Smuggling Daming

Chapter 253 Stone Mouth Cliff

In order to attract the attention of Zhengde and the cabinet, Zhou Zhong lied that Liu Liu and Liu Qi had contact with Yang Hu in Shandong. In fact, this was just fabricated by him. Not sure.

But what Zhou Zhong didn't know was that his nonsense words turned out to be true. In fact, Liu Liu, Liu Qi, Qi Yanming and others had known Yang Hu many years ago, and their friendship was not as good as before. That's right, so after hearing the news of Liu Liu and Liu Qi's rebellion, Yang Hu couldn't wait to rush to Bazhou to join them.The reason why Yang Hu knew Qi Yanming and others is more complicated. We need to introduce Yang Hu first.

In fact, Yang Hu is also from the vicinity of the capital, and his hometown is not far from Bazhou. His family was also burdened by the horse administration, and his parents died early. Only Yang Hu and his two younger brothers were left in the family. Taking up the burden of supporting the family, but relying on renting and planting the land of a big family, he was exhausted every day but could not even have a full meal. In the end, Yang Hu was cruel and made the same choice as Liu Liu and Liu Qi, that is Be a thieves.

That is to say, Yang Hu was on the same team as Liu Liu, Liu Qi and others before, but they did not belong to the same team of thieves. Later, when he robbed a big family, Liu Liu and Liu Qi cooperated with Yang Hu's team of thieves, so Let a few people get acquainted, and then they often contacted each other, and even robbed several times in partnership.

Don't look at the lawlessness of the thieves on the surface, but in fact, most of the people they robbed were ordinary wealthy households. As for those with deep backgrounds, such as some households where someone was an official.They usually don't move. After all, after robbing this kind of family, it is likely to attract a strong siege from the government. Therefore, before robbing, the thieves will inquire about the background of the target family, so as not to cause trouble for themselves.

But then Yang Hu and his team of thieves got involved in this matter. During a robbery, Yang Hu's team of thieves didn't figure out the origin of the other party and killed him.Only when I got the money did I know that the robbed family had a daughter who married the son of a second-rank official in my dynasty, who happened to go home that day to visit relatives, and what was even worse was that the other party was still pregnant with six or seven children. Yue's baby boy was also killed by them.

When the news reached the capital.The second-rank official who wanted to hold his grandson was so angry that he ran to the cabinet to complain to Li Dongyang and others that day, and participated in the official dereliction of duty in the south of Beijing, which caused local bandits to run rampant and made his family suffer. Its harmful.

Needless to say, the court also attached great importance to this matter.Immediately ordered the county government in the southern area to solve the case, and at the same time, the army wiped out the bandits.On the contrary, the thieves suffered a lot of losses. In addition, Yang Hu's thieves became the focus of the government's encirclement and suppression. As a result, they could only hide in Tibet all day long, and they didn't even dare to enter the village. No ghosts, no ghosts, finally Yang Hu and others couldn't stand it anymore, so they fought against the government head-on under the banner of rebellion.As a result, they really called on many people.

However, these rebellions by Yang Hu and others did not have much impact, and the imperial court did not even send the Beijing camp there.Yang Hu and others were defeated by the local guards alone. Several leaders including Yang Hu also fled to death. Among them, Yang Hu was lucky and took a group of people to flee to the border of Shandong. Zhanshan is king, although he is still playing the banner of rebellion, but he is actually a gang of bandits.And because the lair they occupied was easy to defend and difficult to attack, the officers and soldiers failed to take it down after several attacks, and finally let the fact that Yang Hu occupied the mountain as king.

Qi Yanming was desperate, thinking of the letter Yang Hu wrote to Liu Liu and Liu Qi, and thinking of the friendship between the two, this made him finally make a decision, that is to go to Shandong to join Yang Hu, and then look for a chance to make a comeback .

With a goal in mind, Qi Yanming cheered up all of a sudden, rested in the ruined temple for a few more days, and left here to go to Shandong when the arrow wound on his leg was almost healed.

However, when Qi Yanming left the ruined temple, he discovered that the government wanted him extremely tightly. Not only the towns were covered with posters of wanted people, but even some villages were hung with portraits of him wanted. At 2000 taels, it can be said that if you can catch him, you can make people rich overnight, so many greedy people are trying to find ways to find him.

It is precisely because of this that Qi Yanming found that he could hardly walk an inch, and most of the checkpoints he encountered on the road were set up to arrest him. Once he was recognized by someone, and the other party shouted loudly. The son attracted more than a dozen men who had been chasing him for half a year. Fortunately, he was very skilled in martial arts, so he managed to escape. Since then, Qi Yanming never dared to appear in crowded places again.

