Li Mubai appeared in Guo's house again on the third day after he came to Xiangjiang. Although Guo Shishi was not by his side during these two days, there was an extra figure beside Li Mubai, Tang Muyu.

After that day, Mr. Tang regarded Li Mubai as his good teacher and helpful friend. Apart from the issue of chasing Guo Shishi, the two had exchanges in various aspects.This also allowed Li Mubai to have a relatively comprehensive understanding of Mr. Tang.

Feelings This son is not just a dandy, besides having a very good family background, he is also a well-educated dandy.This eldest son was also a student studying in the United States.Although she is not as recognized by the elders in her family as Guo Shishi in her career, she is also full of knowledge, full of revenge, and has her own thoughts.

What's more, Li Mubai actually found something of himself in this young master.Although the origins of the two people are different, the education they receive is also different.But one thing is the same, both of them have thicker skins.If you have to use one word to describe the relationship between two people, there is nothing more appropriate than congeniality.

These two days also allowed Li Mubai to understand what kind of situation the Guo family is facing now, and what kind of situation the Tang family is in Xiangjiang.To be honest, these two families are not wealthy families in Xiangjiang, they are at best a second-rate family.However, in such a special environment as Xiangjiang, it is not easy for a Chinese to have such a status.

"How's friend Mubai doing?" Although Guo Zhiguang was still sitting in a wheelchair, he seemed to be in better spirits than before.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Guo. You've had a good time these few days." Sitting opposite Guo Zhiguang, Li Mubai said with a polite smile, "Uncle Guo's illness has improved, too."

"Hey, I'm getting old." The moment Li Mubai said this sentence, Guo Zhiguang understood that there was something else in it.

Although Guo Shishi hadn't been by Li Mubai's side all the time these two days, Guo Zhiguang still knew very clearly who Li Mubai was hanging out with these two days.Moreover, in Li Mubai's eyes, he could already see that this boy was pretending to be sick, but since neither of them made this point clear, Guo Zhiguang would definitely not continue to entangle on this topic.

Guo Zhiguang knew more about Li Mubai's actions than anyone else.The reason why he pretended to be sick was not only that the internal contradictions of the Guo family required him to pretend to be sick, but at the same time he had to admire Li Mubai's mind.This little guy has been in Xiangjiang for four days, and he still hasn't mentioned a word about the investment in the construction of the factory until now, whether it's with himself or with his daughter.

This calmness alone is not what Li Mubai should show at his age, and he also heard that apart from being very close to Tang Muyu, this little guy had another news that surprised him.This was beyond his imagination. A relationship that he had known for less than three days actually gave the young master of the Tang family a sign that he wanted to invest in the inland.

He also watched Tang Muyu grow up since he was a child. Although that little guy is not mature enough, he has the same blood and impulsiveness as a young man.But one thing is for sure, Tang Muyu is definitely not able to be bewitched by a few words, and that kid's vision is also very high, if it is not because of some benefits or prospects that can tempt him, then Tang Muyu will never have Invest in ideas.

In a few years, Xiangjiang will return.In such a special period, both businessmen and ordinary people have their own calculations and plans in their hearts.For discerning businessmen, of course they can clearly see that the inland is a very large market.As long as they can gain a foothold in the interior, it will be a huge business opportunity and change for the development of any family.

But not everyone has this kind of thinking. Some conservatives still have the same impression of the mainland as they did a few decades ago.Moreover, there are many people who have such thoughts and judgments. In the Guo family, many shareholders have such thoughts, especially when Guo Zhiguang proposed to enter the mainland for development, among the shareholders of the family It caused quite a bit of controversy.

Hon Hai Technology has grown from scratch, from small to large, and its current scale is inseparable from Guo Zhiguang's most correct judgment.Now, the development of Hon Hai Technology is already in a bottleneck state. It is easy to say if you want to take a step forward, but it is very difficult to do it.It is precisely because of this that Guo Zhiguang set his sights on the mainland. After his investigation and judgment, he felt that only by taking this step unswervingly can he meet a greater turning point.

But with the growth of Hon Hai Technology, the courage of those old guys in the family has not only become much smaller, but they are more satisfied with the status quo.As for whether Hon Hai Technology can have a greater turnaround, it is not important to them, what is important is whether they can have a greater say in Hon Hai Technology, and have a firmer position. Guys pay more attention.

