my wife is the leader

Chapter 401 What I Play Is Heartbeat

In the room, Gong Ruihan watched Li Mubai talking in fluent English in surprise.Before that, the two of them never knew that Li Mubai could speak English, and they were still so fluent.

Li Mubai didn't notice the astonished eyes of this big rotten girl, but he didn't mention the identity of the prince on the phone, but said in the tone of an old friend: "The purpose of taking a step back now is to take a big step forward tomorrow. There's a very old saying, to draw your fist back is to hit it harder."

Li Mubai did not give an answer directly, because he knew that no matter how hard Prince Abdullah tried, he could not change the outcome of the war.Most importantly, the trajectory of history will not be easily changed by a small butterfly.Although the timing of some things has changed, what should happen will eventually happen.And Li Mubai didn't think he was a savior, and it wasn't his turn to stand up and show his arrogance.He was not so arrogant yet, so he could only remind Prince Abdullah cryptically, this could be regarded as a kind of consolation to him.

"Li, my brother, thank you for your reminder." Although Li Mubai did not give the answer he wanted, Prince Abdullah understood what Li Mubai said.

What he can do now is to hurry up and get out of this chaotic situation, so that he can preserve his strength and plant the seeds of hope for the future.

After hanging up the phone, Li Mubai smiled slightly, and said to Nie Xiangrong and the other five traders, "Buy up all the remaining funds."

All buy up?

This directive is a bit of a shocker.

Although the futures of crude oil are showing signs of being bullish, it is worth [-] million U.S. dollars to invest all at once.

The current price of a barrel of crude oil is 35 US dollars, and Li Mubai's order is to buy [-] US dollars.This is simply a crazy number, nearly double the increase.If it can really reach the price Li Mubai bought, then Li Mubai's income will increase exponentially.

More importantly, there is also a leverage ratio.For example, the current price of a barrel of crude oil is [-] US dollars, while futures require [-]% of the price.This is a tenfold ratio, also known as the golden ratio.

Based on this conversion, if the final price can really reach 35 US dollars, then Li Mubai's benefit will also be 17 yuan multiplied by ten times.

Does this boss have any inside information?

This futures is not a stock. Perhaps some internal information can affect the rise or fall of the stock. There are too many variables in the rise and fall of futures.

But hearing Li Mubai's unquestionable tone, these few had no choice but to follow Li Mubai's instructions and put nearly [-] million US dollars into the futures.

Although Yuan Xi didn't understand why Li Mubai issued a seemingly crazy order, but the main purpose of her coming here was to witness the operation of this fund.As for the reason, it is not what she wants to explore, she just needs to record the whole process.

And before coming, the old man told her very solemnly, as long as she wears her eyes and ears.No matter what decision Li Mubai made, she should not participate in it.

For the next few days, Li Mubai chose to stay in this room even for food and lodging, and the six traders were also on shifts staring at the computer.

This is a gamble, a gamble of nearly [-] million yuan.If the bet wins, the funds brought by Li Mubai will increase by one digit. This is definitely a crazy gamble.

Although Nie Xiangrong and Yan Zhengkai were used to hearing all kinds of big-budget operations on Wall Street, they were all heard of.They have never experienced it themselves, which is definitely a challenge for the two of them.

It's not just the challenge of the amount, the bigger challenge is from the heart.As a trader, the most basic thing is to have a calm mind and calm emotions.If you don't even have this foundation, it's best to stay away from this industry.

Any trader needs to have a strong heart, so that he can be unwavering in this feast and complete the task without any mistakes.

The other four traders from Xiangjiang were also shocked by Li Mubai's order.Even though they were prepared before they came, they knew that this was an operation with a lot of money.But they didn't expect that just one order would cost [-] million US dollars.

In Li Mubai's mouth, it seemed as easy as saying not two hundred million US dollars, but two thousand Hong Kong dollars.

Everything was developing according to the historical trajectory in that memory, and within a few days, Kuwait was occupied by the Iraqis.The price of oil also sang along with the war, rising from $23 to $[-] in less than a day.

