my wife is the leader

Chapter 38 Mass Events

However, when Zhao Yang was thinking about how to keep the work in charge in his hands, suddenly, the door of the conference room was knocked hastily outside.

"Come in."

At this time, no one has more right to speak except Guo Xiangrong.

"Major, the people of Xinbei Village are fighting with the people of Chunzhu Township!"

It was Guo Xiangrong's secretary who came in. Not only did he look hurried, but there were fine beads of sweat on his forehead.Of course he knew that what was being held here was the township chief's office meeting, and it was Guo Xiangrong's first township chief's office meeting since he became the township head.However, the reaction over there made him dare not delay.

"Because of what?" Zhao Yang asked with a dark face.

Just a few minutes ago, Li Mubai also mentioned the issue of public security in Chuntao Township, this is good, the person from Xinbei Village directly slapped Zhao Yang hard on the face, it was so crisp.

It turns out that there is a vegetable market called Xishi Market in Xincheng County. Many vegetable farmers in nearby towns like to go there to sell vegetables, and some vegetable vendors go there to serve vegetables.Over time, the scale has become larger and larger, but the competition has also become more and more fierce.

Xinbei Village is the village with the most vegetable farmers in Chuntao Township, but there are also many vegetable farmers in Chunzhu Township.As a result, two people had a quarrel today because of a small matter.

The standard of living in Chunzhu Township is much better than that in Chuntao Township, and the people there also look down on the people in Chuntao Township.In this way, the quarrel between the two turned into a quarrel, and even turned into a full-scale martial arts in the end.

If this alone does not cause a large-scale riot in Xinbei Village, the most important thing is that the vegetable farmer in Chunzhu Township has a little relationship with the village head, and he is also a well-known person in the West Market.However, the toughness of Chuntao Township was not comparable to that of Chunzhu Township, and the one from Chunzhu Township suffered a disadvantage.

However, a comrade from the Chunzhu Township Police Station was also present at the time. After learning about the situation, he arrested the vegetable farmers in Xinbei Village regardless of 21.

This time, there was public outrage. Nearly 200 people from Xinbei Village had gathered and were rushing to Chunzhu Township.If it is not stopped in time now, God knows what will happen.

"Comrade Zhao Yang, hurry over there immediately." Guo Xiangrong showed his decisive side at this moment. Originally, Zhao Yang was in charge of law and order. Who would rush if you don't rush forward at this time?


Zhao Yang nodded, and stood up with a huff. He is not ruthless to those guys in Xinbei Village, but directly piles his hatred on Guo Xiangrong.Nima, don't you, the township head, have no responsibility for such a big incident?

"Major Guo, let me go and have a look."

No one thought that Li Mubai would stand up at this time.

This is not a good thing, anyone who goes there will be rewarded, if this matter is not handled properly, the responsibility will be very heavy.However, after thinking about it, someone seemed to understand Li Mubai's thoughts.

Since he became the deputy head of the township, he has not taken any action or performance.I haven't made my own voice, this is because I want to show my ability.

You are still young, there is no time to hide from this kind of thing, how can you rush upwards?

Guo Xiangrong also thought the same way, looked at Li Mubai hesitantly, and said in his heart: If this is a good thing, I would have let you rush forward, isn't this asking for trouble?

As a veteran cadre in Chuntao Township, he still knows what these guys are like.

In Chuntao Township, not only are the people tough, but there are also a lot of idlers. There are not many people who are really capable, but there are a lot of people who are fighting and booing.Don't deal with it badly at that time, not only did the incident not calm down, but it became serious.

Most importantly, Li Mubai is also a fool.It is said that this guy even dared to shoot at the policeman before the Public Security Bureau. If he got hotheaded, wouldn't the situation get worse?

"I'm going to assist Deputy Township Chief Zhao. I'm young. I'll run some errands." Seeing the worry in Guo Xiangrong's eyes, Li Mubai said with a smile: "I still have a big brother here. If there is any news at that time? If you can report to Township Chief Guo in a timely manner, you can also give instructions in a timely manner."

Although Li Mubai was very humble, Zhao Yang didn't think that this guy was really that humble.This guy was there to see the joke.

Guo Xiangrong nodded and said, "Alright, you can go with Comrade Zhao Yang now, without delay."

The mayor had already made a decision, so even if Zhao Yang had a hundred reluctances in his heart, he couldn't say anything at this time.Anyway, he had already thought about it, if something unexpected happened, Li Mubai would be a good shield.At that time, whether he likes it or not, he will be pulled out to block the gun.

