From the beginning to the end, after they came to this Anglia hospital, they didn't meet a black ghost. All they met were Chinese, the strange uncle, Aikes, the two researchers, and the sniper...

Li Moyang is now at least [-]% sure that this research facility and the things it claims to the outside world are all bullshit, and they are actually just a cover. It is all run by Chinese or Asians... especially the research facility. The personnel should all be Asians.

Here, it is simply the puppet of the evil company, Angelia.Maybe there were people living in this place once, and it was even really a hospital, in order to provide the researchers below with the best human beings for research.But there may have been some accidents, such as a virus leak, which made it impossible for people to live on it, so this place was deserted and turned into an empty city.

However, these are all Li Moyang's reasoning, and there is no conclusive evidence yet.

Until they found a living room upstairs, lay on the dusty sofa covered with tattered quilts and prepared to rest, Song Yiming was still thinking about it.

Li Moyang didn't listen from the beginning to the end.

After finally stopping to worry about whether it was all Chinese and Asians here, he began to think about another thing.


Why is his voice so familiar...

Li Moyang has one of the biggest characteristics, that is, he sleeps like a dead pig, even if the earth shakes and the mountains and earth crack, as long as the earthquake does not exceed magnitude 12, the typhoon is not a super super typhoon, and the flood does not reach the seventeenth floor, he will not May wake up.

But tonight, something is different.

"Uh... ah... what time is it!?..."

He opened his heavy eyelids, blurry, unable to see everything around him clearly.My ears seemed to be stuffed with a ball of cotton, and I couldn't hear anything clearly, but the window, maybe Song Yiming hadn't closed it properly, was open a crack, and the biting cold wind (although Li Moyang couldn't feel it under the covers, but, 1 The moon's wind should be piercing... Oh no, isn't this Africa!?) into the room through the crack, rolled through Li Moyang's mind, and slipped through the crack of the door.

With his astonishing ability to judge, Li Moyang came to a conclusion, well, theoretically, it is still night, because obviously, it is dark outside the window.But what time is it, the watch is on the dresser in the bathroom next to the reception room, where is the phone?He took out his phone and it showed that it was out of power.Oh, what a pity...

Li Moyang closed his eyes again.A gust of wind managed to find a gap and sneak into Li Moyang's quilt. He shivered and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Song, close the window, you're freezing to death!"


"Did you hear that, Song Yiming! Close the window!!"

Deathly silence.

"Brother Song...Brother Song? Are you asleep?..." Li Moyang remembered that there was a charging light on the coffee table, and he reached for the coffee table next to the sofa, but he touched a puddle of wet and sticky things.I habitually stick my fingers under my nose, trying to smell it to see what it is, but because of rhinitis, I can't smell it clearly, only a slight foul smell.

Li Moyang sucked his nose hard, and the nasal cavity finally became unobstructed, only then did he realize that the whole room was filled with a faint stench, to be precise, it was stench.

Li Moyang sniffed the things in his hand.

Outside the door, footsteps suddenly sounded.

And, more and more, more and more dense.

What Li Moyang is holding is blood.

Just smelling the strange blood, Li Moyang didn't even have the courage to look at the sofa where Song Yiming was lying, so he had to look under the sofa.Hey, it's strange, there is a ray of light coming through the crack of the door, could it be that the lights in the corridor are not turned off?No, it was daytime when they came here to sleep, and the lights were not turned on at all. Where did the lights not turn off?Ah, so...

Li Moyang got up boldly, and didn't care about putting on clothes, so he hurriedly groped to the bathroom to pick up the watch, pressed the light button, and the display showed that it was 7:[-] in the morning. "Sure enough, I said how could I wake up in the middle of my sleep... It turns out that it is already daytime..."

But why is it dark outside the window?

Thinking of this, Li Moyang quickly turned his head and stared out of the window. As expected, there was also a problem outside the window. It wasn't that there was no light, but it was blocked by something black.Li Moyang tremblingly walked to the bed, stretched out his trembling hand, and pushed the window.Seeing that there was no movement, Li Moyang put in more effort and pushed the window open.

With a whoosh, before Li Moyang hugged his head, something outside the window rushed into the house with lightning speed.It's a crow! ! !Li Moyang retreated quickly, trying to avoid the crows, but the crows flew into the house continuously, and began to attack Li Moyang, biting and pecking at every inch of Li Moyang's skin, Li Moyang couldn't dodge, slipped and fell on the ground on the ground.

It hurts so much, the place on the body where the crow pecked was hot and painful, as if pepper water had been sprinkled on the wound, Li Moyang felt his body gradually softening, and his waving arms to drive away the crows became weaker and weaker. Consciousness gradually faded, and vision gradually blurred...

