Secret Agent Pretty Woman

Chapter 2 The First Intimate Contact

"I'm sorry you just came back from abroad, I'll tell you something."

For some unknown reason, Bei Fanyin talked to Li Moyang about the whole story.

This was something that was unimaginable in the past. You must know that Bei Fanyin is a well-known ice beauty in the Security Bureau.

Bei Fanyin also found it incredible, could it be that Li Moyang is attractive?

Glancing quietly at Li Moyang, he is quite a sunny and charming man, but unfortunately, his unorthodox appearance has lost a lot of points.

"I have a sister who is a TV host. She produced a program, but it was a pity that it was not broadcast."

As expected of being an agent of the Security Bureau, Bei Fanyin explained the whole story clearly in a few words.

The rapid economic development of Binhai City has created a large number of rich people. Their children are good and bad, and the bad ones are the notorious rich second generation.

Coupled with a group of second-generation officials, rich and powerful, idle and bored, they set up an underground racing car to fill their spiritual emptiness with the excitement of racing.

The mountain road in the suburbs is winding and in good condition, and it has become a golden track for underground racing.

It's a pity that this gang of wealthy second generations treats human life like nothing.

Racing at night can no longer satisfy their desires. During the day, these guys often race on the road in the suburbs, or run wildly for training.

What followed was that several major traffic accidents were caused.

The vehicle was not damaged, and the dandies did not suffer much injuries, but a few sanitation workers died, and tens of thousands of dollars were spent on the family members of the sanitation workers. The worthless lives made the dandies' racing behavior even more insane, unabated .

Bei Fanyin's TV host sisters made a show about racing in the suburbs, intending to expose the arrogant behavior of dudes. For various reasons, this show was not broadcast.

The sisters were very depressed, and had communicated with Bei Fanyin, so Bei Fanyin knew some inside stories, and at the same time, she was also filled with righteous indignation towards these dudes who carelessly disregard human lives.

"If you have a chance, take a look at the scene of my sister's car accident. Those dandies don't care about the lives of the sanitation workers. They gather on the side of the road to smoke and laugh, and call someone to settle it. It's really fucking unreasonable. !"

Having said that, Bei Fanyin swears.

Li Moyang was also furious, disregarding human life, if he really wanted to run into him, he would never spare these guys.

The Jetta made a detour, and the red Ferrari was driving slowly in the middle of the road ahead.

Bei Fanyin drove the Jetta cautiously and wanted to pass by, but the Ferrari turned slightly to the side of the road, and the Jetta could only cling to the right curb and pass slowly.

Bei Fanyin glared at the Ferrari driver angrily.

The Ferrari driver whistled frivolously: "Hey, beauty, let's make friends. Have you seen my car? I'll give you one as my girlfriend."

The man driving the car was dressed in fashionable clothes, his face was yellow, his eye bags were blue, and he looked fascinated. It was obvious that he was a dandy, and he was obviously over-indulgent.


Bei Fanyin replied, passed by the wrong car, and accelerated to leave.

The Ferrari man's face became ferocious: "Fuck, call me rubbish, I must rape you, first rape and then kill, first kill and then rape, no one has ever dared to call me Tian Shao."

The Ferrari engine chugs, accelerates and rushes out, catching up with the Jetta after a while.

The two cars were parallel on the mountain road, and Bei Fanyin's hands trembled, not only because of nervousness, but also because of anger and loss of concentration.

The Ferrari man said obscenities: "It's your luck that I see you, you know how many women want to have sex with me, you don't stop the car, and when I enter the city, it must be your turn, rape first and then kill. "

The man in Ferrari is extremely arrogant, as if he is the boss in this world.

Li Moyang looked at Ferrari man's hateful face, and his heart was filled with anger.

"I'm coming!"

The Jetta was still moving, and Li Moyang signaled Bei Fanyin to switch positions.

Just as Bei Fanyin wanted to stop, Li Moyang said, "No need, you lean back and keep driving."

Bei Fanyin was transparent at all, and without thinking about it, he said: "Okay", and at the same time leaned tightly on the seat, leaving an empty space in front of him.

Swapping places while walking is very dangerous, but for some reason, Bei Fanyin trusts Li Moyang very much.

Li Moyang grabbed the steering wheel with his left hand, inserted his left leg into the space next to Bei Fanyin's left leg, and with a slight push, sat in front of Bei Fanyin.

Bei Fanyin immediately let go of the steering wheel and shifted to the co-pilot position. In a flash, the positions of the two exchanged in a tacit understanding.

Yigao is bold, and both of them are masters in secret agents. The cooperation this time went very smoothly.

But the high protrusion on Bei Fanyin's chest swept across Li Moyang's back, and a strange feeling suddenly occupied Li Moyang's entire nerves.

Li Moyang almost lost his mind, this feeling is really good.

Bei Fanyin also felt strange. The strong masculine aura on Li Moyang's body made Bei Fanyin suddenly at a loss, and a trace of rosiness floated on Bei Fanyin's cheeks.

Does this count as intimate contact?

Bei Fanyin quietly took a look at Li Moyang.

