Smuggling Daming

Chapter 177 Kim Moon-hyun's Plea

Thinking about how to arrange the affairs of Jin Yiwei, Zhou Zhong returned to the chamber of commerce in a carriage. Aunt Wang and the others had already notified San Niang of their return, so the inner house had already been tidied up, and everyone still lived in their original place. It’s just that Zhou Zhong and Wang Jinxuan are married, so naturally they have to live together. Zhou Zhong used to live in a courtyard that was too close to the front yard, so it’s not suitable now, so his courtyard was arranged in the middle of the inner house. in a courtyard.

When Zhou Zhong returned to the courtyard where he lived, he was surprised to find that the light in the room was still on. He walked into the room quickly, only to find Wang Jinxuan sitting by the table with some small dishes on it. The close maid, Huamei, stood beside her, but the pair of master and servant were really sleepy, and they all dozed off there.

Seeing the warm scene in front of him, Zhou Zhong couldn't help but feel a little moved. He walked over gently, wanting to hug Jinxuan to the bed to rest, but just as he approached, his little head twitched little by little. Wang Jinxuan woke up suddenly, and when she saw Zhou Zhong coming in, she immediately stood up very excitedly and said, "Master, you are back, please sit down and rest for a while, I will heat up the food for you!"

Wang Jinxuan picked up the food on the table and was about to leave, but Zhou Zhong grabbed her and said, "Jinxuan, don't be too busy, I've already eaten outside, so I'm not hungry now, let's go to bed early have a rest!"

Zhou Zhong specially emphasized the pronunciation of the word "going to bed" when speaking. As a young man and newly married, his physical needs are naturally very strong.Naturally, Wang Jinxuan also understood the meaning of Zhou Zhong's words, and saw that her face turned red, and she lowered her head in embarrassment to speak again.

Looking at Wang Jinxuan's shy appearance, Zhou Zhong felt hot in his heart. He immediately woke up Thrush and asked her to clean up the food on the table, and then stepped forward to hug Wang Jinxuan, which made the other party feel ashamed and angry. She was also struggling non-stop, just when Zhou Zhong kissed her lips.But she quickly forgot the struggle, and obediently writhed under Zhou Zhong's caress.

After a night's rest, Zhou Zhong got up early the next morning to deal with the affairs of the chamber of commerce. Around noon, he found time to go to Xie Lingyun's place, only to find that she was really haggard.This made Zhou Zhong feel very distressed. After making Xie Lingyun laugh with a lot of jokes, he had lunch with her and told Xie Lingyun to take a good rest before leaving.

After returning to the chamber of commerce, Zhou Zhong began to worry about the intricacies of the chamber of commerce.Now the cooperative smuggling in the chamber of commerce is on the right track, and a large amount of goods can be received every day.In addition, the guarantee for other chambers of commerce has also come to an end. Now there are hundreds of small and medium-sized chambers of commerce in Shuangyu Port, and [-]% of them have passed the investigation of Nanyang Chamber of Commerce. Now these small and medium-sized chambers of commerce can receive goods by themselves, and at the same time The receiving Nanyang Chamber of Commerce cannot digest that part of the goods.

Seeing the smooth development of the Chamber of Commerce, Zhou Zhong also heaved a sigh of relief. Now the vitality lost before the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce has fully recovered.Even the prestige has reached a peak, even when Zhou Hai was alive before.It is also impossible to do better than Zhou Zhong, so now the entire Chamber of Commerce is convinced of Zhou Zhong, and there is no doubt about his order.

For three days in a row, Zhou Zhong was busy going out early and returning late. Finally, he was almost busy with the backlog of affairs. Today, he finally had a moment of leisure. Zhou Zhong was sitting in the hall of the chamber of commerce, drinking tea At that time, suddenly a member of the chamber of commerce came to report: "Boss, President Jin Wenxian of the Chungcheong chamber of commerce has not been seen!"

"Oh?" Zhou Zhong was taken aback when he heard Jin Wenxian, but then laughed, "Chairman Jin, please come in!"

The clerk agreed, and turned to inform Jin Wenxian, but at this moment, a meaningful smile appeared on Zhou Zhong's face. After the Quanluo Chamber of Commerce was wiped out, it was Jin Wenxian who informed him and Xie Lingyun that the Shangquan Chamber of Commerce was also involved in human trafficking. After talking about the matter, it eventually led to the collapse of the Shanger Chamber of Commerce. After that, Jin Wenxian contacted the Xie Family Chamber of Commerce more frequently. Obviously, the other party wanted to rely on the mountain of the Xie Family Chamber of Commerce, but now the reputation of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce has exceeded Xie Family Chamber of Commerce, so Jin Wenxian's visit today is very worthy of scrutiny.

After a while, Jin Wenxian, who was dressed like a scholar, walked out quickly. When he saw Zhou Zhong sitting in the hall, he immediately bowed and said: "The villain Jin Wenxian pays homage to Mr. Zhou!"

"President Jin, you are welcome. We are all old friends. If it weren't for your strong support from the Zhongqing Chamber of Commerce, I am afraid we would not be able to wipe out the Shanger Chamber of Commerce so quickly!" Zhou Zhong said enthusiastically, looking at him It looks like he really regards Kim Moon Hyun as an old friend.