At this moment, there was only a bang, the door was kicked open, and the sun shone into the room, followed by a ball of flames rushing towards the room accompanied by the figure of a roaring person. Can not remember.

When he woke up again, Li Moyang found that his eyelids were heavy and he couldn't open them. He could only smell the smell of the hospital ward around him.

From head to toe, the pain was excruciating. Li Moyang wanted to scream but couldn't, as if he had a high fever. Except for his hair and nails, Li Moyang felt that every part of his body was burning.Both eyes can't be opened, and the eyelids are three times heavier than Daping's weight. He wants to turn over, but he doesn't have the slightest strength.After trying several times but unable to do what he wanted, Li Moyang decided to lie down obediently...

With a "wow", a bucket full of cold water was splashed on Li Moyang's head. "Wow wow wow wow wow! Song Yiming, what kind of plane are you doing!!" Li Moyang sat up straight like a carp, jumped to the ground, and hopped left and right shaking the water on his head, "Song, I want to kill you!!! "

The moment Li Moyang rushed towards Song Yiming, he seemed to wake up suddenly, realizing a problem...

"I'm not... am I dying!?..." Song Yiming happily walked towards Li Moyang, holding a large hair dryer to blow Li Moyang's hair. "Finally I've come to my senses~ Brat... My life is so big, I've made me worry for nothing..." Li Moyang rubbed his head with his hands, and asked, "Just now I seemed... I felt like I was about to see the god of death! ?how……"

Song Yiming handed the hair dryer to Li Moyang, walked to the infirmary office by himself, and took three test reports from a computer printer to Li Moyang. "Here are the blood test reports you took seven hours ago, five hours ago, and two minutes ago. Let's take a look."

Li Moyang took the report, "The test of the virus infection hours ago...positive...five hours ago...was also positive...two hours Why is it negative!?"

"This is not the strangest thing," Song Yiming shook his head in doubt, "Look at yourself, is there any trace of being pecked by a crow?"

Li Moyang lifted his clothes, looked at his belly, what, the skin was intact, without any trace of injury, Li Moyang rolled up his sleeves and trousers again, and found that there was no problem either. "This... this is... what's going on!? I clearly remember that I was besieged by a hundred crows..."

Li Moyang's problem is that he weighs more than Hu Shengsong now...

Song Yiming patted Li Moyang on the head and said, "Forget it, sit down now and let me explain to you slowly..."

While Li Moyang fell asleep, Song Yiming used a computer here to connect to the local area here, and checked the relevant information about Angelia.All the things that Li Moyang did not tell Song Yiming, Song Yiming had already learned the truth through consulting Angelia's internal information.

"I got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, and I accidentally noticed a sound outside the window of the toilet. I took a closer look through the light of the mobile phone screen and saw a large group of crows gathered outside. I was about to open the window at that time, and just halfway through it, it was already A few crows flew in, I couldn't stop them in time, I saw them fly in, but they couldn't see, so they flopped around in the room. I ran back to the room to call you, let's escape together Go, who knows how you can’t wake up (Li Moyang blushed suddenly with embarrassment), I had no choice but to open the door and make a loud noise to attract the crow, and I fled downstairs by myself I hid in this emergency medical room. Because I attracted too many crows outside, I didn’t dare to go out until I found a flamethrower, and it was dawn at that time, so I dared not go out Rush out to save your..."

After listening to Song Yiming's talk, Li Moyang nodded again and again. Although he didn't know whether what she said was true or not, Li Moyang would rather believe that Song Yiming called him out of loyalty, and he couldn't wake up because he didn't live up to his expectations.

Song Yiming went on to say: "I saw you being besieged by crows at the time, and I quickly drove those crows away with a flamethrower, but you have already been bitten and pecked by the crows and bruised all over your body... I guess there is a reason why those crows will attack people actively. It may be because Angelia injected them with the t-virus, so their aggressiveness has been greatly strengthened. At that time, I also thought that you must die, but I still brought you here and gave you antibiotics. The dead horse is like a living horse Doctor... I didn't expect it to be really effective, you boy, your life is really big enough, and you just saved your life like this!"

It seems that he still doesn't know that he has obtained the t-virus, which should have been available 20 years later, through various ways that make normal people feel unbelievable, so he thought that he really gave Li Moyang an injection of antibiotics. effect……

Li Moyang forced himself to smile, looked at Song Yiming, "Thank you, Brother Song..." "Hey, why are you being polite to me, Brother Yang, now I have saved your life, so I have repaid you Well, from now on, we will be good brothers who go through life and death together!"

"What are you talking about, could it be that we were not born and died together before?" "Oh, I mean, now I have saved your life, and you helped my father find the real culprit so that he can rest in peace. We both have the experience of saving each other from fire and water, the brotherhood is closer, isn't it~~"

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