There was an excited expression on Li Moyang's face, and an evil light shot out from his eyes. With this expression, Bei Fanyin suddenly understood Li Moyang's purpose of changing seats.

Sure enough, Li Moyang walked side by side, and the stunned so-called Tian Shao raised his middle finger, and stepped on the accelerator at the same time, the Jetta rushed forward suddenly, and let out a roar.

Tian Shao understands, damn it, this broken Jetta is going to race with me.

Interesting, it has always been a high-end sports car competition, and today we are going to fight against the Jetta. This time I will talk about it, it will definitely be regarded as a classic joke in the circle of friends.

Tian Shao also kicked the gas pedal in response, Li Moyang smiled faintly, and said to Bei Fanyin: "Fasten your seat belt!" without much explanation.

Bei Fanyin didn't know why, but she trusted Li Moyang so much, she nodded and fastened her seat belt.

The two cars rushed out at the same time, you get what you pay for, and the red Ferrari rushed ahead with a big lead.

But what surprised Tian Shao was that the old-looking Jetta followed behind like a follower, catching up at every corner, even leading the Ferrari by a car head.

"Damn it, the car is well modified!" Li Moyang shouted to Bei Fanyin.

"Your technique is awesome!" Bei Fanyin shouted excitedly.


The mountain road is rugged and winding, with many bends, and on the other side of the road is a cliff, and below the cliff is the sea.

This road is called the Sunshine Ilupo of Binhai City by the prince racing people, and Tianshao is Schumacher among them.

But this so-called Binhai Schumacher's young man, his father is Li Zixiong, a real estate boss in Binhai City who eats both black and white. Schumacher's name is obviously touted by the younger brothers. Today he met the nemesis in his life .

The guy who drives the old Jetta has superb driving skills, drifting, flicking, cornering, and skillful movements, which makes people envy and hate.

After a few curves, the Jetta had already left Ferrari behind. It deliberately slowed down, and with one side of the window lowered, the driver in a non-mainstream attire raised his middle finger at Ferrari.

Young Master Tian was furious. In the past, he was the one who abused others, how could he allow others to abuse him.

He is Li Tianer, the second son of the owner of Century Real Estate. He is respected as the first brother of Binhai in Taoism. He was a famous school bully in middle school.

After graduating, he hangs out in the society, hangs out with a group of like-minded rich second-generation and official second-generation children, bullies men and women, and is notorious for doing bad things.

The most recent time was a week ago, also in this driveway, when Li Tianer drove a fast car and killed a cleaner, his father Li Zixiong stepped in and spent tens of thousands of dollars to settle the matter.

From then on, this kid became even more arrogant. In his mind, there was no difference between killing a person and killing a dog.

A broken Jetta dares to challenge Ferrari, let you see what a top-equipped Ferrari is.

When Li Tianer saw Li Moji's despised middle finger, he suddenly became agitated. It's a great shame. If this gets out, he will be despised by a broken Jetta driver. How can he hang around in Binhai City from now on!

Li Tianer slammed on the gas pedal, there was a loud bang, and the two cars rushed out one after the other.

Li Moyang sneered, he achieved his goal, today is your death day.

Bei Fanyin suddenly felt that something was wrong. Li Moyang wanted to kill the so-called Young Master Tian on the other side.

"Just teach him a lesson. Remember our identities. This kind of person will be dealt with by the police." Bei Fanyin reminded.


Li Moyang didn't make another sound, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and there was an evil smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

Using both hands and feet, busy but not chaotic, the gears are flying, and the corners are smoothly crossed.

Li Moyang has to admit that there are experts in Guoan, and the modified Jetta power system is very good, with excellent cornering and high-speed driving performance.

But the Jetta is a Jetta after all, no matter how good the condition is, it cannot be the opponent of Ferrari. Compared with Ferrari, the acceleration is one on the ground and the other on the sky.

But a good car is not necessarily a good driver.

A talented driver driving a Jetta must be better than an ordinary person driving a Ferrari, and the situation before him proves this.

A thrilling big race started. Two cars, one red and one black, raced wildly on the winding mountain road. You chased each other. Due to too many curves, Ferrari fell behind the Jetta.

When the straight was reached, Ferrari caught up with the Jetta in a gust of wind.

But when encountering a bend, Ferrari had to slow down. At this time, the Jetta aggressively caught up, and with a clean drift around the corner, Ferrari was left behind. Li Tianer went crazy and cursed.

Li Moyang saw two consecutive turns ahead, so he had an idea in his mind.

After crossing the first detour, Li Moyang accelerated and went straight, as if entering the straight road.

Ferrari, who was chasing closely, stepped on the accelerator, intending to overtake the Jetta on the straight.

Seeing the cliff in front of him, Bei Fanyin yelled, "It's over!"

Li Moyang smiled faintly, using both hands and feet, slammed on the clutch, and turned the steering wheel wildly. The left rear wheel flew into the air and was exposed in the midair of the cliff.

Entering the curve, Jetta slowed down slowly, Bei Fanyin let go of his hands covering his eyes, his little heart was beating so hard, it was so fucking exciting.

This is not racing, this is life!

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