my wife is the leader

Chapter 437 The Speed ​​of Wolf 9

David is a professional soldier, whether it is danger or hostility, he can sense and capture it relatively quickly.

When he noticed that the back of his neck felt a little cold, and his heart throbbed suddenly, he sensed a murderous aura.But following the murderous look, he saw the person standing behind Li Mubai who had been silent all this time.

Although he had already guessed that Wolf Nine should be a retired soldier, he didn't think that Asian soldiers would be opponents of European soldiers.Even he has heard that Huaxia has magical kung fu, but on the battlefield, he pays more attention to actual combat, rather than the show in the movie.

Obviously, his observation of Li Mubai just now had aroused the other party's dissatisfaction.Whether in China or abroad, there is a law that is absolutely universal.

No text is the first, no martial arts is the second!

Especially when two soldiers met in this situation, there was a kind of eagerness in the hearts of both parties, wanting to measure the opponent's skills.

Li Mubai had already felt the burning fighting spirit of these two guys. He was a soldier before, so he could deeply understand the strong fighting spirit of the two at this time.

His eyes turned slightly.Li Mubai looked at David who was standing not far from Field. This Englishman had a very burly figure and strong muscles.Especially the expression in his eyes, and the arrogance of standing there casually, all these showed that the lieutenant colonel was not a rookie who had never seen blood.However, compared with Lang Jiu, Li Mubai felt that the opponent did not have much chance of winning.

Although Lang Jiu is not Li Mubai's opponent, it does not mean that Lang Jiu is not good enough.It can only be said that Li Mubai is too strong, like a monster.

"Interested?" Li Mubai turned his head, glanced at Lang Jiu who was full of fighting spirit, and said, "How many seconds can Brother Jiu get it done?"

Li Mubai spoke English, so he didn't shy away from David and Field at all.This is not Li Mubai's pretentiousness, but a kind of respect for the opponent, telling the opponent that we are very aboveboard.

But it was this kind of openness that made David almost vomit blood on the spot after hearing it.


The Huaxia boss actually asked his bodyguard how many seconds it would take him to get it done.Even if you are strong, you are not so powerful that you can count it in seconds, right?

Somalia also has a tropical grassland climate, with a year-round temperature of around [-] degrees.Even when the temperature is the lowest, it is above zero.

Xia Tian's short sleeves made Lang Jiu look a bit thin, and he couldn't see any muscles on his body.It is precisely because of this that David looks down on Wolf Nine even more.Whether on the battlefield or in the army, strength is always the key to victory or defeat.

Even if your skills are miraculous, in the face of absolute power, everything is in vain.

"It will take at least 60 seconds." Wolf Nine didn't care about David's eyes at all, but said in embarrassment: "Of course, if it goes well, 50 seconds will be about the same."

The more David listened, the more depressed he became. He really wanted to ask Wolf Nine, buddy, is the time you mentioned calculated according to the time on earth?

Li Mubai saw David's dismissive eyes, and also saw Field's unbelievable expression.

"Old Field, I know you don't believe me either. You think I'm lying." Li Mubai walked up to Field and said in English with a London accent: "What I hate the most is betting, especially if he's not my bodyguard." , but my brother. I really hate using my brother to bet with others, but you see, one of them is an active soldier and the other is a retired soldier. I think their hearts are already itchy."

Li Mubai was wearing a round-brimmed hat and a pair of American Ray-Ban military sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. He pulled down the sunglasses to reveal his eyes, and said, "Why don't we make some splashes, no matter who wins in the end?" , How about this lottery as a reward for them?"

There is a gambling factor in every man's bone, and Field also exists.Although he never gambled, it didn't mean he wasn't interested in Li Mubai's proposal, and it didn't hurt anything.

Li Mubai asked the soldiers to pull over two chairs, and he and Field sat on the chairs.But Li Mubai thought for a long time and didn't come up with a better way to fill in the lottery. Being young is a humiliation to the two of them, and a humiliation to the soldiers.If it gets bigger, its nature will change.This David can also be regarded as his subordinate, and it hurts even if it is broken.

"It's better like this." Li Mubai finally thought of a pretty good idea, which can tell the winner without hurting his feelings.

"I'm about to set up a team that can protect my property and wealth, but I haven't decided on the candidates for the instructor." Li Mubai said unhurriedly: "Why don't you two compete, and the one who wins in the end will be the team's leader?" How about the instructor?"

