Smuggling Daming

Chapter 146 Someone is making trouble

With the rebellion of King Anhua, the situation in the DPRK was changing. Zhou Zhong, who was far away in Shuangyu Port, relied on the knowledge of later generations, knowing that Liu Jin would not be able to enjoy himself for a few days, but what he never expected was that Liu Jin Jin has not yet fallen, but his future father-in-law, Wang Lun, was released without charge. Zhou Zhong was also very puzzled. As long as people are fine.

However, the happy event of Wang Lun's release did not make Zhou Zhong feel much easier. The matter between him and Xie Lingyun was broken by Wang Jinxuan. After a long reprimand, even Zhuo'er began to ignore him. Fortunately, Duo'er was not very sensible. Although Zhuo'er coaxed her not to let her talk to Zhou Zhong, Duo'er still treated Zhou Zhong in private. Very intimate.

It is also because of the unsatisfactory relationship that makes Zhou Zhong leave home every day as soon as he opens his eyes, running around in various industries of the chamber of commerce, and at the same time trying to find some work to do. Eat out, so that he can temporarily escape from the troubles of the family.

This morning Zhou Zhong was still the same as usual. He got up early and went to the Beigang Tea House to have a casual breakfast. Then he sat in the garden and watched the goods owners come and go. In that cooperative smuggling business, stimulated by the success of the previous cooperative smuggling, those cargo owners who were waiting and watching all swarmed, scrambling to hand over the goods in their hands to the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce for transportation.

But it is a pity because the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce has limited ships.Therefore, there is no way to eat so much goods for a while, so many goods can only be backlogged in the port.Fortunately, Zhou Zhong had already made preparations to provide guarantees for those small and medium-sized chambers of commerce. As of yesterday, there were eleven small and medium-sized chambers of commerce that had passed the inspection of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce. The integrated transportation force is almost several times that of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce. Some time ago, the second batch of fleets of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce and the fleets of several small and medium-sized chambers of commerce that passed the inspection have left the port together. of goods.

The inspection of small and medium-sized chambers of commerce is still in progress.Because the Chamber of Commerce has limited manpower, it will definitely take a long time, and through this kind of investigation, Zhou Zhong has also instructed Sanniang to exclude some Chambers of Commerce that are hostile to the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce, such as the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce. Industrial Ise Chamber of Commerce and so on.No matter how good the conditions of these chambers of commerce are, they will not be inspected by the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce. If they have the ability, let them find the owner to transport the goods by themselves!

In addition, Zhou Zhong had also discussed with Xie Lingyun about the establishment of the Haimeng before. Although Wang Jinxuan interrupted it later, this matter is the business of the chamber of commerce after all. Both Xie Lingyun and Hong Feiyun agreed to this matter.Xie Da, Xie Lingyun's father, finally nodded in agreement after thinking about it for a few days.Now their two chambers of commerce have jointly explained the situation to Xie Qian and others behind them. Although there has been no reply yet, there is great hope of success.

Zhou Zhong couldn't help being very excited when he thought that after the Haimeng was established, most of the chambers of commerce in Shuangyu Port would be under his control, and he would also monopolize most of Ming's smuggling industry.Although sometimes a monopoly will indeed affect the development of an industry, but now the maritime trade power of Ming Dynasty is still very weak.Only by concentrating most of the strength together can it be easier to exert the greatest strength.At the same time, it can also allow the smuggling industry to develop the fastest.

Just when Zhou Zhong was intoxicated in the dream of controlling smuggling, he suddenly saw the guards in the garden quickly gathering towards the gate of the trading center, which made Zhou Zhong very puzzled, so he stopped a guard and asked, "What happened Why are you all running towards the gate?"

The guard saw that it was the owner of the Chamber of Commerce who stopped him, and immediately bowed and said, "Report to the owner, the brother who guards the door has heard that someone is causing trouble outside the door and needs manpower, so let us help!"

"Troublemaking?" Zhou Zhong was also very surprised when he heard this. With the current reputation and strength of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce, coupled with the close connection with the Xie Family Chamber of Commerce and the Hong Family Chamber of Commerce, who would dare to make trouble?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhong stood up and came to the gate with the guards, wanting to see who has such courage?However, when they came to the gate of the trading center, they found that a bunch of people had already crowded in front of the gate, discussing together, and there were noisy voices from the center, while the guards of the chamber of commerce were around. Let everyone get out of the way and not block the door, so as not to affect the entry and exit of others.

"What's going on, why are all these people gathered around the door?" Zhou Zhong saw a familiar guard and immediately grabbed him and asked.

