Smuggling Daming

Chapter 199 Pirate Meets Bandit

As the sun was setting, on a road not far from Kyoto, Japan, Ashikaga Kazuki led a motorcade slowly forward. After arranging the affairs of the chamber of commerce, he personally brought people back to Japan. He said that this was the first time he had come back in decades since he escaped from Japan dissatisfied with the current situation of his family.

"The vicinity of Kyoto has become so desolate. It seems that the wars in Japan these years have been more serious than I imagined. This troubled world has lasted for too long, and it is time to end!" Ashikaga Kazuki, who was riding on a horse, looked at The field full of weeds on both sides of the road was also very emotional. When he said the last sentence, his eyes showed a bit of sharpness.

Although Ashikaga Kazuki is far away in Daming, he has been paying attention to the situation in Japan. Although his cousin Ashikaga Yoshiki has regained the throne of general, the original general also belongs to Ashikaga of their Ashikaga family. Yoshisumi was not killed, but was in exile. From time to time, he organized the army to fight with Ashikaga Yoshiki. It can be said that the two sides have been fighting on and off in the past few years. There have been several wars near Kyoto. The common people They must have fled or died due to the war, and it is not surprising that he sees the fields near Kyoto so desolate.

This time, Ashikaga Kazuki not only came back by himself, but also brought back the money earned by the Ashikaga Chamber of Commerce in the past few years. The money was not used for fighting, but to help his cousin Ashikaga Yoshiki recruit samurai. The purpose is to establish an army directly under the control of their Ashikaga family, so that they can have greater confidence.

Speaking of which, although the current general Ashikaga Yoshiki has resumed his position as a general.But the Ashikaga Shogunate has long been abandoned by daimyos from all over the world, and the general's decree can only be effective in the Kyoto area. What's worse, even the political power in the Kyoto area is not directly in the hands of the general, but by the Hosokawa clan. , Ouchi clan, Hatakeyama clan and other families to carve up. It can be said that although Ashikaga Yoshiki resumed his position as a general, he is actually a puppet in the hands of various big clans.

Thinking of his cousin's current situation, Ashikaga Kazuki couldn't help but sigh.Although the other party is the shogun of Japan in name, in fact he has no power at all, even his usual actions are under the supervision of others, and he has no freedom at all, but he is much better than his cousin in this regard, at least in Ashikaga Chamber of Commerce there.He has absolute power and freedom, which is one of the reasons why he has never wanted to come back.

Just as Ashikaga Kazuki was riding on the horse and thinking about his thoughts, he suddenly heard a noise coming from the front of the team, which interrupted his thinking, which made him startled for a moment, and then looked up.But they found that a group of ragged guys appeared in front of the team at some point, most of them were holding sharpened bamboos.He was arguing with the people at the front of the line.

"Go and see what happened!" Seeing the situation ahead, Ashikaga Kazuki frowned and ordered the followers around him.

Hearing his order, a follower ran to the front of the team immediately, and after a while, he saw this follower running back quickly to report: "Master Qi, the people blocking the way in front claim to be a group of bandits. Ask us to keep the road money. Otherwise, they will grab it themselves!"

"Bandit?" Ashikaga Kazuki couldn't help laughing when he heard this name, although their Ashikaga Chamber of Commerce is a legitimate chamber of commerce in name.But in fact, they often rob cargo ships at sea. It can be said that they are essentially a group of pirates, but I didn't expect to meet their counterparts on land just after landing. I just don't know if these pirates can compete with my gang Pirates?

I saw Ashikaga Kazuki pinched the horse's belly with his legs, and quickly rushed to the front of the team. At this time, he saw the group of self-proclaimed bandits in front of him shouting loudly. Among them, the only young man with a samurai sword in front should be It was their leader who yelled loudly like the others: "You businessmen, hurry up and keep the money obediently, or don't blame us for being rude and kill all of you cowardly businessmen!"

Seeing the other party's arrogant appearance, Ashikaga Kakki smiled lightly. The situation of the Ashikaga family is not good now, but the Ashikaga Chamber of Commerce he has run overseas is strong and has brought a lot of wealth to the family, which makes others I also have some concerns about the Ashikaga family, but it is precisely because of this that many people want to get rid of him, so he naturally dare not come back openly, but dresses up the entire team as a very ordinary caravan. , but various places also need some urgently needed goods, so various forces still welcome such caravans very much, which also makes their journey unimpeded. I didn't expect to be in Kyoto soon, but I met a group of mountain thief.

