After the joint efforts of the people of the township, the village road project was finally completed.In addition to thanking Zuo Li for his support, Li Mubai would also like to thank Bai Xiaoshan Wuchang for donating 70 yuan.

When the Chuntao Township Finance Office received the huge sum of money, the director Zhu Guowu was so excited that his voice trembled a little.

He reported the good news to Li Mubai at the first time. This money is of extraordinary significance to Chuntao Township.In the past, he was just a false name as the director, and he didn't have much money in his account. Even the director of the Finance Bureau was an empty shelf.Now that there is a huge sum of 70 yuan in the financial office, Zhu Guowu even raises his chin unconsciously when he looks at people.

Why, because there is an extra 70 yuan belonging to Chuntao Township on the book, and it is 70 yuan that can be freely used.

Li Mubai was also very happy, but he was not that excited.It would not be an exaggeration to describe Chuntao Township as a waste of nothing, such a small amount of money is simply a drop in the bucket for the big plan that Li Mubai wants to implement.

On the same day, Li Mubai held the township chief's office meeting. Apart from the few deputy township chiefs who all arrived at the meeting place, even the director of the finance office also appeared at the meeting.

"The 70 yuan from the Guangdong Hotel has already been transferred to our account in Chuntao Township. I came here today to discuss where the money will be spent."

Now the cadres in Chuntao Township have all gotten used to Li Mubai's straight-to-the-point, and it seems that the meeting time is much shorter.Especially when Li Mubai said that the main discussion was how to spend the 70 yuan, some of the deputy township chiefs immediately began to think about what kind of suggestions they would come up with later.

"Let's talk about it, everyone." After speaking, Li Mubai leaned back on the chair, he really wanted to see what kind of thoughts these deputy township chiefs had in their hearts.

If it had been a few days ago, Feng Jiangtao would have been the first to stand up. With such benefits, how could he be missing?

However, Feng Jiangtao drooped his head and sat there without saying a word.He is now very clear about his position in Chuntao Township, just a few days ago he was severely offended by Li Mubai.Not to mention whether such a good thing will fall on his head, even if Li Mubai allocates part of the money to him now, he has to think carefully about whether he has dug some kind of hole for him.

Zhao Yang didn't speak when he saw Feng Jiangtao. He also lowered his head and fixed his eyes on the teacup.Like Feng Jiangtao, he offended Li Mubai a lot in the meeting two days ago.

Although Li Mubai has not used any means against the two of them now, these two don't think that Li Mubai is a soft-hearted person.Among other things, after he started working in Chuntao Township, it only took him a month to get annoyed by Mayor Lin Dong.In less than three months, even the county magistrate Xu Zhian has been double fired, and there are still many shadows of Li Mubai.Even Meng Xiangbin, the comrade of the municipal party committee who came to investigate secretly before, committed suicide by jumping off the building!

If you don't want to know, when you connect these together, Zhao Yang's body is already covered with cold sweat.Now, before Li Mubai did anything to him, he had already started to find another place.It doesn't matter if he is the deputy head of the township or any unit, it is better than being trembling and fearful under Li Mubai's hands.

"What? Everyone is silent, are they not interested in the 70 yuan?"

Li Mubai did not expect that such a good thing would be ignored.He looked at everyone present here with a chuckle, and immediately said: "Then I will take the lead and talk about my thoughts."

After speaking, Li Mubai picked up his teacup, took a sip of tea, and said: "The project of the village road will be completed soon, Director Zhu, if you have time to budget out the wages, our government must not default on the wages of the people. "

This is a question that Li Mubai has thought about a long time ago. Although it is said to be discussed at the office meeting, this guy's performance is there to discuss with everyone.But he has already made a decision, this is to inform everyone, where is the discussion?

Although many people are dissatisfied in their hearts, no one will speak out.This guy's style has always been like this, and he doesn't give others a chance to speak at all.Even if you express your dissatisfaction, it's useless. Now he is the acting head of the township in good name.

"A few days ago, I went to the county primary school. After I came back, I walked around our school twice. To be honest, the environment of our school is really bad. There are not many children in school. , I really want to ask the comrades here, do you think this is normal?"

Li Mubai tapped his fingers rhythmically on the conference table, and said, "Vice Chief Chen, you have always been in charge of education, right?"

Having said this, Li Mubai cast his gaze on Chen Liqiang.