Why can't Guo Zhiguang see the disadvantages of the family business? If the current situation cannot be curbed in time, it will be a huge disaster for the future of Hon Hai Technology.

It is precisely because of this that Guo Zhiguang very much hopes to find a big tree in the mainland that can make Hon Hai reliable.Although Li Mubai was very young, his rank was also very low.But Guo Zhiguang believed that among the many choices, Li Mubai was one of the most suitable candidates.

Today's meeting was Guo Zhiguang's last judgment before making a choice. After the two exchanged a few more pleasantries, Guo Zhiguang discovered that Li Mubai, this little guy, was not usually calm.Originally, he thought that Li Mubai didn't mention a word just to put on a show, and wanted to follow his daughter's mouth to tell him that the other party was safe.But now it seems that there seems to be some differences with my own judgment and imagination.

"Little friend Mubai, aren't you worried that Hon Hai Technology will fall to another family?" Guo Zhiguang found that he really couldn't understand Li Mubai's thoughts. In the end, he was the first to raise this question. He also wanted to know how stable this guy was. What is the reliance on.

"Of course I'm worried." Li Mubai smiled, but he didn't seem to see the slightest bit of worry in his expression.

"But I'm worried that I won't be able to solve any problems." Li Mubai added without waiting for Guo Zhiguang to ask.Although this sentence sounds like nonsense, it does have a different taste in Guo Zhiguang's ears.

There is something implied in Li Mubai's words!

Guo Zhiguang thought about it for a while, and when he looked at Li Mubai again, his gaze changed somewhat.

"What do you think is the basis of cooperation?" Guo Zhiguang this time went straight to the point, without any fancy, directly asked the most critical question, and this was also a test for him to Li Mubai.

"Equality." Li Mubai did not expect Guo Zhiguang's style to change so quickly, he pondered for a while, and said two words slowly.


These two words did not have very profound meanings, but they made Guo Zhiguang a lot of thoughts pop up in his mind.As a person who has worked hard in the business world for half his life, he naturally understands the meaning of these two words. It is easy to say, but it is so difficult to achieve it.

If the person sitting across from him was a big official from the frontier, if he said these two words, then Guo Zhiguang had to pay attention.But it's just to pay attention to it, but it won't let him take it seriously.He knows very well how much moisture and gold content there are in the words of politicians.

But the same two words came from a young man in his early twenties, but they aroused too many associations in Guo Zhiguang.Although his understanding of Li Mubai has not reached the point of infinity, but his identity is very clear.

The grandson of the Lu family in Yanjing, the heir of the current deputy prime minister, and two girls from well-known families in Yanjing are chasing after him, and a farce of two daughters competing for a husband is staged.What shocked Guo Zhiguang the most was that these two girls were not insignificant people in Yanjing, and one of them was the Tang family who was about to reach the top this year.If Li Mubai married that granddaughter of the Tang family, it would mean that the two wealthy families were married, and the influence they would have would be huge, to the extent that any family would be discouraged.

He doesn't believe that the elders of these two families don't know the powerful relationship, not to mention the rich families in Huaxia, even the children of the slightly larger families in Xiangjiang, the marriage between them is The first thing to consider is the interests of the family.

The more he thought about it, the more Guo Zhiguang found that he couldn't understand Li Mubai.This kid is in his early twenties, but he has the scheming of a man in his teens.Although he didn't show any sharpness while sitting there, it was precisely this sense of mystery that made Guo Zhiguang already regard Li Mubai as someone who could talk to him on an equal footing.

"Uncle Guo still needs a lot of time to recuperate. The boy is leaving." Li Mubai could see the change in the expression on Guo Zhiguang's face, and knew that such an important decision could not be resolved with a single sentence. Immediately, he stood up slowly. Before leaving, he seemed to suddenly think of something, and said: "It's been a while since I left this trip, I will go the day after tomorrow, thank you Uncle Guo for taking care of me. Oh, by the way, Tang Muyu has already accepted me. If Miss Guo is willing to go to Chuntao Township, I can express a warm welcome on behalf of Chuntao Township.”

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