Those who were still watching, skeptical, and half-believing, saw that Si Gazi won the first place and got the bonus. The next day, almost overwhelming Chuntao people flocked to the West Market and the surrounding areas of Chunzhu Township.

In the beginning, there were people who were lucky, but now they are either staying at home and not daring to show their heads, or they have packed their bags and are ready to avoid the limelight.Everyone in Chuntao Township seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood. If they were caught, not to mention whether they would suffer, the key point was that their face would be completely lost.

The most hateful thing is that Deputy Township Chief Li Mubai, is your Chuntao Township rich?You actually caught one and gave it a thousand, damn, if you give me more, I will turn myself in.

There is no reason to guard against thieves day and night.Although the people in Chuntao Township are not thieves, those guys who have nothing to do at home are now wandering outside Chunzhu Township all day long.Those guys who haven't gone out, their intestines are now green with regret.

But even so, there were still unlucky guys who were twisted by the people of Chuntao Township and sent back to the police station in Chuntao Township.And Li Mubai's reputation is also the same for a while.Whether in Chuntao Township or Chunzhu Township, Li Mubai's reputation was mixed.But Li Mubai doesn't care about these things, what he should do every day is what he does.

Recently, Li Mubai has developed a strong interest in books on economics.This guy only has a little time every day, and he uses it to read and study.

"The township chief, Secretary Luo informed the meeting to be held at two o'clock in the afternoon."

Mi Li arranged a correspondent for Li Mubai. The young man was only 25, and he was almost the youngest comrade in the Township General Office.There is no way, Li Mubai is very young, only 20 years old.If he was assigned a correspondent in his 40s, Li Mubai would probably be upset at the sight.

In this regard, Millie has arranged it very well.

"What topic?" Li Mubai pushed the document in his hand forward, straightened his back, and asked.

"There was no notification, but I heard that in addition to the party committee and government deputies, even the village chiefs below have been notified."

As a secretary, you have to keep your eyes open and your ears listening to all directions.This is the most basic skill. If you can't even do this, then the secretary will soon be exhausted.

"Xiao Wu, what else is there?" Even though at the beginning, Li Mubai was not used to calling Wu Wei like this.However, with the passage of time and Millie's explanation, he has completely adapted to his identity now.

Wu Wei took a step forward, filled Li Mubai's cup with some water, and said, "Someone said that Secretary Luo was very dissatisfied with Comrade Xue Dong's work. When he went to the police station to check his work yesterday, he got angry."

Now in Chuntao Township, who doesn't know that Xue Dong is Li Mubai's vanguard, and Luo Guanhua is here for inspection work, so he is clearly targeting Li Mubai.Wu Wei also understands the twists and turns, but to serve the leader, he only needs to convey what he heard clearly.As for the fatal judgment, that is the matter of the leader.

"Prepare Passepartout's report." Li Mubai seemed to have not heard Wu Wei's report, but changed the topic to the past.

Even though Chuntao Township is just a township, the team is well-equipped with members.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, members of the party committee, the deputy township head, and five village heads all arrived at the venue.

This is the first enlarged meeting held by Luo Guanhua since he took office.

It is said that there are three fires for a new official to take office, but this Secretary Luo has not burned one fire yet.No one would believe that such a vigorous and exaggerated meeting is now held just to meet everyone and say a few words.

One minute to two, Guo Xiangrong walked into the meeting room with a teacup.And Luo Guanhua slowly appeared at the door of the conference room at one minute after two o'clock. Although he was a little late, no one cared.He is the leader, and it is the privilege of the leader to step on it.

The tables in the conference room were arranged in a rectangle, and Luo Guanhua sat in the middle as it should be, and comrades from the party committee and the government sat on both sides.

Luo Guanhua is worthy of being a cadre from the agency, and when he came up, he spoke official Chinese and clichés for 10 minutes.Luo Guanhua didn't turn to the topic until his mouth became dry and he drank a cup of tea.

"Our team in Chuntao Township is still a very effective team, but this does not rule out that some departments and some comrades have no organizational discipline at all." Speaking of this, Luo Guanhua's eyes jumped over the people in front of him, and looked at Xue Dong said: "Here, I want to remind some comrades that we are party members, not bandits."

Everyone knows who Luo Guanhua's words are referring to.The moment his words fell to the ground, many eyes focused on Li Mubai.

Li Mubai sat in the second place on Luo Guanhua's right, and in front of him was the township chief Guo Xiangrong.

I thought that at this time, Li Mubai should stand up and say a few words, but everyone found out.Li Mubai didn't seem to hear what Luo Guanhua said, looking through the folder in his hand, he didn't know what was in it.

