.

Walking a little further, in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, the sunlight directly hit Situ Shao's eyelashes. Situ Shao, who was drinking coffee with his head down, looked particularly charming.

"Hey, who are you dating? Why are you so secretive?" Su Xiaoyun said, looking at the latte still bubbling on the table.

"You'll know in a while, the defeated general who was just defeated by my subordinates!" Situ Shao raised his head, his bright smile was like a reflective blade, and shot straight into the eyes of the people who were walking towards him .

Before Su Xiaoyun could speak, Walls, who was dressed in a white suit, sat beside her.

"I'll go, why are you asking him out?" Su Xiaoyun reacted, and said in a low voice, covering his face and looking at Situ Shao.

Walls smiled slightly, looked at Situ Shao, and said provocatively: "Miss Su doesn't seem to like having afternoon tea with me very much."

"Hmph, it's not that I don't like it, it's that I hate it!" Su Xiaoyun whispered, covering her nose. She hated cologne the most, but Walls had a smell of cologne on her body. Smell, it seems to be full of another indescribable smell, in short, it is extremely extreme, making people want to vomit.

"Hehe, what's wrong with Su Xiaoyun, do you not like the smell of perfume on me?" Walls generously took off his suit in front of Su Xiaoyun, and then put it on the back of the chair casually and naturally .

"Hmph, I see, you still spray so much, it's disgusting, no wonder people say you're a pervert!" After hearing Walls' words, Su Xiaoyun continued to cover her face and mutter in a low voice.

Looking at Situ Shao sitting across from him with a peaceful face, Su Xiaoyun now has the heart to kill him, well, why don't you come here to meet this pervert while working peacefully in the company, Situ Shao, you Is it a masochist? Even if it is, don't pull me to be abused together. This lady is living a good life. Why do you have to suffer this kind of crime? Situ Shao, you are also a pervert. What did Su Xiaoyun do in her previous life? In this life, let two of the most perverted men in the world sit next to me. You just let me die.

"You are still far away from the day of your death. Put your hand down and take a look at that pervert. There is no one who will die." Situ Shao said while pulling Su Xiaoyun's hand, and then looked at Hua Er with a smile. s.

"Hmph, President Si, I'm as perverted as you are, otherwise, how could we fall in love with the same woman, right?" Walls looked at Su Xiaoyun with a monstrous smile, his outstretched claws Just as he was about to reach out to Su Xiaoyun, Situ Shao caught him.

"You should see what you want to eat. When you go back to the United States, you may not be able to eat such delicious food." Situ Shao clasped Walls's hand tightly, and the veins on the palm were exposed came out.

"Go back to the United States. My home should be in China. I didn't go back so easily when I came back this time. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to reflect my value." Wallace smiled and retracted himself hand, and then his eyes fell on the menu.

"Hmph, your value, your value is that boatload of diamonds, right? Believe it or not, I will make you lose all your money, and go back to your America in disgrace." Situ Shao stared at Walls, mouth Although what he said was cruel, his expression was smiling, as if he was joking.

I'm going, diamonds, are you trading diamonds now?Situ Shao, don't play with fire, I haven't married you yet, I don't want to become a widow so early.

Hearing the diamond, Su Xiaoyun burst into tears. Looking at Situ Shao, he seemed to be joking, but Walls' tone was very serious.

"Okay, if you can do it, try it. Let's see if it's your wrist that's hard, or my people's quick response." Walls suddenly looked at Situ Shao with a serious face and said.

Seeing Walls like this, Situ Shao laughed immediately, as if he was joking just now and said: "Oh, look at you, I was just joking with you, why are you so serious."

Then, Situ Shao took a sip of coffee and said, "Look, what does that ship of diamonds have to do with me? Why should I go out of my way to ruin your business? Isn't it better for me to ruin it? There's no benefit, I'm just kidding you."

"Yes, but I'm not kidding you."

Hearing Walls's serious voice, Su Xiaoyun was shocked. She had never seen Walls like this before. There seemed to be some hatred hidden in the deep blue eyes, staring at Situ Shao's eyes. Full of murderous intent.

