my wife is the leader

Chapter 417 The Stars Shine

Ye Qing was completely defeated by this shameless slut. After returning to the room, Li Mubai's residual warmth was still oozing from her white wrist.He clearly knew that this guy was a playboy, even when she was by his side, Li Mubai never concealed that he had a relationship with Huo Wenxi beyond the friendship between men and women, as well as the relationship between subordinates and subordinates.

But for some reason, when Li Mubai's hand grabbed her wrist, she could clearly feel her heart beating faster.In addition to being angry, there is actually a little bit of expectation hidden in the depths of his heart.

What's wrong with me?

Ye Qing tossed and turned on the bed unable to sleep, Li Mubai's naughty smile and that indomitable self-confidence appeared in her mind from time to time.What shocked Ye Qing the most was that Li Mubai's performance was absolutely impeccable when facing the intelligence chief of the British MI[-] Bureau.However, what about yourself?

She finally discovered the gap between herself and Li Mubai, which was not accumulated in a day or two, but a matter of a person's mentality and quality.These are the most fundamental, especially when Ye Qing realizes that she doesn't know which one is Li Mubai's true face and which one is his true color.

The interior and exterior decoration of the new site of Oriental DreamWorks has been completed, and now even the staff have moved to the new place.If you have not been there, you will never be able to imagine that this is actually the place where you will work in the future.

Rather than saying that this is a company, it is better to say that this is a paradise.

A completely open working environment, a leisure and rest area, with various entertainment facilities, such as billiards, game consoles, and even karaoke.On the top floor, there is also a video playback hall provided by dedicated guard staff. In addition to watching movies participated by our company, you can also watch some foreign blockbuster movies.

Even the cafeteria made everyone feel the generosity of the boss. There are not only famous chefs from Xiangjiang, but also various snacks.If only this is the case, it is far from shocking all employees.

In addition to the delicacies of Xiangjiang, you can also taste the delicacies of at least five countries.Not to mention western food, even sashimi and sushi from island countries can be eaten here.There is still a cafeteria, which is clearly a paradise for gourmet food.Even in the most prosperous commercial center in Xiangjiang, the tastes and dishes are not necessarily more complete than here.Most importantly, the price.

Meals in the cafeteria are not only cheap, but also have subsidies provided by the company.Such a good thing, not to mention Xiangjiang, even in Southeast Asia, or even the United States may not be able to have it!

With such a boss who cares about employees and such a superior working environment, the loyalty of every DreamWorks employee is unparalleled.Moreover, the salary package of DreamWorks is unmatched by all entertainment companies.

In addition to a high salary, Li Mubai also has various rewards, red envelopes, and also announced that at the end of each year, every employee will have a year-end bonus. How big is this red envelope? I don't know, but I can guess just by looking at the usual treatment, the big red envelope at the end of the year is absolutely indispensable.

The celebration was originally planned to start at 58:[-], but before [-]:[-], reporters from various newspapers in Xiangjiang were greeted outside.

Originally, these reporters wanted to go inside to interview and get some first-hand information.It's a pity that the security guards standing at the door stopped all these curious reporters outside.

These security guards are making their first appearance, but each of them possesses a kind of evil spirit.Even reporters who had never had a lower limit were overwhelmed by these burly, expressionless security guards.

A reporter from a newspaper tried to enter the company for an interview, but was thrown five meters away by one of the security guards mercilessly.Even though the reporter called the police, after the police showed up, they made it clear that this was a private place and no one could enter without the owner's permission.If someone tried to break in again, it would not be as simple as being thrown out. A trespasser would definitely not be able to escape.

Seeing the tough attitude of the police and the vicious security guards, those reporters chose to remain silent in the end wisely.

At 08:30, the employees of Oriental DreamWorks have come to work here one after another.In fact, there is no work content today, the main work is this celebration.

For this celebration, Li Mubai asked Huo Wenxi to prepare carefully for a while.A bright red carpet was laid out at the door first, and this red carpet was spread out for more than 30 meters.Moreover, fences were put down on both sides of the red carpet to prevent people from disturbing the walk on the red carpet.

In addition, those reporters found that a soldier in uniform also appeared at the scene.This is the British garrison in Xiangjiang. It is difficult to see these military masters at ordinary times, but today they are neatly dressed, standing outside the company just like those security guards.There is a posture of arresting anyone who dares to make trouble, or even killing them directly.

