Zhou Siqi was ignored by Li Moyang, and he felt a little disappointed, but he adjusted after a while.Zhou Siqi thought that he was often sought after by men, so he was a little too high-spirited, why did he get into an awkward fight with a young man today?

Looking at Li Moyang, I suddenly realized that this young man is not so rustic, with bright eyebrows and beautiful eyes, very good-looking, and with a burly hairstyle, he looks very masculine. He is clearly a handsome guy, but he is dressed a little rustically.

"Xiao Li, what are your plans for the future?" Professor Zhou asked Li Moyang as the three drank water and chatted after dinner.

Li Moyang said confidently: "I want to start a business to make money and then go to college."

"Very good. You have ambition. I appreciate you very much." Professor Zhou knew some basic information about Li Moyang when he was playing chess, so he agreed with Li Moyang's ambition very much.

Zhou Siqi looked Li Moyang up and down again, this kid is a bit too exaggerated, no matter how you look at it, he is just a chef.

"Can you do it? I'm a university teacher. Even if the college entrance examination is open to social workers, you are a technical school student and have no foundation. If you want to go to college, you have to spend money on it. The exam is basically useless. If you want to go to college, especially Binhai University , very difficult."

"I have already studied all the books in high school. Tsinghua University and Peking University should be fine, but I still want to go to Binhai University." Li Moyang is still full of confidence.

"I really, pay back Huabei University, and Qilu Province only has about [-] students every year." Zhou Siqi often participates in recruiting students and has rich experience in this area.

"Did you go back to your hometown to take the exam, or did you take the exam in Binhai? Let's figure this out first. If you take the college entrance examination in Binhai, the books you read are from your hometown, right? The books used in the two provinces are different. Why do you take the exam? There are also student status. The problem, wait a minute, is not as simple as you think."

"I'm from Binhai. I use my social status to take the college entrance examination. I've checked everything. I think Tsinghua University is fine, but I still want to enter Binhai University." Li Moyang was a little stubborn.

Seeing that Zhou Siqi still wanted to argue, Professor Zhou winked, "Siqi, you should go home, why don't you find a set of college entrance examination questions and test Xiao Li someday. Xiao Li is not bad, I like him."

"Okay, anyway, I have nothing to do on weekends, so I'll test you to see if you're bragging." Zhou Siqi was also a little stubborn, after saying this, he suddenly realized that he and Li Moyang were bickering like a couple of lovers.Halo, it's not over yet, you come and go, Zhou Siqi blushed, what's wrong with him, got up and went to the bathroom.

"My daughter, I have been spoiled since I was a child. My wife passed away early, and now she is divorced again, living alone and wandering around outside. I feel distressed when I see it. Alas, this happened." Professor Zhou said When talking about his daughter, he couldn't stop talking, nagging endlessly.

Li Moyang is not bored, instead he likes to listen to these parents' gossip, his parents passed away, and he was away for eight years. These family trifles fascinated him very much.

"However, my daughter is very filial. She lives outside alone, but she cooks lunch and dinner for me every day. She's not very good at cooking. After all, it's my own daughter who cooks it. I'm content."

Li Moyang became a good audience, and Professor Zhou was very satisfied.

From Professor Zhou's nagging, Li Moyang learned several important information about Zhou Siqi: 32 years old, divorced, living alone, and stubborn.

"Dad, your daughter is just so little dick, you are all exposed." Zhou Siqi came out of the bathroom, heard the end of the sentence, slightly raised her sexy thin lips, and said angrily. The body is even more seductive.

Zhou Siqi put on some light makeup, and his black hair was tied into a woman's bun, giving people a mature and glamorous feeling. The almond eyes on his fair melon-seeded face were lively and energetic, and the beauty mole on the corner of his mouth was even more impressive. She added a bit of seductive beauty.Recalling the happy together in the kitchen just now, Li Moyang suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart.

"Love is not what you want to buy, you can buy it if you want to." The super loud volume sounded.Li Moyang answered the phone, it was Brother Ma's voice.

"Brother Li, everything is settled. Please come to the ice blue water station. Yes, it is the water station where you work. I have taken it down. I will wait for you to arrange it when everyone is here."

Li Moyang hung up the phone and finished the last few steps. Professor Zhou went straight to the general, and Li Moyang was completely defeated.

"Mr. Zhou, I still have something to do. Next time I will fight with you for [-] rounds. You are really strong and strong, and your chess skills are superb." Li Moyang is a little sycophant at this time, and Professor Zhou smiled happily from ear to ear.

"Go to work, remember to come next time, I will teach you a few tricks."


Zhou Siqi was also about to leave, and the two came to the elevator together, Li Moyang was thoughtful.

This pony brother is quite capable, and he was able to take down the ice blue water station. What did this brother Zhao think?

Li Moyang stretched out his hand to press the down button in a daze, the tentacles were slippery, and when he fixed his eyes on Zhou Siqi's pale fingers, the two retracted their hands in embarrassment.When the elevator came, Li Moyang asked Zhou Siqi to go first, and after entering the door, he took the initiative to press the number on the first floor.

Zhou Siqi suddenly fell in love with him, he is quite a gentleman, the elevator creaked down, and the small space fell into a momentary silence.

The lights in the elevator suddenly flickered and became unstable, and the elevator shook violently, making some strange noises.The light flickered a few times and went out.And the elevator car fell suddenly, "Ah..." There was a scream at [-] decibels, and a fiery body appeared in Li Moyang's arms, and Zhou Siqi threw himself into Li Moyang's arms in panic.

