Smuggling Daming

Chapter 117 Procrastination

In Wang Lun's mansion in Songjiang City, after seeing off his daughter Wang Jinxuan, Wang Lun sat alone in the study and carefully checked the letters. These were the letters he had exchanged with some relatives and friends in the officialdom during this period, and many of them were confidential. This matter is related to whether he can get out of this crisis, so he has to be serious.

I saw Wang Lun read the letters on the desk one by one, and then wrote a reply to each letter seriously. Then he let out a long breath while lying on the chair, but his face showed a bit of exhaustion.Because from the letters of these friends, Wang Lun felt that the crisis in his body had deepened again.

The person who wanted to punish Wang Lun this time was named Sun Cong. He was the secretary of the Ministry of Rites at the time, and he was just a small official from the ninth rank. Brother-in-law, and Liu Jin is just an eunuch, not very proficient in government affairs, so he likes to discuss many things with Sun Cong, which also makes Sun Cong more powerful than cabinet ministers even though his position is very low.

Sun Cong has a narrow personality. When Wang Lun was the censor in the capital, he once had conflicts with Sun Cong. As a result, this person has always held a grudge against Wang Lun. Later, Wang Lun was demoted, and Sun Cong was the main pusher. He even advocated arresting Wang Lun in prison and killing him. Unfortunately, because of Wang Lun's reputation as an official, and because there were too many people demoted with Wang Lun at that time, Sun Cong had no choice but to let the law do not blame everyone. Wang Lun returned home.

However, Sun Cong did not let go of his hatred for Wang Lun. This time Liu Jin wanted to punish Xie Qian, so he also took the opportunity to attack Wang Lun and bribed the eunuch who passed the decree to forge the records in the palace.Falsified Wang Lun and handed over an official uniform, and made a fuss over it, justifying Liu Jin's crime of punishing Wang Lun.

Although Liu Jin didn't have a big impression of Wang Lun, after being reminded by Sun Cong, he knew that the other party was dismissed because of his impeachment. Sun Cong let it go.

Fortunately, Wang Lun had been an official in the court for many years and had accumulated a lot of connections.In particular, he has an old relationship with the cabinet minister Li Dongyang. The two can be said to be close friends. Therefore, regarding Wang Lun, Li Dongyang naturally tried to protect Wang Lun. Although he was at a disadvantage, Sun Cong did not dare to take Wang Lun for the time being .

However, the situation in the DPRK and China changed in an instant.Originally, Sun Cong had already suppressed Li Dongyang to death by virtue of Liu Jin's power, but as time went by, Jiao Fang, the chief minister of the cabinet who was originally neutral, suddenly changed his attitude and began to support Sun Cong to deal with Li Dongyang together. This made Li Dongyang's pressure greatly increased.At the same time, Wang Lun's situation suddenly became dangerous.

It was also in this situation that Wang Lun asked Zhou Zhong to take his daughter Wang Jinxuan away.In this way, he was the only one left in the family. Even if Sun Cong accused him of the crime, he would have nothing to worry about. At worst, he would give his old life to the other party to relieve his anger.

Considering the critical situation in the court, Wang Lun, who was half lying on the chair, couldn't help but heaved a long sigh. He had just received a message from his friend Li Dongyang the day before yesterday.Jiao Fang, the chief assistant of the cabinet, has persuaded the other two cabinet ministers, and a decision on his treatment will be made soon.At that time, no matter how much Li Dongyang objected, it would be useless.

"The eunuchs are harming the country! The eunuchs are harming the country! It's a pity that the old man has assisted Daming for decades, and he ended up like this in the end. Your Majesty, what you have done really chills the old minister!" Finally, Wang Lun suddenly got up from his chair. Sitting up, he furiously cursed the eunuchs headed by Liu Jin, even Emperor Zhengde, but unfortunately he was the only one here, and it was impossible for His Majesty to hear it.

But when Wang Lun was yelling at the eunuchs, there was a light knock on the door outside the study, and then an old servant's voice sounded outside: "Master, Mr. Zhou Chongzhou sent someone to send a letter. The letter, said it must be handed over to you!"

Wang Lun was also surprised when he heard that Zhou Zhong sent someone to deliver the letter. Counting the time, Zhou Zhong should have brought his daughter Jinxuan on board, so why did he send the letter at this time?

"Come in!" Although Wang Lun felt strange, he still ordered.Immediately after the door of the study room opened, a white-haired old servant held a letter in both hands and sent it to Wang Lun, and then backed out.

Wang Lun reached out to pick up the letter and read it, and found that it was indeed Zhou Zhong's handwriting, and the handwriting was a bit scribbled, it seemed that it was written in a hurry.Wang Lun tore open the envelope, took out the letter inside and looked at it. At first he didn't pay much attention to it, but soon frowned and showed a puzzled expression on his face.

It turned out that Zhou Zhong only said one thing in the letter, and that was to tell Wang Lun to use all his strength to delay time for himself. As long as he can delay until the end of April this year, then Wang Lun will be safe. No one will trouble him, and there may even be great opportunities.