"Director Xue, I'm Li Mubai, take a few people to Chunzhu Township right away. When you meet people from our township, you must first control their emotions. Deputy Township Chief Zhao Yang and I will be there soon."

They had already walked out of the gate of the township government, and Zhao Yang had no plans, so Li Mubai had no choice but to take out his mobile phone and give Xue Dong a call.As for what Zhao Yang thought in his heart, it was not Li Mubai's concern now.

Zhao Yang stared angrily at the big brother in Li Mubai's hand. It's different to have a girlfriend of the county party secretary's daughter. Damn, if I had a girlfriend like that, I wouldn't hang out in this ghostly place like Chuntao Township. By the way, finding a position is better than being at the grassroots level.

Fortunately, the township government has two vehicles. Although one of them is a Santana that was eliminated from the county, it is still faster than being a tractor.

In less than 10 minutes, Li Mubai and Zhao Yang caught up with the villagers of Xinbei Village.At this time, these guys have arrived at the junction of Chuntao Township and Chunzhu Township.And Chunzhu Township also received the news. At this moment, there are more than 200 people on both sides opposing each other.

Whether it was Xue Dong or the police station in Chunzhu Township, they all stood between the two sides in time.

However, the mood of the villagers is still very excited at the moment.Even if more than a dozen people came from the police stations on both sides, the manpower seemed too weak to control the situation.

"Folks, what's the matter, we have to solve it through formal channels, and force can't solve any problems."

After Zhao Yang got off the car, he walked up to the big villagers in Chuntao Township, and shouted loudly: "You must trust the government, trust..."

"Fuck your mother, Zhao Laobian, it wasn't your son who was beaten. If your son was cut off by some f*cking family, I'll see if you can still say that."

Before Zhao Yang finished speaking, someone in the crowd threw a lump of dirt.Although it missed Zhao Yang, it flew past his ear.Suddenly, Zhao Yang broke into a cold sweat.

Nima, I haven't finished my opening remarks yet, why are you rushing to do it!

Someone spoke, and immediately a group of guys pointed their finger at Zhao Yang.It is nothing more than to say, if you have the ability to say this to the people in Chunzhu Township, the beating person will be beaten up, or else stop talking nonsense here.

Li Mubai had been standing next to Zhao Yang, Xue Dong knew that Li Mubai would come, so he hurriedly reported the situation.

The two sides held each other for a while, and the arrival of Zhao Yang made the villagers even more excited.

In less than 5 minutes, Zhao Yang's voice became hoarse.Not only the villagers in Chuntao Township were not persuaded by him, but even the guys in Chunzhu Township followed suit.Zhao Yang's face was like a purple eggplant. He felt that he had said nothing wrong, but people from both sides regarded him as an object of attack and ridicule.

Fortunately, at this time, Chunzhu Township also had a deputy head.

When something like this happens, no matter in which township it is, it is a big deal.Even if Chunzhu Township looks down on the people of Chuntao Township, the township government still wants to photograph a deputy head of the township to show off.

"Vice Chief Wang, you also advise you people in Chunzhu Township. If something really goes wrong, I'm afraid your side will also be blamed, right?" He turned to the deputy mayor over there, Wang Qiang.

"Actually, this matter is not difficult to resolve." Wang Qiang twitched his lips and said with a smile: "Let the beating person apologize, and this matter will be resolved, don't you think?"

"Hey, you don't know what these guys in Chuntao Township are like? Wanting them to apologize, isn't that the same as letting a big girl have a baby?" Zhao Yang actually had this idea before, but it was only a matter of a few yuan.What's the big deal, just say a few nice words and nothing will be resolved.

"Then I can't do anything." Wang Qiang shrugged his shoulders and said, "We don't want to make a big deal here, the key is that you Chuntao people are too arrogant, otherwise such a thing wouldn't happen. I think you should do ideological work with the beating family members, even if you solve it in private, it's better than this, isn't it?"

Zhao Yang nodded. In his opinion, this might be a good way to solve the problem.But the key is, how does Zhao Yang speak, how does he do this ideological work.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yang turned his gaze to Li Mubai.

Don't you want to show off?


I will give you a chance today to let you understand what grassroots work is.

After making up his mind, Zhao Yang walked to Li Mubai's side with a gloomy face, and said in a low voice, "Deputy Mayor Li, go and do some ideological work on the family members, and I'll talk to the people over there again. It will be resolved.”

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