golden power

Chapter 25

Li Keyi didn't expect Gao Yuan to wake up when she kissed him lightly. This is good, he has discovered all his thoughts, and it's useless to cover up any more.She simply resigned to her fate, Ren Gaoyuan took off all her clothes, Ren Gaoyuan greedily kissed and touched her body wantonly, her body gradually boiled up, finally, she lost all her restraint, she couldn't help hugging Gao Yuan, the two of them were completely entangled.

Gao Yuan didn't expect that Li Keyi completely surrendered to him in this way. Li Keyi, who was so reserved and persistent last night, is now rolling naked with him. Li Keyi, whom he could only look up to in the past, Li Keyi, who is tall, white like snow jade, beautiful like a fairy, and elegant, has become a president at the age of 23 and has an annual income of nearly a million Li Keyi. Now she is under his control, she is like an idiot If you are lost, it seems that you have lost yourself, as if you have completely become your own vassal.

Gao Yuan has infinite joy, infinite excitement, infinite happiness, and infinite gratitude. He wants to completely possess Li Keyi. Only in this way can he calm down his hot body, realize his sense of accomplishment to the greatest extent, and give all his love unreservedly. Li Keyi.Gao Yuan straightened Li Keyi, and said as if swearing: "Keyi, don't worry, I really love you, I want you, not a momentary impulse, but a choice of my life, as long as you become my Man, I will be responsible to you for the rest of my life, I will never betray you, and I will never let you suffer any harm!"

Li Keyi said softly: "Gao Yuan, I really love you too, I almost became yours last night, if you were more firm!" Gao Yuan said: "Ke Yi, thank you for your love to me, I will never let you down, from today to forever." Li Keyi smiled gratifiedly, then closed his eyes and completely handed himself over to Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan was very moved, he suddenly wanted to take a bath, he wanted to wash himself clean, he felt that only in this way could he be worthy of Li Keyi.He said to Li Keyi: "Keyi, wait for me, I'll take a shower." Li Keyi nodded slightly.Gao Yuan got out of bed, went to the bathroom, and rinsed seriously under the shower head.

About ten minutes later, Gao Yuan washed himself clean and walked into the room happily.He suddenly found that Li Keyi had gotten off the bed, and Li Keyi was dressed neatly, sitting on a chair with sadness and disappointment on his face.Gao Yuan was very surprised: "Keyi, what's wrong with you?" Li Keyi said: "You put on your clothes first."

Seeing her serious face, Gao Yuan had to put on his clothes and said, "What's wrong with you? I thought you would be waiting for me on the bed." Li Keyi said, "Gao Yuan, I didn't expect that you would be such a carefree person. !" Gao Yuan said: "Keyi, I like you, not a flirt!" Li Keyi said: "Do you say that to all the girls you meet?" Gao Yuan's heart tightened: "Could it be that she discovered my love? What secret?"

Gao Yuan pretended to be nonchalant: "I will only say those things to you." Li Keyi said: "Really?" Gao Yuan said: "Really!" Li Keyi said: "I can't imagine that you are so hypocritical. You don't even blush even if you lie!" Gao Yuan saw that her face was flushed with excitement, and his heart became more and more uneasy: ""Keyi, what are you talking about?I don't understand! "

Li Keyi said: "Do you really want me to say it?" Gao Yuan said: "You tell me! I didn't do anything to sorry you, I'm not afraid!" Li Keyi said: "Okay, I said it!" Gao Yuan Nodding his head, Li Keyi said, "Did you sleep with Yan Jia?"

Gao Yuan was taken aback, and stared blankly at Li Keyi, not knowing how to answer.Li Keyi went on to say: "You washed Tan Xiaohui's feet, you shared a room with Wen Wan, you kissed Tang Yuanyuan more than once, you had trysts with Qiao Yue'er every now and then, you had sexual contact with Hua Zini, you and the housekeeper The member is also ambiguous, no wonder she doesn't accept your electric stove—"

Gao Yuan panicked when he heard this, he hurriedly interrupted Li Keyi: "Keyi, why do you know so much all of a sudden?" Li Keyi said: "Thanks to you taking a shower, I accidentally found your diary. "Gao Yuan regretted it all at once, and he thought to himself: "Gao Yuan, Gao Yuan, you just do whatever you do, why do you still keep a diary? You write it and write it, why do you still stuff it under the pillow? Why do you just Forgot to hide it?"

It turned out that Gao Yuan really had intimate contact with many girls, but he only had sex with Yan Jia. He thought he was still very responsible to the girls, and most of his contact with them was only superficial, and he did not own them. , although I have many opportunities!

Moreover, Gao Yuan has a habit of writing a diary. He writes everything in the diary. He didn't expect that the good things between himself and Li Keyi would be ruined by his diary. He knows that no matter how he explains it , it is impossible for Li Keyi to figure it out for a while, and it is impossible to forgive herself.However, he didn't give up, he looked at Li Keyi with frustration and remorse and explained: "Keyi, please forgive me, if I had been with you earlier, I would only be loyal to you, and I would not do those things. The thing is coming, the blame is only for us to come together now, can you let go of the past? I promise, I will never have a good impression of the second girl in the future. "

Li Keyi's face was pale: "It's useless for you to say anything. I can see through you. You keep in touch with so many girls at the same time. You lie around and say that you only love them. What kind of behavior are you doing? You are a playboy! You This is womanizing! I don't want to be with someone like you, I really regret coming to you, I really regret that I trusted you so much, I really regret that I almost gave my body to you, God bless , I finally saved myself. Before, I was your fan. From now on, I despise you! You are a playboy, you are a big liar, you are not worthy of pursuing me!"

Li Keyi's words made Gao Yuan's face hot and cold for a while, and Li Keyi's words made his head go numb.Finally, he woke up: "Keyi, no matter what you say, I have a clear conscience for you!"

Li Keyi said: "No matter what, I won't trust you anymore. I'm going back. From now on, don't contact me again! This is my only hope!"

After Li Keyi finished speaking, he picked up the suitcase and walked out.Gao Yuan wanted to hold her back, but he didn't reach out in the end. He was afraid, not only would he not be able to pull Li Keyi back, but it would arouse her even more anger!

Gao Yuan followed Li Keyi disheartenedly, and followed Li Keyi to the outside of the school. Li Keyi waved, and a taxi drove over. Li Keyi got into the car: "Airport!"

Taxi away!

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