golden power

Chapter 56

Gong Zheng wanted Gao Yuan to do the next audit project, but Gao Yuan politely refused. He no longer wanted to stay at Shicheng Accounting Firm for even one more day. He wanted to leave Qiao Yueer and Gong Zheng a loose room for development. Create a barrier for them psychologically.

Gong Zheng couldn't keep him, so he asked the finance company to settle the internship subsidy for him. Gao Yuan actually only worked on site for less than two days, and Gong Zheng paid him half a month. Chunbaihuo bought a pure gold necklace, he asked Qiao Yueer out and gave her the necklace.

Qiao Yue'er didn't want it, saying that he had managed to earn this little money and should keep it for himself.Gao Yuan said that if she didn't want her, she would just stand there and not leave. Qiao Yue'er had no choice but to accept it. Gao Yuan said it was a wedding gift from him. After all, maybe there will be some changes, Gao Yuan really shouldn't have given it to her so early.

Gao Yuan said that she was determined to stay in Hengchun, but she was going to develop in Linhai. The time to see her again is not long. If she can't make it in time when she gets married, he will feel uneasy, so I better give it as soon as possible. wonderful.

Qiao Yue'er's old love came back: "Gao Yuan, kiss me again, okay?" Gao Yuan resolutely refused: "Yue'er, I have already hurt you, I can't agree to your request, I have to be responsible to you, I have to be worthy Director Gong, I can't hurt you any more." Qiao Yue'er said that she had forgiven him, and he was still the favorite in her heart, Gao Yuan said that he would also miss her in his heart, and she would always be his best memory.

Gao Yuan returned to school, and after a few quiet days, Yan Jia suddenly called: "Gao Yuan, I have some good news for you!" With the crystallization of love.Yan Jia said not to talk about love, and not to associate everything with Hu Zhengfei, otherwise she would be unhappy.

Gao Yuan said that if he doesn't want to connect with Hu Zhengfei, who should he connect with? Yan Jia said that he really lacks imagination, and he will understand in the future.Yan Jia said that there was another good thing. Ever since she became pregnant, Hu Zhengfei had a complete showdown with his original spouse. Now that his original spouse has divorced him, and their children have been brought up by his original spouse, he is finally not afraid of losing his status. The first step of revenge plan has been realized, and Hu Zhengfei has lost his wife and children.

Gao Yuan congratulated her on her smooth transition to a regular position. Yan Jia blamed him for not using the word "turning to a regular position", saying that when she heard these two words, she felt that she used to be a mistress.Gao Yuan quickly apologized, Yan Jia said that the apology must be sincere, Gao Yuan said how to be sincere, Yan Jia said that he must pass the examination of the Linhai Supervision Bureau, and that he can spend time with her when the time comes, that is the greatest sincerity.

Gao Yuan said that whether he can pass the exam is not up to him. Yan Jia said that even if he can't pass the exam, he can find a company there to do it.Gao Yuan said how could I take your money casually, otherwise I would be a mistress.Yan Jia laughed at him for being too serious, saying that the two were students of the same class, and there should be no distinction between them.

Finally, Yan Jia said to wait for his good news and his arrival.

Gao Yuan felt uneasy. He didn't know if the admission result of the Linhai Supervision Bureau had come out. He wanted to make a phone call to ask. At this time, Tan Xiaohui called: "Senior brother—" Tan Xiaohui hesitated to speak, Gao Yuan was very surprised: "Junior sister, You have always been straightforward, why do you want to talk today?"

"Brother, I, I'd better not talk about it—" Tan Xiaohui said hesitantly.Gao Yuan realized that something was wrong, maybe the admission result of the Linhai Supervision Bureau came out, and maybe he failed the admission.His heart suddenly rose into his throat: "Junior Sister, tell me quickly, or I'm going to have a heart attack."

"Brother, don't be pessimistic after hearing this, there are thousands of paths in life, and it doesn't have to be hanged on a tree—" Tan Xiaohui was still holding back her words.Gao Yuan simply asked directly: "Is it because the Linhai Supervision Bureau didn't admit me?"

There was a moment of silence on the phone, and finally, Tan Xiaohui hummed lightly.Gao Yuan's heart suddenly fell into the abyss. He didn't know why he failed the ranking. He got the written test paper, and he would definitely get full marks. With the help of the weekly bureau in his interview, he would definitely get more than [-] points. His comprehensive score should be Either the first or the second, whoever fails the ranking should not fail himself!

"Senior brother, senior brother!" Tan Xiaohui yelled on the phone: "You won't be overwhelmed, right?" Gao Yuan smiled reluctantly: "It's okay, I have no other advantages, the only advantage is my strong ability to resist blows. After countless blows, even if the atomic bomb falls on my head, I will not frown."

"Senior brother, you are so great! You are worthy of being my senior brother! I believe that if the Linhai Supervision Bureau does not want you, there must be a better place waiting for you." Tan Xiaohui finally confessed.

For a moment, Gao Yuan lost all thoughts. He quickly reviewed it in his mind. He wanted to find out the reason for the failure. Suddenly, he remembered that on the day of the interview, he sneezed in the elevator of the Linhai Supervision Bureau. There was a man who looked like a leader, and the man asked his name, and his intuition told him that the problem might be here.

"Senior Brother! Senior Brother!" Tan Xiaohui yelled again on the phone.Gao Yuan said: "What are you afraid of? I live a good life. By the way, did you pass the exam?"

"I, I—" Tan Xiaohui couldn't continue speaking.Gao Yuan thought she had failed the exam, so he comforted her: "Junior Sister, you have to think about it, at least Senior Brother shares the same fate with you." Tan Xiaohui suddenly sighed: "I passed the exam!"

Only then did Gao Yuan know that she didn't say it because she was afraid that she would be even more disappointed after hearing it.He suppressed disappointment and congratulated Tan Xiaohui for being admitted to the Linhai Supervision Bureau.Tan Xiaohui said: "Senior brother, if it weren't for you to guide me in the interview, it's really hard to say whether I could pass the exam. Anyway, senior brother, I will always remember you. After graduation, you have to go to Linhai to work no matter what. Then we be together."

Gao Yuan promised her wholeheartedly and asked her when she would return to school. She said that she would invite Gao Yuan to dinner the day after tomorrow when she came back. Gao Yuan said that he would not be polite to her this time, and he would definitely have a big meal then.

After the conversation, Gao Yuan immediately went up and opened the homepage of the Linhai Supervision Bureau. He immediately saw a photo of a person, who was the person he met in the elevator during the interview. Under the photo of that person, there was clearly a line of text introduction: I am the director of the Linhai Supervision Bureau and secretary of the party committee.

Gao Yuan immediately called his cousin. He wanted to ask his cousin to find out the reason. He knew that no matter how talented he was, it was useless at this time. Now, all his hopes could only be pinned on his cousin. I can only hope for my cousin's relationship.

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