Li Mubai was not too surprised by such a situation.However, the people Tang Muyu brought really surprised Li Mubai, although Guo Shishi did not introduce Tang Muyu's background and family background.But Li Mubai is very clear about one thing, birds of a feather gather together and people are divided into groups, and the marriage of children in a big family must be a well-matched family.If Tang Muyu was really just someone from the underground world, then the Guo family would definitely not marry him.

"Daluzi, don't say I bullied you." In less than 5 minutes, only Li Mubai and Guo Shishi were left sitting here in the restaurant.The purpose of Shanying's trip is to teach this new-faced Dalu boy a lesson. He swaggered his arms, stood in front of Li Mubai arrogantly, and said arrogantly, "I'll give you two choices."

As he spoke, Shan Ying stretched out two fingers, "The first option is to cut off one arm and go back to the inland immediately, never to appear in Xiangjiang again. The second option, you can choose not to leave, forever Stay in Xiangjiang."

"Tang Muyu, do you believe that I called Uncle Tang?" Guo Shishi was very convinced that Shanying was not joking.In his cold eyes, Guo Shishi read a kind of cruelty.

It sounds very arrogant and lawless, but this kind of thing is really not a big deal in Xiangjiang.If Li Mubai was just an ordinary person, Guo Shishi might not care too much.But Li Mubai's status is different. Apart from being a civil servant in the interior, he is also a young master with a strong background.

If something unexpected happened to Li Mubai in Xiangjiang, then it would be a dream for Hon Hai Technology to develop inland.That person is now a deputy state-level leader, such a person, such a relationship, it is too late for the Guo family to win over.

"Guo Shishi, who do you think you are? Don't think that you will scare me when you bring me out of my father's place. Let me tell you, Guo Shishi, today I will let you know that no matter who is by your side except me, I will bear my pain." Angry." Tang Muyu raised the corner of his mouth coldly, like a cruel beast, with a cold light in his eyes. "It's not impossible to save this little boy. Go to bed with me now. As long as I fuck you, today's business will be over, or..."

Tang Muyu didn't say what he threatened later, he believed that Guo Shishi absolutely understood what he meant.And he also saw that this Daluzi should be her more important guest, but this is Xiangjiang.And it's not a day or two since he was greedy for Guo Shishi's beauty, but he had been wearing a mask before. Now that his face has been torn apart today, as long as he fucks Guo Shishi and turns her into his own woman, even if the Guo family knows It's hard to say anything.

This kind of thing is not glorious even for ordinary people, not to mention that the Guo family is considered a well-known family in Xiangjiang. Even if Guo Zhiguang knew about it, he would hide the news.Regardless of whether Guo Shishi would agree or not, he did not intend to let her go today.

"Waiter, is our dish ready yet?"

Just when the atmosphere became heated and was about to explode, Li Mubai seemed not to see the situation in front of him, directly ignoring Shanying standing opposite him, and asked loudly.

Is this kid out of his mind?

Shan Ying had already displayed the most ferocious aura, but he found that the Dalu boy in front of him hadn't even looked at him. This was simply a provocation to Shan Ying, a naked provocation .

"Lu Dazai, I want you to die!" In Xiangjiang, there are not many people who dare to ignore his existence like this, but this Daluzai in front of him will definitely not be among them.As he spoke, Shanying raised his fists high.

"If I were you, just stand obediently by your master's side and be careful not to hurt yourself." Li Mubai seemed not to see the raised fist, took out a pack of cigarettes in his pocket, and took out one, leisurely. Xu's lit.The most hateful thing is that this calf raised Erlang's legs and said in a more arrogant tone than Tang Muyu: "It's been a long time since I killed anyone, don't force me."

Li Mubai's voice was not loud, and his tone was very flat, as if what he said was not killing people, but killing a kitten and puppy.No, it doesn't even count as killing kittens and puppies, but it seems to be talking about something as common as eating and sleeping.

"You bluffed me!"

Who is Shanying? He is a leader of the Red Star branch.Although part of what he said just now was threatening, how could he hear the big talk from the Dalu boy on the opposite side, who was more arrogant than himself.

"You can try." Li Mubai's tone was still very flat, the expression on his face was as relaxed as his tone, and he didn't take the raised fist seriously.


Guo Shishi didn't know where Li Mubai's confidence came from, but she was very clear about one thing, Li Mubai must not have any problems here.


