Secret Agent Pretty Woman

Chapter 92 The First Infected Person

The two of them didn't talk during the whole meal, not because they didn't want to talk, but because they couldn't find a topic.

"Wow." A man with scarlet eyes and face full of spores slammed on the glass of the restaurant. His appearance was still barely human. The man was still wearing a police uniform. After a closer look, he found that this guy was clearly the one who was bitten just now. police.

The spores on the policeman's neck grew wildly and quickly spread to his face. The whole process was clearly seen by everyone in the restaurant.

Jessica tightly grasped Li Moyang's strong arm, which brought her some courage. Many girls vomited long ago, but she didn't. Yes, she was stronger than ordinary girls.

Accompanied by gunshots, the policeman who was infected by fungal spores fell down, leaving a puddle of mist in place. This is spore mist, which is rich in many infectious spores. Fortunately, the restaurant has glass to block the mist, but people still don’t Knowing that the mist is deadly infectious, several policemen even ignored the mist and dragged the corpse away. They inhaled a lot of it, at least it seems that there is no change now.

"Pack another pasta."

After paying the bill, avoiding the pool of blood, and bringing Jessica home, Li Moyang should go too.

"Thank you. We haven't met before. I'm really sorry that you are so kind to me and my dad."

"You're welcome, I still have something to do in my office, so let's go first." Now that he has had lunch, Li Moyang should go back to work in the detective office.

Lexus City, a bar.

"Have another drink." A man about 35 years old, a little drunk.

"Sir, you can't drink any more, you've had too much." The waitress refused to pour the man's drink.

"Hey, old drunkard, are you sitting in my place looking for death?" a rich second generation said, accompanied by two bodyguards.

"Damn, how dare you ignore me." The rich second generation motioned for the bodyguard to drive him away with a look.

As soon as the bodyguard put his hand on the man's shoulder, the man immediately pulled back the bodyguard's hand and pressed him firmly on the table.

"Come back next time... I'll kill you if I bother you again..."

The rich second generation escaped from the bar with two bodyguards, and the people next to him were also frightened by this man.

Do you still remember?In the Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City, there was a man named Victor. He survived at that time. He helped Leon, and then disappeared for more than ten years.

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Victor left the bar. He tried to find another job, but in the end all he could do was kill.

A passerby came towards Victor.

"Sir, you lost something."

Victor turned his head and looked at the young man. He held a key in his hand, which was the key of Victor's current house. From the key, it could be seen that Victor was not rich, and he was a famous and anonymous person.

Li Moyang looked at this bearded uncle, his clothes were old, but he still looked handsome in them.

After grabbing the key, Victor left coldly without even saying thank you.

"Weird..." Li Moyang didn't want to bother, after all, he was rushing back to deal with the files of the next case.

At this time, a woman in black walked past Li Moyang, a strange sense of threat made Li Moyang feel uncomfortable.

Maybe he was suspicious, so he shrugged and continued walking.

"Victor, stop pretending, you've already found out that I'm following you, right?" The woman in black called Victor in the deserted factory.

Victor turned his head and looked at the woman in black in front of him, but he didn't speak.

"Ruth, you..."

"That's right, I'm Ruth." The woman in black raised her veil.

"As you can see, Angelia Biopharmaceuticals has abandoned me. I can do nothing but kill people. Not only that, I don't have a passport, and I'm not on the US registration list. What the hell am I..."

Victor looked up at the old ceiling of the factory. Now he lives in the dormitory of the factory. Since the factory closed down, all the employees have left, and only a strange old man lives with him in the dormitory. They usually don’t say a word .

"Come to Anglia Tech to work. We can escape here with the dean. As you can see, this city can't last for many days. The fungal spores will destroy everything here."

"I won't do this kind of job as a mercenary anymore, you can go."

"Have you forgotten what happened to me and you that night?"

"I'm sorry..." Victor turned his back to Ruth and walked away step by step.

"Then you and this city will be destroyed together, heartbreaker." Ruth put on her veil but still couldn't stop the tears from falling.

Open the door of the dormitory with a broken key, a figure threw the unsuspecting Victor down, it was the strange old man, his whole body was covered with spores of all sizes, no flesh was intact, and there was a stench The smell of spore-infected people emanates from the body, which is a typical smell of rotten meat.

The strength of this spore-infected person is very strong, and that kind of terrifying power made Victor overwhelmed. Seeing that he was about to be bitten, Victor still insisted on holding the spore-infected person's spore-covered face with both hands, and many spores were squeezed. Because of the pressure, it was crushed, and foul-smelling blood flowed out.

"Dad? Woke up to eat." Jessica pushed Carl, but Carl didn't respond at all.

"Dad? Don't sleep, get up and eat quickly." Spaghetti spilled on the floor, Jessica shook Carl desperately, she couldn't believe it, she went out for less than an hour, and she didn't even accompany her father to the end For a moment, she regretted it very much. If she had come back soon, she would have been able to see Karl for the last time.



Jessica ecstatically grabbed Carl's uninfected right hand, and Carl suddenly grabbed his daughter's hand hard.

"How are you?"

Carl jumped up from the bed suddenly, and opened his mouth to bite his own daughter's neck.

Faced with her father's sudden attack, she was startled, but fortunately she was very flexible, she broke free from her father's big hand, and barely dodged this attack. In the process of dodging, she knocked over the wardrobe.

"Ugh..." Carl's eyeballs were gone, and the spores on his body were still spreading.

"Don't do this to me...don't..." Jessica picked up the fruit knife on the table and pointed at her father.

Carl growled again, then walked slowly towards Jessica, and he opened his mouth trying to bite Jessica.


Karl fell heavily on the ground, his head was pierced by a fruit knife, blood sprayed out from his body, and the spore mist slowly rose from Karl's body.

Jessica ran out of the house and sat alone on the ground sobbing. She killed her own father and was the last person who cared and loved her.

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