my wife is the leader

Chapter 410 Li Mubai's Style

A brand new black Mercedes-Benz business car parked quietly in front of the Pegasus Bicycle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Li Mubai opened the door and got out of the car without haste.

Today Li Mubai specially changed into a black Armani suit, and the pair of shiny leather shoes on his feet were like a mirror, able to reflect people's reflections.

Needless to say, Li Mubai wore this outfit very stylishly, even if he couldn't tell at first glance that he was a successful person with a successful career, he could still tell that this outfit was expensive and absolutely extraordinary The common people can afford to wear it.

Now Ye Qing is also wearing Xiangjiang's white-collar professional suit. Standing behind Li Mubai, her tall figure is quite eye-catching.

"No, damn it, how many times have I said, I don't see anyone, don't you see that I'm glowing?"

Standing outside Huston's office, you can hear this guy roaring inside.

For such a result, it seems that it did not exceed Ye Qing's expectation.When she saw Li Mubai's gaze turned to her, Ye Qing shrugged her shoulders with a helpless expression.I'm afraid it's impossible to meet this bastard British guy today, even if you, the boss, do it yourself, it's useless!

However, Li Mubai directly shattered Ye Qing's thoughts with actions.

"Your Excellency Huston, there is a saying in Huaxia outside that there must be a way for a car to reach the mountain. I don't know if you have heard of it." Li Mubai pushed open the door of the office while Ye Qing was dumbfounded, and strode forward. walked in.

During the period, Huston's office was decorated very magnificently. In addition to the shining golden decorations, there were also various Western paintings on the walls.However, in Ye Qing's eyes, some paintings are simply unsightly.

"Who are you?" Huston was very dissatisfied with someone breaking into his office.

"It seems that Your Excellency Huston is in a very bad mood." Li Mubai did not directly introduce his identity. A wine bottle that is about to bottom out.

"I'm not interested in discussing this topic with you now, please leave immediately!" Even if Li Mubai didn't introduce his identity, Huston could figure out who he was.But it doesn't matter who Li Mubai is, the important thing is that he is in a very bad mood now, and the situation is even worse.

Those damn brothers hacked him at a critical moment and made him a big, big stumbling block.What he is concerned about now is not whether the bicycle factory will go bankrupt because of this, but what he is more concerned about is whether he is still qualified to compete for the inheritance.

"Your Excellency Huston, for a friend who can help you and get you out of trouble, your behavior is not only ungentlemanly, but also very disappointing. Has your noble blood made you forget your composure? Not only did Li Mubai not leave, but he picked up a wine glass on the table and poured down the whiskey in the bottle.

Picking up the wine glass, Li Mubai shook it a few times, put it on his lips, took a sip, and then raised his head to look at Huston who didn't know what to say.

"You know my situation?" Huston was in a bad mood, but Li Mubai's words made him calm down gradually.Taking a deep breath, Huston sat on the chair, opened his eyes wide, and waited for Li Mubai's answer.

"Not bad Havana." Li Mubai still didn't answer Huston's question directly, but took the cigar on the table in his hand as if he was sitting in his own office.

After skilfully drawing a special match to bake the wrapper, and then using special cigar scissors to cut off a small section at the front end of the cigarette, Li Mubai lit the cigar, took a puff, and slowly closed his eyelids.After the smoke circled in the lungs, it was slowly expelled.

"It's really rare to be able to taste this top-notch cigar specially provided for the European royal family." Li Mubai's casual performance made Huston a little confused.

This place seems to be his own office, and the cigar in Li Mubai's hand seems to be his own too.However, he found that whether Li Mubai was sitting here or lighting a cigar, all movements were so natural and smooth.As if this is not his own office, but Li Mubai is the owner of this office.

"I don't like deviousness. Your Excellency Huston, you have now stepped into a trap carefully set for you. Fortunately, I appeared here, so you still have a chance." Li Mubai said The tone is very confident.

If he didn't know that Li Mubai was a novelist or a screenwriter in Xiangjiang, Huston would have wondered if this guy was sent by those hateful brothers to deal with him.

"Yes, Mr. Li. I don't think you came here to tell me what situation I'm facing now?" Huston also lit a cigar for himself, damn it, this is my cigar , why don't I enjoy it!

"As far as I know, Your Excellency Huston still has seven months left. I don't know if I'm right?" Li Mubai blew out a smoke ring, lifted his wine glass gracefully, and took another sip.

