my wife is the leader

Chapter 444 I'm Just a Businessman

Li Mubai has never opposed the development of technology and industries in China, but he is very troubled by the use of doctrine.Especially recently, there have been a lot of news that has shaken him. Even if Mr. Tang Zhong reached the top, his life is not so good.

Li Mubai didn't want to get involved in politics anymore.Whether domestic or foreign.Although he used to be a cadre, but after serious reflection, he was not much better than a political idiot.Moreover, his character is not suitable for being in the officialdom, even if he deals with these officials, he is not very willing.

"Mr. Li, now that the words have been said to such an extent, I would like to know, what conditions do you need to transfer these technologies to Huaxia?" The last three people exchanged glances with each other, and then the one sitting in the middle asked the comrade.

"May I ask you about your position and authority." Li Mubai did not answer the other party's question directly.

"I'm from the general office." The comrade in the middle never thought of anything to hide.

"Excuse me, how long have you been working in the office?" Li Mubai raised his mouth slightly, shook his head, and asked again out of necessity.

"Four years."

"Four years is not too short, but I want to ask you, haven't you even heard of the Batumi Agreement? Even if I promise you to send all the technology to the country for free, do you dare to accept it? ? Even if you dare to take it, can it be produced?" Li Mubai slapped his palm on the table hard, and his voice became louder and louder.He really didn't know how to deal with these officials and masters, and he didn't even think about the most basic and simple questions.

If it wasn't for the Batumi agreement, would Li Mubai still need to establish scientific research centers and laboratories in Xiangjiang and Switzerland?

After hearing Li Mubai's words, the old man's face flushed red.Li Mubai did not mention that he hadn't thought of it yet, but when Li Mubai mentioned the Batumi agreement, he immediately knew that he had said something wrong.And it's not 01:30 that's wrong, it's thousands of miles away.

"Don't tell me that you didn't receive the invitation letter I sent to China, and don't tell me that Chang An, that shit, is the person in charge of the scientific research center!" It's okay not to mention these things, but when Chang An was mentioned, Li Mubai became angry. Do not call one place.

Afterwards, Li Mubai stood up abruptly, pointed to the three officials sitting on the sofa, and said sharply: "Why did you send out the invitation? Can you tell me why I sent out the invitation? That is the only thing I can do with confidence." The reason for opening up more scientific research and technology in the country, for this, do you know how much effort I have made and how much I have paid for it?"

"Do you think that I, an evil capitalist, have any right to stand here and say such nonsense, so that your so-called face is lost, and I scolded me tens of thousands of times in my heart, but because of the position under the buttocks, my head The hat on top has to swallow it?" Li Mubai's eyes turned red when he said this.He couldn't help but be angry, he didn't expect anyone to understand him, but he hoped that there would be someone with a long-term vision who could understand the true meaning of the arrangement, and everything he had paid would not be in vain.

However, no such person exists.What they think more is not technology, but political achievements.This is where Li Mubai gets angry, even if he has a little bit of brains, he won't get out of the matter of fishing in the dry lake, and say things that can make people vomit blood.

"You only have one chance, don't look for reasons, and there is no reason." Li Mubai took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.Seeing that guy's head drooping, he said slowly: "Take my words back to the country, I'm just a businessman, and I can't come up with the conditions that make my heart beat, so just stay where you are." I don't mind what people say about me, judge me, I just live for myself. I'm not that great, and I don't want to be eaten to the bone in the end, I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm not safe Feeling, especially when I see you bastards who eat vegetarian corpses!"

The bad breath in his chest finally got out, Li Mubai didn't care what they thought, whether they had face or not.After finishing speaking, Li Mubai opened the door and walked out. When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped and said without looking back: "Second brother, third child, you also give me a sentence : I would have set my heart to the bright moon."

Li Mubai's back disappeared from their sight, leaving no one in the room sitting here in embarrassment.No matter Jiang Hongyu or Ding Yiyi, after hearing Li Mubai's last words, their hearts ached, as if someone had slashed at the tip of their hearts with a knife.

What Li Mubai said was not a complete sentence, there was another sentence after this sentence: But the bright moon shines on the ditch!

If it wasn't for disappointment, complete disappointment, Li Mubai would never have said such a sentence.