"Next, the actions of certain comrades have seriously affected the image of our Chuntao Township Party Committee and government, and we need to make some simple adjustments to our work." Luo Guanhua did not expect that Li Mubai would not say a word at this time.

However, it doesn't matter whether he says it or not.The important thing is that he is the leader of Chuntao Township, and it is his job authority to adjust the work.Even if Li Mubai stood up and said something, it would be in vain, he was just a deputy mayor, he didn't even join the party committee, and he didn't even have the right to vote.

An exaggerated meeting was held today, and Luo Guanhua wanted to ruthlessly peel off Li Mubai's face in front of all the cadres in Chuntao Township.At the same time, I would like to remind you that you are the leader, and only by following yourself can you develop, have a way out, and benefit.

Xue Dong didn't have much to worry about. Although Luo Guanhua was the secretary, the police station was the same as the Public Security Bureau.It's double control, even if he wants to change, the county bureau must nod.As a secretary alone, he can't cover the sky with one hand.

Especially when Xue Dong saw the old god Li Mubai sitting there looking through the materials in his hand, Xue Dong felt more at ease.

Even a vegetable farmer who was buying vegetables in the West Market was bullied, Li Mubai could make such a big move.Anyway, he was also the first general to join Li Mubai's camp, and he was also a member of the party committee.Even if Luo Guanhua wanted to touch him, he had to weigh whether Li Mubai would agree.

Luo Guanhua was also aware of this truth. He hadn't planned to transfer Xue Dong away all at once, but he still didn't feel the slightest pressure in his heart after beating him so hard at the meeting.

Seeing that Li Mubai did not fight back, he said triumphantly: "Old Guo, you are also a township head with rich experience, but the construction of Chuntao Township has never kept up. It is absolutely impossible to continue like this! Especially some young comrades, A vegetarian meal in the corpse, if things go on like this, what kind of development is Chuntao Town talking about!"

As he spoke, Luo Guanhua slapped the table hard, not to mention, he really looked like a leader at this moment.

"Comrade Luo Guanhua, the government's work is proceeding in an orderly manner." Although Guo Xiangrong was a good old man before, he was very good at nourishing his spirit.However, Luo Guanhua is already slapping his face at this time, and the development of the township is the work of the government. If he doesn't say a few words, he will really use the township head as an improper cadre. "We have to take a serious and responsible attitude towards our work, and we can't make decisions that slap our brains. Any work must be implemented and justified."

Although Guo Xiangrong did not clearly point out that you Luo Guanhua managed your party committee well, it clearly stated that the work of the government cannot be accomplished overnight.Incidentally, Guo Xiangrong also alluded to Luo Guanhua's understanding of government work, and if he made any decision today, it would be tantamount to cooperating with what Guo Xiangrong said, a decision that slapped his head.

Luo Guanhua also realized that what he said just now was a bit too much.What he wants to target now is Li Mubai, not Guo Xiangrong.Although this guy is just a puppet, if he wants to set up an opponent for himself, the loss outweighs the gain.

Immediately, Luo Guanhua changed the subject and said: "Comrade Guo Xiangrong, I would like to ask, who is in charge of public security on the government side? Someone posted a notice in front of the police station in an unorganized and undisciplined way. I want to ask this person Comrade, who gave you the right to do this?"

Luo Guanhua's expression was filled with righteous indignation, his two not-so-big eyes stared wide open, and even his voice raised an octave.

"I really want to ask Comrade Luo Guanhua, is it stipulated by the law or the party's regulations, and it is not allowed to do this? If there is, please point it out. If not, you should talk about something serious." Li Mubai, who was silent, cleared his throat at this moment.He said in a slow voice: "Here, I also want to remind Comrade Luo Guanhua that the comrades here are very busy at work, and wasting other people's time is tantamount to murder. We don't have so much time to waste!"


In an instant, the big conference room became completely silent, and many comrades even breathed carefully, not daring to vent their breath.

I have heard that Li Mubai is very vigorous, and I know that Li Mubai and Luo Guanhua will collide sooner or later.

However, no one expected that in this kind of enlarged meeting, Li Mubai not only pointed the finger at Luo Guanhua, but also named them by name.This is more powerful than some of Luo Guanhua's comrades!

"Comrade Li Mubai, what are you talking about? Do you know that this is an enlarged meeting?"

Luo Guanhua didn't expect Li Mubai's counterattack to be so sharp. Immediately, he slapped his palm on the table fiercely, and shouted angrily: "Now, your qualification for the meeting has been disqualified, get out immediately!"

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