I saw Ashikaga Kazuki driving forward, and then looked up and down the head bandit, only to see that the other party's clothes were torn, covered with a very old bamboo armor, and the blade of the samurai sword in his hand had many gaps. , looks like a saw, and judging from the way he holds the knife, I'm afraid he hasn't learned how to use a knife at all.As for the so-called bandits behind the opponent, they were all yellow and emaciated, many of them had clothes that couldn't even cover their buttocks, and they only had bamboo spears in their hands.

Seeing this, Ashikaga Kazuki laughed again, and at the same time knowingly asked: "I am the owner of this caravan, what do you want to do?"

Hearing that Ashikaga Kazuki was the owner of the caravan, the young leader of the bandits immediately cheered up and said: "Since you are the owner of the caravan, then think about it and quickly leave half of the caravan's goods , so that we will let you live, otherwise none of you will leave alive!"

When the young leader spoke at the end, he waved the broken knife in his hand vigorously, apparently wanting to threaten Kazuki Ashikaga.The reason why the other party has the confidence to block the road and rob is mainly because Ashikaga Kazuki is worried about being suspected by others, so there are not many people in the caravan, and most of them are dressed as ordinary drivers, and there are not many people dressed as guards. There are 40 to [-] of these so-called bandits in front of them, less than half the number of people in the caravan, so they don't take the caravan so seriously.

Ashikaga Kazuki originally wanted to learn about the living conditions of the people near Kyoto through the mouths of the bandits in front of him, but he didn't expect that at this moment, his subordinates reminded: "Master Chairman, let's hurry up, it's getting late now Now, we have to rest outside the city of Kyoto, where it is safer, otherwise, if we rest in this kind of wilderness, we will easily encounter these little troubles in front of us!"

"Well, that's okay, let's disperse these bandits, but the leader is brought back to the team. I have something to ask him tonight!" Ashikaga nodded when he heard this, and the whole of Japan is in chaos. Constantly, this has also led to bandits everywhere, and it is only safe near some big cities. Otherwise, if they camp in the wild to rest, they will definitely encounter a lot of trouble at night, and the entire caravan will not be able to sleep at that time.

Hearing Ashikaga Kazuki's order, the surrounding caravan guards who had already been angered by these bandits but did not dare to act without authorization immediately took action. They drew their hidden long knives from the caravan car, and then Rushing into the bandits like a tiger, these people are the elites of the chamber of commerce brought back by Kazuki Ashikaga from Shuangyu Port. Killing people is as simple as eating and drinking for them, so the bandits have not responded yet. When they came, nearly ten bandits had already died in their hands.

Seeing that the caravan that I regarded as a fat sheep suddenly turned into a fierce tiger, and it was still so fierce, so many people died on my side in the blink of an eye, and blood was sprayed everywhere, which scared many bandits Stupid, but immediately after realizing it, many people immediately threw down the bamboo spears in their hands with a loud cry, turned around and fled in all directions, rolling and crawling.

Ashikaga Kakki's men did not chase those bandits who escaped, but the young bandit leader just wanted to turn around and run away, but he didn't expect to be blocked by two caravan guards, looking at the two bloody guns in front of him Long knife, the young bandit leader immediately dropped the broken knife in his hand, then knelt down and begged: "My lord, please forgive me, I will never dare again!"

Ashikaga Kazuki ignored the bandit leader's begging for mercy at all, but the person from the nearby chamber of commerce stepped forward and kicked him to the ground, then tied him up with a rope and threw him into the car, then Ashikaga Kazuki ordered to continue Hurry up, and they throw the bodies of the bandits who were killed to the side of the road. There is no need to worry about scaring others, because in this era of Japan, dead people can be seen almost everywhere, and it is no big deal at all.

Although Kazuki Ashikaga and his team are not far from Kyoto, but now it is sunset, they can't rush to Kyoto before dark anyway, and Kyoto is forbidden to enter and leave after dark, so when they finally When they arrived only one mile away from Kyoto, they set up camp outside the city, preparing to rest for a night before entering the city. Moreover, it was so close to Kyoto, and there were other caravans resting outside the city, so it was relatively safe.

After Ashikaga Kazuki commanded the staff to arrange the camp, his followers brought him dinner. After he ate a few bites casually, he asked someone to bring the bandit leader to his tent, and was going to ask about the situation around Kyoto recently.

After a while, the people below brought up the bandit leader who was tied into a ball, but at this time, the other party no longer had the arrogance he had when he blocked the road and robbed him before. Instead, he had a look of fear on his face, especially when he saw When he arrived at Ashikaga Kazuki who was sitting in the tent, he even shrank back in fear. It seemed that he had been terrified by the brutal performance of Ashikaga Kazuki's men before. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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