There are people in the court who are good at being officials. This sentence is universal no matter which dynasty or circle it is placed in.

With Wang Jing's joining, Li Mubai's plan became much smoother.This is also Li Mubai's first attempt to get closer to this industry. Although he still doesn't know what kind of results he will achieve, what kind of difficulties he will encounter is almost foreseeable.

It is better to be alone than to be happy together, Li Mubai likes this saying very much.Although Li Mubai could get out the 400 million with a single stroke of a pen, but he didn't do it completely.Instead, they gave up 100 million investment to Wang Jing, hoping that he can also participate.

In this world, there is no more steadfast ally than a bundle of interests.

On the issue of actor selection, Li Mubai didn't intend to give too many opinions at first, after all, he is not a professional.However, when he discovered several future stars, even superstars, in TVB, he changed his mind.

"Xiaobai, the ones you selected are all playing tricks!"

In a coffee shop in Central, Wang Jing and Li Mubai sat face to face.

I don't know if it's because of their age, or because of their temper. In just a few days, the relationship between Li Mubai and Wang Jing developed at a rocket-like speed.Now Wang Jing simply called Li Mubai Xiaobai, and Li Mubai didn't mind, and directly called Wang Jing a fat man.If others called him like that, Wang Jing would definitely put on a straight face, but when facing Li Mubai, Wang Jing felt that only by calling him like this could he appear more closely related.

"Everyone has a bright spot, it just depends on whether you have the ability to discover him." Of course, Li Mubai would not say that he knew what kind of achievements the two actors he had chosen would have in the future.

"This Xingzi is a newcomer. Although Dazi has some experience, he is a bad gambler. Do you think the two of them can play this role well?" Wang Jing took a sip of coffee and looked at Li Mubai very puzzled. He saw the answer he wanted in his eyes, this guy was joking.

Obviously, in Li Mubai's eyes, he saw only calm, without any disturbance.

"Don't you think that these two actors have the qualities of those two stupid thieves?" Li Mubai also took a sip of coffee, raised his wrist, and checked the time. The two selected actors should be arriving soon.

"Anyway, you are the boss, and you have lost a lot." Wang Jing looked indifferent.

Before he could speak, Zhou Xingchi and Wu Mengda appeared in the coffee shop.

When these two people received Wang Jing's call, they thought they heard it wrong, especially Wu Mengda, this guy now has a lot of bad debts in his hands, and he is so miserable about these gambling debts every day.But this happened to be the case, and suddenly I received a call from Wang Jing, asking him if he wanted to act in a movie.

Is there anything more exciting than this news for an actor that no one wants to use?

"Xingzi, Fatty Wang asked us to make a tertiary film, right?" Wu Mengda was still a little worried on the way.

"Don't talk about it, where is it your turn for such a good thing?" Zhou Xingchi cocked his mouth and said, "If that's really the case, it's better than no show at all!"

Zhou Xingchi, who has been trained wirelessly for more than two years, is now a dragon besides a dragon.Although he knew very well that it was not easy to get ahead in this industry, but he never expected that it would be so difficult.However, he never thought of giving up. He still has strong confidence in his acting skills, and the only thing he needs now is a chance.

"Director Wang, hello."

"Hello, Director Wang."

When the two walked into the coffee shop and stood in front of Wang Jing, they realized that there was a young guy sitting opposite Wang Jing.

"To be honest, I don't like you two bad boys very much." Wang Jing looked at the two, and said without mercy: "But the boss of this show named you two to star, although I also I persuaded that there are more suitable candidates, but the boss finally chose you two bad guys. I won’t say anything redundant, you should know how to do it.”

This fat man is not as simple and honest as he appears on the surface!

After all, Li Mubai was once an official. Although the officialdom is different from the entertainment industry, many routines are still figured out.

Wang Jing, this is exactly the practice of left-handed stick and right-handed carrot.He also sold a favor, although this favor was forcibly given to him, Li Mubai still had to appreciate it.After all, he is the director, and he knows this circle better than him.

"Let me introduce you." Seeing the solemn faces of these two people, Wang Jing knew that the effect of what he said just now had been achieved.He pointed at Li Mubai and said: "This is the screenwriter of the new film, and also the investor of this film, boss, Li Mubai, Boss Li."

Although Zhou Xingchi and Wu Mengda had never heard of this name, nor met Li Mubai, this did not prevent them from saying hello, nor did it prevent them from cherishing this opportunity.

