golden power

Chapter 83

Gao Yuan was stunned and said, "Hui'er?" Tan Xiaohui smiled and said, "It's me, why are you here?" I came to visit a friend, but to visit your girlfriend, if I guessed correctly, she should be Xu Ruoqing, right?"

Gao Yuan nodded, until now he realized that Tan Xiaohui also lived in this community, he stood up, and introduced to Xu Ruoqing and Jiang Hanxing: "This is my colleague - Tan Xiaohui, we are still alumni." Jiang Hanxing looked at Tan Xiaohui: "Why does this little girl look so familiar to me? She seems to have seen it somewhere before." Suddenly she patted her head: "I remembered, you are Sui Wanquan's young mistress."

Tan Xiaohui shook her head: "I'm not Sui Wanquan's young mistress!" Jiang Hanxing wondered, "Then you are—" Tan Xiaohui looked at Gao Yuan: "I'm Gao Yuan's colleague and Gao Yuan's alumni!" Jiang Hanxing showed confusion, Suddenly she realized something: "Oh, it's really hard for you, such a cute girl is married to Sui Wanquan, and a crazy person, you definitely don't want to be with him all day, but Why did you agree to marry him in the first place? Now it's hard to go back. "

Tan Xiaohui and Gao Yuan couldn't help but looked at each other. Their eyes were extremely complicated. Gao Yuan didn't want to be seen by Jiang Hanxing, so he excused Tan Xiaohui: "Everyone has unspeakable difficulties." Jiang Hanxing said awkwardly: "That's that Yes, I shouldn't bring up Hui'er's sadness, Hui'er, you can come to my house to play when you have time, maybe you will be happier when you come out for a walk." Tan Xiaohui hummed lightly.

Xu Ruoqing still wanted to play on the swing, and she had a new way to play. She pulled Gao Yuan to sit down, held his arm tightly, and then said to Tan Xiaohui: "Miss sister, you just came, please help us with my mother." Okay? I want to swing with Gao Yuan, the higher the better." Tan Xiaohui forcefully said, "Okay." After speaking, she pushed the back of the chair with Jiang Hanxing, and Xu Ruoqing and Gao Yuan both started to swing, Xu Ruoqing leaned her head on Gao Yuan's shoulder, looking intoxicated.Tan Xiaohui's heart was throbbing. Once upon a time, Gao Yuan was so close to her, but now, everything is in the past, and she can only taste it in her memories.

"Miss, can you use a little more strength?" Xu Ruoqing's voice sounded, Tan Xiaohui had no choice but to increase her strength, and the swing was a little higher, Xu Ruoqing said happily: "Thank you, Miss, I've had enough fun for you in a while." Play, I'll push you." Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden bang, and the ropes hanging from the two armchairs broke. The swing was originally designed for one person, but Xu Ruoqing insisted on letting Gao Yuan sit on it, and it was so swinging High, the rope was finally overwhelmed, and the two fell heavily to the ground.

Gao Yuan only felt pain all over his body, and almost fell apart. He didn't care about himself, and hurriedly helped Xu Ruoqing sit up. Xu Ruoqing still had a smile on her mouth, as if she hadn't come out of the happiness just now, but her brow But she was wrinkled and looked very painful. It was obvious that she had fallen heavily, and her eyes were closed tightly. Gao Yuan thought she had fallen unconscious, so he lay beside her ear and shouted: "Ruoqing, wake up, wake up!" " Jiang Hanxing was also shocked: "Son, are you okay? Don't scare mom, mom can't stand you being scared anymore."

After a long time, Xu Ruoqing slowly opened her eyes and turned to Gao Yuan. Suddenly she was taken aback: "Gao Yuan, how could it be you? How could I be in your arms?" Jiang Hanxing was overjoyed: "Ruoqing, you are finally fine, Mom I was scared to death." Seeing Jiang Hanxing, Xu Ruoqing was surprised again: "Mom, where have you been all this time? Why haven't I seen you? Why have I been blank all this time? I only remember the past, I only remember being hit by Wang Rui's car while I was in the hospital, and I don't know anything since then."

Gao Yuan was overjoyed: "Ruoqing, do you remember the past? Do you know who I am? Do you know who your mother is?" Jiang Hanxing also became excited: "Ruoqing, tell me, who am I?" Xu Ruoqing was puzzled: "Who do you think I am? I'm not a fool, how could I not know who you are? He is Gao Yuan, and you are my mother." Jiang Hanxing couldn't believe that her memory had returned to normal , and asked her: "Then what do you say your mother's name is, and where are you now?"

Xu Ruoqing felt very funny: "Mom, your name is Jiang Hanxing, and I'm in the community of Junlintianxia." Jiang Hanxing cried with joy: "Ruoqing, do you know? You lost your memory a while ago, and you were hit by Wang Rui's car. You will lose your memory in the future, but now it is fine, you are finally awake, and you finally know who is who."

Gao Yuan was also very happy: "Ruoqing, you finally returned to normal. How do you feel now? Didn't you have a problem with the fall just now?" Xu Ruoqing was shocked: "What are you talking about? You said I lost my memory? I really lost my memory a while ago Is it? How is this possible?"

Jiang Hanxing said with tears: "Ruoqing, you have amnesia, you can't remember anyone a while ago, you lived in the hospital for a long time, and Gao Yuan and I took care of you all the time, and then you were discharged from the hospital, You insist on letting Gao Yuan go home with us, you want Gao Yuan to be with you all the time, I see that you like Gao Yuan so much, so I decided to let you get married, Gao Yuan has already agreed, your wedding will be in half a month, that is It's an auspicious day, and your day of great joy is coming, Ruoqing, you are really a blessing in disguise."

"What? Gao Yuan and I are going to get married? We are going to get married in half a month?" Xu Ruoqing couldn't believe her ears, but when she saw that she was still lying in Gao Yuan's arms, when she saw Gao Yuan With an affirmative look in her eyes, she knew that all of this was true, and her character before amnesia began to take effect again, and when she blushed, she broke free from Gao Yuan's arms.

"I'm sorry, I used too much force just now and caused you to fall." Now it was Tan Xiaohui's turn to speak.Jiang Hanxing hurriedly said: "Hui'er—Gao Yuan called you that, so I should call you that too. Hui'er, why are you apologizing? It's too late for me to thank you. If it wasn't for you helping Ruoqing on the swing, if it wasn't for Ruoqing After falling so suddenly, my Ruoqing may not be able to recover her memory for the rest of her life, Hui'er, you are Ruoqing's great benefactor and our family's great benefactor!"

At this moment, a boy came in a hurry, first said hello to Jiang Hanxing, and then turned to Tan Xiaohui: "Ah Hui, why are you here?" Tan Xiaohui said indifferently: "I can be where I want , can you control it?" The boy said coyly: "That's right, Ah Hui, you are free, you can do whatever you want, and I'll listen to you, is it okay?" Tan Xiaohui snorted, Don't talk to him anymore.

Gao Yuan knew that boy, he was no one else, he was everything.

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