Ruanyu warm and fragrant embraces him, it is rare to meet, but this is not the time to enjoy an affair, Li Moyang hugged Zhou Siqi tightly, leaned against the wall, squatted with his legs in a protective posture, and the rest Resign yourself to fate.

This broken elevator felt that something would happen on the first day of riding.But it's okay, with a beautiful woman to accompany her, even if she dies, it's not a loss.

"Crack!" The elevator stopped abruptly, trembling up and down, there was still the sound of creaking steel cables sliding outside the car, Li Moyang fell to the ground inertially, the beauty in his arms lay on Li Moyang's body, trembling all over, hugging tightly He held on to Li Moyang, still screaming, his mouth was right next to Li Moyang's ear, which made Li Moyang's ear hurt.

In the dark car, the scream of the beautiful woman echoed.The most unbearable thing Li Moyang could bear was the beauty's screaming. He couldn't bear it any longer. Li Moyang opened his mouth to meet him, and blocked Zhou Siqi's mouth.Oh my god, the world is finally clean.

Zhou Siqi was terrified, his head was still dizzy, and he didn't remember it.Li Moyang is holding her plump and fiery delicate body with both hands under her, and his chest is attached to Zhou Siqi's amazing double peaks, with a faint scent of perfume, warm breath, tall breasts, slender waist, long legs, and beautiful buttocks Exquisite curves, concave and convex... Li Moyang's blood was so angry that he couldn't stand the bird anymore, and the bird couldn't stand it anymore.

Suddenly, there was a faint reaction from Li Moyang's crotch!Forcibly touching Zhou Siqi's soft belly.

"Ugh! Ugh!!!" Zhou Siqi felt something was wrong, and wanted to get up, but found that her whole body was weak and limp. The fright and scream just now exhausted her physical strength, and she was still lying limply on Li Moyang's body.

The mouths of the two are still glued together, it is unknown who took the initiative, the tongues stirred, the two sucked greedily, breathing hard, Li Moyang caressed Zhou Siqi's delicate body from top to bottom, which stimulated Zhou Siqi even more, and his breathing became more and more constricted .

Zhou Siqi was hot all over, and the strong manly scent of Li Moyang under her body made her ecstatic. She hadn't felt this way for a long time, and she also had a special sense of security... It's over, I've sunk.

Not long after, the elevator lights flickered a few times and came on, and the two of them hurriedly stood up in a daze. Zhou Siqi lowered his head and didn't dare to look into Li Moyang's eyes. Li Moyang also smiled awkwardly and reached out to press the switch, but the door didn't open.

"What should I do, I don't want to die!" Zhou Siqi was still terrified.

"Don't be afraid, you'll be fine if I'm here! Besides, even if something happens, you'll earn money if you don't have a handsome guy to accompany you."

"Bah, bah, don't talk nonsense, no matter what, you made money, and a beautiful woman is with you..."

Zhou Siqi blushed, flirting and cursing, and his nervousness eased a little.

Li Moyang chuckled and untied his belt without saying a word.

Zhou Siqi tensed up all of a sudden, shielding his chest with both hands, with a frightened light in his beautiful eyes, he said in a startled voice, "What do you want to do?"

Li Moyang laughed obscenely: "I've kissed all of you, so let's fight for [-] rounds with real knives and guns. I can't get out anyway, and I'll be idle if I'm idle."

"Slap!" Li Moyang was slapped solidly with lightning speed. "rogue!"

Li Moyang was stunned for a second, and there was a trace of coldness in his eyes, before disappearing suddenly, he couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm really wronged!"

The elevator suddenly shook again, Li Moyang calmed down, inserted the flat belt buckle into the crack of the elevator door, turned left and right, he could reach it in, took a deep breath, pulled the elevator door open with both hands, and stopped at a certain elevator door mouth.

"Get out!"

"Oh!" Zhou Siqi rushed out in a panic, stood still, and Li Moyang also rushed out.

"My bag, my bag!"

"Women really have a lot to do!"

Li Moyang turned around and returned to the elevator, picked up the bag, turned around and ran out, the elevator creaked and sank violently, Zhou Siqi covered his eyes in horror, regretting very much, a broken bag killed a life.

The elevator creaked and sank, and Zhou Siqi's heart sank to the bottom.

"Your bag!" A warm voice sounded, Zhou Siqi opened his eyes, and Li Moyang stood before him, with a bright smile and dazzling white teeth, but the five finger prints on his face were also very clear.

"I'm sorry!" Zhou Siqi blushed, but his eyes quickly became sharp.

"It deserves it! Who told you to joke. Does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt, beating is kissing or scolding is love..."

"Find a fight!"

"I flash!"

After narrowly escaping from death, coupled with the ambiguous madness before death in the darkness just now, the strangeness between the two disappeared.

"Mr. Zhou, are you okay?"

"It's okay, don't call me teacher, call me sister Zhou."

"Okay, sister Zhou."

"Well, little plum."

Zhou Siqi's winking eyes were like silk, and he glanced at Li Moyang's lower body, where it was clearly hot just now.

"F*ck, I want to report."

Li Moyang changed the subject, this kind of ambiguity really set him on fire.

"It's useless, how many times have you reported it? The residents reported it to the Quality Supervision Bureau, and the Quality Supervision Bureau came to investigate. The reply belongs to the residents and they don't pay the fee. The property has no money for the maintenance company. However, the residents said that the public maintenance fund had already been paid, where did the money go? It was a bad debt. The elevator can only break down every three days, unless there is a major accident, it can attract the attention of all parties..."

"Bah, bah, my crow's mouth..."

The mature Zhou Siqi acted like a little girl, showing her coquettishness, and Li Moyang couldn't help but twitch her index finger.

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