Smuggling Daming

Chapter 189 Returning European Artisans

On the sea a hundred miles to the south of Shuangyu Port, a fleet of more than a dozen large ships is rushing in the direction of Shuangyu Port. On the highest mast of each ship in this fleet, there are There is a white triangular flag with two large characters of "Nanyang" written on it. When people who ship goods at sea see this flag, they will immediately know that this is the fleet of Nanyang Chamber of Commerce, one of the overlords of Shuangyu Port. They didn't dare to provoke them at all, and even those lawless professional pirates would think twice when they saw the fleet of Nanyang Chamber of Commerce. If they were not sure of winning, they would not dare to attack the fleet of Nanyang Chamber of Commerce.

This fleet is the fifth fleet sent to Nanyang after Zhou Zhong succeeded as the chairman of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce. The dozens of ships are all ships provided by the Shuangyu Port Small and Medium Chamber of Commerce. After passing the inspection of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce, these small and medium-sized chambers of commerce have not only obtained the qualification to cooperate with other cargo owners in smuggling, but also can use the banner of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce. The ships of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce form a fleet to go to sea, so that the size of the fleet is larger and the safety of going to sea is much higher.

This fleet has been out to sea for several months, and the reason why they have only come back now is mainly because their voyage is very far this time. Their first stop is Malacca, which is the city of Malacca. Last year, the Portuguese attempted to occupy Malacca. As a result, the local sultan led the army to fight back. Although the conflict was not very big, it aroused the vigilance of the people of Malacca. At the same time, it also increased the tax on ships, which also seriously affected the commerce and trade of Malacca city.Fortunately, Malacca City was lifted again this year, and the tax was reduced to the original level. Therefore, taking this opportunity, the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce organized this batch of goods and sold some of them in Malacca City, which turned out to be a big profit.

After trading in the city of Malacca for a period of time, the fleet crossed the Strait of Malacca with the remaining goods, and then came to Ceylon, which is Sri Lanka in later generations.When Zheng He went to the West, he stayed here.This fleet stayed in Sri Lanka for a long time. They used it as a base and arrived in batches on the east and west coasts of India to trade the goods on board.

Speaking of which, the west coast of India was very lively during this period. The arrival of the Portuguese violated the interests of Muslim businessmen, and the two sides are now fighting lively.However, the Portuguese took advantage of the fact that there are many small countries in the area and they are hostile to each other. They have united with a small local country to establish a port on the west coast of India. It was also taken away by the Portuguese at a high price.

Also during the trading period of this fleet.Few people noticed that there was a Catholic priest who came with the fleet, and this priest was also entrusted by Zhou Zhong.Father John who came to recruit various craftsmen to Shuangyu Port.

Although Father John is a Spaniard, there are constant conflicts between Spain and Portugal, but that is just a struggle between the secular world. For the Catholic Church, religion has no national boundaries at all. This is also the consensus of quite a few Europeans, so Father John is a Catholic Church.Come and go freely in the ports established in Portugal, and even helped the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce's fleet solve some trading troubles.

Of course, Father John did not forget the task that Zhou Zhong entrusted to him.During this period of time, he came into contact with many European craftsmen in the Portuguese port. Most of these people are from Portugal, and there are also people from other countries. According to his estimation, there are nearly 2000 Europeans on the west coast of India. Among these people, there are naturally many craftsmen that Zhou Zhong needs. Of course, most of these craftsmen have their own jobs, and many of them are not willing to follow Father John to venture to the unknown Daming.

However, there are some good ones and some bad ones, and there are also some unsatisfactory people who have lived here. They heard that Father John can take them to the rich Daming, and they were also promised a high reward by Father John. This makes many people very excited. After all, dare to come to India from Europe in this era. To put it bluntly, these people have an adventurous spirit. To put it bluntly, they are a bunch of gamblers. They are betting on their lives and future. I hope that I can make a fortune overseas, and then return to Europe in a prosperous way.

It is also the gambler traits of these people that make them full of infinite fantasies about the Central Plains region full of gold described in Marco Polo's book, coupled with Father John's slightly exaggerated description, so they soon Ask him to recruit a lot of craftsmen who are in great need. After the fleet is sold out and filled with local Indian specialties, these European craftsmen also board the ship together, and after a long journey, they finally arrive at We have entered the waters of Daming, and we will soon arrive at Shuangyu Port.

