It has to be said that in this case, Ding Yiyi's advantage played a big role.

Don't look at this guy who looks like a stubborn master, dude.But Li Mubai knew very well that this guy had already made good use of this mask.Moreover, Ding Yigen's department is also very enviable and enviable.

What kind of department is the Central Office?

That's a division where big shots can come in at any moment.Although the possibility of being able to meet No. [-] and No. [-] directly is very, very small, the news in the Central Office is undoubtedly the most well-informed department in China, and none of them.

In addition, Ding Yi was originally from a very prominent family background, so there are many channels for this guy to get news from the Central Office.Especially for the next No. [-], whether it is Ding Yigen or other officials, there is a lot of attention.

What surprised Li Mubai was that Ding Yi not only had a good understanding of Tang Zhong's experience as an official, but also had enough information on some small details. This can be regarded as an unexpected harvest for Li Mubai.

"If there is no accident, it is very likely that you will enter Beijing this time." After Tiao highlighted what he had learned about Tang Zhong, Ding Yiyi expressed his guess.This is entirely his analysis, and it does not contain any of Ding Peilin's insights.

"Why do you say that?" Li Mubai knew very well that apart from his superficial arrogance, Ding Yigen was better at calculating and analyzing.

Among the three scumbags, Ding Yiyi was not the best at fighting, nor was he the most capable of leading.When the three scumbags acted together, Ding Yiyi mostly played the role of a dog-headed military adviser.

Perhaps Ding Yiyi wasn't the wisest one, but this guy's ability to analyze and judge even Li Mubai admired him somewhat.Of course, this kid is also very good at hiding and hiding.

"If you were not allowed to come to Beijing, there would be no need for Tang Zhong to let you go to his house." Lighting a cigarette, Ding Yi said seriously: "Of course, except for you, who is likely to be his grandson-in-law." In addition to relationships, there is one more thing that is very important.”

While speaking, Ding Yi stretched out his index finger and continued: "Tang Zhong is a chief who advocates reform. It is not difficult to see this through his work experience and style. But there is one thing that cannot be ignored, even if he is Once he has reached the pinnacle, he also needs to make the most obvious political achievements and achievements. Only in this way can he sit on a more stable position and be more convincing."

China is not a few hundred now, thousands of years ago, it still had the imperial system.Even No. [-] also has many constraints. More importantly, unlike the ancient kings, Huaxia No. [-] conveys more of a ruling philosophy.

"Although reform is the general trend, don't forget that there are still some opposing voices inside." Ding Yi frowned and said, "The best way to completely eliminate those opposing voices is to use grades to Speaking, among the younger generation of officials, you have undoubtedly entered Tang Zhong's sight. Looking at it now, this is not necessarily a good thing, and the rewards are always proportional to the pressure. Most importantly, Tang Zhong It is impossible to give you too much help, and even add some unexpected problems and pressure to you.”

Li Mubai nodded. What Ding Yiyi said made sense, but because of the different environment, Li Mubai didn't think about that level before, nor did he think so far.

I have to admit that the position is different, and the vision is different.Although Li Mubai is like an overlord far away from the emperor in Chuntao District, but he has to agree with one thing, that is the so-called overall situation view.On this point, Ding Yiyi obviously has a bit more advantage than Li Mubai.

"Are you going to hang around in the Central Office all the time?" Suddenly, Li Mubai realized that Ding Yigen seemed to have a lot of talent for being an official, which cannot be cultivated.

"I'm happy and unrestrained, okay?" Ding Yiyi rolled his eyes at Li Mubai, and said, "Don't look at my analysis for you, my ability is limited to this. In my grandfather's words, I can do it at best." That is to say, to be a counselor. It may be okay to come up with an idea, but it is finished in execution. Especially my character, many times, the advantage will become a hindrance."

At the beginning, Li Mubai still didn't understand Ding Yigen's last sentence.But after thinking about it, Li Mubai gradually understood.Whether in ancient times or in modern times, emperors or decision makers must pay attention to a balance.

On the surface, he also seems to have a good family background, but everyone who knows the inside story knows that Li Mubai is not really a member of the Lu family.At this time, Li Mubai's identity became more important.This was something Li Mubai hadn't thought of before. After listening to Ding Yigen's analysis, Li Mubai had a little understanding.