Regarding Zhou Zhong's letter telling him to procrastinate, Wang Lun couldn't figure it out anyway. Zhou Zhong didn't explain too much in the letter, but just mentioned a word in passing, telling him that there will be an event in April this year. A major event happened, and this event will change the fate of many people. As for what the event is, Zhou Zhong did not explain in detail in the letter.

"This...what the hell is this kid doing?" Wang Lun was puzzled with the letter. Now that Liu Jin has all the power in the government, even if he tried to delay time, he still couldn't escape from a villain like Sun Cong. Calculating, the difference is just dying sooner and dying later, which doesn't mean much to him at all.

Of course, it was impossible for Wang Lun to figure out why Zhou Zhong would let him procrastinate, because according to the original history, Liu Jin was buried in April of the fifth year of Zhengde. Zhang Yong, one of the Qing and Eight Tigers, was sent to quell the rebellion, but the rebellion was quelled before the army got there.

However, although King Anhua's rebellion was short-lived, the impact was enormous, because when Yang Yiqing and Zhang Yong returned to the court to return to their command, the two formed an alliance and suddenly counted Liu Jin's seventeen major crimes in the court hall , As a result, Zhengde was shocked. He sent people to arrest Liu Jin and ransacked his home. He even copied a lot of physical evidence of treason. and die.

Zhou Zhong had read about this period of history in the books of later generations, but he never paid much attention to it, so when he saw Wang Lun last time, he did not expect that Liu Jin would be killed in four months. Talking with Bai Junwan, it reminded him of this incident, so he wrote a letter in a hurry, and then sent a boat back to Songjiang to deliver the letter to Wang Lun.

Although Wang Lun was in despair, he still didn't quite believe Zhou Zhong's inexplicable delay, so he didn't take it seriously at first, and even after reading the letter, he dismissed Zhou Zhong's Throwing the letter aside, she didn't intend to do what Zhou Zhong said.

However, Zhou Zhong also knew for a long time that with Wang Lun's experience in the officialdom, it would be unrealistic for him to persuade him with just a letter, so he sent Bracelet, Wang Jinxuan and others to Shuangyu. After making simple arrangements in Hong Kong, he immediately returned to Songjiang Mansion by boat again, preparing to meet Wang Lun in person to persuade him.

"Nephew, what exactly do you mean in the letter? Why did you ask me to find a way to delay until April this year?" Wang Lun just asked Zhou Zhong when he saw Zhou Zhong. I was also very curious about the words in his letter.

"Uncle Wang, my nephew can't say a word or two on this matter, but you must trust my nephew and try to postpone the matter as much as possible. As soon as April comes, everything will be clear!" Zhou Zhong He said with a serious face.Of course, it was impossible for him to tell Wang Lun that he had traveled from a later age and was familiar with this period of history, so he could only ensure that his method was effective again and again.

However, Wang Lun shook his head after hearing this and said: "Zhou Zhong, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just that your words are really not convincing. I have a grudge against this old man, so will they let me go in April?"

Seeing that Wang Lun still didn't believe it, Zhou Zhong also smiled wryly. He wanted to save Wang Lun's life with good intentions, but the other party didn't believe his words at all. If Wang Lun hadn't been kind to him, he might have flicked his sleeves a long time ago. left.

However, in order to repay his kindness, Zhou Zhong still patiently persuaded him: "Uncle Wang, I am absolutely sure about this matter, and it only needs to be delayed until April. With your connections in the court, Uncle, it must not be a bad thing." It’s possible, and even if my nephew guesses wrong, it won’t do you too much loss, Uncle. After these four months, maybe there will be other variables, and it will be useful for Uncle to stay. This is not only the luck of Ming Dynasty, but also the luck of juniors like Jinxuan and me!"

In order to persuade Wang Lun, Zhou Zhong tried his best to persuade Wang Lun. In the end, he not only praised Wang Lun, but also brought out Wang Jinxuan and his juniors, hoping to impress Wang Lun with his family affection.

Sure enough, Wang Lun was a little hesitant when he heard this. Originally, in his opinion, he might be doomed this time. Even Li Dongyang in the cabinet couldn't protect himself, let alone someone else?Since he was doomed, he didn't want to owe others favors anymore, and he was even ready to give up and resist in his heart, but Zhou Zhong's words made him want to survive again, if he could survive Who would want to die?

Thinking of this, Wang Lun finally nodded, and said with a vicissitudes of life: "Well, since you are so persistent, my nephew, then I will have the cheek to ask those close friends to find a way to delay the time, but four Months is still a bit too long, I am afraid that a prison sentence will be unavoidable at that time, I hope that after four months, the old man will still be alive." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation , monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

ps: Regarding the death of Liu Jin, Lao Yu found several versions. Some said he died in April, some said he died in May, and even August. In the end, Lao Yu chose four versions according to the needs of the plot. This month's version, hereby explain it here.

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