good morning little runaway wife

Chapter 79 Your Old Lover

"Hey, congratulations, your wish has finally come true." Xiao Quhuan pretended to be very calm after calling the phone.

"Xiao Quhuan?!" Su Xiaoyun shouted in surprise

"It's me, why, is it surprising?" Xiao Quhuan asked with his legs crossed, changing positions.

"Ah, no, did you call me for something?"

Su Xiaoyun calmed down for a while, and took a special look at Situ Shao's face that had obviously darkened after hearing Xiao Quhuan's name, and his heart was pounding.

"It's okay, can't I call you?"

Xiao Quhuan wondered for a while, and then said: "I just remind you very kindly, I haven't been home for a long time, should you go home and have a look?"

"Thank you for your reminder, I will." Su Xiaoyun felt a little sad after hearing this, but she didn't go home very soon.

However, how did Xiao Quhuan know that he hadn't been home for a long time, what did he do behind his back that he didn't know.

"What? My old lover called to care about you?" Situ Shao watched Su Xiaoyun hang up the phone, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared into the air. He couldn't help feeling angry again, and he was very bored. He just didn't know how to vent it. come out.

"What old lover, Situ Shao, don't talk nonsense, Xiao Quhuan and I are strangers, we have nothing to do with each other." Su Xiaoyun glanced at Situ Shao's dark face, secretly happy in his heart, Situ Shao ,What are you pretending to be###Male, you are obviously jealous, why do you have to say such sour words, and you also pretend to be nonchalant, making people laugh when you say it.After all, he is also the leader of Reid International, but his EQ is so low?

"Really? Stranger, why did he call you? Why do strangers care about you so much?"

"Look at that street sweeper, do you think I'm a normal person, if I didn't have any plans for him, would I ask for his phone number and then call to care about her?" Situ Shao said while pointing Pointing to the sanitation worker next to her, she spoke faster and faster. It was obvious that any fool would know that she was angry.

"Hey, Situ Shao, are you jealous? Why do you react so strongly, as if I went out to have an affair behind your back?" Su Xiaoyun pursed her lips a little teasingly, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, obviously She was preparing to see Situ Shao's jokes.

"Joke! I am the general manager, I will eat your jealousy, you are my ###, don't forget!" Situ Shao seemed to be stabbed in the heart by Su Xiaoyun, his face turned black again, Moreover, the hand that was holding the steering wheel grabbed Su Xiaoyun's arm on his leg.

"I'm going, Situ Shao, do you have ### tendencies?" Su Xiaoyun was startled by the inexplicable pain and broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, and couldn't help scolding the eighteen generations of Situ Shao's ancestors up and down. Really.With such a heavy hand, it is still like this.

"I didn't have ### tendencies at first, but later I found out that you enjoy being ### more, so I have..." Situ Shao didn't even look at Su Xiaoyun, as if what he said made sense.

"Huh!" With a cold snort, Su Xiaoyun was too lazy to say anything. For a person like Situ Shao who is thick-skinned, shameless, unable to express himself, and feels good about himself, he really has nothing to say, and he didn't say anything. It is necessary, because you know very well that it is totally unreasonable to talk about human nature with dogs.

Su Xiaoyun smiled while thinking, Situ Shao and the dog must be good enough.

However, Xiao Quhuan didn't know his phone number. Since that incident, his phone number has changed, and he only told a few good friends, but never told Xiao Quhuan.

"Xiao Dong, you care so much about Miss Su all day long, and you don't let him know, what are you trying to do?" The secretary walked to Xiao Quhuan, and asked with some doubts.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Quhuan's lips, and then he said: "Of course I have my reasons, as for what it is, no one else needs to know."

The smile on Xiao Quhuan's face made people feel that he was enjoying it, but he didn't know that the feeling of feeling good about himself was really unflattering.让人想拿着拳击手套砰砰砰上前对着他一阵乱揍。

People followed Su Xiaoyun every day, and the most important thing every day seemed to be to listen to Su Xiaoyun's recent situation, and to know everything about her every word and deed.

If you have such a man by your side, don't you feel terrible.

Maybe Xiao Quhuan is an idiot when it comes to love. Su Xiaoyun used to be so kind to him, but Xiao Quhuan always gave him the feeling that he was in love with a cold ass, and he ended up like this in the end. Whoever it was, he would not treat this man No more fantasizing.

"The male pig's foot is actually Yang Haoming? My God, sister Ying, please let me take it easy. I'm really under a lot of pressure to play with me for such a big name." The day before the filming of "Love in the Sun", Gu Yingcai told Su Xiaoyun that the male pig's feet were the handsome guy Yang Haoming, who was so popular among the young and powerful idol dramas.