Li Mubai's suggestion was completely in line with the two people's wishes. Although Lang Jiu could not be the instructor of these people even if he won, it was a matter of honor.Not only the honor of the soldiers, but also the honor of the country.

"David, I need to remind you before the contest." Li Mubai saw that both of them nodded, and then he said: "My ninth brother was once an elite of the National Security Bureau, you must not underestimate your opponent. "

Li Mubai thought it was for fairness, not because he looked down on David, after all David was a soldier on the battlefield.But compared with the guards, there is still a big gap between the two.

Although David is only an officer stationed abroad, he also understands what the National Guard Bureau represents.It was the best of the best, the most rigorous and professionally trained.You have to block bullets anytime, anywhere. In other words, once you become an internal guard to protect the country's top leaders, you are ready to give your life.

If it wasn't for Li Mubai's reminder, David really didn't take Lang Jiu too seriously.Now that he heard the news, he took a serious look at Lang Jiu.However, no matter how he observed it, he didn't see anything special about it.

"Are you ready?" Li Mubai gave David 3 minutes before asking.

Seeing the two nodding, Li Mubai raised his wrist, looked at the Patek Philippe on his wrist, and shouted very simply: "Start!"

The distance between the two was not very far, less than three meters.

This distance is the best for both offense and defense.

When Li Mubai's voice fell to the ground, Lang Jiu didn't make any movements, but looked at David very seriously.

After David knew that this thin guy was an inside defender, he was also very cautious.But when he saw Lang Jiu, he didn't seem to want to make a move first, so he couldn't help it.

It has to be said that David is nearly 1.9 meters tall and has very well-developed muscles.The fist that was thrown out was like a steamed bun, not only fast, but also very tricky.

Almost in the blink of an eye, David's fist had already hit Lang Jiu's face.

And Lang Jiu stood there motionless, watching the fist hit him.Wait until the punch has been used up and it is less than one centimeter away from the bridge of his nose.In the meantime, Lang Jiu was like a ghost, and his body moved two inches in an instant.

And Lang Jiu's fist also swung out the moment his body moved.

Instead of attacking David head-on, he punched David under the armpit.

This is not a fatal place.However, if anyone's armpit is hit, then this arm will lose any function in a short time.

David knew this truth very well, even if he didn't understand it.Wolf Nine also helped him understand this truth very well.

In the blink of an eye, David felt as if his right arm was not his own, suddenly lost strength, and was about to hang down.

Fortunately, this was just a contest. If it was a life-and-death fight, he might have seen God at that moment just now.

But he didn't throw in the towel.

As long as you can still stand, you can't give up!

This is the willpower, combat effectiveness, and faith of soldiers!

It is a pity that no matter how strong the willpower is, without the support of combat power, it will be a failure.

After Lang Jiu succeeded in one blow, a pair of fists landed on David's weak spot, his chest, like a storm.

However, what made David fall was not Lang Jiu's fist, but his knee bump that was like a magic pen.

52 seconds!

In just 52 seconds, an active-duty Marine Corps lieutenant colonel fell in front of Wolf Nine.

But Lang Jiu's face did not show the slightest joy after victory.He is very clear that this is the greatest strength he has erupted in a short period of time.

I have to admit that the resistance of these foreign devils is really too strong.In terms of the speed and strength of the attack just now, each punch can break at least two green bricks.But even so, he punched nearly seventy punches in total.This speed and strength are already the limit of Wolf Nine.

He lamented the ability of the foreign devils to fight back, and he was so shocked that he could no longer describe it in terms of shock.

I saw a ghost!

This was David's thought before he fell.How could this Huaxia man's fist be so fast with such power.This is completely unscientific, even the fighting masters he knows can never do it!

"Brother Jiu, if you don't exercise for a long time, your hands and feet are going to rust, right?" Li Mubai saw the shortcomings of Lang Jiu, this is definitely not his best state.If Lang Jiu had been in the barracks all this time, both the power and speed of his punches would be at least [-]% stronger than before.

"I'll come here to practice when you're done working for a while. If the boys in Xiaoying know about this place, they will definitely come here in a row. I can't let them take advantage of it!"

Take advantage?

Going to the military camp to train is considered an advantage?

Who are these guys?Are you even human?

David was completely stunned by Wolf Nine's words!

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