Li Wen walked out of Zhang Baotong's house, and Zhang Baotong followed. Originally, Li Wen wanted to give Zhang Baotong a day to think about it, but Zhang Baotong followed without even thinking about it.

Maybe it was because of Li Wen's sentence: "You don't want your mother to sell vegetables to support you for the rest of your life?" Stimulated, Zhang Baotong walked behind Li Wen and said calmly: "Let's discuss it, let's do it tonight!"

Li Wen nodded and didn't say anything. The two returned to the house and started to plan their actions for the night. Ordinary people would never dare to imagine that two 17-year-old children would have such an idea. They really wanted to assassinate a person on the street. Boss, how outrageous this looks to outsiders!

But it's such an incredible thing, they plan to do it!

Li Wen hadn't been out since entering Zhang Baotong's house in the morning, and they didn't go out until after 6 o'clock in the middle of the night. Li Wen was still unarmed as before, while Zhang Baotong was carrying a black travel bag. Zhang Baotong was asked to carry the bag, but Zhang Baotong insisted on bringing it, and the reputation was that he was afraid that there would be nowhere to put the money!In fact, he put a kitchen knife in his bag, Li Wen was just too lazy to expose him!

It seemed that the two of them were full of confidence. They walked through the familiar street and came to the barbecue stand in front of Ximen Cinema. There were dozens of meat skewers and two bottles of beer according to the old rules. Neither of them had any intention of ordering more beer. After all, the first It's better to be safe when doing things at a time, and a bottle of wine is enough to strengthen your courage.

Of course, the two of them didn't come here to drink and chat. This is the most crowded place in the slum area, so they will definitely find those addicts here. The two of them also want to eat their stomachs before doing anything. After all, they haven't eaten much for a day.

The two ate and chatted like this for a while, slowly killing the time. As time went by, it was already past 8 o'clock in the evening, and there were more and more people near the Ximen Cinema. The two knew it was time to start acting. up!Originally, Li Wen's idea was very simple, to find some addicts late at night, and then spend some money to find out where there is a place that sells goods, and then kill himself alone!

According to Zhang Baotong, only Wang Ming can sell contraband in poor areas, so as long as Li Wen finds out where there is a place that sells goods, he can definitely find Wang Ming's lair. change!

After eating the last kebab, the two stood up at the same time, paid the money and walked towards a dark alley. Some people have to ask, why did the two go to a dilapidated alley?Did you decide to make a base before doing it?Cough~ If you think so, then you are really evil!

Let me tell you next, this dark alley is actually a den of a "game room". When the two walked to the entrance of the alley, there was a thin young man standing there. He seemed to be in a daze, but in fact This person is the lookout!The police sometimes raid here, so the "game room" owner always puts a boy here to watch out.

Someone has to ask again, why is a broken "game room" so mysterious?In fact, it is a game room on the surface, but it is actually a gambling center inside, where there are many gambling tools!What apple machine, shark machine everything is available!

Seeing two older children wanting to enter the alley, the young man immediately stopped them with his hands and said, "Hey, do you really think this is a game room? How many kids do you have? If you don't have money, leave early!"

Li Wen looked at this fierce expression, but the scrawny young man didn't take it seriously for a while. With such a small body, one punch could kill him, but Zhang Baotong was very good at doing things, and immediately took out a bag of red Nanjing that he just bought. I stuffed it into the young man's hand and said: "Brother, my friend wants to play a couple of games. I understand the rules here. This cigarette is for you!"

Seeing the benefits, the young man couldn't stop the two of them anymore. He withdrew his hand blocking the way and said to Zhang Baotong, "Little brother, you're a good man. Go in, it's best not to lose your pants!"

Zhang Baotong quickly laughed and said, "It's just for fun, I don't want to win any money!"

After speaking, he dragged Li Wen in and watched the two little kids walk into the alley. The young man quickly took out a cigarette and smoked one, muttering as he smoked it, "Boss is so stingy! You only paid that for a month. Money, not enough to buy fans! Fortunately, there are packs of cigarettes delivered to the door to relieve addiction!" It is a tragedy to be a hooligan here!

The two entered the "game machine room" through the secret door, and they both clicked their tongues as soon as they entered. The inside is really not small. Not only are there all kinds of gambling machines, but there are even several tables for playing Stud. There is heaven and earth inside!Li Wen thought about this underground casino again.

However, these two people have something to do here today, but they still plan to play two games for the eunuch's eyes and ears. Li Wen was originally a good boy, so he didn't know anything about those gambling facilities, but Zhang Baotong was different. Why can't you play outside for so long?

The two took out all their belongings and 300 yuan in exchange for some chips, planning to play dice, because this kind of thing wins money the fastest, and the probability of winning is high, either big or small or leopard, so this is Top choice for both of them!