Because some traffic arteries have checkpoints, Qi Yanming can only get into the mountains and go around in circles. Even after going around the checkpoints with a lot of effort, he found that there are still officers and soldiers guarding the front, which made him have to go the same way. He returned, and then tried another way. In the end, he wandered around the mountains for many days, but he still couldn't leave the border of Bazhou.

On this day, Qi Yanming came to a place called Shizui Cliff, because one of the mountains here was shaped like a human lip, so it was named Shizuiya. Presumably, the pursuit of him by the outside world should not be as strict as in Bazhou.

Qi Yanming is no stranger to Shizuiya. When they first rebelled two months ago, he and Liu Liu came here to recruit soldiers. Because this place is notoriously poor, many people were recruited willing to follow them. Rebellion, but now it is estimated that they have all died on the battlefield.

When Qi Yanming came here, it was already dusk, and there were some residents scattered at the foot of Shizui Cliff. Most of the dilapidated houses had smoke rising from the kitchen, and they seemed to be preparing for dinner.

Seeing the cooking smoke in the distance, Qi Yanming twitched his nose. Although he was still a long way from the village, he seemed to have smelled the aroma of food.Speaking of which, he has been hiding everywhere these days, wandering around the mountains every day, hungry and full, and has not been able to eat a serious meal at all, especially now that he has not eaten anything for a whole day and night. All he ate was a palm-length fish caught from the river, so now his stomach was burning with hunger, and he wished he could rush into a house and have a big meal right away.

But even though he was very hungry, Qi Yanming resisted to stay still with great perseverance. After all, he had been here before, there must be quite a few people who knew him, and now there are many notices about him wanted. People should also know that if he broke in so recklessly, he might be arrested by the people in the village and exchanged for rewards.

It is precisely because of this that Qi Yanming squatted in the bushes until midnight. After everyone in the village was asleep, he slowly approached the village with a knife. Because people in the village usually have dogs, Qi Yanming After a few times of probing, I finally chose a house near the outskirts of the village, and there was no dog in the yard to climb over the wall and enter.

After entering this family's house, Qi Yanming took a look at it under the moonlight in the sky, and found that the house of this family was extremely dilapidated, the earthen walls made of yellow mud were badly weathered, and the thatch on the roof should be replaced. There were some sundries in the courtyard, and there was a vague snoring sound from the main room.

Qi Yanming didn't want to disturb the owner of the house. He just wanted to find something to eat, and then went to the mountain forest to have a good sleep. After recharging his energy, he would climb over the mountain and leave Bazhou tomorrow.So I saw him quietly touch the thatched shed where the family cooks, and open the pot to find some leftovers.

However, to Qi Yanming's disappointment, the family's pot was extremely clean, and there was no food at all, and he searched the entire thatched hut, but couldn't find any edible food.In fact, this is not surprising. In a poor place like Shizuiya, every household has nothing valuable, and the food at home is only enough to make ends meet. Therefore, every household attaches great importance to food, and these families do not have a special kitchen. The cooking place is a dilapidated shed, so the precious food is naturally not stored here, and is usually hidden in the house where they live.

Qi Yanming was going crazy with hunger at this moment, and he also knew that other families in this village might be similar to this one. It is estimated that the food was hidden in the house, so if he wanted to find food, he had to venture into the house. in the house.

Thinking of this, Qi Yanming didn't care about anything else, and quietly came to the main house of this family. He pushed the window first, but found that they were tied to death, and finally had to come to the door, and then inserted the knife into the door Little by little, he opened the door latch inside, and at the same time carefully listened to the movement in the house.

Qi Yanming was lucky. When he successfully opened the door, the snoring inside did not stop. He gently pushed the door open and entered the room. He searched in the outer room on tiptoe, but he still couldn't find it. Qi Yanming scolded the family for being careful, and probably put all the food in the room where they slept.

In desperation, Qi Yanming quietly came to the door of the inner room. There was only a cloth curtain between the inner room and the outer room of this family. There were two people sleeping on the bed, and through the moonlight coming through the gap in the window, you could see the gray hair on their heads. They seemed to be an old couple. Go to a home where there is only a couple of old people, so that even if the other party is alarmed, he can escape calmly.

Qi Yanming quietly entered the back room, and soon found a bamboo basket on a small table next to the bed, with a few black corn buns in it, which made him happy, and immediately lowered his body and put the corn buns arms.But when he took the cornbread, he didn't notice that the snoring in the room had disappeared. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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