On a large ship belonging to the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce in the middle of the fleet, Father John stood at the bow and looked at the sea to the north. Although he could not see Shuangyu Port yet, his heart had already flown there, to be exact He flew to the church designed and built in Shuangyu Port before he left. When he left, the entire church had already started to be built. Now that a few months have passed, the church should also be built. This is the Catholic Church in Daming The first church on the territory, whose name will surely enter the history books in the future!

Thinking of this, Father John couldn't help feeling excited. Now he can't wait to rush to Shuangyu Port immediately, settle down the European craftsmen he brought, and then lead these craftsmen in the territory of Daming under his auspices. With the guidance of these people, maybe some Catholic believers in Daming will be developed soon, and in the future, maybe the bishop of the entire Daming diocese will be his own.

Just as Father John was thinking about his own future, he suddenly heard footsteps behind him, followed by a steady male voice saying, "Father John, I heard that we are going to Daming soon, and at the same time I saw the young rich businessman who hired us this time, but I don’t know if he will agree to the reward you promised me?”

Hearing this man's voice, I saw Father John turned his head and looked at him with a smile, and then said politely: "Mr. Chilawa, don't worry about this, you are a top-notch shipbuilder in Europe, and this is also true. It is the talent that Mr. Zhou needs most. As long as you are willing to work for Mr. Zhou for ten years and design the most popular sea boat in Europe for him, Mr. Zhou will definitely be willing to give you a boat of porcelain as a reward. If you transport these porcelains to Europe, you can definitely become a famous and rich man in Europe in one fell swoop!"

I saw that the man called Mr. Chilawa by Father John was a middle-aged man in his 50s and [-]s. He was short and stocky, with thick brown curly hair, blue eyes and a high nose. He had typical Roman blood. Although the clothes are a bit worn out, they are very clean, and the materials are well thought out. It can be seen that this middle-aged man named Chilawa should have been a person of status and identity before. This can also be seen from Father John The respect you show when you speak to him shows.

It's not the first time Mr. Chilawa heard Father John's assurance, but after he heard it, the worried look on his face didn't decrease. Instead, he showed a worried look. If it was only himself, Kira Wa is not so worried, but he is the only person on board with his family. Besides him, his wife and daughter are also on board.

Speaking of which, this Chilawa can be regarded as the biggest gain of Father John's trip, because the other party is the shipbuilding talent that Zhou Zhong needs most, and Chilawa is very proficient in shipbuilding, even in the entire European shipbuilding industry, he belongs to the A master shipbuilder of the first class.

Originally, with Chilawa's status, he naturally didn't have to take the risk of coming to Daming with Father John like those ordinary craftsmen. In fact, Chilawa worked in the largest shipyard in the Portuguese port on the west coast of India, and the salary was very generous. Even for this reason, he took his wife and daughter there and planned to spend the rest of his life in India.

But there will be unfair things everywhere. Chilawa has a very beautiful daughter named Shila, who is very famous in the entire port. There are hundreds of young people who pursue Miss Shila, almost accounting for the entire population of the port. One out of ten, but sometimes having a beautiful daughter is not a good thing, like when Miss Sheila got her father into big trouble.

What happened is actually very old-fashioned. Miss Sheila was invited to a dance, but at the dance, a young man who had pursued her got drunk and even touched her on the spot. This made Miss Sheila very angry. Angrily reprimanded the other party, which made the young man lose face. As a result, the man became angry later, and with the help of alcohol, he went over the wall and ran to Chilawa's house in the middle of the night, intending to execute Miss Xila. rape.

Fortunately, Miss Sheila is a lady on the surface, but she likes sports very much. She learned boxing and fencing from her father. As a result, the unlucky guy not only failed, but was beaten up by Miss Sheila. In the end, Kira Wa also rushed over, and just wanted to subdue him with his daughter, but at this time the other party was terrified, and was about to run away in a panic, but he stumbled and fell from the window of the building, and fell to his death all at once. .

Originally, if the other party was an ordinary person, the Chilawa father and daughter would be fine, but the kid who died was the nephew of Francisco de Alme, who had just been appointed as the governor of India by the King of Portugal. At the behest of the judge, the judge was ready to convict Chilawa and his daughter, but just at that moment Father Ruowang heard the news, so he secretly found the other party, and lured Chilawa to follow him to Daming with a lot of money.

Originally, Chilawa and his daughter were facing the situation of being imprisoned, but now with the help of Father John, coupled with the huge profits promised by the other party, finally Chilawa and his family escaped with the help of Father John , and then boarded the boat of Father John, and came to Daming whose future was uncertain. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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