"How much time is left in your contract?" Li Mubai's Cantonese is basically the same as that of Xiangjiang people. Even he himself is a little puzzled. He didn't have much talent in languages ​​before, but now he finds that not only Cantonese is very fluent, and can actually speak very fluent, and very standard English.Whether it is British or American, they are all well-written.

"I still have more than three months." Wu Mengda didn't know why the young boss in front of him asked this question, but he still gave the answer directly.

"Mine is also short-term, less than a year away." Zhou Xingchi vaguely guessed a little bit, but felt that the possibility was very small.He is not a big star, but now he is just a walk-on. Even if people want to sign people, they still want to sign those who are famous and popular.

Li Mubai nodded. Although he didn't know the rules of this industry very well, he still learned a lot during the two days of discussing the script with Wang Jing.Especially after hearing that the time for these two contracts to expire was running out, a thought suddenly popped up in his heart.

And this idea is like a wild horse that has run wild, a flood that has opened the gate, and it is out of control.

With this thought, a name appeared in Li Mubai's mind: Huo Wenxi.

In another memory, this was later the director of the artist management department of Emperor Entertainment Company, and there were many famous stars under him. Among them, Xiangjiang's very famous fourth uncle, Xie Xian's son, Xie Tingfeng was His artists.

"This is the script, please take a look first." Putting aside his thoughts for a while, Li Mubai pushed the two scripts on the table in front of Zhou Xingchi and Wu Mengda.

I have to say that this script is very funny, especially for Zhou Xingchi, it is almost tailor-made for him.

The original name of this play is "Home Alone", which tells the story of eight-year-old Kevin who accidentally left him at home in a panic when his family went out for Christmas vacation, making him the head of the family overnight.Kevin is so happy that there is no adult interference, he can play to the fullest at home, and decorate his home into his personal playground.Two thieves who just escaped from prison took advantage of Christmas when there was no one there to burglary. Kevin used game traps to deal with them and "entertained" the two uninvited guests.

But because he was in Xiangjiang, Li Mubai changed the character's name a bit, and even changed the name to "Baby Zhi Duoxing".Although there are still some differences between the content and the original version, with Wang Jing, a lot of Xiangjiang elements were added in it, which also made this movie a lot of changes.

"Go back and figure out the characters' personalities, and I'll call you guys before the filming starts." Wang Jing waved his hand when he saw that the heat was almost ready.

Zhou Xingchi and Wu Mengda left the coffee shop like holding treasures.

Just when Wang Jing wanted to tell Li Mubai that it was still time to change his mind, Li Mubai asked, "Fatty, do you know a woman named Huo Wenxi, who seems to have filmed commercials before."

Huo Wenxi?

Wang Jing chanted the name twice, as if he had a little impression, but he was very curious, Li Mubai asked what the purpose of this person was, so he opened his mouth to ask.

"I want to set up a brokerage company, what do you think of this idea?" Facing Wang Jing, Li Mubai really had no intention of hiding his intentions, and he might have to trouble Wang Jing, a local snake, with many things in the future.

"Xiaobai, isn't there something wrong with your brain?" Wang Jing looked at Li Mubai in disbelief.

He didn't know how much money Li Mubai had, but in the entertainment industry, he was definitely a newcomer.He didn't even have the slightest reputation, and he wanted to recruit actors just because he had written a novel. I'm afraid there is no more ridiculous idea than this.

"What procedures are required to register such a brokerage company in Xiangjiang? Is it complicated?"

Li Mubai has always been the kind of person who does not make decisions lightly, but once a decision is made, it is not easy to change it.Although he could tell that Wang Jing was doing it for his own good, Wang Jing didn't know that this guy now had a super invincible cheat.

"It's easy to register, but do you know how to act as a manager? How to sign an artist?" Wang Jing asked two questions in succession.

Li Mubai drank the coffee in the cup, and said with a smile: "You help me contact Huo Wenxi, and register another brokerage company or entertainment company by the way, I've even thought of a name."

Wang Jing finally discovered the madness of the young guy in front of him. Before that, Li Mubai never had such a plan.But a decision was made in an instant, and even good words of persuasion were useless.

Forget it, let it be.

Wang Jing already had a general understanding of Li Mubai from Guo Shishi. Although it was not very comprehensive, he knew that this guy was also a child of a relatively bullish family in the mainland, and he was also a boss.Even if they lose money, people probably don't care.

However, he was very curious about the name Li Mubai had thought up, so he asked, "What's the name?"

Li Mubai raised the corner of his mouth, showing a very sunny smile, and said almost word for word: "Oriental DreamWorks!"

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