Whether as a junior or as Tang Tang's boyfriend, when Li Mubai went to the Tang family, he was always empty-handed.Even though it seemed very impolite, Li Mubai obviously had a purpose in doing so.

Even if he is very clear that he is at most a chess piece, but a chess piece also has dignity and pride.

Originally thought that the old man needed a foreshadowing before speaking out his decision, but what Li Mubai didn't expect was that Tang Zhong didn't even have a foreshadowing, and went straight to the point.

"There are two reasons for asking you to come." In Tang Zhong's study, the old man looked at the documents that he needed to deal with, and said without raising his head: "First, prepare for the handover of the work at hand. You still have three Two months. Secondly, the matter between you and Tang Tang also needs to be finalized, although your age is still a bit behind, but the relationship should be finalized first, engagement does not necessarily mean marriage."

Li Mubai opened his mouth, just about to say something.This old man is too domineering. After all, I can be regarded as your future grandson-in-law. At least you should care about my thoughts and feelings, okay?Unexpectedly, before Li Mubai opened his mouth, Tang Zhong said again: "Be mentally prepared to stay in the capital for a long time."

After speaking, Tang Zhong stopped talking, but put all his energy on the document, as if Li Mubai didn't exist at all.

"I see."

After pondering for a while, Li Mubai finally spit out four words slowly from his mouth.

He knew that he had no choice or right at work, and he had already figured this out before he came here.But regarding the relationship with Tang Tang, he didn't expect that the old man gave a result without even asking for his opinion.

what is this?


But Li Mubai's four words are also a silent counterattack.

What he said is that he knows, but it does not mean that he agrees.Although there was a little difference in the words, Tang Zhong could still hear the dissatisfaction in Li Mubai's heart.But is dissatisfaction useful?

Obviously, Tang Zhong didn't take Li Mubai's dissatisfaction to heart at all, not even the slightest bit.

Seeing that Tang Zhong had no intention of continuing to speak, Li Mubai remained silent.

Although he knew very well that he still needed to compromise in the end, he had no intention of making such a simple compromise.Even if the opponent is the No. [-] chief who is about to give power to China, Li Mubai stood there quietly in a silent way.He didn't believe that Tang Zhong could always ignore his own existence and leave himself alone like this.

The hour hand on the wall turned round and round, and the time passed by every minute and every second in Li Mubai's silence.

This guy was really patient. In the blink of an eye, half an hour had passed, and Li Mubai just stood there silently, without saying a word.What Tang Zhong didn't expect the most was that this little family's courage is really not small.

Not to mention Li Mubai, even Tang Jie looked like an obedient boy in front of him, not to mention that the little guy in front of him was only in his early twenties.

Although Tang Zhong was looking at the documents on the table, as time passed, the old man really got a little angry.

Slowly, a five-intangible aura slowly spread out from Tang Zhong's body.

This is a kind of aura that only the superiors have, and it is also a kind of official authority.

People who can achieve this position no longer need to express their anger in words.It was useless to even look at him, Li Mubai already felt the coercion coming to his face.

The old man was angry.

Li Mubai knew very well what the outcome would be if he did what he did now, and he could understand why Tang Zhong was angry.But this doesn't mean that Li Mubai has to accept it, at least he hasn't realized it yet.

Tang Zhong's aura was like an invisible mountain. Gradually, Li Mubai felt that his breathing seemed not so smooth at this moment.

On his forehead, a drop of cold sweat had already seen a crystal light.

Li Mubai couldn't understand it at all. As an old man, just sitting there without even looking at him made him feel like there was a huge monster in front of him that made his heart palpitate.Moreover, this behemoth is still a peerless beast, making it a luxury for Li Mubai to continue standing.

There was already a slight tremor in the legs inadvertently.

But Li Mubai did not give up resistance because of this.

His hands had already clenched tightly into fists at this moment, it wasn't that Li Mubai had the idea of ​​attacking the old man in front of him, but that he was resisting the pressure Tang Zhong brought him with all his might.

He didn't know how long he could last, but there was always a voice in his heart roaring crazily: "I can't give up!"

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