my wife is the leader

Chapter 143 The pride in the bones

Li Mubai's thoughts flashed in an instant, but he didn't have the slightest good impression of this yamen in front of him, and he didn't want to have any relationship with this kind of person.Immediately, he said lightly, "You should go home and nurse."


This guy dropped a sentence that made Pang Fei laugh, and turned around and walked into the Mingyang City Hotel in a leisurely manner.

Although there was such an episode, it was quickly forgotten by those who came to invest and participate in the exhibition.

The TV set in Chuntao Township was also moved down on the second floor.This time, no one dared to stand up and say anything.This guy has no fear in front of the mayor, and no one wants to make things difficult for him.

Even if you are dissatisfied in your heart, you have no choice but to pretend that you have not seen it, out of sight and out of mind.

Needless to say, the TV placed at the door has attracted many investors and enterprises.

Although Li Mubai's previous performance was a bit contrary to the image of a cadre, but more people were attracted by the picturesque scenery of Rooster Mountain.After seeing such a beautiful environment, one of the Hong Kong businessmen from Xiangjiang almost dragged the comrades from Chuntao Township to take him for a field trip.

This promotional video alone played a huge role. In front of the Chuntao Township booth, it can only be described as overcrowded.

There are three floors inside and three floors outside. Many businessmen who want to invest have come forward to inquire.

Niu Shengli talked for more than an hour without stopping.

Although there are many people who inquire, there are not many who are really interested in investing in Chuntao Township.Especially after Niu Shengli introduced the current situation of Chuntao Township, many investors put down the idea of ​​investing.

The scenery there is picturesque, but it cannot change the fact that the countryside is remote.Many investors are not optimistic about the hardware of Chuntao Township, which also makes the hearts of the surrounding booths feel a lot more balanced.

"Boss, it's not a problem to continue like this." During the lunch break, Niu Shengli sat beside Li Mubai worriedly.

During this morning, there were no less than two hundred people who came to inquire, but there were not even five families who were willing to investigate.Such a ratio made Niu Shengli unable to sit still.

"How many days is the exhibition? You can't sit still for just one day. What about the next days?"

Li Mubai was not in a hurry, although he also hoped that this economic and trade fair would bring more opportunities and development to Chuntao Township, but the merchants also had their own ideas and worries.These are beyond Li Mubai's control, and he pays more attention to insisting on relevant policies.


Niu Shengli scratched his head worryingly. Today, the County Investment Promotion Bureau has signed a 400 million investment intention agreement. Although it is only an initialed intention, Chuntao Township does not even have more than two hands of people who are willing to investigate. This makes him feel that There is too much pressure in my heart.

Whether it's a promotional video or a leaflet, there is nothing more brilliant than Chuntao Township's work.And this was also the first time he, Niu Shengli, had the opportunity to perform in front of Li Mubai.It is impossible to say that you are not impatient.

"Remember, our policies will never change, let alone give up the interests of the masses for the sake of attracting investment. I'm not talking high-profile, but looking for a win-win enterprise, a conscientious enterprise. Only such enterprises can investors develop for a long time. It is my principle to prefer shortages to excesses." Li Mubai seemed to see Niu Shengli's worries, and he said earnestly: "Economic construction requires not only enterprises, but also wealth. Influx, but a good environment. Whether it is the investment environment, or government functions.”

"I see." Niu Shengli seemed to understand Li Mubai's words, but there were still many things he couldn't understand.After all, if Chuntao Township wants to develop now, what it needs most is the entry of a large number of enterprises and various investors.Only in this way can Chuntao Township undergo an earth-shaking change, but Li Mubai has been emphasizing a win-win situation all the time, and the interests of the common people should not be lost.

However, if there is no normality that makes other companies and investors tempted, why should they come to Chuntao Township to invest?

Involuntarily, Niu Shengli's attention to Li Mubai dropped a bit.He now feels that this person is a bit too idealistic, otherwise he wouldn't be high-spirited.

"I'll leave it to you here. If you have anything to do, call in time. Experts from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences will come to the village in the afternoon."

In addition to the Economic and Trade Association, Li Mubai also attaches great importance to the development of agriculture.

Chuntao Township was originally an agricultural base, and there was no foundation for industrial construction.Although he participated in the economic and trade fair, Li Mubai did not pin all his expectations on this economic and trade fair.This guy's plan, no matter what, is to first spread the reputation of Chuntao Township.

Now it seems that this expected effect has been achieved, regardless of whether there is mixed reputation or not, but these companies, investors, and brother towns who came here today know that there is a Chuntao Township in Mingyang City, and there is a town that can do it. The young village head who was slapped made him turn around three times.

