Zheng Jian didn't expect Millie's reaction to be so intense, and the intention she showed just now was very obvious, which clearly showed that the chariots and horses were going to fight him to the end.Especially when Millie asked if the whole process was recorded, Zheng Jian had a bad thought in his heart.

Not only Zheng Jian realized the seriousness of the problem, but even those comrades who raised their hands couldn't help but beat their hearts.Although Li Mubai is no longer working in Chuntao Township, the position of assistant to the secretary of the county party committee seems to be more important than that of the township head.I was thinking about my right to speak before, and ignored such an important issue. This may not be fatal, but as long as Tang Jie is still serving as the secretary of the county party committee in Xincheng County, all those who raised their hands today want to go further. It is extremely difficult.

Everyone knows the truth that it is better to offend a gentleman than to offend a villain.Maybe Li Mubai is not capable of promoting these people, but when these people are promoted, a word from Li Mubai may become the biggest obstacle.After all, Tang Jie is the secretary of the county party committee, and these people here are all county officials.In other words, the hats of these people are all in the hands of Tang Jie, and Tang Jie's attitude towards Li Mubai is well known.Now that he offended the woman who was rumored to be the God of Plague, no matter how you look at it, this is not a good prelude.

With such a mentality, no one cares about the next issues.These people are not like Zheng Jian, who has a father who used to be the deputy secretary.

Milly's dominance made Zheng Jian aware of his crisis. Even though Li Mubai was not sitting here, the shadow of this guy was still affecting most people.It can be seen from the expressions on the faces of these people. After Millie's strong performance, several of them have already shown expressions of regret.

Absolutely can't go on like this anymore!

Zheng Jian was screaming crazily in his heart, he is the party secretary of Chuntao Township and the leader of Chuntao Township.This is his territory, and it is impossible for anyone to surpass it and threaten his majesty.

With this thought in mind, Zheng Jian got in touch with the owner of the cement factory immediately after the meeting.In order to avoid accidents, the cement factory put up a sign on an open lot in Xinbei Village on the second day, indicating that this land is now owned by the cement factory.

After Millie got the news, she came to Zheng Jian's office. It is conceivable that the communication between the two of them failed very badly, and they had a big fight in the office.Although Zheng Jian is the secretary of the party committee and the top leader, Mi Li caught one point. This procedure is wrong.

Although the decision was passed at the party committee, the contract between the cement factory and the township was not signed.At least today, the right to use the land does not belong to the cement factory. Standing on this supreme principle, Millie will not give up, and made it clear that if the cement factory does not take away the sign, she does not mind letting the association Go there and enforce it.

Zheng Jian may have won the Standing Committee, but he is more aware that among the masses, his secretary is no different from an ordinary cadre.Not even as good as some deputy township heads.Among most of the people in Chuntao Township, they most recognized Li Mubai.As long as it was Li Mubai's words and requests, basically there would be no objection.

If Millie takes advantage of this, even if the decision is passed by the party committee, it is bound to encounter strong resistance in its implementation.


After Millie walked out of Zheng Jian's office, this guy broke four teacups and a newly bought teapot that didn't have much time.

"You let them build it, don't stop it." Sitting on the sofa in the room, Li Mubai received a call from Millie, pondered for a while, and then Li Mubai gave an answer that Millie couldn't understand.

"Okay, I see." Although she didn't understand in her heart, Millie knew Li Mubai's character very well.This guy is definitely a character who must report his flaws, and it is impossible for Li Mubai to compromise with Zheng Jian.There must be a countermeasure for him to make such a decision, especially after hearing Li Mubai's calm tone and voice, Millie seemed to feel that this guy had already dug a big hole for Zheng Jian.

Sure enough, Li Mubai did not disappoint Millie.

In the past three days, the building of the cement factory has begun to be built.During this period, Millie never came out to express her attitude. Zheng Jian thought that this woman had fallen out of favor. Even when she went to work every day, Zheng Jian's face was filled with a bright and proud smile.

As long as he thought of Li Mubai's helpless appearance, Zheng Jian felt an indescribable comfort in his heart.

But he never expected that when he was feeling triumphant, Li Mubai sat on the sofa and made a phone call comfortably.

