golden power

Chapter 54

Gao Yuan and Liu Caiyan have been lingering for a long time, after a baptism of love, Liu Caiyan has become more and more beautiful, and her complexion is as bright as clouds.Going to work tomorrow, Liu Caiyan had to leave. She snuggled into Gao Yuan's arms, and finally left reluctantly.Although Gao Yuan felt that she was a bit domineering, he also felt her deep love, and she was a super white, rich and beautiful civil servant who was envied by everyone, and he was just a scholar, so poor that he might have nothing at any time. It should be enough to get her favor.

At this point, Gao Yuan accepted Liu Caiyan from the bottom of his heart. He thought of Tan Xiaohui, Wen Wan, Hua Zini, and Tang Yuanyuan, and he said sorry in his heart. He felt that there was already a bond between himself and them, but he It would have to be cut off one by one, and he expected the inevitable heartache, but he had no choice.

The next day, he dialed Gong Zheng's phone number and learned that Gong Zheng had been discharged from the hospital ahead of schedule and that Qiao Yue'er had joined Shicheng Accounting Firm. Gao Yuan was relieved, but also had a touch of regret. He knew that Qiao Yueer and himself It can no longer be combined.He told Gong Zheng that he had finished writing the first prison audit report, and Gong Zheng asked him to take it immediately.

When Gao Yuan came to Shicheng Accounting Firm, Gong Zheng looked a lot thinner, but he was very energetic, and his face was full of joy.Gao Yuan realized that it might be Qiao Yueer who took care of him day and night, and the two might have secretly fallen in love.He couldn't help but asked sourly: "Director Gong, do you have any happy events recently?"

Gong Zheng asked why he could see it, and Gao Yuan said that he could see that people are in good spirits when they celebrate happy events!Gong Zheng's expression became unnatural, and his eyes began to avoid him.Gao Yuan was convinced that he already liked Qiao Yueer, and he was ashamed of himself, after all, he was Qiao Yueer's boyfriend a week ago.

Gao Yuan didn't say any more, and handed the audit report to Gong Zheng. Suddenly, several girls came in from outside the door, and the leading one shouted, "Gao Yuan, you're back? I haven't seen you for a year. You're getting more and more handsome!" Gao Yuanjian is an employee of Shicheng Office, nicknamed Qiuqiu, and the others are her colleagues who also met during the internship last year.

"Qiuqiu, haven't you been nagging to see Gao Yuan? Now that Gao Yuan is here, you have to treat him well, and I'll hand him over to you!" Gong Zheng ordered.

"Okay, Gao Yuan, please come with me!" Qiuqiu hooked her hand, and Gao Yuan followed her to the office area and came to her seat.Qiuqiu poured him a cup of strong tea, and several other female colleagues chatted with Gao Yuan for a while, then left wisely.Gao Yuan and Qiuqiu faced each other, and felt that the surroundings were silent, most of the people had gone on business trips, and the office area seemed empty, Qiuqiu suddenly said: "Gao Yuan, you haven't contacted me for a year, don't you miss me? "

Gao Yuan's heart skipped a beat, thinking of the internship last year, he was in the same group as Qiu Qiufen, and Qiu Qiu took him to audit a unit in Qiao Yue'er's hometown.It was March last year, Qiao Yueer's hometown was always sunny, as clear as clear water splashing from the sky, but the wind was always so strong that it made people's hair flutter back with the wind, and people's thoughts seemed to be blown away. scattered.It was Qiuqiu. Qiuqiu patiently guided Gao Yuan on how to count cash, how to audit each accounting subject, how to make audit working papers, and how to prepare consolidated financial statements. It can be said that Qiuqiu is Gao Yuan's expert in auditing practice. The first teacher, Gao Yuan thanked her very much, sincerely, I don't know how to thank her.

It was a very good company with a monopoly in transportation and a lot of income.That unit built a large office space, and a guest house was specially built in the yard, which was basically empty at ordinary times.Qiuqiu and Gao Yuan were placed there. At night, there were only Gao Yuan and her in the whole building. Qiuqiu said she was afraid and wanted Gao Yuan to accompany her, so Gao Yuan came to her room.

Qiuqiu said let's play cards, Fight the Landlord.Gao Yuan played cards with her, and she always lost, as if she couldn't remember the cards at all. Gao Yuan said what happened to you today, as if you were a little out of control, Qiuqiu said that you might have drunk too much during dinner, let's dance.Gao Yuan said he couldn't dance, but Qiuqiu said I'll show you a demonstration.

Qiuqiu dances lightly in front of Gao Yuan, graceful like a frightened bird, graceful like a swimming dragon. When Qiuqiu dances, she looks back and smiles from time to time. Gao Yuan's soul has been hooked by her. Gao Yuan has to admit that Qiuqiu is a lovely girl , she is slender, with a thin face, but there is a charming romance in her bones. Gao Yuan was almost in a daze when he saw it.

Suddenly Qiuqiu stopped dancing: "Do I dance well?" Gao Yuan said it was beautiful, as if a goddess descended to earth.Qiuqiu reached out and said, can I teach you how to dance?Gao Yuan was full of energy and blood at that time, he heard the wind whistling outside, he saw that the night outside was as deep as black ink, he felt as if he was on the edge of the universe, he was so lonely, he was so lonely that he wanted to put Qiuqiu on the edge of the universe. Holding her in my arms, I want to depend on her for the rest of my life.

However, Gao Yuan warned himself: "You and Qiuqiu have only known each other for a few days? How could you have such evil thoughts?" Gao Yuan said with righteous thoughts that it was getting late and he should go back to his room.Qiuqiu was very disappointed, but also very helpless. She watched him walk out of the room and closed her door after a long time.

Thinking of the past, Gao Yuan was full of emotions. He was so stupid at that time. At that time, Qiuqiu was clearly showing his favor to him. If he had promised her to learn dancing at that time, maybe that night would be another night of passion.Thinking of this, Gao Yuan couldn't help but sincerely thank Qiuqiu for her expectation of herself. Gao Yuan said: "Qiuqiu, I miss the past very much. Thank you very much for your guidance and love for me."

Qiuqiu seemed to be moved too: "Gao Yuan, you were so innocent back then, you couldn't see anything, now you have finally improved, and you finally understand what I was thinking at the time." Gao Yuan sighed: "Qiuqiu , Fate comes and goes like water, I will always remember your kindness to me in my heart, I know, I owe a lot to many people, including you, I apologize to you!"

Qiuqiu grabbed his hand: "Gao Yuan, do you have a girlfriend?" Gao Yuan nodded, and Qiuqiu sighed sadly: "I know I don't have that luck!" Gao Yuan reached out and stroked her hair: "Qiuqiu, the past Ruyan, let us keep them in our hearts, perhaps, memories are a better possession." Qiuqiu took his hand: "Gao Yuan, I suddenly know what reluctance is, what is nostalgia, what is It's gone forever, what is a dream haunting you!"

Gao Yuan said: "Qiuqiu, I understand everything you said!"

The hands of the two were tightly held together.

"Qiuqiu, you are so blessed!"

A familiar voice sounded beside the two of them.

Gao Yuan looked up, it was Qiao Yue'er.

"Yue'er—" Gao Yuan wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything, only tears fell down his cheeks.

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