Back in the military camp, Li Mubai would not hesitate to sacrifice his young life for the honor of the soldier.

If it wasn't for his luck and God's favor for him, he might have already died for his country.

Even if he was treated unfairly and returned to the place, he used his favor to make the people of Chuntao Township live better, even at the expense of his official status.

There are many things, there is nothing Li Mubai did that he dare not speak to others.

However, even when he had made great achievements and wanted to do something for the country, he unexpectedly met that bastard Chang An.

Not to mention Li Mubai, if it was any one of these two, Chang An would have been hacked to pieces long ago.

As brothers, they could feel that Li Mubai's heart was bleeding.They have known Li Mubai for nearly ten years, and they have never seen Li Mubai angry like this before. He is not because of his own gain or loss, he is completely using his own interests for the development of this country.

Jiang Hongyu and Ding Yiyi didn't have any face to try to persuade Li Mubai anymore. As for these people wanting to prove the report and do it, they couldn't interfere.The only thing they could do was to convey every word Li Mubai said today, even his tone, the expression on his face, to the family and to those who wanted to know the result.

In the huge room, the atmosphere became extremely dull at this time, and it seemed that even breathing was much more difficult.

"I'm going down, I just came to see my brother." In the end, it was Ding Yiyi who broke the dull deadlock.

After speaking, he stood up.Before he could raise his leg, Jiang Hongyu also stood up and said mockingly, "I'm just here to make soy sauce."

During the holiday, there were only these three guys who didn't know what mood they were in.

Li Mubai's words were like a sharp knife, ruthlessly poking at their weakness.Although they didn't fully believe what Li Mubai said, there was one thing they were very clear about now.

Today, Li Mubai is no longer a person who can be manipulated by them.No matter in terms of status or influence, Li Mubai has the qualifications to ignore their existence.They don't even have the right to be angry. They didn't intend to take any benefits, and they paid a lot of price that they didn't know.However, a good thing was ruined by that idiot.

Especially when they thought of what Li Mubai said, he was afraid, even to the point of fear.This can no longer be described as chilling. If possible, these three would like to fly back to the country immediately, tear Chang An into pieces, and then throw them into the kennel, even feeding the dog is cheap. That bastard.

Just as the three were staring wide-eyed, there was a knock on the door.The British butler came in politely with a tray, and on the tray was a phone they hadn't seen before.

"This is a satellite phone. It is absolutely safe. It is impossible to eavesdrop on the content and information of the call by any means, and even the destination cannot be traced." Putting down the tray, little Paul bowed slightly to the three, which means being polite went out.

Li Mubai asked Little Paul to send the phone call. Although he was very angry, the three of them did nothing wrong.Since the satellite phone was sent over, it has already shown Li Mubai's attitude, he was not targeting that person, he was right about the matter and not about the person.

The guests outside had arrived one after another, and Li Mubai had a faint smile on his face, as if nothing had happened just now.

Yuan Xi really did not disappoint Li Mubai, not only did the couple come to the party, but they also brought two men and a woman whose identity and status were no lower than theirs.

"Brother, sister will introduce you to these two heroes." Yuan Xi and Guo Tianyu brought the couple to stand in front of Li Mubai, and introduced: "This is the daughter of Uncle Zheng's family, who once studied at Yale University. , but we are a well-known talented woman in Xiangjiang. And this is the same as you, Li Daheng's young son, Li Zekai, who just came back from Stanford."

Li Zekai?

In another memory, I have a deep impression on this young man who still looks a bit green now.

This one has the title of Little Superman, and he has become a rich man in Xiangjiang in ten years.Whether in business or as a person, he has a good reputation.But if I remember correctly, this person should only return to Xiangjiang next year, why did he come back this year?

"Mrs. Guo, we dare not call you a hero in front of Mr. Li." Li Zekai had heard of Li Mubai's name before returning to Xiangjiang.And in Stanford, many Chinese regard Li Mubai as a goal and regard him as an idol.

Although Li Zekai grew up with a golden key in his mouth, even his father is not as famous internationally as this man who is not as old as him.However, the most shocking thing is that, according to reliable sources, the father of Nano has never even studied in college, which makes the elites in countless famous universities feel ashamed...

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