"Secretary Tang, I have bad news." The number Li Mubai dialed was not Tang Jie's office number, but the landline in Glory's office.And this guy has already verified it with Tang Jie. Although Tang Jie didn't directly tell Li Mubai who this number belonged to, he still hinted that this number definitely belonged to a big shot.It has to be said that Li Mubai was really courageous. After reporting the situation in Chuntao Township to Tang Jie, he dialed this number without hesitation.

Li Mubai knew very well that this number did not belong to Tang Jie's office, and he could not give the other party a chance to speak.

"I don't know where Fukang got the news. It is said that the previously planned land has been embezzled. It is said that a cement factory was built. Now Fukang's top management has begun to tend to contact people in Guangdong City. Just 3 minutes before I called, Guo Zhiguang was on the phone with the mayor of Guangdong city."

Li Mubai's speaking speed was really not slow, like a machine gun, he quickly said what he wanted to say in one breath.


Glory didn't slow down at the beginning, but when he recognized Li Mubai's voice, and heard the news, he slapped his palm on the desk fiercely.Isn't this a joke?How can a small cement factory be compared with a Fukang with several hundred million yuan? This is simply playing the piano randomly.

However, Li Mubai didn't seem to realize that this was not from Tang Jie, and said: "When Guo Zhiguang heard the news, Tang Muyu, the manager of the Tang Group, was sitting next to him. Now he doesn't even know what he thinks about Lai Chuntao Township." A little shaken."

"I see." The popularity of the second news is not inferior to the first news. Although Glory is full of fire now, it has nothing to do with Li Mubai. Even if there is fire, it cannot be spread on Li Mubai's body. body.Immediately, Glory suppressed his anger, and said in a calm tone as much as possible: "Comrade Li Mubai, you tell Mr. Guo Zhiguang that those news are inaccurate, and there will never be any changes in our Eastern Liao Province."

Before Li Mubai could reply, Glory put down the phone.

Although Glory was very angry, in less than 3 minutes, this anger gradually calmed down.

"You little slick!"

No one who can sit in this position has a low IQ, and Glory's seniority in the officialdom is almost the same age as Li Mubai's, so he understood the trickiness in a blink of an eye.

It's clear to understand, but Glory's attitude towards this matter has not changed.

"I want to ask you, does our government still have credibility and principles?" Picking up the phone on the desk, Glory dialed Pang Fei directly.

He believed that Li Mubai would never create something out of nothing. Although this method was a bit naive, as long as Li Mubai's mind was not broken, he would never joke about this matter.Although this little guy may be suspected of exaggerating in the development of the situation, Glory firmly believes that if it is not for his unspeakable difficulties, Li Mubai will not make fun of his own future.

"Governor Rong..."

Pang Fei was confused by Glory's inexplicable phone call.Especially Glory's tone on the phone was very angry. Although it didn't reach the level of a roar, that invisible pressure and anger had already rushed to Pang Fei's face along the phone line.

What was it that made the governor so angry?

Pang Fei had no choice.

After thinking about it, the only thing that Governor Rong is most concerned about in the past few days is the construction of a factory in Chuntao Township and the visit of the Tang Group.

Is there something wrong with this matter?

In order to confirm his judgment, Pang Fei called Tang Jie.

Tang Jie already knew what happened in Chuntao Township well, and he also expected that Pang Fei would definitely call him, and if it wasn't Pang Fei, it must be Jiang Hu.

Before the call came, Tang Jie had already understood Li Mubai's intention.It's not been a day or two since this guy was on the wrong track with Zheng Jian. Under such circumstances, if Li Mubai didn't dig a big hole for Zheng Jian, he wouldn't be Li Mubai.

Tang Jie didn't have the slightest dislike for this.This is the method that should be used in the officialdom, not everything must be done with fists.

Tang Jie said on the phone that he didn't know about it, but said that he would find out soon.If something goes wrong, no matter who it is, it will be severely punished.

"What exactly do you want from Chuntao Township?" Tang Jie was not polite when he called Zheng Jian.

"Secretary Tang, what are we doing in Chuntao Township?" Zheng Jian didn't know that the news about the cement factory had reached the governor's ears.Not only that, even the mayor expressed unusual anger about this matter, he was still kept in the dark, and said to the phone in a dazed manner.

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