Wang Lun was wearing a thick white prison uniform, and sat in the prison car with a calm expression. Although he was locked in prison during this period, he was not abused, but was taken care of, so now it seems that he His complexion was very good, and his hair was combed meticulously. Without the prison car outside and the prison clothes on his body, it would be difficult for people to believe that he was a prisoner.

"Master Wang! Master Wang is out!" Seeing Wang Lun in the prison car, the people waiting outside shouted one after another, pushing forward desperately one by one, apparently wanting to squeeze in front of the prison car and say something to Wang Lun. A few words.

But for these people who wanted to get close to the prison car, those Jin Yiwei naturally stopped them, and even had to draw their knives to intimidate them, which frightened the excited crowd.However, although those Jin Yiwei were used to being domineering, they did not dare to act in this situation. After all, there were tens of thousands of people in front of them, and they were afraid of causing public anger, so they were all very measured.

Wang Lun in the prison car became excited when he saw the people outside who came to see him off. He stood up in the prison car and looked at the people who were desperately pushing forward outside. trembling, and even tears of excitement welled up in his eyes.

Seeing Wang Lun standing up in the prison car, the people who were seeing him off were even more excited. One of the old elders suddenly rushed past Jin Yiwei's obstruction, then stopped the prison car and shouted to the escorting Jin Yiwei hundred households: "My lord, Wang Lun!" Master has saved the lives of many of us, save you for the sake of us who have worked tirelessly to see Master Wang off, let the little old man toast Master Wang for a few drinks on behalf of everyone!"

Can achieve the position of hundreds of households.Aside from family background, ability is also very important. The adult from a hundred households who was bribed by Xu Guan is not an idiot. Seeing tens of thousands of people seeing Wang Lun off, he finally understood how popular Wang Lun was in Songjiang Mansion. Exuberant, in order to be able to leave here safely, so he also nodded to the old man's request.

Seeing that the hundred-family adult agreed, the old man who stopped the prison car excitedly waved his hand behind him, and immediately two young men came over carrying a food box.At this time, the Jin Yiwei stopped blocking him, and the people seeing off Wang Lun saw someone giving a toast to Wang Lun, so they became quiet all of a sudden.

The old man walked up to Wang Lun's prison car, and asked the two young men to put down the food box. After opening it, he put the food and wine inside in front of Wang Lun and said, "Master Wang, you may not remember the old man. That winter , the little old man suffered from an old illness, and almost died on the road. Fortunately, you happened to pass by the road, so you rescued the little old man, and even prescribed medicine for me. And told the little old man to pay attention to some diet Later, it was because of your prescription that I finally cured the little old man's old illness. Today, Mr. Wang, you were framed by a traitor. Although the little old man was powerless to save you, this glass of thin wine can be regarded as seeing you off !"

After listening to the old man's words, Wang Lun's mood was also agitated. He had indeed saved many people before, and many of them did it casually.After treating the other party, he left without thinking of anything in return.Unexpectedly, when he was in trouble, these people were not afraid of the powerful, and came here to see him off.

"Thank you, brother, for taking the risk to see Wang off. If nothing else, Wang is here to toast you!" Wang Lun said to the old man in front of him excitedly, holding up his wine glass.

"Master Wang, you are being polite. I should be the one to toast you with this glass of wine!" The old man also raised his glass and said very politely.Now Wang Lun was no longer polite, raised his glass and drank it down with the old man.

Then Wang Lun and the old man drank a few more glasses, and then stood up to respect the people around him who saw him off. At this time, the old man backed away, and then the prison car continued to move forward, but at this time, he did not know who started it. The people on both sides of the road were crying, and it was really unbearable to watch.

Compared with those people who saw him off, Wang Jinxuan beside Zhou Zhong cried even more. Ever since she saw her father being imprisoned in the prison car, her tears kept flowing out. Although her father seemed to be in good spirits, seeing Her father, who had always been loving, was imprisoned in a small prison van and couldn't even stand up straight, which made her feel sad. In the end, she stuck her head in Zhou Zhong's arms, crying non-stop.

Zhou Zhong didn't expect that Wang Jinxuan would cry like this, and she got into his arms all of a sudden, feeling the other's soft and delicate body, Zhou Zhong was very embarrassed for a while, neither pushed nor pushed away.

In fact, based on the education Wang Jinxuan has received since she was a child, and her reservedness as a daughter, no matter how sad she is, she will not throw herself into the arms of a man because she loses control of her emotions, even if the other party is her fiance.

However, during this period of time, Wang Jinxuan's only relative has been imprisoned, and Zhou Zhong, her fiancé, has become the only stop in her heart. In addition, Zhou Zhong has been running back and forth to rescue Wang Lun during this period, all of which have been ignored. Wang Jinxuan saw it in her eyes, and it can be said that in her heart, Zhou Zhong was already the only person who could be trusted besides herself, that is to say, she had quietly recognized Zhou Zhong as her husband, and sometimes she even felt a little secretly happy when she thought about it. After all, which woman doesn't like a man like Zhou Zhong who values ​​love and righteousness?