Seeing that it was Zhou Zhong, the other party hurriedly replied: "I would like to report to my boss, this matter has nothing to do with our chamber of commerce. A man passed by our gate just now, but he fainted for some reason. He was sent to the hospital, but I didn't expect two barbarians to come here at this time, saying that there was a way to wake him up, and we couldn't stop him, but we didn't expect that the two barbarians would bleed each other as soon as they came up, and even I let go a lot, and it happened that the comatose companion came over at this time, but he became anxious all of a sudden, and now he was arguing with the two barbarians. These people outside watched the excitement and refused to leave, blocking our gate. "

Hearing that no one was causing trouble, and the matter had nothing to do with the Chamber of Commerce, Zhou Zhong was finally relieved. However, there are so many people coming and going in the trading center, and the other party can't be blocked in front of the door, so Zhou Zhong asked the guards to Dividing the crowd into one path, he was going to go in and mediate so that the matter could be resolved early.

"Give way! Everyone! Our boss is here!" Following the shouts of the guards, the onlookers heard that Zhou Zhong was coming, and they all stepped aside one after another. At the same time, some people who knew Zhou Zhong also stepped aside He greeted Zhou Zhong, and Zhou Zhong also smiled and returned the salutes one by one. Now he is a prominent figure in the entire Shuangyu Port, and many people want to make friends with him but can't find the opportunity.

After Zhou Zhong entered the crowd, he found an obese man lying on the ground, and the sleeve on his right arm was rolled up high, exposing his fat arm. A wound was cut on the forearm, and the ground There was also a pool of purple-black blood.

And next to this unconscious man, two shop assistants dressed as young men blushed angrily, pointed at the two ragged barbarians in front of them and cursed loudly: "You two barbarians are so brave, you are so brave in broad daylight. You actually wounded someone with a knife, if something happens to our boss today, we brothers must fight with you!"

In response to the scolding of the two guys, the two ragged men waved their hands desperately, and at the same time explained in a weird Chinese: "No, no, no, the two little brothers misunderstood, we are the servants of the Lord, Representing the Lord to spread the glory of the Lord, so we are only saving people, not hurting them at all..."

"Bah! Save people? Are there any people like you who save people? You cut such a big cut on our boss's arm, and shed so much blood. It was nothing before, and now something is happening!" He didn't believe the other party's words, and even got more and more angry at the end, rolling up his sleeves and looking like he wanted to do something.

"Slow down! You two little brothers must not do anything. These two priests are indeed saving your master!" When the ragged people saw Zhou Zhong, their faces also showed ecstatic expressions. They ran a few steps to Zhou Zhong, and said excitedly: "Holy Mother Mary, we finally see you again!"

"Father John and Priest Nader, I didn't expect us to meet again, but weren't you in Nangang before? When did you come to Beigang? Why didn't you come to me to talk about the past?" Zhou Zhong asked with a smile, and it was The two Portuguese who he brought from Zhoushan Island to Shuangyu Port back then went to preach everywhere after disembarking at Nangang, and Zhou Zhong didn’t have time to pay attention to them, but seeing each other’s shabby clothes now, it’s probably here It is also the same as Zhoushan Island before, no one is willing to follow them to believe in religion.

Hearing Zhou Zhong's question, Father John, who had already lost a lot of weight, couldn't help showing a wry smile, but this was not the time to reminisce with Zhou Zhong, so he begged Zhou Zhong: "Honorable Mr. Zhou, please hurry up!" Please help us, originally we were kind enough to save people, but now we are called hurtful by the other party, if you don't come again, I'm afraid we will be beaten again!"

Seeing the pitiful look of Father John, and listening to what they said, it seemed that they were often beaten in Shuangyu Port, which made Zhou Zhong laugh. There is no law in Shuangyu Port, and some smuggling chambers People are even more similar to pirates, and fighting is common. These two Portuguese preaching around may offend people. The beatings are probably light, and they may even lose their lives.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhong comforted the two servants of God, then turned his head and smiled at the two wrathful men: "You don't need to worry, although the healing methods of these two priests are a bit weird, they are indeed well-intentioned. , and it is not an option to let your boss lie on the ground now, I think it is better to carry him to our chamber of commerce first, let the doctor in the chamber of commerce give him a diagnosis and treatment, and when your boss wakes up, how about I explain it to him? "

The two guys probably came to Shuangyu Port for the first time, and they didn't know Zhou Zhong's identity at all, especially seeing that Zhou Zhong still knew those two Hu people who hurt others, so they didn't trust him even more. Among them, the one on the right The stunned and annoyed guy cocked his neck and said: "No, you are all in the same group. I can't believe you. Now we need those two barbarians to explain clearly why they cut our boss with a knife?" (unfinished To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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