Li Wen didn't know how to let Zhang Baotong go up, but Zhang Baotong was an old fried dough stick who paid 50 yuan for it. Li Wen didn't say anything. After returning home, his vision and hearing became very sharp!

When the dice shaker put down the color cup, Li Wen whispered in Zhang Baotong's ear: "Big!"

Zhang Baotong glanced back at Li Wen, his eyes were full of disbelief, you said you can fight and forget it, are you so good at betting?Seeing Zhang Baotong's expression of disbelief, Li Wen shrugged and muttered, "Believe it or not."

Zhang Baotong basically ignored Li Wen's words, turned his head and patted the table to start booing with a bunch of gamblers!

"Big! Big! Big! Big!"

"Small! Small! Small! Small!"

The people at the gaming table seemed to be from two camps, they shouted at each other, and it looked like whoever shouted louder would get the points they wanted!

The dice shaker didn't have anything to get excited about. He opened the dice cup and shouted, "Five five six! Big!"

Seeing this result, Zhang Baotong was dumbfounded, because just a second ago Li Wengang told him that this time it was the big game, but he didn't believe it, so he grabbed Li Wen and handed the chips to him and said, "Try it!" !"

Li Wen smiled, his eyes sparkled, he stepped on the edge of the table, rolled up his sleeves and said to Zhang Baotong next to him, "I'll show you my brother playing!"

Looking at Li Wen's current state, Zhang Baotong swallowed hard and cursed inwardly: Li Wen, you were not like this before!

When the color cup was on the table, Li Wen put all the 250 chips in his hand on the leopard!Zhang Baotong originally thought that Li Wenzhen had some abilities, but now he saw that this guy had put all the property of the two of them under the leopard, and his heart was completely cold: I am a **** ancestor!You are really 250, my 250 yuan!

Zhang Baotong was about to cry now, but Li Wen didn't think so and smiled at him. After everyone bought and left, the dice shaker finally announced the answer. Although Zhang Baotong didn't give Leopard any hope, he His ears were still pricked up, intending to accept the arrangement of fate!

"Three six leopards!" The dice shaker finally announced the answer. Zhang Baotong didn't react when he heard the answer. It wasn't until Li Wen started to collect the banknotes on the table that he rushed to the table and started collecting money!

"I'm stupid! Did you make a mistake! Why is it a leopard!"

"These two bastards are so lucky!"


All kinds of voices of envy and complaints arose, and Li Wen also hurriedly said with a smirk: "It's really right to be confused!"

While receiving the money, Zhang Baotong cursed inwardly: Are you right?Can you be right twice?You can hide the leopard!Who the hell would believe this!

Li Wen won more than 5 chips in one hand. Originally, he wanted to continue to play a few more hands, but today he came to deal with business, so he didn't want to be too noticeable. He won a hand of Leopard and he stopped. , because he has noticed that several people have noticed him, so he plans to leave with Zhang Baotong first, and he must not let his feet slip!

At first, I was worried that there was nothing to hold the money, but now Zhang Baotong’s travel bag was ready for use. After the two put the banknotes in the bag, Li Wen pulled Zhang Baotong to leave. Zhang Baotong didn’t want to leave because Li Wen had this ability. Yes, but after Li Wen winked, Zhang Baotong realized that he still had important things to do.

After leaving the "game console room", the two quickly walked to another alley. Zhang Baotong was a little confused, and asked in a low voice, "Didn't we ask someone for the location? Why did we come out?"

Li Wen replied with a smile: "Don't worry, someone will come to your door!"

Zhang Baotong felt that Li Wen was always inexplicable, but after getting along with him these few days, he believed Li Wen's words very much. Sure enough, two people followed them as soon as they left the "game console room".

"Those two boys are going to a dead end, hurry up," said a strangely dressed young man and the thin man beside him.

"God really took care of us. These two boys won a lot of money just now, and we can make some money again!" The thin man said to the strangely dressed young man with greedy eyes.

Of course, Li Wen heard every detail of their conversation, and Li Wen led Zhang Baotong straight into the dead end they said.

"Hey! The one in front..." The thin man and the young man chased into the dead end and just wanted to call Li Wen and others to stop, but before the sound came out, a kitchen knife was placed on the thin man's neck!

The other person was about to scold Zhang Baotong who was holding a kitchen knife, but was suddenly struck by a strong force and passed out on the spot. Of course, this was Li Wen's masterpiece. Now the thin man was dumbfounded, knowing that he had kicked an iron plate, so he hurriedly begged for mercy Said: "You two little brothers, I just came to pee, why are you calling me with a knife!"

The thin man pretended to be calm, but his trembling legs betrayed his inner thoughts!

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