"Yes, I'm in charge of education." Having already been asked about his head, Chen Liqiang had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "The township chief, you also know the financial situation of our township. Now a small group goes up and down. Adding up, there are only four teachers, and two of them have no salary. In this way, the salaries of these four teachers are now only paid half, and the others have been in arrears for nearly three years."

Li Mubai also knew that what Chen Liqiang said was a fact, there was no money in the township, so how could he use it to fund his teachers.However, the situation is different now, and Li Mubai will absolutely not allow this to happen during his tenure.

Immediately, he said: "Comrade Chen Liqiang, after the meeting is over, you take the four teachers to the financial office, and first make up the wages owed to them."

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing you need to do immediately." Li Mubai said, "You can contact Shengshi Group to see if you can hire a more professional person to help us with the budget and build a primary school in the city. How much money do you need, how much money do you want?"

"Yes, I understand. I will contact the Shengshi Group immediately after the meeting." Hearing Li Mubai's arrangement, Chen Liqiang's heart suddenly blossomed with joy.Everyone knows that this is a lucrative job, and Li Mubai delegated the power to him to operate it, which is simply sending a signal that anyone who opposes me will do no good.

During the meeting that day, only Chen Liqiang expressed his attitude and stood on Li Mubai's side.Originally, he was also taking a gamble, but he didn't expect that he not only won the bet, but also got Li Mubai's reuse.

Everyone knows that there are many times when Li Mubai is still willing to delegate power.Now when almost all the comrades look at Chen Liqiang again, they can't help but show a little more envy in their eyes.

Just when Li Mubai was about to announce the end of the meeting, Zhu Guowu raised his hands and said, "Major Li, before the meeting, the party committee called and asked us to allocate some money to repair the government's office environment."

This kind of thing is not something that Zhu Guowu, a small financial director, can make a decision on. The reason why he chose to say it on this occasion is that Zhu Guowu is saying that I can't handle the township chief, and he has also released him to choose camp position.

Originally, the director of the financial office was generally a member of the township chief's camp.Now Lin Dong is no longer the mayor of the township, and Zhu Guowu is very worried about the position under his butt.

It is said that a gentleman and a courtier, if he can't clearly express his attitude at this time, then he is likely to give up this position.Even so, Zhu Guowu didn't have the confidence in his heart. After all, he was once on Lin Dong's side.Whether Li Mubai can accept it is still unknown, especially since Zhu Guowu has seen it.The benefactor Li Mubai is a person with some real skills.

Don't underestimate the 70 yuan. No matter who was the head of the township, there was no such thing in Chuntao Township before.What is the concept of non-reimbursable donation?

"Are you kidding me?" Hearing Zhu Guowu's words, Li Mubai's face immediately sank, and he said: "In the future, no matter who calls and wants money, you should tell him and let him come to me!"

Li Mubai actually expected that someone would be jealous of the money, but he did not expect Luo Guanhua to be so impatient.Especially when he heard that some office environments were going to be repaired, Li Mubai's anger suddenly exploded.He said loudly: "We are here to serve the people, not to be uncles. I know that some people will scold me in their hearts, saying that I have a high profile. But it doesn't matter, don't say you scold me behind my back, even if you are If you scold me like this in person, I will tell you clearly, if you feel that the environment in Chuntao Township is too difficult, then you can bring it up now, and I will allow you to resign or be transferred."

After speaking, Li Mubai quietly looked at the comrades present, seeing that no one stood up to speak, so Li Mubai waved his hand and said, "The meeting is over."

"There are still meetings here and there, and he is the one who decides!"

After the meeting, Zhao Yang came to Feng Jiangtao's office.Now, the two of them are somewhat connected by fate.

"Hey..." Before he could speak, Zhao Yang let out a long sigh.Who made him think that he was on the wrong team at the beginning, Li Mubai's attitude was very tough at the meeting just now, your party committee wants money, but you don't have any.

They don't think that Luo Guanhua can beat Li Mubai now. When the boy was the deputy mayor, he had already fought against Luo Guanhua, and he won a big victory every time.

Although Li Mubai's rank has not increased now, his position has increased.Now in Chuntao Township, Luo Guanhua has almost become a dispensable party secretary.A secretary of the party committee who doesn't even have a sense of existence is not alone!

Comparing face with position, Zhao Yang thinks that face can be put down, but if position is lost, it will be gone.Immediately, he said solemnly: "Actually, it's not like we have no chance at all."

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