golden power

Chapter 50

Father Liu was very excited tonight. First, he and Chang Yingying were going to get married tomorrow. Second, Liu Caiyan found Gao Yuan, a boyfriend he was very satisfied with. Third, Uncle Min came to visit. He sang one song after another with Chang Yingying. Chang Yingying had been in the bar before, and she had already become a star tonight.

Uncle Min has no songs to sing, and all he can order are domestic songs. Fortunately, the younger sister who accompanied him was very enthusiastic, sometimes persuading him to drink, and sometimes pulling him to dance. Huh, when I came to the karaoke hall, I was coaxed by my younger sister to drink several glasses of foreign wine. The white wine and red wine were mixed together, and my head was already dizzy, but that younger girl was extremely beautiful and lovely, and danced with him from time to time. , teased his heart itchy.

Liu Caiyan concentrated on accompanying Gao Yuan, and gave him a little Pu'er tea in a while. The tea can sober up. Gao Yuan has woken up from his lethargy, but he is still a little drunk.Liu Caiyan asked him to sing, and Gao Yuan sang a duet with her "The Lover", Liu's father applauded loudly, but Chang Yingying looked melancholy and kept drinking.

After the two sang, Liu Caiyan wanted to sing "You Are Happy, I'm Happy" with Gao Yuan, but Chang Yingying said to Liu's father, "Husband, I want to sing with you." Liu Caiyan had to let them sing the chorus.After singing, Chang Yingying came to toast them, saying that Liu Caiyan found such a satisfactory boyfriend, it is really gratifying and she should drink a few more glasses.Liu Caiyan didn't drink at home, but she was fooled into drinking a few cups here. Chang Yingying was used to the wine market, and she drank a lot.

Gao Yuan said that Liu Caiyan couldn't drink anymore, but Chang Yingying said that everyone was so happy, so they must drink more.She has experience in bar service, and there are a thousand reasons for Liu Caiyan to drink. Liu Caiyan drank one cup after another, but Gao Yuan's persuasion was useless. In the end, she dragged Gao Yuan to accompany her. Gao Yuan had no choice but to watch her being completely drunk by Chang Yingying.

Gao Yuan drank a few glasses of red wine and felt sick to his stomach. He hurried out of the private room and asked where the bathroom was. The waiter pointed to the left. He walked all the way to the left along the aisle, turned several turns and walked a long way before finding it.He was about to go in when he suddenly heard noise in the corridor. He looked up and saw a big man dragging a person out, and two other men followed behind, kicking and beating the people on the ground, cursing while beating: "Do you think you are the emperor? All the women in the world belong to you? You can play whoever you want? You can play for free?"

Gao Yuan looked over and couldn't help being surprised. It turned out that it was Uncle Min who was beaten.Seeing that he seemed to see a savior, Uncle Min pointed to his heart.Seeing his face full of pain and trembling all over, Gao Yuan thought it was because he was injured, so he wanted to pull those people away.

A big man asked Gao Yuan who he was. Gao Yuan said he was an acquaintance, and asked why he beat him. The big man said he played with a young girl who pretended to be sick without paying him. Gao Yuan remembered that the young girl pulled Uncle Min away halfway. Going out, it is estimated that Uncle Min was seduced by her and did something promiscuous, and his bodyguards were inconvenient to follow, so he was beaten. It's just that Gao Yuan didn't believe that Uncle Min would renege. After all, he is the commander-in-chief of the People's Army of a country. will be short of money.

Gao Yuan asked how much it would cost, the big man said three hundred, Gao Yuan paid the money, the big men cursed and walked away, Uncle Min was still lying on the ground pressing his upper abdomen with his hands, his face was pale and his head was sweating profusely, Gao Yuan realized that he was really sick , and it may have been a myocardial infarction. It is estimated that he was too excited when he did that, or it may be caused by extreme anger at being blackmailed. In short, the truth is impossible to know.

Gao Yuan wanted to go back and tell Father Liu, but on second thought, the myocardial infarction could not be delayed even for a second, and the best time for ambulance could not be missed. He picked up Uncle Min, went downstairs and took a taxi to the hospital. When the traffic lights were blocked, Uncle Min suddenly closed his eyes and seemed to be in a coma. Gao Yuan was at a loss and asked the driver to rush over, but the driver did not dare to rush, saying that he was afraid of being punished.

Seeing that Uncle Min was motionless, Gao Yuan subconsciously felt for his pulse with his hand, but he couldn't feel the slightest heartbeat. He felt anxious and pressed his hands on his heart. He seemed to have seen such an emergency on TV. measure.After pressing for a while, Uncle Min opened his eyes, and Gao Yuan was overjoyed: "Uncle Min, are you awake?!" His hands pressed there again.

The taxi rushed to the hospital, took medicine, inhaled oxygen, and after some emergency treatment, Uncle Min's condition was relieved. At this time, Liu's father called: "Gao Yuan, where have you been? Did you see Uncle Min?" Gao Yuan said that Uncle Min's heart muscle Infarction, I didn't have time to tell him, now I'm in the hospital.Father Liu was shocked, and rushed over with Liu Caiyan, Chang Yingying and Uncle Min's two bodyguards.

Father Liu saw Uncle Min lying on the hospital bed and asked him how he was feeling. Uncle Min said a few words, and Father Liu said with relief: "Gao Yuan, Uncle Min feels much better. He said thanks to your help, otherwise he would have He went to Xitian Paradise, and he said that he will never forget you, and he will thank you very much when he has the opportunity."

Gao Yuan said: "As long as Uncle Min is fine, I will be very lucky. I don't need any thanks from Uncle Min." Liu's father told Uncle Min what he said, and Uncle Min gave Gao Yuan a grateful look, and nodded solemnly at Gao Yuan a few times. , as if he had decided in his heart that he wanted to repay him something.

Father Liu asked the doctor when Uncle Min would be discharged from the hospital, and the doctor said it would take a week.Father Liu said that the marriage could only be postponed, and he wanted to stay with Uncle Min, but Uncle Min firmly objected, saying that he had notified all his relatives and friends, and that he could not miss a big deal because of his illness. He also said that one of his bodyguards could speak Chinese. Just take care of him here.

Father Liu and the others returned to Liu's house. After a day of tossing around, they were all very tired, especially Liu Caiyan, who was drank a lot by Chang Yingying, and fell asleep in her room as soon as she came back.Father Liu arranged a room for Gao Yuan, and went back to the room with Chang Yingying to rest.

After a while in the early morning, Liu's father said he had a headache and stomach discomfort. Chang Yingying said that he drank too much and wanted to make him some Korean hangover soup, but it would take a while.Father Liu couldn't resist her, so he had to let her go.

Chang Yingying came to the kitchen, prepared the soup, and boiled it.She turned the fire to the minimum, quietly went up to the second floor, and lightly knocked on Gao Yuan's door.

Gao Yuan slept for a long time after being drunk, and now he was no longer sleepy. He was taken aback when he heard the knock on the door, and immediately realized that it should be Liu Caiyan. He rolled over and got out of bed, and reached out to open the door.

Outside the door, it wasn't Liu Caiyan, but Chang Yingying!

"Yingying, why is it you?!"

Chang Yingying entered in a flash, and closed the door with her backhand: "Gao Yuan, I'm yours!"

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