my wife is the leader

Chapter 315 Meeting at the Airport

Without Fei Changqing's repeated warnings, this guy really wanted to drag Zheng Jian into the water, but after thinking about it seriously, the possibility of this was getting smaller and smaller, and finally he gave up this idea.Even if you drag this guy in, you may not be able to take it down. It's better to hold this matter in your hands first, and it will come in handy sooner or later.

The matter of heaven and earth has come to an end, but Li Mubai did not relax because of this. Guo Zhiguang left Chuntao Township with an unpredictable attitude, but Li Mubai did not seem to be idle just because the people from Hon Hai Technology left. down.He hadn't been to the office of China Merchants until now. It wasn't for playing tricks. On the day Guo Zhiguang left, Li Mubai was called to the office by Pang Fei.

Mayor Pang still cared very much about the work of Hon Hai Technology, and the bosses in the province also cared very much.Although he knew that it was impossible for Li Mubai to implement this matter alone, Pang Fei still made a clear request to Li Mubai.

Although Li Mubai had some headaches, there are advantages and disadvantages in everything, and it is definitely a good thing for Chuntao Township to pay attention to it in the city.Before returning to Chuntao Township, Li Mubai received a call from Tang Jie. The secretary was actually more concerned. However, when Guo Zhiguang left, he had a meeting in the city. When he found out, he had already left Chuntao Township.

"This is a great opportunity for Chuntao Township, and it is also a very rare opportunity for you." Tang Jie always communicated with Li Mubai straight to the point, not like a leader to a subordinate at all.

"The layout of Chuntao Township is still a bit small." This sentence has been in Li Mubai's heart for a long time. He has always wanted to find an opportunity to talk to Tang Jie about his plan for Chuntao Township, but unfortunately he has not waited for Li Mubai Saying that, this guy has already left Chuntao Township.However, the current opportunity is still very good. Since Tang Jie also had a similar idea, Li Mubai gave a general idea of ​​his own.

Although he was not very mature yet, Tang Jie's eyes sparkled when he heard it.Tang Jie always thought that his view of the overall situation was pretty good, and he could be regarded as an enterprising leader.However, after hearing Li Mubai's plan, he couldn't help sighing secretly: After all, he is still a young man, dare to think!

"Secretary, in fact, my idea was also triggered by Hon Hai Technology's site selection." After talking about the idea, Li Mubai explained again.

Guo Zhiguang is more interested in a piece of land in Chuntao Township, but the ownership of this land is not entirely from Chuntao Township, and there are two other villages in the neighboring villages.When Chuntao Township was upgraded to a development zone, one of the shortcomings was precisely because of the geographical problem.

And Li Mubai's idea is to divide the two surrounding villages into Chuntao Township, so that the area of ​​Chuntao Township has expanded since then, and Li Mubai proposed a new Chuntao District idea.

I have to say that this idea is a bit too bold.Although the name of the development zone has not been assigned to Chuntao Township, once this new zone is formed, it will have extraordinary significance both in terms of strategy and in terms of development and construction.

"It's a good idea." Tang Jie pondered for a while, weighing the possibilities.Although he is the secretary of the county party committee, such a merger still needs to be reported to the city.But the weight of his report as a county party secretary seems a little light, Tang Jie then said: "We need to verify it in many places and make a serious plan."

Although Li Mubai said this idea, it is best to report it in the name of Tang Jie, not only because Li Mubai's weight is too light, but more importantly, his position does not allow it.

Li Mubai also seemed to understand the key issue, and immediately expressed his understanding.

In the following time, Li Mubai ran around the village below almost every day.For more than a month, Li Mubai almost never appeared in the county party committee or China Merchants Bureau, but Tang Jie didn't seem to know about it, and he also made his own investigation and submitted the report to the municipal party committee and government.

A month passed in a flash, and the city didn't say a word about it, as if they hadn't seen the report Tang Jie submitted.What's surprising is that Tang Jie didn't seem to submit a report either. He didn't mention this matter whether he went to a meeting in the city or at the county standing committee meeting.As for the Hon Hai Technology Group, there was also no news at all, and even Li Mubai couldn't figure out the reason.

Li Mubai was still young after all, and his experience did not allow him to analyze what went wrong. In the end, he came to Tang Jie's office to seek answers.

"It's later than I expected, not bad." Tang Jie looked at Li Mubai with a smile. He thought that Li Mubai's heart should have come to ask why a week ago. Being able to persist for such a long time shows that this little guy is A lot more stable and calm.

Li Mubai scratched his head. During this time, he was thinking about this question almost every day, and once the new district was established, the biggest beneficiary would definitely be Tang Jie.But this big guy didn't seem to be in a hurry.Is this the stability in the legend?Li Mubai really didn't believe it.

