my wife is the leader

Chapter 412 Is Waterloo?

Ye Qing finally understood why Li Mubai was able to become the boss. His skin was [-]% thicker than the corner of the Great Wall alone. Coupled with the shamelessness that had reached a certain level, this guy was simply a hypocritical bastard.

However, Huston expressed his sincere gratitude to Li Mubai.Now he has no better choice besides this choice.What can be prayed now is that Li Mubai's words are true and can have a win-win result.

The two discussed the details in detail, and finally formed a written agreement.

After Li Mubai returned to the factory, he deeply felt that there are really too few people under his command.Even a contract has to be negotiated in person, which is simply discrediting the boss!

In a flash, "Rush Hour" has entered the stage of post-production, and this is a blockbuster film that Li Mubai and Golden Harvest are teaming up to rush to Hollywood.There has been a lot of publicity before the shooting, and now the movie is about to be released. According to Li Mubai's practice, a trailer is what all movie fans look forward to the most.

This time the trailer is very short, only a minute and a half.

Even though it was only a minute and a half, there was a lot of information presented in it. In addition to seeing Cheng Long, he also met foreign actors.Some people predicted that this movie was Li Mubai's entry into Hollywood. After seeing the trailer, this can no longer be called a prediction, but it is confirmed that Li Mubai has sounded the clarion call to enter Hollywood.

Different from Li Mubai's previous works, in addition to the trailer, there was also a premiere in Tsuen Wan of Golden Harvest.This has created a precedent in Xiangjiang Film Industry. In the past, Li Mubai's works were directly screened in theaters simultaneously without trial screenings, but this time they actually came up with a new trick.

I have to say that this premiere was really hot.

The long red carpet is like an awards ceremony.In addition to the lack of trophies, it can be said that the stars are shining.As long as it is a well-known director in Xiangjiang, a first-line star.When the schedule and time permit, they all attended the premiere.

When many reporters speculated whether Li Mubai would appear, this guy didn't shy away from anything at all, he still wore a custom-made white Tang suit.On his left and right sides is his rumored girlfriend.

Huo Wenxi and Liu Ruyan held Li Mubai's arms on the left and right, appearing in the eyes of all the media like twin stars supporting the moon.

"This guy is really a coquette!" Wang Jing couldn't help shaking his head when he saw Li Mubai's formation.Although he was also very flirtatious, he had never been so unscrupulous and unscrupulous as Li Mubai.

Facing the flashing lights that were about to blind his eyes, Liu Ruyan was really uncomfortable.Even before that, Huo Wenxi had already reminded her to prepare her mentally.But it was the first time Liu Ruyan encountered such a big scene.

In the capital, although she has a little bit of fame, compared with the scene before her, those are simply child's play.But she also knew very well that by Li Mubai's side, she was just a green leaf.All the flashing lights are flashing because of the existence of understanding, no matter who it is, it can't cover up Li Mubai's dazzling aura.

Li Mubai was smiling. Although he heard many reporters' questions, he kept silent and didn't say a word.

It wasn't until this guy walked into the movie theater that He Guanchang walked up to Li Mubai. The words of thanks were meaningless. The only thing he was looking forward to was whether Li Mubai could create another box office miracle and make this movie a hit in Hollywood.

After exchanging a few words with He Guanchang, Lang Jiu and three other bodyguards appeared beside Li Mubai, and Ye Qing stood quietly behind him.Now Li Mubai is no different than before, no matter where he goes, there will always be four bodyguards by his side.Especially recently there is another beautiful woman beside him, it is said that this is Li Mubai's secretary.

As the main creator of the film, Li Mubai sat on the stage, with the director Wu Yusen on his left and Cheng Long on his right.

But what is depressing is that almost all the reporters focused their attention on Li Mubai.This made Li Mubai a little bit dumbfounded.

"Today is the premiere of "Rush Hour", and I will not answer any questions that have nothing to do with this movie." Hearing strange questions one after another, Li Mubai had no choice but to say to the reporters below: "I will only answer three questions. question."

After speaking, Li Mubai glanced at it.Although the reporter from Ming Pao was not at the front, Li Mubai still pointed to the reporter from Ming Pao.

