It was already after five o'clock in the afternoon when Li Mubai arrived in the city, fortunately, there was still half an hour before the time agreed upon by Geng Dingyi.

According to the taxi driver, Meishan Hotel is definitely a high-end hotel in Mingyang City. Not only is it located in the most prosperous area, but even movie stars have stayed here.Many people will choose this hotel when they come to Mingyang City, but the price and consumption are definitely not low. A standard room costs about 90 yuan a night.In the early [-]s, this was almost equivalent to half a month's wages for ordinary workers.

"Still so flamboyant." After paying the fare, Li Mubai got off at the entrance of Meishan Hotel.


Before walking in, the four beautiful welcome staff standing at the door bowed slightly with smiles on their faces, their voices were not only neat, but also very pleasant.

Especially these four girls are all wearing that kind of traditional cheongsam, but the slit is a little higher.With the breeze blowing, you can see pairs of white thighs.

"Hi sir, are you going to eat or stay in the hotel?"

Li Mubai smiled and nodded, before he stepped into the lobby, a woman in a white short-sleeved shirt came up to him.

"I'm waiting for a friend." On the phone, Ding Yizhi only mentioned Meishan Hotel, but he didn't say whether he was in the private room or the lobby.Li Mubai had no choice but to answer truthfully.

"Sir, please." The girl is a foreman.Although Li Mubai's clothes were very simple, even a little shabby.However, the foreman's attitude was very correct, without any neglect.

On the right side of the hall are rows of sofas, occasionally a few people are sitting there, some are holding newspapers, some are enjoying the night view of Mingyang City with cigarettes in their mouths.

Under the guidance of the female foreman, Li Mubai found a seat by the window and sat down.This is a habit he has developed over the years, and he likes to sit in a place with a relatively open view, which is good for observation.

"Guan Shao, who is the guest invited today, who made it so grand and mysterious?"

Sitting on the sofa not far from Li Mubai sat a man and a woman in bright clothes.The man looks about 24, but the woman looks 27 even if she is not thirty.

"To be honest, I don't know. Today's scene was set by Young Master Bai. We came here under the guidance of Young Master Bai. You must remember it later, talk less and wink more."

Guan Shao lowered his voice, leaned close to the girl's ear, and said softly, "Have all the girls you arranged for me been arranged?"

"Guan Shao, you can still handle the things you told me. However, it's really hard to find such a chick." The woman frowned, and said with a embarrassed look: "When the time comes, Guan Shao must not I've done a disservice to these sisters."

"Let me tell you the truth, it's not sure whether people will like the ones you prepared. If they are really liked, it's not sure who will take care of them at that time!"

Guan Shao smiled mysteriously, picked up the teacup on the coffee table and took a sip, and leaned comfortably on the back of the sofa, looking very proud at the dumbfounded expression of the woman opposite.

"Young Master Hong!"

Just when the two of them were chatting without saying a word, a very handsome guy with a height of about 1.7 meters [-] walked in from the outside.However, the most eye-catching thing is that there is a beautiful beauty beside him.

Li Mubai was also attracted by Guan Shao's voice, turned his head to look, poke, this world is really too small.

The handsome guy who came was none other than Hong Xiangyu.

This guy is also dressed very flamboyantly today, with a golden necklace around his neck that dazzles his eyes.That shirt with white background and dark patterns didn't look like a street stall at first glance. What made Li Mubai speechless the most was that this shirt actually had three or four gold rings on its hands.

Yadi, isn't this the image of an upstart, a local tyrant?

Shaking his head lightly, Li Mubai did not stand up, but raised the corners of his mouth and looked at this Young Master Hong.

"Sister Yali, my God, you are much prettier in person than on TV." The woman next to Young Master Guan almost stopped screaming, and the subspecies showed more shock than surprise.

Yali's smile is very calm and polite, maybe because she is used to this kind of scene, she behaves very calmly.

"Young Master Hong, I don't know where the box is reserved?" Young Master Guan had a flattering smile on his face, and even spoke in a very respectful tone.

"I don't know yet, my honored guest said that we will wait until he comes." While speaking, Hong Xiangyu looked past Guan Shao, and saw Li Mubai who was sitting on the sofa and looking at him with a smile.

"Damn! You're here too!" Hong Xiangyu never thought that he would meet Li Mubai here.

Immediately, Hong Xiangyu took Yali's hand and strode towards Li Mubai, and said excitedly: "Yali, let me introduce you, this is my buddy, and also my brother, Li Mubai."