Although Guo Shishi yelled out her words, it was a pity that before her words fell to the ground, there was a muffled sound.


Guo Shishi secretly said badly in her heart.

Apart from being young, Li Mubai's body doesn't look that muscular, just like an ordinary young man in his 20s.And that Shanying is not only a big bastard, but also looks like he has been exercising every day.In addition, Hong Xing's gang rolled on the tip of the knife almost every day. If Li Mubai was not beaten half to death with this punch, it is still very possible to break a few bones.

Because the muffled sound was too loud.

However, when Guo Shishi turned her eyes to Li Mubai, she was surprised to find that Li Mubai was still sitting there calmly, as if nothing had happened.

How can it be?

Guo Shishi rubbed her eyes, and confirmed that it was Li Mubai who was sitting there, and it wasn't her own misreading.

"You dare to do it!"

Not to mention that Guo Shishi couldn't believe her eyes.Even Tang Muyu who was standing beside him couldn't believe what he saw just now.

At the moment when Guo Shishi spoke just now, before Shan Ying's fist landed, that Dalu boy raised his leg and kicked Shan Ying.Although this kick seemed to have no strength at all, Shan Ying was kicked away by that bastard like a sandbag.

And Shan Ying didn't expect that this bastard was even faster and more ruthless than himself.

With just one kick, Shan Ying felt as if a speeding car had hit him in the stomach.In an instant, his body seemed to be overwhelmed, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"You can call the police." Li Mubai flicked the cigarette ash disapprovingly, as if nothing happened.

"Bastard, I make your life worse than death!" How could Tang Muyu call the police, this guy yelled at the other people with a dark face: "Hit, beat the young master to death, and take responsibility for the young master!"

It wasn't until Tang Muyu's voice fell to the ground that Guo Shishi realized that the matter was serious, beyond her imagination.Without waiting for Tang Muyu to make any move, she stood up suddenly, and quickly dialed a series of numbers on the phone with her fingers.

"Li Mubai, you run first, they dare not do anything to me."

Guo Shishi pulled Li Mubai and told him to run quickly, but who is Li Mubai, how could he leave Guo Shishi here alone, don't say that these people are not Li Mubai's opponents, even if Li Mubai is beyond his power, he will definitely not leave him alone. Danger is left to a woman to face.

"It's fine, don't worry." Although Li Mubai was a little dissatisfied with Guo Shishi's previous actions, but at a critical moment, Guo Shishi was able to say such a sentence, which proved that this girl's character is not bad.

Throwing Guo Shishi a no-worry look, Li Mubai stepped forward and stood in front of Guo Shishi.

bang bang bang...

Although the other party rushed up three people at once, one of them was holding a chair.But in front of Li Mubai, these three people were like paper, except for the guy holding the chair to resist, the other two were all blown away by Li Mubai's punch.

I rely on!

Tang Muyu never expected that things would turn out like this.

The Dalu boy in front of him is like Bruce Lee possessed. Although standing there, there is no such a powerful strange roar, nor the slightest enthusiasm, but Li Mubai standing there leisurely in the courtyard brings him a feeling of happiness. An inexplicable pressure.

Especially in Li Mubai's calm eyes, Tang Muyu finally understood why this guy ignored Shanying's existence before.This guy is not pretending to be thirteen, but has real skills.With every gesture, these four well-known thugs in Red Star have all been knocked down on the ground, and there is not even one who can stand up.

Who is this bastard?

Previously, Tang Muyu was only concerned about burning with jealousy, and did not even inquire about Li Mubai's identity before rashly making a move. This is definitely not his style.But things have developed to this point, Tang Muyu will definitely not make low-level mistakes again, only to see a smile uglier than crying on his face, and said: "Good skills, this friend's skills are almost like It's the martial arts master in the movie. Shishi, come and sit at my house if you have time, I have something to do, see you later."

"Stop, who told you to go?" Just when Tang Muyu saw that the situation was not good and turned around to leave, Li Mubai spit out a few words faintly.

"Friend, I'm just joking with you here." Although the voice of this sentence is not loud, and there is no such domineering sideways leak, it seems to be like magic. The moment Li Mubai's voice fell to the ground, Tang Muyu felt My legs seemed to be filled with lead, and it became an extremely difficult and extravagant thing to move.

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