No matter what the occasion, as long as there is a Ming Pao reporter, Li Mubai will leave the first question to the Ming Pao reporter.Although he never stated the reason, everyone knew it very well.This guy's novel was published in Ming Pao, and it is said that his relationship with Jin Daxia is still very good.There is nothing wrong with letting a reporter from Ming Pao ask the question first, even if it is jealousy.

The reporters of Ming Pao also knew that this would be the result, no matter which reporter conducted the interview.As long as Li Mubai appeared, there was no need to compete with those reporters for positions.The first question will always be from Ming Pao, and today's reporter is also very cooperative with Li Mubai. The first question is about "Rush Hour".

"Hello, Mr. Li. It is rumored that this movie will be a symbol of your entry into Hollywood. May I ask what Mr. Li thinks about this issue?" The reporter from Ming Pao looked at Li Mubai with a smile after finishing his question. , waiting for Li Mubai's answer.

"To be precise, from the very beginning, my goal was the international market. And Hollywood will not be my end, it will be a new starting point for Li Mubai and Oriental DreamWorks." Li Mubai said bluntly Throw out a big answer.

Perhaps tomorrow, many newspapers and periodicals will criticize him for his arrogance, and many people may say that he is ignorant.However, Li Mubai never cared about anyone's comments, he just tried his best to do what he was going to do well and try to be as perfect as possible.

After answering the reporters from Ming Pao, Li Mubai pointed to the two reporters successively.

Since it has been agreed in advance, he will not answer any questions that have nothing to do with the movie, and he will only answer questions from three reporters.The other two reporters suddenly felt that they didn't have anything to ask. Just now Li Mubai had revealed a question that everyone was most concerned about.

However, these two reporters did not let go of such a good opportunity, especially the last reporter. After asking Li Mubai how satisfied he was with the movie, he asked insinuatingly about the lead actress in Li Mubai's next movie. Could it be Ruyan Liu?

Originally thought that Li Mubai would not directly answer the following questions, but Li Mubai was uncharacteristically giving the most direct answer.

Not only does it mean that the lead actress in his next movie will be Ruyan Liu, but there will be more than one heroine in the next movie.This is breaking news. Although Li Mubai only answered three questions, the reporters present are no longer worried that we will report to the boss when we go back.

With the introduction of the main creators for nearly 10 minutes, the long-awaited "Rush Hour" finally meets with you.

I have to say that this story does not have too many new themes, but the arrangement of the story is very ingenious.In the movie, not only the uniqueness of Chinese Kungfu is shown, but also an American agent and Cheng Long partner.

Especially the little girl in the movie, the image is very fresh and cute.The reporters sitting in the audience were surprised to find that this girl seemed familiar.Finally, someone recognized it. This little girl was not a child star in the film and television industry, but the little princess of the Guo family, Guo Danwei.

Although the little girl hadn't received any training, she had a similar experience and it was a true performance.But appearing on the screen has aroused the love of many people.

Even though she doesn't have many roles, Ah Yin's performance is definitely a classic and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

On the second day after the premiere, almost all entertainment-related newspapers in Hong Kong reported and commented on "Rush Hour".In just one day, Xiangjiang's box office has reached 350 million.

There was almost no suspense, and it topped the box office chart a week later.

Meanwhile, "Rush Hour" hits Hollywood theaters a week after its release with Hong Kong after discussions with Paramount representatives.This is what Golden Harvest pays more attention to. Xiangjiang has a total population of just over 500 million. Even if everyone watches it twice, the box office is only more than 1000 million.In North America, there are hundreds of millions, and the gap between them means huge profits and box office.

On the first day of its release in North America, "Rush Hour" did not do very well, with a box office of just over 100 million.

This caused Xiangjiang's media to make a big publicity.Many newspapers and magazines that were very dissatisfied with Li Mubai expressed that this would be Li Mubai's Waterloo.

Some newspapers also published similar comments, saying that Li Mubai was still young and not experienced enough.If you can settle down and study hard, you may have the opportunity to enter Hollywood in the future.As for now, Li Mubai is just young and frivolous.

It seems that what he said was fair and objective, but it was revealed between the lines that Li Mubai was still a fledgling, not yet qualified to talk about Hollywood.Not using arrogance to describe it, it has saved him a lot of face.

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