Now he is no longer the rookie he was at the beginning, and has seen countless people who will do anything for political achievements.But the strange thing here was that he couldn't figure it out after thinking for a long time, and finally he gave up asking again. If Tang Jie could speak, he would naturally speak out.

"Let's put aside the work at hand and go to Xiangjiang." Tang Jie became more and more satisfied with Li Mubai's performance, at least now this kid has a bit of composure.Although Li Mubai moved his mouth just now, he still didn't ask why, which means that Li Mubai now knows how to think, but this is not something a rookie who has only entered the official career for more than a year can figure out.

"Yes, I understand."

Tang Jie's words immediately made Li Mubai understand almost all the questions.There is no objection in the city, but this is not a trivial matter. At least there must be a name and reason, so that the above can speak up.

It seems that the key to everything lies in Hon Hai Technology. As long as there is an intention to invest, even if there is no investment to build a factory in the end, as long as there is this intention or action, then this matter will be easy to operate. Much simpler.

During this period of time, Li Mubai also conducted research among the villages that were to be merged. Although some people thought that Chuntao Township was still in a backward state, many people saw the changes in Chuntao Township.If Hon Hai Technology can really build a factory in Chuntao Township, it will not only solve many jobs, but it will also be an epoch-making change for Chuntao Township.

Regardless of his political achievements, Li Mubai still sincerely hopes to see the development of Chuntao Township. Not only has he poured his heart and soul into it, but he also regards Chuntao Township as his second home, even compared to the "home" in Yanjing. "The weight should be a little heavier.

In fact, Li Mubai didn't have any work to hand over, whether this guy's position in the county party committee or in the China Merchants Bureau was almost just a name.But before going there, Li Mubai still contacted Guo Zhiguang, expressing that he wanted to pay a visit.Even though Li Mubai didn't explain the reason, it was no different from the lice on the monk's head.

Guo Zhiguang did not refuse, but expressed his welcome. After confirming the date, Li Mubai booked the flight to Yanjing.Although Mingyang City also has an airport, unfortunately there is no flight to Xiangjiang yet. If you want to go to Xiangjiang, you must take a flight in Yanjing.

But what Li Mubai didn't expect was that when he just got out of the car and hadn't entered the airport, several policemen in police uniforms walked towards him and blocked his way.

Lu Xiaohai!

This is a person Li Mubai is quite familiar with. Although there is not much communication between the two of them, the appearance of this guy is obviously not to see him off.

"Comrade Li Mubai has a criminal case that requires you to cooperate with us to go back and investigate."

Lu Xiaohai was wearing a police uniform with the epaulettes of a second-level superintendent, and there was no expression on his face, as if he didn't know Li Mubai at all.

"Where's your certificate?" Li Mubai twitched his lips, since Lu Xiaohai had already started to make trouble for him, there was no need to pay attention to affection.Anyway, the two sides have nothing to compromise and talk about, Li Mubai also said coldly with a straight face.

"You don't need to do such unnecessary things, you'd better cooperate with me to investigate now." Lu Xiaohai stepped forward, raised the corner of his mouth, and said, "If you want to resist, don't blame me for not giving it to you." Save face, and don't forget your identity."

"Haha, this is the funniest joke I've heard this year." Li Mubai raised his head and laughed loudly, pointing at Lu Xiaohai's nose and said sharply: "Don't think that you can do whatever you want after wearing this skin, don't talk nonsense, take it out Your certificate, or else don't blame me for not giving you face!"

"Assistant Li, calm down, it's all routine."

Seeing that Li Mubai was showing signs of turning his back, a police officer behind Lu Xiaohai immediately took two steps forward and stood between the two of them.

Although these people were all brought by Lu Xiaohai, and they can be regarded as members of Lu Xiaohai's camp, but Li Mubai's name is very famous in Xincheng County.Before these people came, they didn't know that Lu Xiaohai was here to trouble Li Mubai. If they had known, most of them would not have appeared here.

What a joke, he is now an assistant to the secretary of the county party committee, and also the deputy director of the China Merchants Bureau.Not to mention whether there is any problem in itself, this position alone is beyond the reach of people like them.

At a young age, Li Mubai is also a member of the system, but at an older age, this is tantamount to slapping the county party secretary in the face.The deputy director has a lot of background, so he can ignore the secretary of the county party committee, but they can't.

The most important thing is that Li Mubai's reputation is notoriously flawed, and no one would want to provoke this evil star.The County Commission for Discipline Inspection is not good, they even blocked the gate of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection, how is it now? How much background can achieve this level?

"It's routine, okay, please show your ID." Li Mubai looked at Lu Xiaohai with a cold face, he didn't know where his confidence came from, but Li Mubai was already angry at this moment...

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