Li Mubai did not say any more harsh words to Xu Zhihua, and the communication between the two was considered relatively successful.Li Mubai said that he would explain the problem of the car to Zuo Li, but how the car will be returned to Zuo Li in the end depends on what Xu Zhian does.

It is definitely impossible for Xu Zhian to compensate the car, but Li Mubai said that the gangsters who smashed the car must be caught and the person behind the scenes must be found. There is no room for negotiation.

This request is not too much, Xu Zhian now also hates the guy behind the scenes who ordered the car to be smashed.But before finding out who did it, Xu Zhian really didn't want to promise anything.As for the media, Li Mubai said that he would suppress it, which also hinted at what Xu Zhian would do next.

When leaving Li Mubai's room, Xu Zhian's expression was very ugly.Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to kick Li Mubai out of Chuntao Township, but he didn't expect to have side effects.But as long as he protects his position right now, he will give Li Mubai some shoes in the future.

It was nearly ten o'clock in the evening when we walked out of the county guest house. When Xu Zhian was going to go home by car, he found that the four wheels of his Santana were missing.

Xu Zhian didn't drive this car himself, he has a full-time driver!

Walking quickly to the front of the car, Xu Zhian saw that his driver was tied to the seat of the driver's cab, his mouth was also gagged, and he was struggling desperately there!


The first thing Xu Zhian thought of was Li Mubai.

Don't look at the chat with him in the room just now, but this kind of thing can be arranged for others to do it.Especially with Li Mubai and that bastard Hong Xiangyu.

A nameless fire rushed to the forehead in a flash.

Xu Zhian almost didn't turn around and go back to ask Li Mubai, what the hell are you trying to do, kid?

But after thinking about it, Li Mubai had evidence of his alibi, and just now he was talking with him in the room.And even if that bastard Li Mubai really hired someone to do it, he would never admit it!

Tolerate!I'm so patient!

With a dark face, Xu Zhian scolded the staff in the lobby of the guest house severely. Even the person in charge of the guest house suffered from the disaster of the fish pond and was severely criticized by Xu Zhian.

After scolding someone, the anger in Xu Zhian's heart was vented a little bit.

No matter what time it is, the wheels must be put on, otherwise, if everyone sees the county magistrate's car tomorrow and don't even take off the wheels, Da Ya will be laughed out of nowhere.

That driver was unlucky enough. Not only was he tied up, but he was also scolded by Xu Zhian.

"That bastard must have done it!"

Xu Zhian gritted his molars, wishing he could swallow Li Mubai alive.However, he knew that this time he was dumb eating coptis.Leaving the driver behind, Xu Zhi'an had no choice but to walk home with his legs off.

However, all this is not over.Seeing that he was about to turn another corner and reach the county party committee compound, two black figures suddenly appeared.

Um, one of them was holding a sack, and it was covering Xu Zhian's head behind him.

Before Xu Zhian realized what was going on, a burst of fists fell on him like raindrops.

Not to mention that Xu Zhian is over 50 years old, even if he is a young and strong guy, it is impossible for him to break free from the sack covering his body instantly under such circumstances.

Fortunately, those two guys were more measured in their actions, but even so, after these two guys left, Xu Zhian's body was still bruised and purple.What drove Xu Zhian crazy the most was that one of his eyes was bruised, whether he was kicked or punched.

When he got home, even when his wife asked him how he did it, Xu Zhian didn't tell the truth, it was really embarrassing to tell the truth.

Regardless of Li Mubai's idea, or Hong Xiangyu's bad move, Xu Zhian kept these in Li Mubai's head.

However, when he went to Tang Jie's office the next morning, there was no trace of anger on his face at all, as if the bruises on his eye sockets were really the same as what he had concealed as accidental bumps while walking.

I thought that Xu Zhian would be able to take down Li Mubai in a thunderous fury, but when Xu Zhian said the first sentence, Luo Guanhua was a little dumbfounded.

"Comrade Li Mubai, it's okay to have differences in work, but we must pay attention to the method. We are state cadres, not bandits, and we can't use rough methods." Before Tang Jie could speak, Xu Zhian took the lead in expressing his attitude, saying: " It is a good thing to be young and energetic, but I hope you can put this momentum on the table to build Chuntao Township and let Chuntao Township develop."

Not to mention that Luo Guanhua was confused, even Tang Jie didn't understand which song Xu Zhian sang.

