Smuggling Daming

Chapter 25 Xu Shenzhong Asks for a Book

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Making Journey to the West famous in the form of storytelling was Zhou Zhong's first good move. As Steward Xu's storytelling progressed in Fengyou Teahouse, more and more people were attracted to the teahouse for the purpose of being close to each other. Listen to this unique Journey to the West story.

Under such circumstances, under Zhou Zhong's suggestion, Steward Xu pretended to have slipped his mouth accidentally, and finally leaked the news that Journey to the West was written by his young master Zhou Zhong.

In addition, through the hands of Zheng Jing, Zhang Kuang, and Li Zheng, the manuscripts of the first few episodes of Journey to the West have also begun to spread among scholars. Everyone is full of praise for the book Journey to the West, and even those stubborn old Confucian scholars have to admit that Journey to the West is a good book that can be passed down to future generations.

The bankruptcy of the Zhou family and the forced resignation of the Zhou family by the Song family had pushed Zhou Zhong to the forefront of public opinion in the Songjiang Mansion twice, but no one expected that Zhou Zhong would reunite in just a few days. He once became the focus of everyone's discussion, and at the same time, his "child prodigy" aura became more dazzling.

Originally, Zhou Zhong and Xu Butler planned to talk about the sixth chapter of Journey to the West, which is Monkey King making a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, but they were plotted against by the Taishang Laojun, and when they were finally caught by Erlang God and taken to the Demon Slaying Platform, the following content will not be reported to the legend. Just wait for the bookseller to come to him to buy the manuscript.

But the two of them underestimated the huge influence of Journey to the West. Fengyou Teahouse had more and more customers listening to books, and shopkeeper Liu had to change the layout of the teahouse and added a lot of extra tables.Moreover, the status of guests who come to listen to books is getting higher and higher. Many wealthy businessmen and scholars have become regular customers of teahouses. Even some officials come to listen to books in their spare time. In the end, they even attracted the current governor of Songjiang Prefecture, Master Xu Come here, this incident really caused quite a stir.

In addition, with the spread of the famous Journey to the West, many storytellers also came here under the cover name. They sorted out the content they heard, and then preached it everywhere.There is no intellectual property protection in this era, and everyone thinks it is normal, and some even think it is helping the author to make a name for himself.In fact, this is indeed the case. In this era of underdeveloped information, these storytellers have indeed made Journey to the West spread more widely. The story of Journey to the West has even spread to Suzhou and Hangzhou, and spread to all parts of Ming Dynasty at an extremely fast speed.

It is precisely because so many people are willing to listen to Journey to the West, and it has aroused such a great response, if only the first six chapters are talked about, the content is really a bit small.In addition, Zhou Zhong also considered that the content of the storytelling was quite different from the content of the manuscript, so after discussing with Steward Xu, Zhou Zhong finally decided not to hide the content behind, but to speak it out openly. Otherwise, it is easy to offend people, and besides, the real manuscript is in my own hands, and booksellers have to come to them if they want to publish a book.

In fact, this is indeed the case. As Journey to the West is widely circulated by storytellers, more and more people are interested in the manuscripts of Journey to the West. Local scholars in Songjiang Prefecture will be much luckier, because they can go to Zhou Mansion Visit Zhou Zhong, and ask for a copy of the manuscript by the way.

At the beginning, Zhou Zhong was very happy, and he always received them in person, but then there were too many people, and Zhou Zhong finally had to think of a way to pass the first ten chapters of Journey to the West through Zheng Jing, Li Zheng, Zhang Kuangsan People spread the word, and as for the rest of the manuscript, he declared that he hadn't finished it. During this time, he would write the book behind closed doors, hoping not to be disturbed, and finally blocked the footsteps of the visitors. Normally, only Zheng Jing and the other three came, Zhou Zhong will receive him personally.

In a warm pavilion next to the front courtyard hall of the Zhou Mansion, Zhou Zhong and Zheng Jing were sitting opposite each other. There were several dishes of wine and vegetables on the table, and a young man with a long face was sitting between the two of them, smiling to Zhou. Heavy toast.

"Wenda, Mr. Xu has been studying in Suzhou. He came to visit his father a few days ago, and only heard about Wenda's name from his father. Later, he was even more fortunate to see your handwritten Journey to the West from Brother Minglun. Brother Yu really admired it. Incomparable, so I have been trying to bring Brother Ming Lun to bring me to visit, and today I finally got my wish!" The long-faced young man who claimed to be surnamed Xu said with a smile on his face, and what he said meant that he wanted to make friends with Zhou Zhong.

The long-faced young man who came with Zheng Jing was named Xu Shenzhong, and he had an extraordinary background. His father was Master Xu, the prefect of Songjiang Prefecture. In the words of later generations, he was a standard second-generation official.But the quality of this second-generation official is much better than that of later generations. The Xu family was originally from Suzhou, and Xu Shenzhong was born in Suzhou. He lived with his father in Songjiang for a period of time. Zhu Zhishan studied calligraphy, and at the age of 24, he passed the Juren examination in one fell swoop, and he is also well-known in Suzhou City.

"Brother Xu is a great talent, especially his cursive handwriting, and he has won the true biography of Mr. Zhishan. Even Tang Jieyuan praised that brother Xu's handwriting has [-]% of the charm of Mr. Zhishan." Zheng Jing brought Xu Shenzhong because he wanted to Let Zhou Zhong make more friends, so that no matter what he does in the future, it will be helpful.