Hong Xiangyu's behavior not only stunned Guan Shao and the woman who were standing in front of the hall, but even Ya Li was a little stunned.

She knew who the young master next to her was, and she also knew that Hong Xiangyu had such a formidable background.Not to mention in Mingyang City, even in Ningdong Province, there would never be more than a handful of people who could call him a brother and see him right in the eye.

However, the intimacy that Hong Xiangyu showed at this time was something Yali had never seen before.

"Hello." Yali stretched out her right hand gracefully, with a warm smile on her face, and said gracefully, "My name is Yali, and I am Xiangyu's friend."

"Hello." Li Mubai also stretched out his right hand to touch Yali's water, shook it and then let go.

"Young Master Hong, this is...?"

The woman next to Young Master Guan also came over at this time, looked Li Mubai up and down, and found that this guy was dressed really unflatteringly, and there was a smell of dirt on his body.If Hong Xiangyu hadn't come over, this woman would never have looked at Li Mubai more.

"One of my buddies." Hong Xiangyu didn't have a good impression of the woman in front of him, but Guan Jie stood here, and he didn't want to be too disrespectful to Guan Jie.In particular, this woman is good at dancing with long sleeves, and she is very good at arranging some activities and programs.In his capacity, there is no need to care about such errands.

"Xiaobai, I was thinking of going to your village for a few days to play. Why did you come here?" Hong Xiangyu was also puzzled, this kid is now a deputy head of the village.Don't say how busy it is, but it's not too busy to come to a big hotel in the city, right?Could it be...

Thinking of this, Hong Xiangyu moved closer to Li Mubai's ear, and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Could it be that you sneaked here to open a room behind Tang Tang's back?"

"Get out, where is this going?"

Li Mubai did not expect that Hong Xiangyu turned out to be such a gossip guy, if not for his friends here, Li Mubai would definitely have kicked him in the ass. "I'm here to wait for a former comrade-in-arms. If you have something to do, you should go to your own."

"Don't tell me, there will be a little boy in a while, come from Yanjing, let me introduce you, it will only be good for you, and there will be no harm." Hong Xiangyu will not forget his brother when there are good things.Originally, he was thinking that he would let Li Mubai come over tomorrow when he received this boy today.This time it happened so well that I didn't even need to make a phone call.

"It's not easy for my comrade-in-arms to come here. Let's wait for the next opportunity." Li Mubai knew that Hong Xiangyu was thinking of him.However, in his heart, the friendship between brothers is more important.

"Young Master Hong, I think it's better to forget it. This little brother should also have his own affairs. Let's..."

"Am I familiar with you? Don't call me brother or brother casually, you don't have the qualifications yet." Before Guan Shao finished speaking, Li Mubai interrupted him with a sullen face, turned his head and said to Hong Xiangyu: "You What should you do?"

While talking, Li Mubai didn't care how wonderful the expressions on these people's faces were, turned around and sat on the sofa again, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and leaned on the back of the sofa.

"What!" The woman next to Young Master Guan said disdainfully, "Hillbillies just don't know how to flatter them."

"Shut your mouth, how can you make irresponsible remarks about Young Master Hong's friend?" Although Young Master Guan was talking about that woman, he didn't hide the disdain in his eyes at all.

He even regretted it a little bit. If Hong Xiangyu had such a vision, the so-called distinguished guest who came today would probably disappoint him too.

"My little brother has that kind of temper." Hong Xiangyu shook his head, but he has also experienced Li Mubai's tricks.He didn't know why Li Mubai cared so much about the word "brother", but everyone has their own story, and Hong Xiangyu didn't want to ask about Li Mubai's story yet.

"I'll call you later." Hong Xiangyu could see that Li Mubai was dissatisfied with Guan Jie, and knew that guy's bad temper, so he left a word and found a seat to sit down.

"Young Master Hong, what on earth is that arrogant guy doing?"

After sitting down, the woman next to Guan Jie asked the question everyone wanted to ask.Needless to say, at this time, only her identity is the most suitable to ask such a question.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't."

In fact, the woman didn't know, this question made Hong Xiangyu somewhat embarrassed.

Although Li Mubai and him had experienced a storm together at the police station before, the gap between the two of them was too great.Even Hong Xiangyu has a grateful heart, but because of the gap between identities, the distance of gratitude is getting farther and farther.

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