"Magistrate Xu is very correct." Tang Jie sorted out his thoughts a little, and said slowly: "You must remember your identity at any time, and you can't point your fists at your comrades. If you have time, ask Xu County more. When you can have the mind of the county magistrate Xu who is dedicated to the public, you can become a truly qualified cadre."

Anyway, Shun Shui's favors don't cost money, Tang Jie immediately praised Xu Zhi'an, but then he changed the subject and said to Luo Guanhua: "As a squad leader, you must also grasp the standards in your work and unite with your comrades. Timely communication. Only in this way can we do a good job and unite the team of Chuntao Township effectively.”


Luo Guanhua now has the urge to scold her mother.

Tang Jie's implication was that something was wrong with him, he was beaten, okay?Even if you are partial to Li Mubai, you still have to find a high-sounding reason, okay?Isn't this too obvious?

"I'm sorry Comrade Luo Guanhua, I was impulsive, please forgive me." Li Mubai apologized at the right time, anyway, compared with being beaten, this apology is nothing at all.And he also understands that he can't push forward, Tang Jie has said so, so he should give the county magistrate some face, right?


"Although Comrade Luo Guanhua forgave you, your behavior this time has already caused a very bad influence. In this regard, I propose to give a verbal warning to see if you dare to have a next time?"

Before Luo Guanhua could finish what he said, Tang Jie said, "County Xu, do you have any comments?"

I have an opinion, a big opinion!

Xu Zhian wished he could give Li Mubai a kick on the rooster mountain to crow.However, at this time, he said with a very serious expression: "I think Secretary Tang's proposal is very good. We can't beat people to death with a single stick. We allow mistakes to be made, but we also allow them to be corrected. I hope this verbal warning can sound the alarm. Let Comrade Li Mubai always remember the working methods and methods."

I rely on it!

Luo Guanhua's face flushed red.When will I forgive this bastard?

However, these two bosses have already said so, if Luo Guanhua said anything at this time, it would not only appear that he is narrow-minded, but also does not know what is good or bad.However, he couldn't figure it out, just yesterday Xu Zhian was still filled with righteous indignation, but today he seemed to be a different person.

Even though there were many incomprehensions in his heart, he had no choice but to suppress them in his heart.

"I also have something wrong." Luo Guanhua breathlessly said something that made him want to vomit.

This was Tang Jie's unexpected result. He had already prepared for the worst. If it really didn't work out, Li Mubai would be punished.But looking at it now, it obviously exceeded expectations.As for what happened last night, he had heard about it to some extent, but he didn't ask for specific details.

After leaving the county party committee, Li Mubai had no choice but to take the bus back to Chuntao Township. As for the key of the Toyota, he gave it to Xu Zhian last night.He believed that even if he borrowed a thousand guts, he wouldn't dare to ignore it.

Li Mubai didn't care whether Luo Guanhua was returning to the peach town, anyway, he walked to the long-distance bus station.However, just when Li Mubai was about to buy a ticket, a woman screamed loudly: "Catch the thief!"

Mei Ting!

Li Mubai turned his head and found that Mei Ting was chasing a man in white short sleeves crazily.

"Stop!" Li Mubai didn't even think about it, and rushed out like a cheetah in an instant.

That thief's running speed was really not slow, but compared with Li Mubai's speed, it was not at the same level at all.

Within 300 meters, Li Mubai was less than ten meters away from the thief.

The thief in front didn't even expect that such a fierce man would catch up behind him.Is this Nima still human?

The thief was familiar with the terrain, so he made a turn and entered an alley.

However, he also realized that it was absolutely impossible to get rid of the guy behind him.He was also a bachelor, and when he turned into the alley, he stopped in his tracks, took out a butterfly knife from his pocket, and said out of breath, "Dude, I advise you to mind your own business!"

Watching the thief play a few tricks with the butterfly knife in his hand, Li Mubai raised his mouth slightly, stepped forward, and said, "Hand over the things, and I'll let you go."

"Boy, I see you looking for death!"

The corner of the thief's mouth twitched, his eyes showed a fierce look, and he played the butterfly knife in his hand very well.

"Where does all this nonsense come from?"

Not to mention that the one opposite was just a thief, even if there were ten or eight, Li Mubai didn't pay attention to them.

It was too late to say it, but it was so fast, Li Mubai rushed to the opposite side of the thief.Before the thief stabbed the knife out of his hand, his wrists felt as if they were firmly handcuffed by an iron hoop.

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