Seeing that Zhou Zhong was so enthusiastic about him, Jin Wenxian was a little flattered at the moment. He saluted again and said, "Young Master Zhou, you are too polite. The Shangquan Chamber of Commerce has no conscience for human trafficking. As a member of Shuangyu Port, the Zhongqing Chamber of Commerce naturally We must maintain the rules of the port, so all this is what we should do!"

Regarding Jin Wenxian's words, Zhou Zhong laughed, and then he asked the other party to sit down and chat for a while, and finally asked: "President Jin, I wonder what is the purpose of your visit to Zhou this time? "

"This..." At this time, Jin Wenxian's face showed a bit of trouble, as if he was embarrassed to say something, but in the end he gritted his teeth and said: "Mr. Zhou, in fact, the villain is here this time. I want to ask you one thing, I hope you can help our Chungcheong Chamber of Commerce!"

"Oh, what's the matter?" Zhou Zhong deliberately showed a puzzled expression on his face. In fact, he had guessed the reason why Jin Wenxian came to him before, but he wanted to hear the other party say it himself.

When Jin Wenxian saw that Zhou Zhong asked the question, he couldn't help showing a wry smile again, and then said: "Young Master Zhou, now your Chamber of Commerce has been inspecting various small and medium-sized chambers of commerce in Shuangyu Port, but these small and medium-sized chambers of commerce are all Daming chambers of commerce. For example, the chambers of commerce in North Korea and Japan are not included in the investigation, so the villain came to see Mr. Zhou this time to ask you to let go of this restriction and allow us to participate in cooperative smuggling!"

When Jin Wenxian said the above words, his face was full of pleading.On the other hand, Zhou Zhong drank tea very leisurely, and didn't express anything after listening.In fact, when Zhou Zhong heard that Jin Wenxian was visiting, he thought that the other party was here for this matter. After all, when Zhou Zhong asked Sanniang to choose other small and medium-sized chambers of commerce, he had already asked her to exclude those foreign chambers of commerce. Zhong didn't trust these foreigners from the bottom of his heart. In addition, both Koreans and Japanese people like to buy and sell by force, and their reputation in the port is also very bad. Zhou Zhong was worried that these people would embezzle the goods during smuggling, so he simply sent them Jin Wenxian and other foreign business associations will be excluded.

"President Jin, it's not that I don't want to help you Zhongqing Chamber of Commerce, but you know the situation in Shuangyu Port. Whether it's Korean or Japanese, most of your chambers of commerce started by force, and they often rob ships of other chambers of commerce at sea. , This also makes your reputation not very good, even if you pass the inspection, who will trust you to transport your cargo?" Zhou Zhong said calmly, he is now eating Jin Wenxian was settled, and he also had another plan in mind.

Jin Wenxian also knows that the reputation of these foreign chambers of commerce is not good, but he has nothing to do now. Their Chungcheong Chamber of Commerce is also a medium-sized chamber of commerce, but now all the owners of the goods are handing over the goods to the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce for cooperation in smuggling, which has caused them to accept at all. If they don't have the goods, they can cope with the accumulation in the warehouse some time ago, but now the goods in their warehouse are about to bottom out. If they don't think about it, they may have to go bankrupt.

Thinking of this, Jin Wenxian begged again: "Young Master Zhou, compared to other chambers of commerce, our Zhongqing Chamber of Commerce is still very disciplined and rarely robs other ships at sea, so Mr. Zhou, can you make an exception and give Is there a way for our Zhongqing Chamber of Commerce to survive?"

Regarding Jin Wenxian's begging, Zhou Zhong finally showed a bit of hesitation after rejecting Jin Wenxian's begging several times. Finally, he suddenly stood up and walked around a few times, and then said to Jin Wenxian: "President Jin, with the present In terms of the situation, it’s not that I don’t want to help you, it’s just that if our chamber of commerce makes an exception for you, it may cause dissatisfaction from other foreign chambers of commerce, so you don’t want to think about it.”

Hearing Zhou Zhong's clear refusal, Jin Wenxian couldn't help showing a look of frustration, but at this moment, Zhou Zhong went on to say: "Although I can't make an exception for your chamber of commerce, I can make an exception for President Jin. Point out a clear path with the Chungcheong Chamber of Commerce, just to see if Chairman Jin has the courage to do it?"

Zhou Zhong's words immediately shook Jin Wenxian's spirit, and he asked eagerly, "Master Zhou, please give me some advice!"

At this moment, Zhou Zhong smiled and said: "President Jin, I have also learned about the various chambers of commerce in Shuangyu Port during this period of time. I heard that you have a big backer behind the Zhongqing Chamber of Commerce. Is this a matter?" real?"

With the expansion of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce's influence, Zhou Zhong also conducted a survey of various forces in Shuangyu Port, and learned some very secret things. Qingdao unknown relationship.

Hearing Zhou Zhong's question about this matter, Jin Wenxian's face showed a bit of trouble, and he said immediately: "Young Master Zhou, why did you ask this question, this matter seems to have no problem with the future of our Zhongqing Chamber of Commerce, right? "

"No, Zhou asked this question not just out of curiosity, but because he wanted to know how powerful the Zhongqing Chamber of Commerce is behind it, so that he can consider what benefits it can give to your chamber of commerce?" Zhou Zhong said with a smile, in his own After his power rose sharply, he decided to start cleaning up the different forces in Shuangyu Port. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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