At nine o'clock, stars in the Xiangjiang film and television industry circle had already begun to appear.

The stars who can be invited to today's celebration are all popular stars in Xiangjiang.

The first one to come was Fazi. When his career was at its lowest point, it was Li Mubai who helped him up, turning the former "Xu Wenqiang" into the popular "Gao Jin" in Xiangjiang.If it weren't for Li Mubai, Fazi wouldn't have achieved what he is today in his career.Being able to be the first to appear at the venue is also his attitude of repaying Li Mubai. For an actor, the kindness of knowing one's situation is no different from reborn parents.

With the arrival of Fazi, a long list of first-line popular movie stars appeared on the red carpet.What made these reporters anxious was that none of these celebrities accepted interviews as if they had made an agreement.

Well, this is a private banquet, and other celebrities have the right to refuse interviews.

Although those reporters complained very much, they didn't invite them in any form. You came here uninvited.Who can blame this?

Finally, with the arrival of Wang Jing, the emergence of first-line stars ended.After him, the directors who appeared almost included all the well-known directors in Xiangjiang.Rather than saying that this is a private banquet, it is better to say that this is a grand event for the Hong Kong film and television industry.Nima, even the directors and first-line stars who attended the Academy Awards didn't have so many!

Although interviews were not allowed, none of the reporters had their cameras idle. These reporters had already made sufficient preparations before they came today, and each of them brought at least ten rolls of film.But now it seems that these are still not enough.

Looking at the time, it's not even ten o'clock, and there is still nearly an hour before the start.Li Mubai, who is the initiator, has not been present yet, so there will definitely not be a blank period of time, so who will appear next?

Shao Daheng's arrival made all the reporters realize that today's visit was so worthwhile.This tycoon hadn't appeared in front of the media for a long time, but today he actually condescended to come here in person, which shows how much weight Li Mubai has in this tycoon's heart.

An entertainment reporter who thought he was familiar with Shao Daheng rushed to Shao Daheng without hesitation. Those stars and directors did not accept interviews, probably because of Li Mubai's pressure.But Shao Daheng absolutely cannot have any pressure. In front of this tycoon, Li Mubai is just a junior.

It is a pity that Shao Daheng made it clear that he will not accept any interviews for the time being.Moreover, this is just a private gathering, nothing more than a little more people, I hope these entertainment reporters will not make such a fuss.

Shao Daheng's words were too speechless.But what if you are speechless?Regardless of status or status, these entertainment journals are not even a piece of cake in front of others.

Next, after starting with Daheng Shao, the boss of Golden Harvest also appeared on the red carpet, followed by the bosses of the Xiangjiang theaters appearing on the red carpet one after another.This also made all the reporters realize that there will definitely be big events and heavy news today!

After the bosses of these theaters walked in, another heavyweight appeared on the red carpet.

Golden hero!

This hero has always lived in a simple way, basically never appearing in the eyes of the media.But today this hero actually came to attend this "private banquet". Well, this can no longer be described as a banquet, it is a grand event.

The appearance of Jin Daxia is understandable. After all, Li Mubai's first novel was published in Ming Pao. Even now, Li Mubai's novels are still published in Ming Pao.It is not a day or two to cooperate with each other, and it is normal for Jin Daxia to appear here.

However, the appearance of Guo Shengli and Guo Daheng, the helmsman of Guo's Shipping, made the eyes of a group of reporters drop all over the place.

Joining hands with Guo Daheng are Li Daheng and Zheng Daheng.

What is going on in this world?Nima, is this tycoon who stays at home like a Chinese cabbage now?Everywhere?

The weight of these three tycoons is definitely no less than that of Shao Daheng, and any one of them stomping in Xiangjiang will make Xiangjiang tremble.

Was today's event initiated by Li Mubai?

Many reporters doubted whether this event was initiated by the Governor of Hong Kong.Otherwise, how could these three tycoons appear here!

However, when all the reporters were dumbfounded, another super heavyweight appeared on the red carpet.

Almost in an instant, some reporters with weaker psychological endurance fainted on the spot, this Li Mubai is too fucking heaven-defying!

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