my wife is the leader

Chapter 159 Great Contrast

Seeing the man with glasses clenched his fists, Li Mubai smiled disdainfully.Not to mention that the man in front of him is thin, even if he is thick.Li Mubai was 120 points sure that he would bring him down in a second, or even kill him.

"What's the matter? Sven man, do you want to make a move?" The guy was afraid that the matter would not be serious, so he took a step forward, almost touching the body of the man with glasses.He said provocatively: "Just like you, you have no power to restrain the chicken. I advise you to put away this idea. There is another piece of advice for you, don't open your mouth elegantly, shut up elegantly. Elegance is not pretended, The grandson is just pretending."

Depend on!

Li Mubai's words immediately made many people stand up and clap their hands. This sentence is really classic.

"You, a vulgar person, are you worthy of talking about elegance?"

The man with glasses is also aware of his combat power, and is obviously no match for the young man in front of him.However, in front of beautiful women, he will not let it go.Even if you are not an opponent in terms of force, you must not bow your head in terms of momentum.

"Haha, okay, since you say I'm vulgar, let me ask you, a self-proclaimed elegant person, a question." Li Mubai sat down on the chair with great interest, and poured the cup of coffee that Pei Qinglin hadn't finished just now. He picked it up and said: "Then tell me about this cup of coffee. Since you come here to drink coffee, you must have a certain understanding of coffee, the drinking of coffee, the place of origin, and the way it has been made. Then you Tell me, how do you drink coffee? Or tell me what kind of coffee this cup of coffee is."

This question sounds relatively simple.Not to mention the man with glasses, maybe everyone here can say a few words.The questions Li Mubai asked seemed to be the most basic common sense, anyone with a little knowledge could answer them.

And as a person who claims to be elegant, refined, and knowledgeable, he even sneered.He thought that Li Mubai could ask such a harsh question, but he didn't expect to ask such a low-level question.

"Who doesn't know that this cup of coffee is the signature of Moulin Rouge, Blue Mountain Coffee?"

The man with glasses raised the corners of his mouth and said disapprovingly: "If someone doesn't even know about this, he only deserves to drink like a barbarian."

These words clearly mean that Li Mubai is a barbarian, that is to say, this guy drinks coffee like a cow.

However, Li Mubai was not angry when he heard this sentence, but smiled instead.

"Is this cup of Blue Mountain coffee? Haha, I have really seen it. It's not that I look down on you, but I really look down on you. I'm afraid you haven't even seen what Blue Mountain coffee is like."

With a disdainful smile on the corner of Li Mubai's mouth, he raised his palm and shook it gently a few times, and said slowly: "Blue Mountain coffee is produced in the Blue Mountain of Jamaica, and the so-called Blue Mountain coffee was produced in [-]. The King of France, Louis XV ordered the planting to begin. In addition to Blue Mountain, it is also widely planted in the St. Andrew area. Portland and St. Thomas are the largest producing areas of Blue Mountain coffee.”

Having said this, Li Mubai paused for a moment, put the coffee cup in his hand under his nose and sniffed, and continued: "However, coffee from those production areas can be called Blue Mountain coffee. But the most authentic Blue Mountain coffee refers to the east of Kingston, on the Blue Mountain above a kilometer above sea level. In addition, Blue Mountain coffee has extremely strict craftsmanship in both collection and production. Don’t It is said that in China, it is difficult to drink authentic Blue Mountain coffee even in Jamaica. Therefore, a person like you is only worthy of talking, shouting slogans, and pretending to be a grandson!"


Almost as Li Mubai's voice fell to the ground, the entire coffee shop became extremely quiet.

Everyone knows Blue Mountain Coffee, but no one can explain it in such detail as Li Mubai.Even the man with glasses standing opposite him opened his mouth a few times, but he didn't know how to refute Li Mubai's words.

He had never been to Jamaica, and he didn't even know where Jamaica was, let alone Louis XV.

"Just say a few foreign place names and come out to bluff people?" The man with glasses was obviously not convinced, but even he felt that he lacked the confidence to say this sentence himself.

"Buffing people?" Hearing these words, Li Mubai looked up to the sky and laughed out loud, regardless of where this place was or what kind of elegant and elegant atmosphere it had.He said loudly: "I think your head is really caught in the door. You are not a beauty. Why should I frighten you? Frighten you into bed?"

Haha ...

Although Li Mubai's words were very vulgar, they already revealed the truth.There is no need for Li Mubai to explain who is right and what is wrong, and to talk nonsense.Even a stupid person can see what is going on at this time.