On the third day after Li Mubai invested all his funds, the price of crude oil had risen to $33.Looking at that exciting number, everyone has no way to stay calm.Every penny raised is tens of millions of income for Li Mubai.

On the fourth day, the price of crude oil stopped at $33.At this time, not only Gong Ruihan, but almost everyone was urging Li Mubai to take advantage of the right price and quickly sell the futures in his hand. This price has already made Li Mubai a lot of money.

But Li Mubai just showed a shallow smile, seemingly calmly persuading the people around him, it's only 33 dollars, it's still at least two dollars away from his expectation, don't worry.


At this time, no one can guarantee that the price of crude oil will stop at this price.It is very likely that early tomorrow morning, the price of crude oil will fall back to around [-] dollars.

"Mubai, do you really want to stick to 35 dollars? You know, there are countless money in this world, how much food do you earn enough?" Both Gong Ruihan and Tang Tang came to this "command post" that Li Mubai called In the room, especially Gong Ruihan was very worried, she also felt that Li Mubai was a little greedy, and became more authoritarian, as if she had changed a lot from the Li Mubai she knew before.

Li Mubai put down the cigar in his hand, put his eyes on the panda, and said: "It's not about how much is enough, dear. This is a game where the sum is zero. Some people win, some people lose. Money itself will not increase or change At least it's simply passed from one person to another."

Li Mubai Fu Ling suddenly said a very philosophical sentence, but it was very uncomfortable for Gong Ruihan and Tang Tang's ears.Although they are very rebellious, even rebellious to the point of changing their nationality.However, it is still difficult for them to accept the living habits of the United States, especially Li Mubai's words, which have a very strong capitalist color, make the two of them feel that the distance between Li Mubai and them seems to be getting farther and farther.

"Maybe you think I've changed and become more and more unfamiliar." Li Mubai seemed to see the thoughts of the two of them, and he said slowly: "I think everyone who leaves the motherland can feel that our country Now it is not as good as imagined, nor is it so rich and strong. She is still very fragile, so fragile that Chinese people are discriminated against in many countries. And I, Li Mubai, no matter where I am, I will never forget that the blood flowing in my blood is The blood of the descendants of Yan and Huang, forget that I am a Chinese."

Li Mubai's tone was very firm, and his eyes were full of longing.He never expected anyone to understand him, but no one can ever change that he is a Chinese.Even on the other side of the ocean, Li Mubai was not overwhelmed by this long series of zeros.

His career in the army since he was a child has carved a heart in his bones.Although he did not succeed in the officialdom, this did not prevent him from doing his part for the country and the motherland in his own way.He never expected anyone to understand, Li Mubai only wanted to be worthy of his conscience.

However, he never said these words to anyone.No matter how high the tone is, it's useless, everything speaks with facts.This is what Li Mubai wants to do and think.

Especially after arriving in Xiangjiang, he had a deeper understanding of these.Especially after he learned about the Batumi agreement, Li Mubai's blood boiled again.

Looking at Li Mubai's deep gaze, Gong Ruihan and Tang Tang felt the vicissitudes of life.Although Li Mubai was only 22 years old, they realized how much pressure he was facing behind this age.

And all of this needs him to face alone.

Different from Tang Tang and Gong Ruihan, the others in the room felt Li Mubai's patriotic heart.This is not in China, and Li Mubai does not need to make a high-profile statement.And what he just said resonated instantly.

As a great country, the situation it is facing now can only be described as sad.Even in this country that claims to be the most free and democratic, the Chinese still suffer from a lot of unequal treatment and racial discrimination.

And all of this cannot be changed by that one person.But this does not mean that every Chinese wandering outside forgets their roots and blood.

In the hearts of Nie Xiangrong and Yan Zhengkai, they have completely approved of this boss who is much younger than them.

Yuan Xi may not have that much feeling for Li Mubai's words, but after seeing these two Chinese traders, she understood that the godbrother in front of her has already subdued two capable generals.

The next day, there was a decline in the crude oil market, from 33 dollars to 35 dollars.However, Li Mubai didn't seem to see it, nor was he affected in any way, but said firmly again: "Remember, our goal is [-] yuan, and we will never make a move if it is less than this price!"

This is really a heart-pounding game!

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