"Okay, okay, what do you think now, don't you want to shoot anymore? That's ok. I'll call Director Sun right away." Gu Ying gave Su Xiaoyun an angry look, and then picked up the phone.

"Ah, ah, sister Ying, I was wrong, can't I be wrong? I was so excited just now, I couldn't get over it." Seeing Gu Ying's posture, Su Xiaoyun rushed forward to stop Gu Ying.

"Su Xiaoyun, let me tell you, if you don't film this movie well for me, don't even think about me being your agent in the future. No matter how tempting Situ Shao is for me, he will even Even if he handed over his design management to me, I would not agree."

"What a waste of my precious design time!"

Gu Ying put down her phone and said cruelly.

"All right, all right, sister Ying, I was wrong, why not?" Su Xiaoyun said with a smile

Hmph, Situ Shao, you made me miserable, okay?Su Xiaoyun roared in his heart, and glanced at Situ Shao who was sitting next to him flipping through magazines, and now he wished he could tear up the scripts in his hand one by one, turn them into stones and smash them on his head, all of this was his fault Harmful.

"Don't look at me like that. If you don't want to act, I can suggest that Director Sun change someone!" Situ Shao said casually as he flipped through the magazine without even looking at Su Xiaoyun.

I'll go, Situ Shao, are you a god, you don't even look at me, how do you know I'm looking at you.

"If you don't look at me, how do you know I'm looking at you!" Su Xiaoyun said back rudely.

"Su Xiaoyun, I think you want to die, don't you?" After Situ Shao finished speaking, he threw the magazine in his hand over.

Fortunately, it was caught by Su Xiaoyun's slender arm.

"Hey, Situ Shao, I'm going to use this face for filming, don't disfigure me, and see if Director Sun will be with you forever tomorrow!" Su Xiaoyun took the magazine and really wanted to throw it back.

Looking at Gu Ying and Situ Shao, it's obvious that these two people don't take themselves seriously again. Really, how did I let myself sit like this, splint gas, people on both sides are not good to me, Forget it, let's fend for ourselves and continue reading the script.

Seeing that Su Xiaoyun settled down peacefully, Situ Shao stood up and took the newspaper from his hand forcefully, not forgetting to throw her a blank stare.

Gu Ying couldn't stand it any longer, she was happy to watch the jokes, but then she saw two people staring at each other, they were coming and going, sparks were about to be sparked, Gu Ying felt that it was best for her to leave first, He took the bag directly, looked at the two of them and said, "Hey, you two continue, I'll go first, so as not to disturb you!"

After Gu Ying finished speaking, she hurriedly walked away, as if one minute late, an explosion was about to happen behind her.

"Su Xiaoyun, Su Xiaoyun, I think you have really taken the courage of ambition recently, haven't you?" Situ Shao watched Gu Ying leave, and the anger in his heart burst out all of a sudden, and he directly put the magazine in his hand again. Throw it on the coffee table once.

Su Xiaoyun was stunned for a moment.No way, Situ Shao, what's the matter with you?You saw a beautiful woman just now, are you embarrassed to show your bestiality?

Su Xiaoyun once again scolded Situ Shao in his heart.A man with a beastly face.Sheep in wolf's clothing, but this is only limited to beauties.

"What are you scolding me in your heart again? Just scold me? Broom star? Or some other new word?" Situ Shao moved from the sofa to Su Xiaoyun's side, looked at Su Xiaoyun closely and asked.

"No, what kind of bastard, I don't know at all, who is so bold, dare to call Situ Shao a broom?" Su Xiaoyun looked at Situ Shao's eyes, as if he was about to open his mouth wide and swallow himself whole. , then hurriedly shrank back, and said with mixed feelings.

In fact, she is currently cursing Situ Shao, broom star, stinky ghost, etc. in her heart.

"Really? Let me see if you have any." Situ Shao's face wirelessly magnified in front of Su Xiaoyun, magnified and magnified, and then the two bodies merged.

The next day, early in the morning, Gu Ying rang the doorbell and called Su Xiaoyun.

"Hey, who is it, why is it so early in the morning?" Su Xiaoyun has been so tired lately, she didn't know how to go to bed last night, she was drowsy with the phone, and completely forgot the first time of "Love in the Sun" today. The shooting time.

"Hey, I said Su Xiaoyun, do you want to die, don't you? I'll give you 3 minutes, get up immediately, pack up and walk to the door for me." Gu Ying was furious. How could she care more about Su Xiaoyun than Su Xiaoyun? Ah, it's a waste to let Su Xiaoyun, who has a lot of forgetfulness, take pictures.

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