How the hell did he know?

Huston was very surprised that Li Mubai knew such detailed information, although it was not a secret among the family.But this is not in the UK, but in Xiangjiang.And Li Mubai in front of him is just a yellow-skinned monkey, where did he get the news?

"Now that Mr. Li has a detailed understanding, can you tell me how you can help me? I think I am very willing to discuss it with you." Although Huston cursed fiercely in his heart, but on the surface Still maintained the demeanor it should have.

"Actually, this problem is easy to solve." Putting down his wine glass, Li Mubai said: "The root of all problems lies in the quality of the material. If another material is replaced and a new design is added, I think this crisis will be over. It’s going to be a godsend.”

Li Mubai's tone was very relaxed, even in the face of such a noble boy, he still talked with eloquence, controlling the rhythm of the conversation.

Ye Qing who was standing behind Li Mubai also had to admire, this guy still has some abilities.Originally it was very impolite to break into someone's office hastily, but in the blink of an eye, not only did Li Mubai not arouse the other party's disgust and anger, but the rhythm of the conversation he controlled also aroused the other party's greatest interest.

It seems that I still need to learn a lot in this area. Although this bastard is not a gentleman, and he doesn't know how to treat girls, he is a good instructor.

"There is no evidence for what you say. Your Excellency Huston can take a look at this car model that I personally designed." Li Mubai turned his head and signaled Ye Qing to hand him the briefcase.

Opening the bag, Li Mubai took out a design drawing inside, and there were two aluminum alloy pipes, which were placed on the desk together.

Huston didn't care about his aristocratic demeanor, he became a gentleman, and he opened the design drawing impatiently.

This is a very popular shift car in the 21st century. It has gorgeous shape, unique design concept, and unassuming wildness.Just by taking a look, Huston's attention was deeply caught.

"Mr. Li, I have to admit that this design is really fascinating. However, if according to your design, the weight of the frame, front fork, rim, knife ring, steel wire and other components add up To reach a terrifying weight?"

Li Mubai seemed to have expected that Huston would ask such a question a long time ago. He slightly raised the corner of his mouth, pushed the two sections of aluminum alloy tubes on the table forward, and said, "If you use chrome If it is made of molybdenum steel, it will indeed have an annoying weight. But if it is replaced with the aluminum alloy developed by our Longteng smelter, I think it will definitely surprise you."

Aluminum alloy?

Huston took one of the aluminum alloy tubes in his hand.


Huston weighed the aluminum alloy tube in his hand, it was as if it had no weight.

"This material is so thin, but how about its safety? How strong is it?" Huston was not so excited by the sudden surprise that he forgot the key part.

"Your Excellency Huston, you should have a professional laboratory here. I think the test data is the best proof, worth a thousand words, isn't it?" Li Mubai shrugged his shoulders.

Just kidding, Li Mubai has an absolute understanding of this material.And he gave this second-generation aluminum-lithium alloy to Huston, not only for cooperation, but also for a deeper purpose.

"Ruth, Ruth, get Cook right away!" Huston yelled out of the office, "Tell him, if he doesn't show up here in 5 minutes, let him call him immediately!" I'm going to fuck off!"

Although the boss has been in a very bad mood recently, he has never been so anxious as he is now.

It has to be said that foreigners are still very efficient in handling affairs. In less than 5 minutes, the Cook that Huston said appeared in the office.

"Boss, what's your order?" Cook asked panting before he could catch his breath.

"You will detect the data of this material for me immediately." Huston handed two aluminum alloy tubes to Cook.

"Boss, isn't this so-called new type of alloy material a type of aluminum-zinc alloy?" Cook didn't follow Huston's instructions to do the experiment right away, but weighed the tube in his hand a few times, and carefully After looking at it, he was a little disappointed and a little angry, and said: "This material is not a new material in Europe. Some people tried to use aluminum alloy to make bicycles before, and some even chose titanium alloy. However, it turns out that , aluminum alloys are not suitable for making bicycles at all, and the cost of titanium alloys is too high. And..."


Before Cook could finish speaking, Li Mubai slapped Xiuston's desk fiercely. He looked at Cook coldly, and said disdainfully, "Don't use your ignorance in front of me. Showing off your major, how much do you know about aluminum alloys? How many kinds of aluminum alloys do you know in this world? How much do you know about this material in your hands? Is the so-called science just using you? Did that ignorant mind figure it out?"

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