Zhou Zhong naturally understood Zheng Jing's good intentions, not to mention that this gifted scholar Xu is the son of the magistrate, and he is also a Juren. Naturally, this kind of person should make good friends. Therefore, to Xu Shenzhong, he also said with a smile on his face: " Brother Xu is really polite. Suzhou has been full of talented people since ancient times, so there are talented people like Mr. Xu and Brother Xu. The younger brother has also been admired for a long time. If you have time, you must travel to Suzhou and Hangzhou. It will be troublesome Brother Xu, help me introduce one or two!"

Hearing that Zhou Zhong intends to go to Suzhou and Hangzhou, Xu Shenzhong was even more happy. He laughed and said, "If Wenda goes to Suzhou, Brother Yu will definitely be the host. Please Wenda, you can go to some good places. In addition, there are a few of us from Suzhou. Celebrities, Wen Da, you should also visit one or two, such as Brother Yu’s teacher Mr. Zhishan, and Tang Jieyuan, Nanfeng Layman and others..."

When talking about the scenery and customs of Suzhou, Xu Shenzhong got carried away and kept talking endlessly. Although it seemed a bit impolite, since he led Zheng Jing to visit rashly before, now he is so open-mouthed, which actually shows that One point, that is, Xu Shenzhong should be a straightforward person, and he doesn't have a heart when getting along with others. This kind of person is the most suitable to be a friend.

Since Zhou Zhong crossed over, he has been busy with family affairs, has little contact with the outside world, and is not very familiar with the situation in various places in Ming Dynasty. Therefore, the situations introduced by Xu Shenzhong also aroused Zhou Zhong's great interest, and asked him from time to time. This made Xu Shenzhong more interested in talking, and as a result, the two chatted very happily, Zhou Zhong got a lot of useful news, and Xu Shenzhong also chatted very happily.

From Xu Shenzhong's mouth, Zhou Zhong learned a lot about Suzhou in the Ming Dynasty. He knew that it was already a famous land of fish and rice in the Ming Dynasty, with extremely rich products, and it was an important agricultural and economic center in the south. The governor's residence has a very profound cultural atmosphere, and has trained a large number of Wuzhong scholars, such as Tang Bohu, Zhu Zhishan and others who are famous in later generations, and now live in Suzhou, but the situation of both of them is not very good.

The two chatted from morning to afternoon, and finally Xu Shenzhong expressed his most important purpose for today: "Wenda, next month is my teacher Mr. Zhishan's birthday. After seeing Journey to the West, I liked it very much, so I wanted to copy a copy of Journey to the West myself, and then give it to the old man, but now only the first few chapters of Journey to the West have been circulated, so I take the liberty of visiting today, and hope that the text can be achieved Complete!"

Hearing Xu Shenzhong's request, Zhou Zhong's face showed embarrassment. Zheng Jing, who was standing next to him, thought that Zhou Zhong was unwilling to borrow money, so he hurriedly said: "Wenda, Mr. Zhishan has a humorous personality, and he usually likes ghosts and legends." , so Brother Xu concluded that Mr. Zhishan will definitely love your Journey to the West, so he asked me to come here and ask for a copy."

But Zhou Zhong smiled wryly after hearing this: "Brother Ming Lun misunderstood, I hit it off with Brother Xu, why can't I be reluctant to write a mere novel, but now I have only written No. There are still 30 chapters, and there are more than 60 words in total. Even the first 10,000 chapters I wrote have [-]+ words. Now there is only one month left before Mr. Zhishan’s birthday. Can't finish copying!"

Xu Shenzhong was overjoyed to hear that Zhou Zhong agreed to his request, but he couldn't help frowning when he heard the following words. 10,000+ words is not a small amount, and he can only stay in Songjiang for ten days at most, and then It is almost impossible to finish copying the first thirty chapters of Journey to the West within ten days in order to rush back to Suzhou.

Zheng Jing and Xu Shenzhong are also good friends who have known each other for many years. Hearing this, he couldn't help feeling anxious for him, but soon Zhou Zhong smiled and said, "Brother Shenzhong, can you see if this works? I just finished writing the previous thirty chapters. There are three of us here, why don't we just do this, each take ten times to go back and copy, and try to finish copying in the shortest possible time, then brother Shen Zhong will present the manuscript as a birthday gift to Mr. A little thought!"

"Wonderful!" Zheng Jing closed his fan abruptly after hearing this, and said with a look of surprise, although Mr. Zhishan's official career was not going well, he is a well-known senior scholar in Wudi. He has always admired him very much. He had visited Suzhou once, and originally he had prepared a birthday gift for Xu Shenzhong to pass on, but now it seems that Zhou Zhong's idea is better.

Xu Shenzhong was overjoyed at the end, he concluded that the teacher would like the book Journey to the West, the key is the content of the book, as for who copied it, I am afraid that the teacher would not care at all given his temper.

Thinking of this, Xu Shenzhong also nodded in agreement, so Zhou Zhong brought the manuscripts of the first thirty chapters written, and the three of them took ten chapters each.It's just that Zheng Jing and Xu Shenzhong seemed to have made an agreement, they scrambled to get the last twenty chapters in their hands, and then sat on the wine table eagerly to watch.They have already watched the first ten episodes, and they are eager to know the next story.

But now it’s getting late and the sun has already set in the west. In the end, Zheng Jing, who was more stable, was the first to wake up. He pulled Xu Shenzhong, who was still addicted to books, to bid farewell to Zhou Zhong, and Zhou Zhong personally sent them to the door. outside.

But just when Zheng Jing and Xu Shenzhong turned around and were about to leave, suddenly a carriage slowly approached from a distant street, and it seemed that the target was the gate of Zhou Mansion.

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