golden power

Chapter 72 I Like You

The next day, Gao Yuan arrived at Linhai University on time. Xu Ruoqing was already waiting for him at the school gate. As soon as she saw him, she came forward and looked up at his head: "How is it? Does it still hurt?" Gao Yuan said no It hurts, and there is no need to worry about a little skin trauma. Xu Ruoqing said that his voice seemed to be very melancholy. Did she suffer from some kind of heartache? everything is normal."

The two walked into the campus, Gao Yuan asked if he wanted to call Xue Ming, Xu Ruoqing said no, she just wanted to discuss with him, Gao Yuan realized that she seemed to be interested in him, probably this was the secret she said yesterday.In normal times, he would have asked all the questions, so that he could fully enjoy the pleasure of being pursued by a beautiful woman, but now, he had just broken up with Tan Xiaohui, and his heart was still bleeding, so he no longer had the heart to ask to find out the truth.

Along the way, people greeted Xu Ruoqing from time to time, it seems that the title of school belle was not given for nothing.Especially boys, when they saw Xu Ruoqing, they would smile with a fawning look, and then cast a hostile glance at Gao Yuanlai, as if they hated him for taking everyone's favorite away.Gao Yuan turned a blind eye, and walked into the badminton hall with Xu Ruoqing.

Xu Ruoqing started to serve, a very normal serve, but Gao Yuan didn't catch it, Xu Ruoqing served another one, Gao Yuan caught it back, but was defeated within a few rounds.Seeing that he was absent-minded, Xu Ruoqing was a little puzzled, and asked him what was wrong, Gao Yuan said it was nothing, he didn't sleep well last night, and it was difficult to concentrate.

Xu Ruoqing thought for a while, and suddenly blushed: "If you haven't slept well, then go to my dormitory." Gao Yuan asked what she was doing in her dormitory, Xu Ruoqing said to go to sleep, Gao Yuan was surprised: "Ruoqing, I'm a big man , how can you just go to your girls' dormitory to sleep?"

Xu Ruoqing blushed and said, "The girls in my dormitory are local, and they went home on the weekend." Speaking of which, she was too ashamed to look at Gao Yuan again.Gao Yuan thought that this girl was really cute, her face turned as red as a ripe apple at every turn.He had dated many girls before, so he could see through Xu Ruoqing's mind at a glance. She clearly wanted to stay in a private space with him for a while, and she should have something to whisper to him.

Gao Yuan couldn't bear to cheer her up, so he said, let's go, it's better to go to sleep and then play, so as not to be unsatisfactory.The two came to Xu Ruoqing's dormitory. There were only two people living in one room. Gao Yuan lamented that the accommodation conditions of Linhai University were really good.Xu Ruoqing asked Gao Yuan to sit down, poured him a glass of water, Gao Yuan took it listlessly and drank it, Xu Ruoqing suddenly realized something: "Gao Yuan, you are so listless, I'm worried that you didn't sleep well, but were injured internally."

Gao Yuan said it was impossible, and he would get better after sleeping.Xu Ruoqing pointed to a bed by the window and said, "That's my bed, go to sleep." Seeing that her bed was covered with elegant sheets and the quilts were clean, Gao Yuan said that he came here by bus. After playing for a while, I might be a little dirty, so I dare not go to sleep on her bed.Xu Ruoqing said it didn't matter, she wouldn't think he was dirty.

Gao Yuan lay down and covered his body with a towel. A faint fragrance hit his nose, and he couldn't help but take a few deep breaths.Xu Ruoqing asked him if the pillow was low, and Gao Yuan said it was a little low, so Xu Ruoqing took out the blanket and folded it twice and put it under it. It is a close-fitting t-shirt, and the round and straight silhouette can be seen at a glance.

In the past, Gao Yuan might have been unable to bear the temptation to follow the trend, but now, he only has Tan Xiaohui in his heart, he feels sorry for Tan Xiaohui, he hopes that Tan Xiaohui can change his mind, and he wants to wait for her, so he ignores Xu Ruoqing's temptation, he closes his eyes , pretending to sleep without saying a word.

After touching for about a quarter of an hour, Gao Yuan felt a slight movement. His eyes opened a slit, but he saw Xu Ruoqing had come to the bedside. She was staring at his face with uncontrollable joy, with endless love in her eyes. and nostalgia.Gao Yuan quickly closed his eyes, and after a few minutes, he sneaked a look again, Xu Ruoqing was still standing there motionless, suddenly she leaned over, pursed her pink mouth towards Gao Yuan's mouth, Gao Yuan was startled, Almost cried out.

Gao Yuan forced himself to be calm, Xu Ruoqing's mouth was about to touch his mouth, but at this moment she stopped, she stopped so close, as if she was in hesitation.Gao Yuan was very excited. This is Linhai University's school belle, Mayor Xu Tiexiong's biological daughter. It would be a great blessing for anyone to marry her.Gao Yuan couldn't help but want to explode, as long as he was willing, Xu Ruoqing would completely become his prey today.

However, Gao Yuan turned over and faced the wall.There was unspeakable regret in his heart, and at the same time, he felt sorry for Xu Ruoqing, a young girl who condescended to get close to him, but he turned a blind eye to it. This was not his usual style, so he apologized secretly: "Ruoqing, I'm sorry."

Finally, Gao Yuan felt his mind cleared up and his body rejuvenated. He got up, and Xu Ruoqing asked shyly, "Did you sleep well?" Gao Yuan said that he slept well, and thanked her for her concern.Xu Ruoqing said that he was too polite, and she didn't want him to be so polite to her.Gao Yuan asked her what she hoped for him, and Xu Ruoqing said: "I hope you are as funny, humorous, and entertaining as you are playing badminton for the first time."

Gao Yuan said that he used to be that kind of person, but now he can't.Xu Ruoqing asked why, and Gao Yuan said that because of his passion, he had already broken a girl's heart.Xu Ruoqing was shocked: "Do you have a girlfriend?" Gao Yuan said that he had had a girlfriend before, but they just broke up.Xu Ruoqing was overjoyed: "No wonder you are so abnormal today. It turns out that you broke up with your girlfriend. Gao Yuan, there are many things that don't happen as you wish. You have to learn to accept the facts and forget them, otherwise you will have to tortured."

Gao Yuan said that he could not forget, and that he would rather be tortured.Xu Ruoqing said why bother, he was not only sorry for himself, but also for those who loved him.In the past, Gao Yuan would have asked who loved her, but now he is speechless.Xu Ruoqing seemed to have made up her mind: "Gao Yuan, I invited you to play badminton yesterday and told you that I have a secret to tell you, do you want to hear it?"

Gao Yuan realized what she would say, she must want to confess to herself, she couldn't bring herself to her dormitory aimlessly, into such a private space for two people.But he was noncommittal, he knew that even if Xu Ruoqing confessed, he would not be able to accept it.

"Gao Yuan, I want to tell you, tell you—" Xu Ruoqing's face was full of embarrassment, and she finally plucked up the courage to say, "I want to tell you, I like you very much." After speaking, she turned her back to him.

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