"Let's go."

Pei Qinglin's pretty face was as red as a ripe peach.Why does this bastard dare to say anything?

"Okay." Li Mubai took out three hundred-yuan bills from his pocket. Although he didn't know how much a cup of this coffee cost, these three bills should be enough to pay for these two cups of coffee.

He slapped the money on the table, and said to the man with glasses who stood there in embarrassment: "If you want to pick up a girl, you have to learn some culture, don't you wear glasses and put on a suit to pretend to be a grandson?" .”

After speaking, this guy drank the unfinished cup of coffee in one gulp.

"That's my cup!"

Pei Qinglin has no way to describe her mood at this moment.This bastard actually drank that cup of coffee with his own cup just now.

"I don't think you're dirty."

Li Mubai raised his palm again, and wiped the corner of his mouth indecently.This is completely different from when he talked about it just now.

Pei Qinglin suddenly felt that her nerves seemed to be a little split.What kind of person is this guy?

It was the first time for her to look at Li Mubai seriously.

At the age of 20, there are too many places that people can't understand or understand.

"Sister Pei, where do you think we should talk?"

With envious eyes, Li Mubai and Pei Qinglin walked out of the coffee shop.

"Choose a place." Pei Qinglin was very smart, and left the choice to Li Mubai this time.She was very curious about where this enigmatic man would choose.

However, in less than 10 minutes, Pei Qinglin regretted her judgment.

This kid actually brought Pei Qinglin to a roadside stall. To be precise, it was a roadside stall with kebabs.

Pei Qinglin is a lady from a great family, she has received a good education since she was a child, and she is also a highly educated talented woman.Growing up so big, she has never eaten at a roadside stall.

However, this guy actually led such a lady from a great family, and she was such a big beauty who brought disaster to the country and the people, and sat down impressively next to the kebab stall on the roadside.

Li Mubai ordered twenty skewers of mutton, two bottles of beer, and a plate of boiled peanuts.

"Sister Pei, try it, it tastes very good."

The mutton skewers came up very quickly. She picked up the skewers and handed them to Pei Qinglin, saying: "Mutton has high nutritional value and less fat. Women won't get fat easily after eating it, especially roasted mutton." Skewers, not only taste delicious, even the smell can arouse appetite."

This guy almost closed his eyes and was completely intoxicated.

"I'm not hungry."

No matter how nice what Li Mubai said, Pei Qinglin was not moved.

Especially when she saw that the mutton kebab stove was pitch-black, she left without turning around, which was already a great deal of face to Li Mubai.

"Then I'll eat first." This guy doesn't know what it means to be polite.

He grabbed a skewer and put it on his mouth, bit the bottom piece of meat, pulled his arm outward, and a skewer of mutton went into Li Mubai's mouth.

"It's really fragrant. This taste is almost as good as the authentic ones from Xijiang."

While chewing, Li Mubai brought over the beer.No need for a glass, facing the wine bottle, this guy raised his neck, bang bang bang, and drank half a bottle of beer.

Pei Qinglin who was sitting opposite was a little dumbfounded.

Is this guy really the mayor?Or are grassroots cadres all of this virtue?

"Sister Pei, there is something I want to ask for your help."

After eliminating another bunch, Li Mubai said, "Look at this first."

Li Mubai took out the copy again and put it in front of Pei Qinglin.

Of course Pei Qinglin knew that Li Mubai was begging her for something, and she was also very curious about what this guy was begging for herself.When she finished reading the contents of the paper in front of her, a look of anger appeared on her pretty face.

"Scum! This is simply the scum among the reporters!"

As a reporter for a provincial newspaper, a very professional reporter, Pei Qinglin expressed extreme indignation at this incident.

I have also heard that many reporters have gray incomes before, but that is only heard, but I have never seen it.And now Li Mubai handed her a content that was conclusive, which made Pei Qinglin furious.

Although Pei Qinglin looks like a very gentle beauty on the surface, this woman is still very manly in her bones.Otherwise, he wouldn't be the runner-up in the martial arts competition that year.

"Is the situation true?" Pei Qinglin was most concerned about the truth of the matter.

As a professional reporter, you must first have a good professional ethics. Whether it is a positive or negative report, you must respect the facts and be authentic.This is her principle.

"The person who wrote this material is still in Chuntao Township."

When Pei Qinglin read this material, Li Mubai had already finished off a bottle of beer and more than a dozen skewers of mutton.

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