It is also because Wang Jinxuan has already determined from the bottom of her heart that Zhou Zhong is her future dock, so she has no defense against Zhou Zhong. When she is sad, she also regards his chest as the best harbor and jumps on Zhou Zhong's side. I kept crying in my arms.

It is now late March, the weather is already very warm, and Zhou Zhong is wearing very thin clothes. Soon he felt that the clothes on his chest had been wet by Wang Jinxuan's tears. Her eyes were filled with tears, which made people feel pity when they saw her.

Seeing Wang Jinxuan's pitiful appearance, Zhou Zhong couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and gently stretched out a hand to hug her, which should give her a sense of security, and this was the only thing Zhou Zhong could do.As for the gazes of the people around him, anyway, he was surrounded by guards from the chamber of commerce, and he was afraid that others would see them, not to mention that they were dressed as a young couple, and it was not considered indecent to make some intimate behaviors while grieving.

Wang Lun's prison car kept moving forward, and people around him kept coming forward to toast, and many old people and children brought some boiled eggs, cooked meat, etc., for Wang Lun to keep on the road to eat, and some even had patches all over their bodies. The disaster victims seemed to have nothing to lose, so they had to bring a bowl of white water to them in the end. Wang Lun didn't dislike it, and took a few sips of it, which made the other party's eyes filled with excitement.

There were too many people toasting. Although Wang Lun only drank a small sip each time, he was still drunk in the end. Until then, the people who saw him off stopped coming forward to toast, but silently brought their own wine. The things were placed on the prison cart, and finally the small prison cart was full of things, and everyone saw that they couldn't put them down, so they made way for the prison cart to leave.

It's just that Wang Jinxuan, who was lying in Zhou Zhong's arms, saw her father's prison car getting farther and farther away. This parting might be the last time their father and daughter met. Meet my father.

Fortunately, Zhou Zhong's attention was always on Wang Jinxuan, and when he saw her desperately wanting to rush out, he immediately grabbed her, and said in a low voice, "Jinxuan, you need to calm down, Uncle Wang is now Just being imprisoned, there is still room for redemption, if you rush out now, you will definitely be taken away by Jin Yiwei, won't all the painstaking efforts that Uncle Wang spent on you before be forfeited?"

Hearing Zhou Zhong's persuasion, Wang Jinxuan struggled for a few times, finally gave up, and cried bitterly in Zhou Zhong's arms again, and Zhou Zhong didn't care about the defense of men and women at this time, he reached out and patted Wang Jinxuan's back non-stop. Comforting, hoping to ease her grief.

After seeing Wang Lun's prison car leave, the people who came to see him off refused to leave for a long time. Finally, until the prison car and Jin Yiwei completely disappeared under the horizon, these people left one after another.Seeing that Li Zheng and the others diagonally opposite still hadn't left, Zhou Zhong was worried that he would be recognized by the other party after there were few people, so he also left in a hurry with his arms around Wang Jinxuan.

When Zhou Zhong and the two sat in the carriage, Wang Jinxuan still didn't stop crying. No matter how much Zhou Zhong comforted her, she couldn't get over the grief of her father being escorted away. He hugged her gently, but what he didn't expect was that when the carriage hadn't arrived at Qingcun Port, Wang Jinxuan's crying became more and more subdued, and finally she fell asleep slowly.

Sleep is the best way to rest, and it is also the best way for human beings to repair trauma, whether it is physical or psychological, so when people are injured, they will be more likely to feel sleepy. This is also a protective mechanism of the human body. After waking up, no matter how big the trauma is, you will feel better.

Looking at Wang Jinxuan, who was sleeping soundly in her arms, even in her sleep, her slender crescent eyebrows were still slightly frowned, and she sobbed from time to time, her big eyes and small nose were all red, it seemed that I saw You pity, people can't help but feel distressed.

Zhou Zhong admitted that at this moment, his heart was really moved. If there was no Xie Lingyun, he really wanted to take pity on the woman in his arms. Unfortunately, the two met a step too late, and he had an affair with Xie Lingyun. Realizing the reality of husband and wife, this also left Zhou Zhong with no other choice at all.

At this moment, Zhou Zhong couldn't help sighing, the engagement between him and Wang Jinxuan was destined to be broken, what I have to do now is to keep a certain distance from the other party, otherwise, if the entanglement is too deep, I am afraid it will be nothing to the two of them good thing.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhong gently lifted Wang Jinxuan from his arms, and was about to put her on the seat of the carriage. After all, this intimate posture is really inappropriate now, but what Zhou Zhong didn't expect was that Wang Jinxuan was sleeping. Seems to have been checked, his hands actually tightly grasped the clothes on his chest, which made him unable to put them down at all.

Now Zhou Zhong really had no choice but to see Wang Jinxuan still sobbing from time to time in his sleep, which made him feel soft, so he had to hold Wang Jinxuan in his arms again. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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