After lunch, Li Mubai rushed to the Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Mingyang City, where he met Ren Shen, picked up more than a dozen experts and graduate students from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and returned to Chuntao Township together.

He leisurely went back to work, but Pang Fei's head is about to explode now.

Lu Xiaobei rushed directly to the Provincial Party Committee with his cheeks that still had fingerprints, and he would never let this matter rest.

It's fine that the mayor is partial to Li Mubai, but are you able to offend the Lu family?

He wanted to see if the mayor of Pang Fei could continue today.

Even Pang Fei felt extremely depressed.

Damn, Li Mubai was the one who hit the person, but now, the hatred has actually been transferred to him.

There was no other way, so Pang Fei had no choice but to rush to the Provincial Party Committee with this Young Master Lu.

"Secretary Pei, my request is very simple. Get rid of this unqualified mayor, and get rid of that shitty township chief. Otherwise, even if I find the central government, I still have to ask for an explanation!"

Although it was a big official from the frontier, Lu Xiaobei's tone of voice was still very arrogant.I really don't know where this guy got his courage and confidence.

"This joke is not very funny."

Pei Daguang's expression was very calm, he was neither annoyed by Li Mubai for doing such a thing, nor ashamed by Lu Xiaobei's arrogance.His calm tone made people feel that he did not look like a powerful provincial party secretary, but rather like an elder next door.

"Secretary Pei, I'm telling you very seriously."

Lu Xiaobei was really not used to Pei Daguang's tone.

Although he said it harshly, he also knew that his request was a little too much.Not to mention that he is just a businessman, even if he uses the identity of the Lu family, it is not his turn to talk about such matters.At most, he would just go back and say a few bad things about Ningdong Province to his uncle, and this person in front of him is not a small department-level cadre. Looking at the whole country, there are only a few such officials in Xinjiang.

However, he couldn't swallow this breath, it was not just a matter of being beaten, in his opinion, it also had face, the face of the Lu family included.Even if it is impossible for Pei Daguang to remove a mayor, he still needs to make Pei Daguang understand his determination.

"Children of your generation like to fight and fight." Pei Daguang defuses Lu Xiaobei's offensive with one sentence, and directly defines the incident as a fight between children, which is not political. Instead, it becomes a personal relationship.In this way, even if Lu Xiaobei turned his mouth on his head when he returned home, he believed that the people in the Lu family would not be able to watch such a child messing around.

Besides, he is also a secretary of the provincial party committee, and this is not his Lu family's territory.Even if Lu Pengzhan really knew about this matter, he would never stand up and speak up for Lu Xiaobei.

"Secretary Pei, what you said is wrong." Lu Xiaobei also realized that if he followed Pei Daguang's words, this matter would not cause trouble at all, and he would not be able to take advantage of it.If it was just an apology, then Lu Xiaobei would completely lose face in Mingyang City.

"Xiao Bei, if I remember correctly, you are about the same age as Zhi Zhi from the Ding family."

Although Pei Daguang was a little dissatisfied in his heart, for the sake of the Lu family, he tried his best to keep his tone calm.Said: "That kid even went to Mingyang City to play for a few days ago."

Having said this, Pei Daguang stopped talking.He believed that this yamen should be able to understand what was contained in these words after he returned. If he didn't even have this understanding, then he would lose his position as a yamen.

After speaking, Pei Daguang looked at his watch, the meaning was already very obvious.

Lu Xiaobei, who was born in a family of officials and officials, understood even more that this was to see off guests.However, he didn't understand why Pei Daguang suddenly mentioned Ding Yichi.

He also heard that the kid went out with his grandfather for a while, but what does this have to do with him?

Back at the hotel, Lu Xiaobei picked up the phone and called the buddies in Yanjing one after another.

Although he and Ding Yiyi didn't play in the same circle, Yanjing's circle is so big, and it's no secret that something happened.

He firmly believed that, as a secretary of the provincial party committee, he would never say a single irrelevant word.

Unexpectedly, after making the phone call, Lu Xiaobei's jaw almost dropped to his hands.

Nima, there is actually such a person hiding in Mingyang City.

Ding Yiyi was originally a Yameni who was rapidly rising in Yanjing, and he was also dubbed the Fourth Young Master of the capital.The most terrible thing is that this guy is different from other yamen, he is simply a mad dog.

And in Yanjing, no yamen is willing to offend such a mad dog.However, what shocked Lu Xiaobei the most was that such a mad dog actually had two close brothers, one of whom was Jiang Hongyu from Guangdong Hai Province, and the other was the mayor of Chuntao Township, Li Mubai!

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