Secret Agent Pretty Woman

Chapter 95 Bloomer Information

The spore infected person threw Jessica down and opened his mouth to bite her. The strength of a woman was like an ant in the eyes of the infected person.

Suddenly, a hole was opened in the head of the spore-infected person, and the stinky blood sprayed her face. She pushed away the infected person's body without even wiping the stinky blood from his face, and a person wearing a hood and a strange mask stood On the opposite street, he was definitely a man with a strong physique, and he had almost cleaned up the infected people on this street.

"Thank you, I almost died." Jessica walked towards the man without malice.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"Everyone here is infected, and the city is blocked. The president blocked this place. Anyone who tried to get out of here was shot, and the city was quarantined." This is what Victor just happened to watch on TV. arrived.

Jessica remained silent. The government might want to bury this incident again. She also knew something about the previous biochemical terrorist attacks.

"I have some personal matters to attend to." Victor left Jessica, his shadow looming huge in the evening light, Jessica liked his mature male voice.

"People over there, hurry back." Several soldiers threatened the exhausted Li Moyang with guns.

"Wait, I'm a living person, not a monster."

"There is an order from above that those who approach the exit, whether they are living or infected, must be shot."

"I'm a living person, not a monster." Li Moyang still wanted to leave here, he knew that the soldiers would not let him go out, but his body still walked involuntarily.

A few bullets hit the soles of Li Moyang's feet, and he finally stopped.

Lexus is a small island city, and now the last batch of quarantined troops are evacuating, all ships are sunk, planes are useless, and the top government personnel are almost evacuated, and then the civilian president will ignore it , leaving them to fend for themselves.

"I'm a member of the local government, let me pass." A tall, thin middle-aged man ran past Li Moyang, holding up his government certificate, and the soldiers let him pass through the quarantine after a glance , he is the last senior government official who has not yet evacuated.

Li Moyang sat blankly on the ground, watching the soldiers board the last intact cruise ship and gradually disappeared from his sight. A kind soldier even threw a bag of food to Li Moyang.

"The government rescue operation is over, it's time for us to start planning, no one bothers us anymore."

"They will come back. This group just took away high-level personnel. There are still some documents in the government that they can use. Next time bsaa will come here to search, and after the search, it will probably blow up here! But we You don’t need to stay for such a long time.” The man in the mask stood in front of the gate of Angelia Technology and watched the 30-storey building, which is the headquarters of Angelia Technology, and his scale is not smaller than that of Angelia Biopharma .

"What is the success rate of infecting spores for terminal engineering?" Ruth asked.

"It's almost as high as the infection rate. The two of us are the first code names of humanoid terminals. They can't replace us anyway. Don't worry."

"Please come in." Ruth pushed open the door of Angelia Technology. She is a spy who entered Angelia Technology and secretly gave wrong guidance to the president. She can also be regarded as a high-level figure here.

"You're really getting cuter, Miss Ruth." The masked man said and held Ruth into his arms.

Victor was watching Ruth and the man in the mask make out in the restaurant across the street at the moment. Ruth used to flirt with Victor in the same way, but now Ruth is obviously not the Ruth she used to be, she is just a monster.

After the masked man and Ruth entered, Victor approached the building cautiously so as not to alarm the spore-infected wandering nearby.

"Whoaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." A spore-infested person howled in a daze. It found a person approaching AngliaTech, and this person was naturally Victor.

"Grass..." Victor pulled out his bayonet, slashed back and forth, and pierced the spore-infected person's head aggressively.

What Victor didn't expect was that the dead spore-infested creature wailed, attracting nearly ten spore-infected creatures a few meters away. Since they were shouting of the same kind, they didn't have any major reactions, they just glanced at it.

Suddenly, the spore-infected person who should have died twitched, and pieces of petal-like things gently tore the infected person's head, and blood spurted from its head.

A pair of rotten hands tightly grasped Victor's leg, the spore-infested creature gasped indistinctly, and its only remaining eye glared at Victor greedily.

Soon the Infected tripped him, and Viktor kicked the Infected in the face with his other foot, but the monster had no intention of letting go.

The cold bayonet pierced Bloom's head, but it still wanted to bite Victor.

Victor could only hold the bloomer's head with both hands and twist its neck, which made it completely dead, and the bloomer did not emit spore mist.

Pick up a note in Bloom's pocket with some information about Bloom on it. (The details of the bloomer are open)

Apparently there were some crashing noises to kill the bloomers, and several spore-infected people who were close to the source of the sound approached one after another, but there was no one there.

A dozen or so slow spore infestors followed Jessica. She was very tired, and she couldn't get rid of them after walking around the monsters all over the street for so long.

A girl ran alone on the street for half an hour, but she didn't see a single person, only spore monsters.She was so thirsty and tired that she could barely walk.

"Hoo hoo..." Jessica's footsteps slowed down, and the infected people behind her could almost keep up with her pace.

"Someone help me..." Jessica fell into a car that had been smashed into nothing, and she couldn't move.

"Uh uh uh..." The voice of the spore-infected person kept approaching, only a few meters away.

"I'll see my parents soon." Jessica wanted to cry with red eyes, but she couldn't cry. For the first time in her life, she felt that the few seconds before death were so long, even enough to recall and Outline her mother's kind face.

At this time, three people rushed out from the clothing store. They waved baseball bats and smashed the heads of the spore-infected people one by one. A dozen infected people were quickly killed by the trio. They all fell into the infected person's head very accurately.

"Are you okay?" One of them, with well-developed breasts, asked with concern as she took off her motorcycle helmet.

Jessica looked at this woman, she had muscles!Her aura is also very much like the boss.

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