God, how could it be so risky to feel like making a horror movie again, two perverts, caught themselves in the middle.

"Okay, don't be angry, I'm just kidding you, let's get back to business." Situ Shao put down his coffee cup, his face suddenly covered with seriousness.

"Okay, I like the word "closer to home." Walls laughed.

Uh, Walls, are you Chinese or American? You know all the basics and idioms, and you can speak Mandarin so standard. It really makes me hard to believe that you are a native of the United States, your ancestors It should be Chinese.

However, Su Xiaoyun is not interested in Walls' nationality now, but is quite interested in what they say next.

"Did you let the reporters hype up Ouyang Lin's matter behind your back? Tell me, what is your purpose?" Situ Shao simply crossed his arms and looked at Walls.

Eh?It turned out to be this matter, Walls, it turned out to be you, no wonder those two people were so arrogant, Ouyang Muyun ran to the house and asked him to publish an apology to them in the newspaper, and asked Reid International's newspaper to be the headline It's simply impossible to post my own apology statement for three days, and it's also a provocation to Situ Shao.

"It's something, it's not something, I'm just helping a reporter friend to restore the truth of a matter for everyone. This is my duty as a citizen." Walls said indifferently.

Hmph, Walls, has anyone ever told you that your appearance makes people want to slap and kick you twice, Su Xiaoyun gritted her teeth and thought.

"Oh, that's right, I just want to know what your purpose of helping them is." Situ Shao asked.

"It's very simple, embarrassing Reid International and embarrassing you!" Walls said with a relaxed and indifferent expression, as if he was playing house.

"Oh? Really, in order to embarrass me, the leader of the majestic Tyrannosaurus Gang did such a childish thing. It really made me underestimate your perverted degree. You are really a wonderful flower, high above you, no one can respect you." Time!" Situ Shao said expressionlessly.

Sometimes people speak with a deadpan face, which is indeed more lethal than with an expression. In that way, others will not know what you are talking about, just like the current Walls, who was still dismissive just now.

"Hmph, so what, I just like to fight with you, do you want to know why? Why am I targeting you so much? Why did I come here from the United States?" Walls looked at Situ Shao provocatively, and smiled gracefully asked.

"Why don't you want to know? I still have a wife and children to take care of at home, so I don't have the time to take care of your business." Situ Shao looked at Walls' provocative look and said pretending to be disdainful.

"Hmph, yes, all the reasons I do are because of her, I want to snatch her away from you!"

While Walls was talking, Su Xiaoyun felt her head was clasped by a pair of big hands before the words fell to the ground, and then her warm lips blocked the lips that she was opening in surprise, and her slightly parted lips gave Enemies who are about to advance have a better chance.

Walls smirked, quickly circled Su Xiaoyun's mouth, and then smiled with satisfaction.

"See, this is my purpose!" Walls let go of Su Xiaoyun's head, and then looked at Situ Shao with a perverted smile.

"Your goal is me." Su Xiaoyun sneered, his hands clenched into fists,

Before Su Xiaoyun stretched out his fist, Situ Shao punched Walls in the face first. Suddenly, Walls turned into a one-eyed giant panda.

"I warned you a long time ago, don't make any attempts against him!" Situ Shao got up and kicked away the stool next to him, and then punched Walls again.

"Hmph, it's not that you said that you don't let me have any plans, so I don't have any!" Walls stood up, wiped his mouth with his hand, and punched back.

Seeing the two big men punching each other, Su Xiaoyun was helpless. He happened to be watching a show. Anyway, he couldn't kill anyone. If they wanted to, they would. Hands-on, Su Xiaoyun, a black belt in taekwondo, will beat Walls all over the place.

"Go back to your United States, and don't harass him again!" Situ Shao's last punch, which was especially heavy, hit Walls directly in the chest, and then said viciously.


Before Walls could react, Situ Shao dragged Su Xiaoyun away.

God, it's exciting, Walls, you have retained a lot of energy, otherwise, how could you not even be able to beat Situ Shao, a majestic gangster boss, you just move so little?It really made me think highly of you.

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